The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress (142 page)

BOOK: The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress
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     It is a nice thing to some that some one is certain that every one would be thankful perhaps to him certainly at any rate thankful, just thankful if they could be having it completely shown to them what way they could be living so that living could have a meaning to every one when every one had come to be thankful for understanding living having such a meaning. There are very many certainly being certain that everybody could be thankful if everybody could be thankful. Some are quite certain that anybody could be thankful if everybody could be thankful. Some are quite certain that some one is really certain that every one could be thankful if every one were really coming to be ones being thankful ones. Very many then are quite certain that each one could be wanting what every one could be wanting. Very many then are quite certain that certainly every one could be wanting what each one could be wanting. Mostly a good many are saying that some one who is certain that every one could be wanting what every one could be wanting is a very nice one. Each one is certainly being living, each is one certainly being sometime a dead one. Does each one being one being living need it to be perhaps liking that thing. Does each one being living need it to be sometime wanting something. Does each one coming to be a dead one, need it to have it that he could be wanting what every one else perhaps could be, could have been wanting. Does each one who has come to be a dead one know then that he is a dead one. Does any one having come to be a dead one know then that he is a really truly dead one. Certainly a very great many are very certain that they are thinking that each one is or could be wanting a certain kind of meaning in being one being living, and then some one is not then being such a one and is it then really completely puzzling, completely exciting, completely interesting to any one that some one could not be wanting what every one certainly is realising everybody could be wanting. I will certainly not commence telling a good deal, that is, as much of a good deal as I will be telling of being being in very many being living. Many men and many women are being living, have been, will be being living. I will now tell a good deal that is I will tell all I will be telling about being being in men and women, in some men and in some women. I shall now just be repeating that I certainly am knowing there is being being in men and in women being living, I will just repeat this now again and again and again and then I can be certain enough of this thing to be leaving it without being then looking at it and so then I can leave it and it will be then keeping going and I can go ahead and be fooling and mixing up everything in telling about being being in David Hersland and this I hope sometime to be doing but not this evening, no certainly not this evening, no certainly not now when I am looking to be just repeating that being is in men and in women who are being living.
     Some are not very much interested in their being living in living and they are a little interested in this thing. They are going on being in living and they are not very much interested in their being living in living and they are a little interested in this thing in being one being living in living. Some of these are then going on and going on being living in living and they are not then very much interested in this thing and they are a little interested in this thing. Some of such of them are going on being in living and they keep on going on being in living and they are not much interested in this and they are a little interested in this thing. Quite a number of such of them are keeping on being ones being living and they are not some of such of them ever very much interested in this thing and they are a little interested in this thing. Some of them are going on being living and they are certainly not ever very much interested in this thing and they certainly are a little interested in this thing.
     David Hersland was one being living in living and certainly he was one almost completely interested in being one being in living, this is to be now certainly some description of this in him, this is certainly to be now some description of being of not being very much, of being a little, of being almost completely interested in being one being in living. David Hersland was one being living to the ending of his beginning being in middle living I am realising that being is in men and in women being living, I can now be not repeating this thing, I can now go on and go on and go on a little more then and a good deal more then about David Hersland and about his knowing some and about some knowing him.
     David was a young one and knowing a good many then and some were knowing him then. He was doing things then every day with himself, with some one else, with other ones, and he was then being one being a young one in being living. He was knowing then quite a number of ones being living and some were knowing him then. He liked it then being living, he always almost completely liked it being living. He was then a young one being living and he knew some then who were being living then and some knew him then. He was then a quite young one.
     Some are wondering about other ones about how they have enough money to support them. It is a very mysterious thing sometimes to some one about living coming to be paid for by some one. Some find it quite a strange thing that some one was not doing anything and that one is doing something and that one is knowing then how to do that thing and some one is paying that one for doing that thing. To some it is an astonishing thing that any one can be doing anything so that some one can be paying them something for that thing. To some it is not at all an astonishing thing that some one is knowing how to be doing something so that some one is paying that one something for doing that thing. To some as I say being one being earning a living is a thing that is astonishing, to some being one earning a living is a thing that is not at all in any kind of a way astonishing. Those living in Gossols as I was saying in the part of Gossols where the Herslands were living were ones living in small houses as I was saying and some knew about how some made money to be ones going on being living and some did not know this about some of them how they were earning money so as to be ones able to be going on being living. Some as I was saying were doing something and anybody looking could be seeing them doing that thing and could be seeing some one, some paying them to be doing that thing. Some were not doing things that every one could be seeing them be doing. Some were not doing anything that any one could see would be a thing any one would be paying them anything to be doing. In a way certainly some of them were not making money so as to be ones going on being going on being living. Certainly some of them were not to themselves to any one making money enough for any such a thing, for any going on being living. Sometimes it was a puzzling thing about some family living in some house then in that part of Gossols where the Herslands were living about who it was that was in that house living. Sometimes not any one that said anything really knew anything about that thing. It was confusing and then mostly not any one was really confused by that thing.
     David Hersland all his living knew quite a number who were being living then and quite a number who were being living knew him then. He knew quite a number who were being living, he knew quite a number when he was a young one, some knew him then, as I was saying all his living he knew quite a number who were living while he was one being living. Certainly some he was knowing were doing something and some one was paying them something for that thing, certainly some he was knowing were doing something and not any one really was paying them anything for the thing they were doing, certainly there were some he was knowing who were really not doing very much any one thing and some of these had money then and some of these did not have money then. Mostly all his living David Hersland would have liked it very well to be knowing it about each one what they were doing, what they had been doing, what they would be doing to be earning money to be ones going on being living. This was all his living a thing that was quite interesting to David Hersland knowing this thing about each one he was ever knowing. Sometimes about some one such a thing was very confusing sometimes about some one he was knowing in living, sometimes he was confused about this thing about some one, sometimes he was not confused about this thing about that one, sometimes he was not listening enough to some one to be really understanding this thing about some one how that one was having money enough to be one going on being living, sometimes he was listening very much to some one and he listened to every one knowing that one and it was not confusing about that one but he never could find out about that one about the money that one had to be one going on being living. Always all his living this was to him an interesting enough thing about each one he was knowing what money they had and how they had that money for daily living. As I was saying all his living he knew a good many who were then living, as I was saying all his living a good many knew him. As I was saying when he was in his beginning living he knew a good many who were living then, as I was saying when he was in his beginning living a good number knew him then. He was then as I was saying living in the part of Gossols where the Hersland family were living then and the Hersland family were living on a ten acre place then and there were very many living in that part of Gossols where the Herslands were living then and these were living in small houses and as I was saying David Hersland knew them, he knew a number of people then, some knew him then, I will be telling something now about being in him and knowing other ones being in him and other ones knowing him being in him. I will tell now about his being one beginning being living.
     Mostly every one at different parts in their living when they are very little ones when they are a little bigger ones when they are not any longer very young ones when they are quite not very young ones when they are ones beginning being in their middle living when they are ones being in their middle living when they are ones ending being in their middle living when they are ones coming to be growing old ones when they are ones come to be old ones have a feeling about some one having angry feeling in them have some feeling about any one that has for them angry feeling in them. Mostly every one has some feeling about angry feeling being in some one, about angry feeling being inside them, about angry feeling in any one. Some have all their living about the same feeling about some one having angry feeling about having angry feeling themselves inside them about any one having angry feeling in them. Some have a very different feeling about angry feeling being in some one about angry feeling being in any one about angry feeling being inside in them in different parts of their being in living. Some are certainly changing in their feeling about angry feeling being in any one about angry feeling being in some one about angry feeling being inside in them as they are going on being living. I am telling now about angry feeling being in some one about angry feeling being in any one about angry feeling in one inside that one to that one and I am saying that some are changing while they are being living about their feeling about each one of these ways of being and some are not changing in their way of feeling about angry feeling being in any one in some one in some in themselves inside them, and some are changing very much in their living about angry feeling and some are not changing very much in their feeling about angry feeling and some are changing one way and some are changing another way. Each one of the Hersland family could have angry feeling in them. Some of them were changing in being living about angry feeling being inside them, about angry feeling being in some other one, about angry feeling being in some one, about angry feeling being in some, and some of these were not changing much in their living in their being living in feeling about angry feeling being inside them, being in some one, being in any one, being in some. They were all of them changing somewhat in their living in their feeling about angry feeling, some of them were changing very much while they went on being living about angry feeling being in them being in some other one being in any one. Certainly some of them were changing very much in their feeling about angry feeling being in them, being in some, being in any one, some of them were certainly hardly at all changing, not very much changing in their feeling about angry feeling all the time that they were living.
     There were very many living there in that part of Gossols where the Herslands were living and some knew them and some knew some of them and some knew of some one of them how that one had angry feeling in that one and some of the Hersland family knew of some of those who lived near them how they had angry feeling in them. Some of these who knew the Hersland family then, knew some of the Hersland family then did not know how those of the Hersland family they knew then had angry feeling in them. Each one of the Hersland family knew some of those living near them without knowing of them how they had angry feeling in them.
     Each one of the Hersland family could have some angry feeling sometimes in them. Each one of the Hersland family did have sometimes some angry feeling in them. David Hersland knew something about angry feeling in him and in each one of the Hersland family who could have angry feeling, that is to say he knew something about angry feeling being in each one of the family of the then Hersland family. Mostly each one of the Hersland family knew something about the way each one, each other one, all of them could have angry feeling in them. As I was saying some of them changed in their living about angry feeling being inside them, inside any other one, inside all of them and some as I was saying some of them did not change very much in their feeling about angry feeling being in any one of them, in all of them, in them.
     Mostly every one then is having some feeling about angry feeling all their living. This can be then certainly some description of angry feeling being in men and in women in all parts of their being living and in all kinds in men and in women. Mostly every one then certainly has some feeling of being sometime an angry one, has some feeling of some other one being sometime an angry one. Mostly a good many have some feeling about angry feeling being existing in themselves and in other ones. Some are liking angry feeling being in them, some are certainly not liking angry feeling being in them or having been in them, some are certainly liking angry feeling having been in them. But this is not now to me an important thing, the liking angry feeling inside in one, the not liking angry feeling inside in one. It is now an important thing to me that certainly mostly every one has angry feeling in him sometime and mostly every one has some feeling about angry feeling being in him, being in some other one, being in any one and that some are changing very much in their feeling about angry feeling in themselves, in some other one in any other one while they are being in living and some are hardly at all changing in their feeling about angry feeling in themselves in any one while they are being living. Some knowing some in that part of Gossols where the Herslands were living knew about the way angry feeling was in them when it was in them and some did not know this thing about some they were knowing then. Each one certainly in the Hersland family then could have angry feeling sometimes in them. Each one of them did have sometimes angry feeling in them, some knowing some of them knew of them how they had angry feeling, some knowing some of them did not know how they had angry feeling in them. Some knowing some of them knew how one of them had angry feeling but not how the others of them had angry feeling. Some of the Hersland family were certainly changing very much in their feeling about angry feeling being in any one from the beginning to the ending of their being living, some of them certainly changed some in their feeling about angry feeling being in any one from the beginning of their being living to their ending, each one of them certainly changed some about this, that is a natural enough thing when any one is passing from being a very little young one through to a bigger older one, to a middle living one to an older one, to an old one to a very old one. David Hersland in his being living certainly was changing very much in his feeling about angry feeling in any one. That is certainly a very natural thing. Each one of the Hersland family could have angry feeling in them. Some knew how each one of them had angry feeling in them, some did not know how each one of them had angry feeling in them, some did not know and then they did know about angry feeling in them in each one of them. Each one of the Hersland family certainly had their own way of having angry feeling in them. Certainly each one knew something about how each one of them had angry feeling in them when they had it in them. The Hersland family had not very much angry feeling in them for any one to be noticing, they had some angry feeling in them sometimes each one of them for some one to be noticing. Some had angry feeling more often in them than others of them. David Hersland had angry feeling in him once in a while not very often, Alfred Hersland had angry feeling in him once in a while not so very often, this is to be now a history of David Hersland.

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