The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress (146 page)

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     Some are younger ones than other ones, some are asking ones by being ones not feeling it to be ones to be deciding ones, some are ones being ones quite certain that other ones can be ones working to do deciding, some are ones liking other ones to be ones to be ones being quicker ones, some are ones not being ones realising anything inside them at any time before it is a completely finished thing, and certainly very many in their being ones being living are ones are being ones to whom some one can be saying, is saying, will be saying what I have just been telling some one said or could have said or might have said or will be saying or is saying to some one. This is to be some description of angry feeling being in men and in women about such a thing, in all of them. This will be then some description of one kind of angry feeling, of some explaining and then some more angry feeling and some more angry feeling and then sometimes not any more angry feeling and then sometimes more angry feeling being in men being in men and in women.
     It would be easy to have angry feeling, for some, if they were not coming to be certain that some other one was one coming to be one not thinking anything that was an important thing to be doing as thinking. Very many are having sometimes and quite often angry feeling about some one and then that one comes to be for them one certainly not being one doing important thinking or feeling or acting and this one then is going on being asked advice by the one having had and now not having any angry feeling about that one. So then asking advice and taking advice is one thing and asking advice and taking advice is another thing and that in the same one in relation to the same other one. Giving advice and talking to some one is one thing and giving advice and talking to some one is another thing in the same one giving advice and talking to the same other one.
     Some would like to be certain about some one who has been one talking to them giving advice to them whether that one is one really one not important in feeling and in thinking. Some are thinking very often about wanting to be certain about this thing. If they were certain about this thing they certainly would not be having in them in any way that is certainly not in most ways angry feeling against that one. Some are never really certain inside them about this thing, some are certain and then they are not certain about this thing in some one who has been one talking to them giving advice to them when they asked advice of that one. Some are completely certain and they have angry feeling in them when that one is talking to them, giving advice to them that they are asking of that one. Some are certain of that thing that the one having been one talking to them often and giving advice to them when they were wanting to have advice given to them is one not important in thinking and in feeling and are not at all in any way angry inside in them when that one is talking then when that one is giving advice to them.
     Asking advice is in some kinds in men and in women, in some men and women of many kinds in men and women. Asking advice means a different thing in one than it does in another one in the being in them. Giving advice is in the same way in some kinds in men and women, is in some men and women of very many kinds in men and women. It means different things in the being in different kinds in men and women.
     David Hersland was one certainly giving advice some from well in the beginning of the ending of young living. It meant something in the being in him. He was one who certainly could have angry feeling in him in being one giving advice to some one, mostly he was one not having angry feeling in giving advice to any one. He was one who certainly did come to be certain about some one about some who had been one talking to him who had been ones talking to him, giving advice to him when he was asking for advice to be given, he was one certainly coming to think of some one, of some of such of them that they were ones that that one was one not important in thinking not important in feeling and mostly then Hersland did not have then any angry feeling in him about that one, about them, he could have sometime in coming to be certain angry feeling about some one of such of them. Mostly he did not have angry feeling inside him in being certain about any one.
     As I was saying he was one giving advice certainly a good deal of advice in being one being living.
     Some certainly are liking to be working with sharp knives or sharp scissors, some are not liking to be working with sharp knives or sharp scissors, some have angry feeling when some one has been sharpening the knives or scissors they have been using, some have angry feeling in them when some one has sharpened a knife or a scissor for them, some have very angry feeling when some one will not let the knife or scissors they are using be sharpened so that they will be sharp ones, some are very angry when some one is wanting to be using knives and scissors which are not sharp ones and is preferring them to be not sharp ones. Some are asking always that some one sharpen the knives or the scissors they are using, some are angry when they find that some one will not sharpen a knife or a pair of scissors for them.
     As I was saying Martha Hersland was the oldest of the three Hersland children. Certainly she could have angry feeling, certainly she could ask advice sometimes from some one, she did ask advice sometimes that is certain, she certainly did ask advice sometimes from David Hersland. David Hersland did quite often enough give advice to Martha and she quite often enough took the advice he gave her. Certainly she very often listened very much to him. He certainly listened some. As I was saying he was one who certainly gave advice quite often while he was one being one being living. He certainly listened some to advice that might have been given to him. Some are thinking that he was one not at all ever listening, he certainly did listen some.
     Some are certainly not listening to some and some of such of them are certainly listening some then. Some are feeling about some other one that that one is repeating very much and that that one is very certain that that one is not liking any one to be repeating in talking and certainly that one is repeating and repeating and repeating. Some are certain about such a one that that one is one mostly having an angry feeling when that one is listening and sometimes that one is not having then an angry feeling and certainly sometimes then that one is having angry feeling. Certainly very many are sometimes quite certain about some other one that that one is not listening to everything that one is hearing and that that one is one judging in that one as one being one having been listening completely to everything that one has been hearing and certainly that one has not been listening to everything that one has been hearing. Mostly every one sometime is certain of this thing in every one and very many when they are certain of this thing have then very much angry feeling in them. Each one has their own way of having angry feeling in them and coming out of them.
     Angry feeling is coming, coming, not coming, certainly not coming to be in them in some. Angry feeling is certainly coming to be in them in some. It is really a surprising thing to some that they have been having really angry feeling in them. Some are certainly not feeling in them before, during, after they have been having angry feeling any of the feeling that would be for them in their thinking, in their feeling, in their realisation angry feeling. It is a curious thing that certainly certainly very many are not feeling any feeling in them giving to them angry feeling and yet certainly they are just then having angry feeling in them. This is happening quite often to some. Some are ones of such a kind of them and of some of such of them not many are knowing that they are having angry feeling in them when they are having angry feeling in them. In a way David Hersland quite often was of such of them. Some of such of them have it that they would be to themselves having angry feeling if they had more realisation in being one feeling some of them, some of such of them are ones who would not have been having angry feeling if they had all the feeling they were having just then being active in them to them, some would be having angry feeling to themselves then if they could be certain to be going on having angry feeling. In a way as I was saying David Hersland was such a one. In a way he had never in him really a complete angry feeling, in a way he had sometimes almost complete angry feeling, in a way really inside him he had sometimes very angry feeling in him, in a way he had inside him not ever any really angry feeling in him. He could be telling his sister Martha sometimes about angry feeling being existing in some. Certainly she would ask him quite often about angry feeling being existing in some.
     Some are not understanding that every one is not always knowing that every one can come to be a dead one. Some are always being ones being quite certain that each one sometime will be coming to be a dead one. Some are certain every minute in their living that each one ever living will come sometime to be a dead one. Some are certain that each one will come to be a dead one, are always certain of this thing. Some of such of them have quite an angry feeling when they are realising that some other one is not always certain of this thing that each one sometime is being one coming to be a dead one, that sometime each one ever living is a dead one. Some who are certain of this thing are always in their living having angry feeling when some one is not certain of this thing in being one being living, that each one is sometime a dead one. Some who are all their living completely certain that each one is sometime certain to be a dead one have in part of their living very angry feeling when some one is not certain of this thing. Some who are living are in a way having angry feeling and having irritated feeling, some who are certain all their living that each one sometime is coming to be a dead one, when they are hearing some talking who are not ever feeling about each one coming to be a dead one sometime. Some who are certain that each one will some-time be a dead one have some angry feeling in them all their living when some are not listening to any one who is telling that sometime every one will be a dead one. Some are pretty nearly certain all their living that each one sometime will be a dead one. Some are completely certain all their living that each one ever living will come to be a dead one sometime. Some have sometimes in their living angry feeling about what other ones are feeling or are not feeling about each one being sometime a dead one.
     Certainly some are very every minute certain that sometime each one ever living will be a dead one. Some of such of them are having angry feeling inside them in being one being certain of this thing. Some are not always being completely certain that sometime each one will be a dead one. Some are having angry feeling inside them about this thing.
     Some are having angry feeling about some such thing about being certain about every one being a dead one sometime, about always being certain about this thing, about not often being certain about this thing, about never coming to themselves inside them being completely certain, completely not certain every minute about this thing, about not remembering this thing, about not listening about this thing, about other ones not saying they are certain about this thing, that they are not certain about this thing, about others listening, about others refusing to listen to this thing that each one sometime is a dead one, some are having angry feeling in them about such a thing sometime in their living and then in parts of their living they are having very little angry feeling about such things and part of their living they are having remembering having angry feeling about such a thing and part of their living they are not having at all angry feeling about such things. David Hersland was one of such of them. He certainly all his living was talking some and listening some he was talking a good deal and listening a good deal in his living, he certainly was sometimes talking, he certainly was listening very often to talking about each one coming to be sometime a dead one.
     Some are certain that they are understanding why every one is being living. Some are certain that they are understanding why any one is being living. Some are certain that they are understanding that every one who is living is living. Some are certain that they are understanding that any one who is living is living. Some are so certain that they are understanding that every one who is living is being living that they are boasting about this thing and sometimes some one hearing them telling about this thing has angry feeling in that one. One can have been in living, to that one and to mostly every one, one certain that every one is living in being living but that that one is not understanding this thing living being in any one. Such a one can have it come then, to that one, that that one is understanding this thing, living being in every one being living, and then that one is finding that one to be a very different one from what that one has ever been in being living and that one is telling that thing and telling it so much and in such a way of telling it again and again that some are then certain that that one is a different one and some are not certain and some are certain that that one is not a different one from what that one has been and some of each of these kinds of them have in them then angry feeling, some of them have some angry feeling, some have very little angry feeling, some have very much angry feeling about that one.
     It is certainly interesting what each one feels, thinks, says, knows, would like to know, does not care about knowing about living feeling being in anything, in any one, in every one. It is certainly a very exciting thing to some to feel something in them about living being in men and in women. It is not at all, not the least bit an exciting thing to some to feel anything about living being in men and in women, in anything, in everything.
     Some one has been one to that one, to every one knowing that one, one certainly not going ever to be certain that living being in any one, in every one, in everything, is a thing that one is ever going to be understanding and then all of a sudden, sometime when that one has been changing in some way in doing something, that one is one to keep on telling that that one certainly does understand everything that is to say living being in men and in women. Certainly such a one can have then angry feeling but, very often, almost mostly, such a one is not just then having angry feeling and certainly some are having about such a one then angry feeling and some are not having then about such a one any angry feeling.

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