The Marriage Merger (28 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Probst

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Marriage Merger
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“I kept my hands on the wall.”

He laughed. “True. I’ll punish you only fifty percent for coming before I approved. on your knees.”

She muttered a curse under her breath but got onto all fours on the bed. “Why do you get to make all the rules?”

“Because I said so. And it’s more pleasant for you when you obey. Has anyone ever spanked you before?”

Her head rolled around to glare. “What do you think?”

His lip quirked in amusement at her sarcasm. “I think no. you get ten whacks by my hand.”

“I’m not a child. That’s humiliating. And if you continue, I’ll make sure you lose that hand.”

“oh, I like games, baby, and I’m the master. How about me torturing you for hours without letting you orgasm?” She opened her mouth to say something smart, then snapped it shut. The idea of it tantalized her, but she was deathly afraid he was telling the truth. “Hmm, smart response. Though I may have to try that in the future; you looked way too intrigued to see if I could accomplish the feat. For now, you get the spanking.”

“What could this possibly do for you or me? I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

“I guess you’ll have to tell me. one.”

His flat palm hit her right cheek. A quick sting made her suck in her breath. Her ass was probably as red as her face, completely embarrassed at her position and vulner-ability. Three more quick hits on the right, then he moved to the left. Julietta locked herself in position before each swat, cursing him, wondering why the heck he’d get aroused over such a ridiculous game.

Until she realized her body was dripping wet. Sensitized.

ready to go over the edge with one touch.

As if he knew, Sawyer paused halfway through to rub her heated skin. The massage only revved up her crazed response. She squeezed her eyes shut at the realization the whole thing was turning her on horribly. He continued on the left cheek for three more. each time, instead of suf-fering through it, she arched against him without thought, craving more of the delicious prickly warmth that oozed through her bloodstream and sensitized every nerve ending. She held her breath for the last two.

“Widen your legs.”

She pushed her thighs apart one inch. Two. Waited for the pain in horrible anticipation. His fingers settled on her buttocks, rubbed, then slipped between her thighs.

Mio Dio!

Her clit pounded for release and her nipples stabbed open air in a terrible need to have his mouth and tongue and teeth. Just as she was about to orgasm, he slid his fingers out and swatted her backside with two strong strokes.

Her arms trembled, unable to take her weight. Her arousal rose to her own nostrils, and a low animal moan escaped her lips and echoed in the air.

His control must have snapped. With an answering groan, she heard the rip of a wrapper, and suddenly he mounted her. Grasping her hips, he slid into her in one hard thrust, filling every inch of her body and claiming her completely.

Julietta surrendered. Body, mind, soul. With long, full strokes, he brought her straight to the edge and held her there mercilessly, guiding the rhythm and not allowing her to do anything but hang on and give him what he wanted.

Her channel milked him, and he tortured her for what seemed like forever until she begged.

“Please, oh, please.”

He paused. Held himself deep inside of her, not moving, as her body spasmed around his penis. “you belong to me. Say it.”

“I belong to you, Sawyer. Take me.”

He reached around, gently squeezed her clit, and plunged.

The orgasm hit hard. His dim shout told her he followed her over. She sobbed in relief and let go, giving him everything he asked for and more.

“I think I’m dead.”

Sawyer kissed her cheek and pulled her closer. She burrowed under the sheets, and her silky warmth pressed against him. The scent of sex filled the air. Moonlight leaked through the window and cast shadows over the bed. “Then I’ve done my job for the night.” He caressed her bare arm, enjoying the feel of her skin. He didn’t think he’d ever get enough of her.

“Will you kill me every night?”

“yes. I hope that’s okay with you, or we’ll have to play out this caveman scene on a daily basis.” Sawyer held his breath and waited for her answer. Somehow, some way, this woman had crawled under his skin and buried herself there.

He needed this from her, needed the connection of sex, and then he was sure the tension would finally relax between them. After all, they were married.

“No. I don’t want to fight you anymore. Fight this.”

“Good.” They lay in relaxed silence for long minutes.

He was about to drift off when she spoke his name. “What, sweetheart?”

Her tone was wary. Unsure. “I know you said you never talk about your past. I understand. But I feel as if you know so much about me. It feels unbalanced. And I feel—”


“Vulnerable,” she whispered. “I need something. of your choice.” She paused. “Please.”

The memories swamped him, but her confession touched a tender part in his soul. She was so honest about her needs, even though she opened herself up to his ridi-cule. And Julietta was right. He hadn’t given anything of himself other than his body. He reached down and sought what he could sacrifice. The words flowed out without hesi-tation, as if always waiting on the surface for the right person, the right time, to escape.

“My parents died when I was nine. I had no other rela-tives, no friends to take me. I went into the foster care system, and I wasn’t prepared for what I found. No one wanted a young boy on the edge of being a teenager. I was placed a few times before I found a permanent residence. But things were bad. Worse than for someone who never had the experience of good parents I think. Like a shock to the system, I had to change my thinking about what life was in order to survive. When I finally escaped at eighteen, I roamed the streets, made a place for myself, but it was rough.

I found an old hotel in Manhattan I’d been staking out and slept in the cellar. Near the janitor’s room. I’d wash myself, steal food, and keep hidden. Until Jerry found me. He was a janitor—worked there for years. I waited for him to throw me out and call management or the cops, but he did neither.

He let me stay.”

She didn’t say anything when he stopped. He refused to taint her with his criminal actions, of the violence during his years with his foster father. She’d never understand. After a while he gave her the rest.

“We didn’t talk much about what had happened. He’d manage to steal me another uniform and began to show me the ropes. He told management I was his nephew and got me a job. I learned starting at the bottom of any establishment is the way to learn it all. you know the employees, the gossips, the codes, and the behind-the-scene shit that happens in all hotels. He pushed me to be more, and I finally got an opportunity at the Waldorf hotel. I traveled to Milan on an internship and stayed for a while with another hotel and finally traveled back to New york.

“He had a heart attack on a Tuesday at two forty-five p.m. I was doing okay for myself by then, but then I found out the truth. Jerry was previous military and had received a purple heart in Iraq. He also came from a wealthy family, but after the war, he dropped from sight and gave it all up.

I opened my door to two lawyers who told me Jerry left me everything. I was a multimillionaire at twenty-five years old.”

Her focus was almost physical, as if poised on his every word and drinking it in deep. Instead of avid curiosity, he felt only a deep peace and understanding from her, making it easier to go on. “He left me a note he’d written when I was twenty years old. It said, ‘Make your mark.’ I took off for a while to get my head straight. Blew a lot of money.

Then decided to focus on doing exactly what he wanted— proving myself a success. When Purity opens, it’s for him, because he was the only one other than my parents to ever give a shit.”

He let out a breath and waited. For the questions. The probing. He didn’t blame her and knew how women needed to push until it was painful and there was nothing else to give. He waited in dread, and finally, she moved.

Julietta lifted her head. Cocoa brown eyes gleamed brightly, but no tears showed. She lowered herself over him and kissed him. Thoroughly. Gently. As if he was precious glass and deserved all the care and love in the world.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

She rested her head against his chest, intertwined her thigh with his, and gave a long sigh. Then drifted off to sleep.

He waited for the pain to flood his conscience, the feeling of being unclean, of never being enough for the mentor who had saved him. Instead, there was nothing. A void where the rawness had once hidden. A curious wave of relief whooshed through his body, and he suddenly imagined himself lighter and more at peace.

Chapter Fourteen

“Strange. There’re a few extra cars at Mama’s today. I guess she invited some guests to dinner.”

Sawyer linked her hand within his and winked at Wolfe.

“Good, maybe there will be even more food to munch on.”

She laughed and shook her head. “you two are amazing. I’ve never seen grown men eat like they’ve never had real food before.”

“At least I help you clean up,” Wolfe pointed out.

Sawyer shot him a glare. “Traitor. Wait till I get you in the gym. I’ll double-kick your ass.”

“ ‘Double-kick’ is a word, old man? Funny, I didn’t see you going all rocky Balboa on me when I got you in the ring. When you went down, you stayed down.”

“Who’s rocky Balboa?” Julietta asked.

The men traded a shocked look. “Holy shit, you’ve never seen
one, two, three, four, five, or six?” Sawyer asked.

“If there’re six installments, that does not bode well for me,” she said, reaching the door.

“Marathon, baby. Tonight.”

“Behave, boys. I hear voices.”


A roar filled the room as the door opened. Julietta looked inside in pure shock. She couldn’t speak as the image before her finally registered. Her family. Crowded in one room, together.

Tears filled her eyes, and she pressed her fingers against her mouth. “
Mio Dio,
why did you not tell me you were coming?” Julietta rushed forward and was immediately clasped in a cocoon of safety and warmth. With laughter, tears, and shouting, she reached out and grabbed onto Carina, holding her in a hug that also tried to encompass her brother-in-law and Michael.

Carina laughed in delight and squeezed her back. “We wanted to surprise you! We told Mama we were coming but never thought we could pull off such a huge coup.”

Michael lifted her in his arms and swung her around like she was five years old. “We all had to get off work from La Dolce Maggie, and we had to make sure the twins were finally ready to visit their aunt.”

Two matching boys hid behind Maggie’s legs, peeking out curiously at the loving chaos in the room. one sported bright green eyes like her sister-in-law, and the other a deep bark that pegged him immediately as the brooding Luke, exactly forty seconds older than his brother, ethan.

She squatted and held out her arms, lowering her voice to a soothing tone. “Hi, Luke. Hi, ethan. I’m your aunt Julietta.

Can I get a hug?”

A gentle prod from Maggie caused the two to toddle over. They both wore designer jeans, T-shirts, and matching leather jackets. Sturdy walking shoes helped them keep their balance as they entered her arms. Julietta pressed her lips to soft baby locks and breathed in their clean scent like a drug. “oh, I’m madly in love.” She lifted her face to the boys, beaming. “And I love the outfits.”

“you should see what your sister-in-law gets for my two. I swear Nick has a heart attack every time I open one of her gifts.” Julietta rose to her knees and laughed in delight when her gaze snagged on Alexa and Nick. She’d never met them but felt as if they were already family from the stories and photos. Alexa was Maggie’s best friend from childhood, and Nick was Maggie’s brother. With a squee, she gave matching hugs to the attractive couple. Corkscrew curls hung wildly around Alexa’s face, and her gorgeous curves reminded Julietta of Carina: earthly and sensual in a way most men craved. Nick sported blond hair in various shades and amused chestnut eyes.

“yeah, I thought your brother would keep her in line, but she’s just as outrageous as ever. I came home one night to find Lily demonstrating the ‘Gangnam Style’ dance moves while Maria proudly wore a T-shirt proclaiming her ‘Too Cool for Drool.’”

Maggie punched her brother in the arm and rolled her eyes. “If I left it up to you, they’d be studying Mozart and being too nerdy for high school.”

“ruin your own kids, Maggs.”

Alexa sighed. “Children, please. We just arrived and you’re already fighting.”

Julietta pressed her lips together in amusement. “I can’t believe you were able to get coverage for the bookstore.

I’m so excited to finally see you here!”

“Nick is in between projects right now, and since Carina came to work for me, I’m super organized at BookCrazy.

We were able to squeeze out a full week of vacation. of course, we didn’t have to worry about the hassle because we took Michael’s jet, and it was completely relaxing. I just hope we didn’t put poor Mama Conte out this week.”

Mama Conte held baby Maria in her arms, her eyes filled with joy as she gazed around the room. Her voice snapped with command. “Don’t ever say such a thing. This house has been empty much too long. It needs children and laughter. you stay as long as you like.”

Julietta hugged and chatted until a strange silence fell over the room. She swiveled her head and caught her husband’s gaze.

Pure discomfort and the urge to flee echoed from his eyes. Wolfe shifted his feet and looked nauseous and un-comfortable, staying as far away from the crowd as possible with his back pressed against the door. Her heart lurched, and she walked back into the foyer to slowly take each one of their hands and link them with her own.

“This is Sawyer, everyone. My new husband. And this is Wolfe, a very close friend who’s more like family.”

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