The Mammoth Book of Women's Erotic Fantasies (28 page)

BOOK: The Mammoth Book of Women's Erotic Fantasies
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His face at my pussy, he stared at my springy fair curls, now covered with beads of moisture. He must have been able to smell my arousal, and the thought was driving me crazy. He ducked his head
and stuck out his tongue, pushing the rigid flesh through my hot damp folds to find the hard nub of my clit. I groaned and thrust my hips towards him; I was
close to coming. I almost
screamed with frustration as the tram began to slow again as it neared our stop. He pulled back and my cunt felt achingly bereft.

He gently pulled my coat around me and began to do up the buttons. “Our stop, Miss.”

I groaned and if I hadn’t have been so precariously balanced I would have stamped my feet. I pouted, “My name’s Bekka.” Both my name and my blonde hair are inherited from
my Scandinavian grandmother.

“I’m Sam. Here, let me help you.” The tram pulled up and almost jerked me off my feet. Sam slid his arm round me. “Number thirty-two bus, as usual?”

I nodded and cuddled into the comfort of his arm. My legs were unsteady and I appreciated his support. Fortunately, the bus stop was just across the road from the tram, so we didn’t have
far to walk.

The night bus was already waiting at the stop, the only other passengers, a couple of teenage boys and an elderly man, already on board.

“Want to sit upstairs?” Sam asked diffidently when he’d paid the driver. I nodded, a small smile beginning to appear. Perhaps the night wasn’t over yet.

“Ladies first.” Sam stood back to allow me to climb the narrow stairs. Once I was high above him, on the curve of the staircase, Sam grabbed the back of my coat, jerking me to a
halt. I held my breath, heart pounding with excitement as he slowly rose up the stairs behind me, sliding his hands under my coat and up my shiny leather boots, over the soft smooth flesh of my
thighs until he reached my bottom. He squeezed my buttocks and briefly ran a finger between them, stroking along the crease, and pressing gently on my tight little hole, before he released me.

I quivered and bit my lip, stifling the moan that rose to my lips. On stiff legs, I made my way halfway down the aisle. There was no one else upstairs, so we had our choice of seats.

Sam let me sit down near the window, then slid in next to me. Turning my face to his in one firm hand, he kissed me, his warm tongue thrusting into my mouth. I sighed into his mouth as his
fingers nimbly began to unbutton my coat. My coat fell open and he slid his fingers between my pussy lips and stroked my clit. Instant heat flashed through me, pooling in my groin. I moaned and
sucked his tongue. Sam thrust his fingers into my sopping wet cunt and I went wild, screaming softly into his mouth as I came in convulsive waves around his hand. It was sheer ecstasy.

My head fell to his shoulder as I gradually came back down to earth. I felt Sam kiss the top of my hair before he gently removed his fingers from inside me. I caught his slippery hand and
brought it to my mouth.

“Here, let me.” Slowly I sucked each warm, wet finger into my mouth and licked it clean. I took my time about it, savouring the combination of relaxation in my pussy and the
tenseness of Sam’s body. “There, all done.” I replaced his hand on his thigh and snuggled down so my head was in his lap. I could feel the hard ridge in his trousers and I teased
him by rubbing my cheek along it.

Sam slid his hands into my hair, unable to resist holding my mouth to his cock. He must have been able to feel my hot breath through the fabric. I wondered if his cock ached as much as my pussy
had a few minutes ago. I gripped the hard ridge gently with my mouth and growled softly as I ran my teeth up and down him, nibbling him through the thin material. I felt his hand move towards me,
as if in protest as I slowly unzipped his fly, but then I reached inside and touched him, my fingers cool against his heated flesh and any objections instantly disappeared.

I eased his cock out into the cool air and stroked it briefly, my fingertips softly smoothing the moisture that oozed from the tip all over the head. It was a lovely warm, silky piece of flesh,
not too big, not too small. I grinned at the thought, feeling like Goldilocks. Sam’s cock was just right. I opened my mouth and took him inside. My nose nuzzled his pubic hair. He smelled
delicious, a combination of musk and soap and tasted even better. I do so like the taste of pre-come, sweet and salty all at once. Resisting the impulse to bite this delicious lollipop, I pulled
slowly away, took a deep breath, and sank my face back down on him.

It was his turn to lose all control. Sam groaned and thrust his hips, and from the shocked sounds he was making, I realized that he had never had all his cock buried inside a woman’s
mouth. Grabbing my hair, he eased me up and down on his cock. God, it felt so good, sexy and slightly scary, as his cock plunged further and further inside my hot mouth, then finally down inside my
tight throat. I swallowed convulsively and the movement triggered his orgasm. Uncaring and unaware of any spectators, Sam shouted and came, his semen flooding my throat.

I came up for air, gasping and flushed, a huge grin of triumph on my face. It quickly disappeared when I caught sight of a road sign, flashing past the window. “Our stop,” I wailed
and pressed the bell, “We’ve missed our stop.” Sam stared at me blankly as I pulled my coat together. “Get up, Sam. If we get off here, it won’t be too far to walk

My handsome conquest shook his head as he came rapidly back to reality. Hastily adjusting his clothes, he stood and staggered down the aisle to the stairs. As we got off the bus, I thought I saw
the driver wink at him, before he drove away.

Arm in arm, we walked slowly back up the long road towards our stop. Sam was very quiet, I only hoped he wasn’t regretting what had just happened.

“Penny for your thoughts.”

Sam opened his mouth and looked amazed by what came out. “I want to fuck you. Here, now.”

I giggled, pleased and surprised by his frank honesty, “OK, but not exactly here,” and I gestured at the wet pavement. “Come on.” I grabbed his hand and dragged him out
of the light of the street lamps into the shelter of an unlit shop doorway. I think Sam was beginning to have second thoughts until he felt me catch hold of his hands and place them on my breasts.
His breathing quickened as he felt the hard nubs of my nipples, through my sweater. I knew then that I had his undivided attention. I could feel his cock stiffening again as he pushed my knees
apart and stood between my legs, our crotches glued together.

He cupped my warm breasts and slid his hands under my jumper.

“It fastens at the front,” I murmured in his ear.

I wonder if he realized then, just how much thought I had put into seducing him. I was hardly wearing any clothes, and those that I did have on allowed easy access to my body. Undoing my bra, he
pushed my jumper up, and bent his head to my breasts. I moaned as he sucked and nibbled at my nipples, his teeth grazing over the ridged skin. I rubbed my pussy against his hard cock, the fabric of
his trousers delightfully rough against my sensitive skin. Slipping a hand between us, I slid his zipper down and released his cock from its bondage. My pussy met it eagerly and he slid easily
inside, I was so wet.

Grunting, he thrust into me and I gasped at the power of his strokes. “Beautiful slut,” he murmured in my ear and I took it as the compliment that he intended. He thrust harder and
faster, taking me higher and higher with each stroke. It was an exquisite journey, which ended far too soon. “I’m coming,” he moaned softly in my ear and gave a final couple of
thrusts, holding me so tightly that I could hardly breathe.

He withdrew from me. Trembling with a combination of arousal and disappointment, I would have turned away from him and fastened my coat but he stopped me, holding my hands tightly. “Stand
still.” He slid his hands to my waist and slowly knelt down on the cold stone. Grasping me to him, his hands round the back of my thighs, he buried his face in my pussy. His tongue licked and
lapped at me, cleaning away our mingled juices and replacing them with his saliva. My knees shook and moments later as he flicked his tongue over my hard clit I came in waves, my hands threaded
into his dark hair, forcing his face into my cunt as hard as I could.

I was shaky on my legs after that, and had to lean against the shop door as Sam tenderly smoothed my skirt back down to cover my buttocks. He rose and gently adjusted my clothing, refastening my
bra and pulling my sweater back down. “There,” he kissed my closed eyelids, “All nice and tidy.”

Wearily, I opened my eyes and smiled back at him. “Thanks.” I yawned and he looked worried.

“Come on, not far now. I only live just around the corner. You could stay if you like?”

I liked. Leaning heavily on his arm, I made the last hundred yards in a satiated daze. He lived in a narrow terraced house, but apart from noticing that it was in the middle of the row of
houses, I was too tired to take in any more details. He led me upstairs to the bedroom. I remember lying back on the bed as he helped me get my boots off and then no more.

“Miss, Miss. Excuse me, Miss, wake up.”

I felt someone shake me and blearily I opened my eyes, confused by my surroundings. I was sitting on the tram, my head leaning against the window. I swallowed to ease my dry mouth and gingerly
moved my stiff neck.

I looked at the man hovering nervously beside me. It was Sam. I frowned at him and he flushed. “Sorry to wake you, Miss, but I think that this is your stop.”

I nodded stiffly and he removed his hand from my shoulder, the overhead lights glinting on his wedding ring.

“Thank you.” As if in a dream, I stepped out of the carriage and onto the wet platform, the cold rain and rising wind blowing away any last vestiges of sleep. Wide awake, I watched
as Sam walked away from me towards the car park. Unusually, there was a car waiting for him. Green with envy, I saw him bend to kiss the driver on the cheek. I assume the woman was his wife.

Sighing, I buttoned my coat up tight against the weather and headed in the opposite direction towards the bus station. As I sat on the bus, I tried to remember my dream, but it only came back in
vague wisps of memory. All I had to remind me was a feeling of sleepy satisfaction. I blushed as I realized I had come in my sleep. Had I cried out, or made other embarrassing noises? I bit my lip
and huddled down into my seat. Tomorrow, I vowed, I would take care to avoid the brown-haired man, that my dream had named Sam.

All About Me

Lee (Arcadia, USA)

What is her name? Peg, Meg? I can’t remember. Couldn’t be all the beer. I know she’s with Carlo, though. I lean around to follow the curve of her arm as it
snakes around Carlo’s waist and ends on Greg’s arse. Lucky bitch.

“Is anyone else hungry? Why don’t we get a pizza?” No response. I must be invisible, same as I am at home with Tad. I have drunk myself into a state of invisibility. Now I can
openly stare at Carlo and Greg both rubbing themselves against her – Meg, that’s her name. Look at them, they love it! Why doesn’t Maria care what that slut is doing? I take
advantage of my transparent state and pluck someone’s nearly full beer from the coffee table.

Okay, I can pout or enjoy this. Pout about the fact that Tad is on his way to Thailand without me, that I am here at a party alone, in my shortest sundress and no one is noticing. Or, enjoy the
fact that I am in an apartment on the beach in Venice with a terrific view, lots of beer, and no husband bothering me. I can stand on the couch if I like, take in the sunset and watch my single
friends frolic like bunnies in spring.

Well, I wonder, savouring a sip of beer. Who would I pick if I was single, if I had no husband and it was all about me? How about Maria’s boyfriend, the blonde, scruffy Greg, with his
knobby knees and eighties fashion sense? I glide closer to examine the curly trail of hair descending into his loosely tied paisley shorts. I admire the dreads touching the nape of that spot on his
neck that feels so good to lick, and tongue the neck of my bottle.

What about our host, Carlo? I step lithely around Meg and insinuate myself in the space behind her to appraise Carlo. His thick, black shoulder-length hair sets off his brown eyes and lips pale
as seashell against his burnished skin. His age shows only in the deeply etched laugh lines framing his eyes and the mottled grey stubble trailing from his chin. I sniff the vapour of pheromones
twining about his chest. Now that I am invisible, I can see hormones and heat. They exude a smoky, reddish glow.

“How about going to that little club around the corner?” Carlo suggests, and I jump back, but he doesn’t seem to notice my strange behaviour. “They have a good jazz set
after nine,” he says, smiling at me. He could just as easily be smiling through me, I think. It’s as if they’re not seeing me at all.

“No, let’s stay in,” Maria says, to my relief. After so many beers, I can’t imagine navigating the crowds. He shrugs, and turns his smoky eyes back to Meg. Maria huffs a
little and walks toward me but, just before we would collide, she says, “Excuse me” and brushes by. So I am not invisible! I am just flying below the sexual radar.

Leave them to it, a fuzzy voice murmurs in my head. I am not getting any tonight, so I may as well go outside and sober up, think about going home. I slip out the apartment door and up the steps
to the roof to see the sights of Venice Beach. As I clear the doorway, a cooling mist caresses my swollen face and I follow the wet, briny breeze up the steep attic stairway and ascend to a ceiling
of stars.

A seaward Santa Ana gust nudges me toward the edge of the roof. I sway backward, straining to find a flaw in the perfect scattering of starlight above. It’s so beautiful; I could just
sleep out here if I had a cot. Maybe I could bring a blanket up.

Just one light illuminates a circle of vacant roof, and makes the rest of the area that much darker. I have to duck away from the glare and peer into the far edges to see anything. I am backing
around a trashcan when the warm breeze wraps about me, like an arm catching me smoothly around the waist.

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