The Marriage Mart (20 page)

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Authors: Teresa DesJardien

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BOOK: The Marriage Mart
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The celebrational parties lasted three days, at which time John took his bride in exasperation onto a ship to sail to southern climes, far removed from anyone they knew.


Thirteen months later he sat amidst his family. It could at last be said he had truly become the master of his home, which was, it must further be said, due in large part to the fact his family was so delighted with his choice of bride. They actually tried, with uneven success, to leave the lovebirds to themselves at Rothayne Hall, but of course holidays and occasions meant the house was often as madly crowded as ever. On this day, thirteen months and ten days after the wedding, they had gathered yet again in the halls and salons of the ancestral home. It was a measure of their awareness of the master’s upset that they walked and spoke quietly, pausing occasionally to pat him on the shoulder or offer him a cup of tea or brandy. He sat staring at a closed door, one booted foot swinging with agitation as he sat in his awkwardly placed chair in the hallway.

At last the door opened, and he rose swiftly to his feet. It was Lady Rothayne come to bring him the news. “She’s fine,” his mother said.

“Thank God,” he breathed, then added, “And was it twins?”

“It was.” She had no time to add more, for he swept past her.

He belatedly remembered it might be better to slow his progress. He achieved an almost dignified walk as he approached his wife lying in their bed, which several of his sisters were putting to rights around her.

“Oh, John,” Hortense scolded. “We were scarce ready for you yet.”

“Mary,” he said, ignoring his sister, and moving to step around the bed to her side. There were the two little forms on either side of her, so bundled as to be indistinguishable from the bedding if it were not for the tiny squawks each was emitting. “You are well?” He leaned over her, planting a relieved kiss on her forehead, for although she was pale and looked wearied as he’d never seen her, he did see the dancing light in her eyes that told him everything was fine.

“Yes. I’m very tired, but I’m fine.”

He saw then that the dancing light in those beloved eyes was caused by a deep amusement. “John,” she said, a laugh--weak but still filled with mirth--coming with the words, “I don’t know how to tell you this. We have twin

He looked down at her, kissed her again, and said, “Thank you so much. I really mean it, really,” so that she knew he did. He reached out his arms to be given a child to hold as she held the other, and could only join her and everyone else in the room in happily exasperated laughter.


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