The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress (144 page)

BOOK: The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress
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     Angry feeling again and again is in each one being in any family living, being in any living, this is pretty nearly certain. Angry feeling again and again is in one being one being in a family, being in any living. Angry feeling again and again is in one in different ways in one in one being in any living, being in any family living. Mostly each one being in any family living, mostly each one being in any living is having to have in that one again and again angry feeling from each one that one is knowing in the family living, from each one that one is knowing in any living. Perhaps it is certain that not every one is having angry feeling in that one from each one they are knowing in any living. Perhaps it is certain that each one in any family living is having again and again the same kind of angry feeling from each one being with that one in that family living. Perhaps this is really certain. Perhaps it is certain that each one has from each one being, from each one being doing something the same kind of angry feeling again and again. Perhaps it is really certain that almost every one has a different way of having angry feeling with each one that one is knowing and perhaps it is quite certain that mostly every one has that way of feeling angry feeling from some one being in living, from some one doing something, again and again. It is perhaps almost completely certain that each one being in some family living is having some angry feeling about each one in that family living and about each one in a certain kind of way of having angry feeling and in each way of having some angry feeling having it again and again. Perhaps not every one is having a different way of having angry feeling with different ones in their living, perhaps some are not having angry feeling in some way again and again.
     Some are having pretty nearly completely angry feeling again and again, some are not having completely angry feeling again and again, some are not having anywhere nearly completely angry feeling again and again, some are having quite completely angry feeling again and again.
     Some are having angry feeling, mostly every one is having some angry feeling. Some are knowing something about this thing, some are not knowing anything about this thing, some are knowing very much about this thing, some are remembering what they have been knowing about this thing, some are needing to be forgetting everything they were ever knowing about this thing, some are wanting to be needing to be remembering what they could be knowing about this thing.
     Each one certainly has their own way of feeling about angry feeling being in them, having been in them, going to be in them. Each one has their own way of knowing has their own way of not knowing about angry feeling having been, going to be, being in them. Each one has it to be remembering about angry feeling, each one has it to be not remembering about angry feeling, in their own way each one of them. Certainly each one has their own way of remembering and forgetting angry feeling being, having been, going to be in them, each one certainly has their own way of remembering and forgetting knowing about angry feeling having been, being, going to be in them.
     Each one certainly has their own way of feeling, of thinking, of remembering, of forgetting about angry feeling having been, being in them, going to be being in them. Mostly each is one in some way liking in some way not liking having angry feeling having been, being, going to be being in them. Some are almost not at all liking having, having had, going to be having angry feeling, some are almost completely liking having angry feeling, some are almost completely liking having had angry feeling, some are almost completely liking going to be having angry feeling. Some are certainly liking some ways of having angry feeling in them some are certainly not liking other ways of having angry feeling in them, some other way of having angry feeling. Some are liking that some are knowing they are having angry feeling. Some are sometimes liking that some are knowing they are having angry feeling. Each one has angry feeling in different parts in that, one being one being living, each one has angry feeling from some one from some that one is knowing in being living. Some are almost quite certain that not any one is knowing they are having angry feeling when they themselves are knowing they are having angry feeling. Some are quite certain that very many are quite certain that they are having angry feeling and they themselves are quite certain that they are not having not at all having angry feeling, sometimes then these have been having angry feeling, sometimes then these have not been having having angry feeling, sometime others have not been thinking these were having angry feeling when these were thinking those others were thinking that thing, sometimes others have been thinking these were having angry feeling when these were thinking those others were thinking that thing.
     Some then have angry feeling about each one they are knowing and are having it again and again. Some are certainly having it again and again from each one being with them in them in family living and for each one are having a certain kind of angry feeling and are certainly having it again and again.
     Each one has then the angry feeling in them of their kind of them, of their being one being living. There are different ways of having angry feeling in different ones who are having it that one being with them in family living, being with them in some living is one not having it to have it that that one can be doing anything to the one then having angry feeling but is one doing something, being something that is certainly the reason why the one having angry feeling just then is just then having angry feeling in that one. Certainly there are in this way of having it happen that angry feeling is in some, different ways of having angry feeling in the one having then angry feeling. As I am saying some certainly are then needing to be wanting not to have it that they themselves that any one is certain that they are having then angry feeling. Certainly some are needing when such angry feeling is in them are needing it that not any other one is knowing that they are having angry feeling inside them. Some are certainly then when they are having such angry feeling in them are certainly then needing to be certain themselves then inside them that they are then having angry feeling in them. Some are needing certainly needing when they are having such angry feeling in them are certainly needing that some one some other one is knowing it then that they are having then such angry feeling in them. Some are ones when they are having such angry feeling in them are ones wanting to be needing that some other one is knowing it of them that they are then having such angry feeling in them. Some are ones wanting to be needing it that not any one ever can be knowing that they are ones having such angry feeling in them. Some having such angry feeling are ones wanting to be needing it that they are ones not then knowing it that they have inside them any such angry feeling. Some having such angry feeling in them are ones needing to be wanting then and always in them about such angry feeling in them that they are not knowing it inside them that they are having in them such a way of having in them angry feeling. Then there are ones certainly not ever being ones ever remembering having been having in any such a way angry feeling. Then there are some certainly needing that they are wanting that not an}' one should ever be remembering anything about any one ever having any such a way of having angry feeling. Then there are some certainly very well remembering that they are ones having been having such an angry feeling and some of these then are ones really needing that not any one, that they not themselves inside them are ever mentioning that they have been having any such a way of having angry feeling in them and there are some of this kind of them that can never be listening when any one is mentioning such a way of having angry feeling, and there are some of such of them who are certainly not hearing when any one in any way is mentioning such a way of having angry feeling, of such angry feeling having been sometime in that one. Certainly to very many having such angry feeling in them it is a thing they are mostly not at all liking, certainly some, quite some having it in them to have such angry feeling in them are in some ways needing it to be wanting it to be in them, some are in some way coming to be liking it to be inside in them such a way of having angry feeling in them, some are in some way coming to be liking it inside in them such a way of having angry feeling in them, some are almost completely liking it having such a way of having angry feeling in them some of those having angry feeling in them from some one not being one in any way doing anything to that one in any way able to be doing anything to that one but being one being in the family living, being one being in some living of that one and being one being then in being living, being one doing something in being living. Certainly Alfred Hersland was one being in the family living of David Hersland. Certainly there were very many in the living of David Hersland sometimes in David Hersland being one being living. Certainly some of these were sometimes ones making it that David Hersland had in him angry feeling and these then were then ones not being ones able in any way to be doing anything in the living of David Hersland he being one being then being living. Alfred Hersland was one certainly one when David Hersland was in the beginning of the middle of his young living, one not doing anything in the living, in the living David Hersland was then living, certainly David Hersland had then angry feeling from Alfred Hersland being one then being living being one then doing something. Certainly David Hersland had sometimes angry feeling in him and this was in him and it was in him in the middle of his young living and this was in him because Alfred Hersland was being then one doing some particular thing. Certainly then sometimes Alfred Hersland was knowing that David Hersland was having angry feeling in him. Certainly sometimes when David Hersland was having angry feeling in him in this way in him Alfred Hersland was not at all then knowing this thing. Sometimes Martha Hersland would be knowing this thing that David Hersland was having angry feeling in him in this way in him, mostly she was not knowing this thing, David Hersland certainly always knew it in him when he was having angry feeling in him in such a way inside him, sometimes later he could be explaining such angry feeling when he was explaining something and Martha was listening, sometimes he could come to be almost thinking it a funny thing to have been having any such angry feeling he could be thinking it to be a funny thing to himself inside him he could be sometime almost mentioning this thing to some one that it was a funny thing to have been having angry feeling in any such way inside him, certainly he sometime sometimes could be mentioning this thing that he was thinking it to be a funny thing that he had angry feeling in any way inside him, he certainly sometime could come to be completely thinking that it was a very peculiar thing to have been having such a way of having angry feeling, to have been having sometimes inside him such a way of having angry feeling, he could be completely explaining to himself and sometime to some one and sometime to some that it was a peculiar thing to have been having such angry feeling inside him. He certainly could be sometime completely explaining such angry feeling, he certainly could be explaining completely explaining that this was a peculiar thing that this was quite a funny thing having been having such angry feeling in him, he could certainly sometime he completely certain about the explanation of this thing, about this being a funny thing, to himself and to some. He was one as I was saying having had quite reasonably often such a way of having angry feeling in him when he was in the middle of his young living. He was one in a way having such a way of having angry feeling in him when he was one being in the beginning of his middle living. He was quite certainly not one having any such angry feeling in him in any such a way when he was in the ending of his young living. This is quite clear then, he had certainly a good deal of such angry feeling in him and quite often in the middle of his young living, not any in the ending of his young living, certainly some and fairly often in the beginning of his middle living, more or less then to the ending of his living which was in the ending of the beginning of his middle living. He had angry feeling in such a way in him pretty much the same way in him when he had it in him and yet there were differences and sometime these differences will be coming to be showing themselves in his coming to be having it that every one is knowing other things in him that every one knowing him could be certainly knowing.
     There are different ways of having angry feeling when some one is teaching some one something. There are different ways of having angry feeling when some one is trying to teach some one something. There are different ways of having angry feeling inside each one who is having angry feeling with some one teaching that one.
     One is being one some one is teaching and that one can be certain that that is not at all a good way for that one to be teaching that one that thing. One is being one some one is teaching and the one some one is teaching can be quite completely certain inside that one that the one that is teaching that one is one not knowing anything about that thing. That one the one some one is teaching something can be certain of this thing that the one teaching that one is not teaching that one in the right way of teaching that thing, can be certain of this thing when that one is quite in the beginning of the middle of young living.
     Some one is one to whom some one is regularly teaching something. Someone is one whom some one is teaching. Some one is one whom someone is regularly teaching something and that is in the middle of the young living of that one, is quite in the beginning of the middle of the young living in that one and that one is then one in the middle of the middle of the young living of that one and is then in the ending of the middle of the young living in that one and is always quite certain that the one regularly teaching that one something is one not knowing anything about, the thing that one is teaching. Certainly David Hersland was one not admiring any teacher any one teacher teaching him in any fashion until David Hersland was one at the ending of young living at the beginning of the beginning of his being in middle living and then he certainly was admiring some who were teaching, regularly then teaching him then something.

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