The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress (62 page)

BOOK: The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress
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     I know then sometime the whole being of every one I am ever knowing and always sometime, often sometimes I tell it. Mostly always when I am filled up full with it I tell it, sometimes I have to tell it, sometimes I like to tell it, sometimes I keep on with telling it.
     I know it and I tell it, this is now some description of the ways of telling it, of the need of telling it, of telling it to any one who will listen to it, of telling it to the one whose being I am then understanding.
     Always sometime every one I am ever knowing is a whole one inside me. Always then sometime I know the meaning of the whole being of every one I am ever knowing. Sometime, then I know it, sometime then I tell it. There are many ways of knowing, as I have been telling, there are many ways of telling. Always then when I come to know the whole meaning of any one, that one is then there inside me. I am more or less filled up then with that one, sometimes I am filled up so full with that one that I must tell it then to every one, sometimes I am filled up so full with that one that I must then certainly tell it to that one. There are many different ways then of feeling knowing inside one. Mostly always sometime I must tell it of each one to some one, sometimes I must tell it of some one to every one, sometimes to many and not then to that one filling me then, sometimes I must tell it to many and to that one, sometimes I must tell it mostly to that one. It is all a very complicated condition having knowing any one inside in one. Mostly always I sometime tell it to some one. Mostly when I am filled up with some one I tell it then to that one and to others then, sometimes I never tell it to that one, mostly sometime I do tell it to that one. Mostly then sometime each one I am ever knowing is a whole one in me, mostly sometime I tell it to that one, sometimes I tell it very little, sometimes very slowly to that one, sometimes very gently, sometimes very completely, sometimes very quickly, sometimes very greatly, sometimes just in little pieces to some, sometimes all but a little of it to some one. Always then sometime each one is a whole one in me, mostly always I tell it sometime to that one. Sometimes then I have to tell it when I am all filled up with it, sometimes then I tell it to rid myself a little of it, sometimes because I am so full of it it keeps pouring out of me all the time when I am first having it. This was then the way I was filled full of it after looking at and so understanding the last one I have been describing. I was filled full up with it, I knew it and I told it, I told it to this one, the one whose being as meaning made me then all full of that one then inside me, I was knowing it then, I was then all full up with it, I was then full up to the telling of it. This is now the history of that.
     Being filled up with some one who then is a whole one inside one is to some a natural way of being. Knowing and telling is to some their natural way of complete being. This is now some description of one of such of them.
     Knowing and telling then is to some their natural way of complete being. This has been some description of one of such of them.
     Always then sometime each one is a whole one to me, always then I am listening to, looking at, feeling the whole being always then repeating in each one, always then I am knowing the meaning of the nature or natures in each one, always then I am telling the meaning of the being in each one.
     Hearing, feeling, seeing all repeating coming out of any one I am ever knowing, knowing sometime the meaning of the being in every one I am ever knowing that is having sometime each one I am ever knowing a whole one to me, hearing, seeing, feeling then always all the repeating coming out of every one I am ever knowing, understanding sometime the meaning of the being in every one, being sometime filled up full with the whole being in each one I am ever knowing, being sometime then full up with the complete being of each one I am ever knowing, being full up with it with the completed knowing of it, being fuller and fuller with it, being sometime all filled up with it, filled up completely with it, filled up full with it sometimes to the quick telling of it, sometimes to the slow telling of it, sometimes slowly filling up with it, sometimes more sometimes less quickly being filled full up with it is all always sometimes in me. Always then sometime each one is a whole one to me, always then sometime each one I am ever knowing is a whole one inside me, always then sometime I am filled full with each one then a complete one every one I am ever knowing, always then sometime I am filled full with each one I am ever knowing as a whole one then inside me, always then I am filled full with some one filled full of the meaning of one then filling me full up with that one then, full up to the point of telling the meaning of that one sometimes to every one sometimes only to some, sometimes to that, one the one that is then the complete filling of me, and always then sometime then there is a complete understanding of each one I am ever knowing, and always sometime there is coming out of me some telling of all the knowing being in me, sometimes it comes out of me I am filled full of knowing and it bursts out from me, sometimes it comes very slowly from me, sometimes it comes sharply from me, sometimes it comes out of me to amuse me, sometimes it comes out of me as a way of doing a duty for me, sometimes it comes brilliantly out of me, sometimes it comes as a way of playing by me, sometimes it comes very slowly, sometimes it comes very repeatingly, sometimes very willingly out of me, sometimes not very willingly, always then it comes out of me. I know many men and women, know them in many stages of their being. Always more and more I know them, I know them and mostly I tell them, always then more and more I know them, I know them and mostly I tell them. There are many then that I know and they know it. I know them, I know the repeating of themselves always coming out of them, I know them and mostly I tell them, always more and more I know I know them, always more and more they know I know it, I know it and I tell it, this is now some history of it. To begin again then with knowing it the being in some one and telling it, telling it to that one. To begin again with the knowing of that one, the last one I was describing and the telling it to that one.
     Always then I am telling to some one all the being in some. There are many that I know and I know it, always then I am telling some one it. Always then I am telling some one all the being in some, sometime then I am telling to all of them all the being in every one. Always then I am telling to some one all the being in some one. Always then sometime I am telling all the being in every one to every one. All the time then I am telling all the being in each one I am ever knowing to some one, all the time then I am knowing some one, all the time then I am telling that to some one, sometimes to that one, mostly always sometime to some one.
     Mostly always then I am learning to know some one, mostly always then I am telling some one the being in some one. Mostly then I am learning some one, mostly then I am knowing some one, mostly then I am telling some one. So then this is in me living being, learning, knowing and telling and mostly then all three of them are always in me mostly always. This then is living being in some, learning, knowing, telling, this then as I was saying is living being in many of them always living, this is now a little a description of it in one.
     So then to begin again with learning, knowing and telling. Mostly then there is mostly always keeping going learning, knowing, telling in my being. Always then as I was saying loving repeating is always there in me as being, always then as I was saying sometime each one I am ever knowing is a whole one to me, always then, as I was saying, knowing all the being in some one is always coming to be in me keeping going there inside me, always then as I was saying knowing some one is filling me all up inside me, always then I am telling some one all the knowing there is then in me.
     This then a way of being, learning, knowing, telling, this is then the being in me. There has been much writing of listening to repeating, of hearing, feeling, seeing, knowing all repeating, of feeling knowing each one sometime as a whole one, now then there is a little waiting of the telling of the knowing always in me.
     So then always every one is repeating the whole of them, always then sometime each one I am ever knowing is a whole one to me, mostly always then I am telling my complete knowing of each one to some one, often I am telling it to that one, the one whose complete being is then completely filling me then there inside me. This is now a little description of such telling to one.
     As I was saying every one who ever knew this last one knew all the repeating ever in this one, ever coming out of this one, always then this one was really not giving to any one any really puzzling feeling, always then I knew all the repeating every one knew in this one and always coming out of this one, always then I never had any puzzling feeling about this one. Every one really then knew all the repeating ever coming out of this one, every one then who ever was knowing this one knew all the being in this one, mostly then no one could have about this one any puzzling feeling, no one felt any puzzling feeling then about this one, every one who ever knew this one knew all the being that ever came out of this one as repeating, no one then had about this one a puzzling feeling, every one only knew that this one found no meaning in the living of this one's being. There are always many such men and women. Mostly then no one found this one puzzling, this one was greedily seizing and humbly asking, this one was tenaciously gripping and never getting holding, this one was always close-fisting and always opening the hand in imploring begging. Many then are of such a kind of them but mostly asking and seizing in most of them are really in being in them, in this one they made up a complete denying, nothing then in this one was really being.
     As I was saying every one who was ever knowing this one knew always all the repeating always coming out of this one, all the frenzied seizing all the pitiful asking, mostly then every one who ever was knowing this one thought about it in this one as these being in this one in contradiction, in many these ways of being are making a contradiction, in many all these ways of being are really vital being in them, in this one it was a different thing from the others having contradictory being in them, in this one it was a negation of real being, it was the real spirit of denying in this one. Every one then as I was saying every one who ever came to know this one always knew all the repeating that ever was coming out of this one, every one then knew the being in this one, no one then had any puzzling feeling about this one, no one then knew the meaning of the being in this one. This one then at the end of looking came to be a whole one to me, there was not really ever any puzzling feeling in me about this one, I came then sometime to look at this one, this one became then completely to me a whole one, this one then was a whole one to me, this one then was a whole one inside me, I knew it and the knowing of it filled me, I knew it then the meaning in this one, I was filled full then more and more with the being in this one, more and more then I knew it inside me, more and more then it filled me, I knew it then and more and more then it filled me and then it came to possess me, it was then a complete filling of me there inside me the being in this one, I knew it then and soon I told it to this one, I knew it then and I told it to myself and then more and more I knew it and more and more I told it and then more and more I knew it and then I told it to that one, more and more then I told it to that one, always more and more then I told it to that one.
     Always then sometime each one is a whole one to me, always then sometime each one is more or less filling me up inside me, always then sometime I tell it all more or less to some one, very often I tell it all more or less to that one. This one then was a whole one to me, this one was then completely a filling up inside me, more and more then the knowing of the meaning in this being was in me there completely as a filling to me there inside me, more and more then I knew the meaning in all the repeating always coming out of this one, soon then I told it to this one, always then more and more I told it to this one.
     Kinds and ways of being, kinds and ways of having being coming out in repeating, many of them are very clear in kinds of men and women, in individual men and women. Realising kinds and ways in being, learning in being, thinking to feeling, realising meaning in being, realising way and kinds of sensitiveness and emotion, meaning of stupidness in being, ways of knowing, ways of telling, ways of being resembling, all these always are in me filling me with seeing, feeling, learning understanding, filling me sometime to telling.
     It came then that I heard the meaning of the being in that one, that was to me then a real thing, the meaning of the being that was all the being in this one. I heard it then, more and more I knew it in all the ways it was in this one in all the ways it did and had and would come out of this one, the being in this one. Sometime then all history of this one will be complete to some one. Always then the repeating in this one was forming in me as a complete history of this one.
     There was then this one, there will then be sometime a complete history of this one, perhaps there will be a complete history of this one in some one, perhaps never really inside any one. Each one sometime is a whole one to me, then I am hearing or feeling or seeing some repeating coming out of that one that makes a completer one of that one, always then there may be sometimes more history of that one, there may then be never a whole history of any one inside any one. Mostly then that is a melancholy feeling in some that there is not a complete history of every one in some one. Slowly then that feeling is discouraging to one loving having a whole history of every one inside in one. Perhaps slowly then there is really in such a one more and more knowing of the meaning in each one that one is ever knowing. Always then for such a one there must be many new beginnings. Always then for such a one there must be a feeling that that one such a one is then knowing is a whole one, always each one is a whole one, always each one has a whole history of them always coining out of them, sometime some one will have in them a whole history of each one. Always then more and more each one sometime is a whole one and then sometime it is hard to hold this one as a whole one inside one and then the one having knowing each one that one is ever knowing as a whole one as the way of having living being in that one, such a one having the whole one that that one is having inside then of some one come to pieces in them, have new repeating in them, have new meaning in them, always then sometime the one having knowing each one they are ever knowing as a whole one as the living being in that one, such a one then sometimes is having all a wrong meaning to the being of some one then seeming to be a real right whole one then inside that one and always then there is sorrowing feeling in such a one and always then there is new beginning in such a one and always then there is struggling in such a one to make that one then inside them as a whole one give up in them the wrong whole meaning and to keep in them all the repeating that really was in that one this one then was thinking knowing as a whole one. Sometime then each one is a whole one to me, sometimes then there is a real complete one there inside me, sometime then I know something, mostly then I begin again, always then I am feeling, seeing, hearing all the repeating coming out of any one I am ever knowing, sometimes I am telling the whole feeling I have in the whole being of some one I am then knowing and having then as completely filling all my being, and then I am beginning again with more knowing and more and more then that one I am then knowing has for me then meaning.

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