The Mall (Evenstad Media Presents Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: The Mall (Evenstad Media Presents Book 2)
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TO: Frederick Evenstad ,
Marta Evenstad

FROM: Niels Evenstad

SUBJECT: Important

SENT 2/8/2075 AT 3:15 p.m. EST


Brother, Sister,

I realize I've been distant for some time now, and I told
you it was nothing. And I realize there's not much to offer to me in the way of
kindness, now. But this is important, and I need you to read it. I'll explain

I have a disorder. Johnson-Freel Disorder. It's autoimmune,
and it's attacking my organs. They have a few cases on record similar to mine,
but it's not enough to have any way of managing it. They've put me on
medication that helps control other autoimmune disorders like lupus, but they
don't appear to be having much of an effect. Not enough of an effect to save my
life, at least.

I'm sorry it took me this long to tell you, and I'm sorry I'm
telling you in an email. I should have told you both in person, most likely,
but I wanted to give you two the chance to process this before we got together
about it.

Unless something changes, or they find a new treatment,
they've given me a few years, conservatively. They also told me that there are
a handful of people who live a long life with this disorder. But the odds
aren't good. Survival rates past age fifty are only twenty percent.

That's why I've been under so much stress. I needed to get
this show out and running. We need the money, and we need more money on top of
that. I want our family to feel secure even after my death, should anything
happen. Once I'm gone, if something happens to Evenstad Enterprises, I don't
want our family to suffer. That's why I've pushed so hard. I should have told
you, I suppose. I could have gotten your help with it. But I'm telling you now.
You two stood by me through everything, and I owe you an explanation. Really,
that's the least that I owe you. But I think it's a good start. Or at least
some kind of start.

Please don't respond to this email. I'd like this kept
between the three of us. I'll make an announcement to the rest of the family
later, and the public at some point after that. But, particularly before The Mall
is finished and things have settled a bit more, I'd like this to remain a
secret. So please delete this email after reading, and delete it from your
trash folder as well. Say nothing of this to Uncle Magnus. He doesn’t need any
reason to see me as weak.

Again, my deepest apologies to you both. But your concern
and your constant questions let me know that someone cares. I couldn't have
asked for more than that.


Niels Evenstad,

Chief Operating Officer, Evenstad Media

Shocking News from Evenstad Media Hack

Posted 2/10/2075 at 12:23 p.m. EST


Yesterday, Evenstad Media's network was hacked for the
second time in a month. Among the information released was a thread of emails
between Niels Evenstad (COO, Evenstad Media), Frederick Evenstad (COO, Evenstad
Technologies), and Marta Evenstad (COO, Evenstad Farms) revealing that Niels
Evenstad has Johnson-Freel Disorder, a rare autoimmune disorder with no known
treatment or cure.

According to the emails, he's been given a few years to
live, and has been building the fortune of Evenstad Enterprises in preparation
for his death.

When asked for his opinion on these revelations, Magnus
Evenstad (CEO, Evenstad Enterprises, Former COO, Evenstad Media) denies
comment. If we find more information, we will post it.



DATE: 2/10/2075


It's coming closer and closer to when I'm going to have to
leave the security room and go get the bastard that burned down that bookstore.
Another body got added to the pile, and the deaths are just going to come faster
and faster. Which means my time is running out.

There's also something strange going on with the two guys in
the makeup shop. Mainly with the big guy, but the little one's probably got
something to do with it, too. I can't put my finger on anything, exactly, but I
get a weird vibe from that guy. From both of them, yeah, but from the big one
especially. Not because they're having sex. I could give two shits about that.
But… something. Maybe it’s just that he’s big enough to be a real threat, but I
don’t think it’s that simple. I have to try and figure out what it is, which
means I'm definitely going to keep watching them, too. Something's bound to
happen and I plan to be there to see it. Maybe even stop it, depending on what
it is.

I couldn't do anything about the bookstore or the guy who
ran from the fire. Or the old guy, for that matter. But damn it if I'll sit
around here when I actually can help.





DATE: 2/11/2075


Bill came up with a plan and I'm really not sure about it. I
mean, the idea seems like it's pretty good, the way he puts it. We need food,
and he can only carry so much with him at a time. And I know that. But I was
counting on Bill being the one to take care of me. Get the food and work to
keep me safe. Now that plan's going to shit real fast. And the bad thing is,
there's nothing I can do to stop it. Mostly because he's right, I think. If
we're going to, you know, not die, I have to go up to the food court with him
and carry stuff. It's the only way to make sure we both have enough to get us
through to the end. Or closer to the end.

So I guess I've made up my mind about what to do. I'm going
with him. I don't like it, but it's what has to happen.





DATE: 2/11/2075


So far, I've got a count on almost everyone. I've moved
around a bit, sticking to the edges so I don't get shot by the guys with guns.
I think there are other safe paths through them, but I know I can be good on
the edges. No need to take unnecessary risks. I've counted out seven bodies,
including the one in the bookstore. I never went in to see if anyone died, but
I guarantee that no one came out of there. I'd have seen it. And I've seen
three people alive, four counting myself. Which means there's still someone
left. And I know who it is, too. The young black lady who was looking around in
the beginning of the game. She's somewhere, I'm sure. Nobody's leaving this
place. That much is pretty damn clear. The fact that I don't know where she is
doesn't make me feel any more confident in my ability to make it out of here
alive, either.

But there's one saving grace. Once everyone who might be a
threat's gone, there's one young lady in one of the downstairs clothing shops
who looks about as dangerous as a strong gust of air. She's just sitting in
there trying to hide. She had a pretty good spot. It took me a bit to see her
head sticking over the top of the counter. But she's in there, and I think
she'll probably be there when all's said and done. As far as I can tell, that’s
probably where she’s been the entire time. So at least one part of winning this
might actually be relatively easy.

That's assuming the other lady doesn't show up and take me
out. Something about her makes me nervous, from what little I saw of her. She's
smart, and she started really playing this game right first thing. She's got
the edge on me there, and that's somewhat terrifying. Perhaps more than



TO: Niels Evenstad

FROM: Frederick Evenstad

SUBJECT: Information Breach

SENT 2/10/2075 AT 7:51 a.m. EST



Before I begin, I want to apologize for my behavior with you
before. I should never have been so brusque with you. I trust you, but I forget
it sometimes. If you need any help, you know that I'll be there for you, and
I'm sure Marta feels the same way.

As for the security breach, I had my own people look into it
after yours, and they agree. The breach came from somewhere within the network,
but they didn't find anything to link back to any identification. It's all been
hidden or otherwise obscured. But I would personally suggest looking into any
new employees, particularly on the tech support end of things. They would be
the most likely candidates. Or really anyone you don't fully trust.

I hope we'll see you at the restaurant tonight. Marta and I
are both looking forward to it. Unless, of course, you're not up to making it.
We'd both understand.


Frederick Evenstad,

Chief Operating Officer, Evenstad Technologies



TO: Frederick Evenstad

FROM: Niels Evenstad

SUBJECT: Information Breach

SENT 2/10/2075 AT 8:22 a.m. EST



You should know all is forgiven, and of course I'll be at
dinner. Already, I feel lighter, now that I've finally told you the truth.

I'll take your advice on the breach. It's unfortunate that
it happened, but the best that I can do at this point is to work with the cards
left on the table, however poor they might be. As soon as I'm done sending this
email, I'll have IT look at the computers of any suspicious employees. Maybe
they can make a connection that way.

I hope to see you tonight,


Niels Evenstad,

Chief Operating Officer, Evenstad Media



DATE: 2/13/2075


The time's come, I think. I have an issue to resolve, and
it's definitely the day to do it, now. It won't be any easier if I wait. No
easier and no better for me, in the end. Kim doesn't need to be here at this
point. He's far outlived his usefulness. So today, I'm taking him out on a food
run. I put it off a couple days, although I don't really know why, for sure.
Maybe I'm just hesitant to kill. It wouldn't be a surprise. It's much easier on
paper than it is in reality, would be my guess. Well, on screen, not on paper.
I did it with Lia, but I guess this is somehow different. I’ve spent more time
with Kim.

Either way, it's happening. .I'll push Kim into guards, too.
And if that doesn't work, I'll have to do something else. Still have the
baseball bat, I guess.

God, I hope the guards work out.





DATE: 2/13/2075


Bill and I are leaving. I'm more okay with leaving than I
was, but I'm still not exactly looking forward to it. It's still dangerous, and
there's still a really good chance that I'll die going out there. That we'll
both die, really, but Bill's at least done this more than I have. I mean, yeah,
I went up there a couple times, before he showed up. But it wasn't something I
did for fun or enjoyed or anything stupid like that. Right. Like I'm enjoying
anything around here.

I don't know why it took so long for him to decide we should
go. I told him right after I wrote the last journal a couple days ago I was
ready. Maybe he picked up on the fact that I wasn't really wanting to go. But
I'm not wanting to go now, so there's not anything suddenly different. Hell, I
don't know. Maybe I really did get to him with all the sex. That'd be great.
He'd be protecting me out there for sure, which is the best thing I can think
of, given what we're about to do.

I don't know. I guess it doesn't really matter. One way or
another, we're heading out.





DATE: 2/13/2075


The two guys from the makeup shop are out and on the move.
They've already made it up into the food court and they're scrounging. Really
scrounging. I doubt there's a whole lot left up there at this point. It doesn't
bode well for anyone surviving longer than about another month, myself included.
Probably less than a month, really. And that's only if the threat of murder can
be removed. Which it can't. That's the way these fucks built this game. The
threat of murder is always here, and it's always going to be here until just
one of us is left. I know that even I'm not immune to it, and I'm not above
killing someone else, if it comes to that. Maybe the blonde girl down there
wouldn't do it. If anyone could resist the urge to kill, I'd put it on her. But
pushed far enough, I'm sure she would. Pushed far enough, everyone would do it.
It’s all about how far is far enough.

Point is, sooner rather than later, this game's over, and I
plan to be alive to see it. But I also plan on getting some justice before that
happens. If I don't do anything else meaningful in this stupid contest, I'm
damn sure going to kill the jack-off that burned that bookstore.





DATE: 2/13/2075


I couldn't make myself do it. It felt like Kim deserved
better than Lia. If nothing else, he proved to be a lot more useful than she
was, although I suppose she died to get me here. Besides, there really wasn't
much left for food. Even less than last time I was up there. Between the two of
us, we got most of it, which puts me in a good position when it's all over. I
couldn't have gotten all of it if I'd tossed him aside to get shot.

I have to do it now, though. It's all done and ready to go.
No more waiting around. I'll get it over with quickly and then I'll be in the
best position to get the money.

Lately, I'm wondering if my own morality is really only
worth twenty million to me, though.



TO: Niels Evenstad

FROM: Frederick Evenstad

SUBJECT: Security Overhaul

SENT 2/12/2075 AT 3:16 p.m. EST



As I've thought about the situation, I can't help but think
that you should check over your entire network for potential weaknesses. Two
separate systems were hacked and, although it was almost definitely an inside
job both times, the fact is that it could have come from the outside. And even
if it didn't, the fact that you had those openings in two separate systems
doesn't bode well for anything else. It's your decision, of course, but if
you'd like, I can have some of my IT workers check it over along with your
team. It's an inconvenience, I know, but one I personally feel is well worth
dealing with.

Stay well, Brother.


Frederick Evenstad,

Chief Operating Officer, Evenstad Media

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