The Mayflower and the Pilgrims' New World* (44 page)

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Authors: Nathaniel Philbrick

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Note: Page numbers in
refer to illustrations
Adams, John Quincy
Akkompoin (Philip's uncle)
Alden, John
Alderman (Pocasset Indian)
Alexander of Pokanoket death of
Allerton, Isaac
Allerton, Mary
Almy, John
Amie (sister of Philip)
Amos (Praying Indian)
Anderson, Cornelius
Andros, Edmund
Appleton, Major samuel
Aquidneck Island
see also
Rhode Island, colony of
Aspinet (sachem)
Awashonks (sachem)
Church and
King Philip's War and
Ayres, sergeant John
Bacquag River
Barnes, Jonathan
Beers, Richard
Belcher, Andrew
Billington, Francis
Billington, John
Billington, John, Jr.
Billington sea
Blackstone River
Bloody Brook
Book of Martyrs
Boston, Massachusetts
Boston Harbor
Bourne garrison
bows and arrows, described
Bradford, Alice southworth
Bradford, Dorothy May
Bradford, John
Bradford, William
background of
becomes governor of Plymouth
Billington's rescue and
conflict between Pilgrims and strangers and
death of
death of first wife
on exploration expeditions of 1620,
First Thanksgiving
health of
Indian relations and
military affairs and defense of Plymouth
Of Plymouth Plantation
second marriage
squanto and
trade mission and
wall around Plymouth settlement
Bradford, William, Jr.
King Philip's War and
Brewster, Jonathan
Brewster, Love
Brewster, Mary
Brewster, William
Brewster, Wrestling
Bridgewater, town of
Britteridge, Richard
Brookfield, town of
Brown, John
Brown, Peter
buff coat
Bull's garrison
Canacum (sachem)
Canonchet (sachem)
Canonicus (sachem)
Cape Cod
track off of
Pilgrims' exploration expeditions of 1620, to find settlement site
Carver, John
Carver, Katherine
Champlain, samuel
map of Plymouth Harbor
Charles I, King of England
Charles II, King of England
Charles River
Chilton, Mary
Christianity, conversion of Indians to
Church, Alice
Church, Benjamin
Awashonks and
King Philip's War and
military tactics and
Church, Constant
Church, Thomas
Church of England
Clark, John
Clark's Island
Cold Harbor
Cole, Hugh
Connecticut, colony of
King Philip's War and
settlement of
Connecticut River
Conway, Peter
Cook, Caleb
Cook, Francis
Coppin, Robert
Corbitant (sachem)
corn, Indian (maize)
King Philip's War and
planting of
stolen on exploration expedition of 1620,
Corn Hill
Cotton, Reverend John
Council for New England
Covenant Chain
Crackston, John
Cromwell, Oliver
Cudworth, James
Cushman, Robert
Cushman, Thomas
Dartmouth, town of
Davenport, Captain Nathaniel
Deerfield, town of
Deer Island
deer traps, Indian
Delano, Jonathan
de la Noye, Philip
Denison, Captain George
de Rasiere, Isaack
Dermer, Thomas
Doty, Edward
Doublet, Tom
Duxbury, town of
Eastham, town of
Eaton, Francis
Eliot, John
England, civil war in
Epenow (sachem)
Faunce, Thomas
First Encounter Beach
First Thanksgiving
fish and fishing
fertilizing the soil with
Ford, John
Ford, Martha
Foxe, John
King Philip's War and
Fuller, Matthew
Fuller, samuel
fur trade
Gardner, Captain Joseph
Gardner's Neck
Gill, John
Goodman, John
Good Newes from New England
Gookin, Captain Daniel
Gorham, Captain John
Gosnold, Barthomew
Goulding, Captain Roger
matchlock muskets
Native American culture, incorporated into
Philip's preparation for war
Gurnet peninsula
Hamden, John
Hammond, William
Harlow, Edward
Harvard College
Heale, Giles
Henchman, Captain Daniel
Herring River
Hoar, John
Massasoit's illness and
Hog Island
Honest George (sakonnet Indian)
Hopkins, stephen
on exploration expeditions of 1620,
family of
visits Massasoit in summer of 1621,
Howland, Elizabeth
Howland, Isaac
Howland, Jabez
Howland, John
Hubbard, William
Hunt, Thomas
Iyanough (sachem)
James (Praying Indian)
James I, King of England
Jamestown, Virginia
Jeffrey (Indian with Church)
Job Kattenanit
Johnson, Captain Isaac
Jones, Christopher
on exploration expedition of 1620,
as master of
The Mayflower
Jones, John
Jones, Josian
Jones River
King Philip's War
death and destruction resulting from
enslavement of Indians
friendly fire
Great swamp Fight
the Hungry March
Indian military tactics, English adaptation of
Pease Field Fight
Philip's movements during
Philip's preparations for
Plymouth Council of War
Lancaster, town of
land sales
by Alexander of Pokanoket
cultural differences in understanding of
by Massasoit
Philip and
Leiden, Holland
Leister, Edward
Leverett, John
Lightfoot (sakonnet Indian)
Lucas, Thomas
corn, Indian (maize)
Marlborough, town of
Marshfield, town of
Martha's Vineyard
Martin, Christopher
Martin, Mary
Massachusetts, the
exploration expedition to land of
King Philip's War and
Narragansetts alliance
plot against Plymouth and Wessagussett, and ensuing massacre
Massachusetts Bay Colony the Abenakis and
diplomacy before King Philip's War
establishment of
King Philip's War and
Pequot War of 1637,
alliance with the Pilgrims
death of
diplomatic relations established with Pilgrims
First Thanksgiving and
land sales
Plymouth delegation visits, in summer of 1621,
the Quabaugs and
squanto and,
squanto, Massasoit and
Winslow saves life of
mastiffs, English
Mather, Cotton
Mather, Increase
Mathias (sakonnet Indian)
Mattapoisett, village of
arrival at Plymouth Harbor
deaths on
departure from Plymouth
fate of
non-separatists (“strangers”) on
off Cape Cod, track
passage to America
passengers aboard
return to England in April 1621,
sickness on
track of the
transport of goods to shore
Mayflower Compact
Mayflower II, 3,
Medfield, town of
memory holes
Menameset, village of
Mendon, town of
Miantonomi (sachem)
uniting Native peoples of New England
Middleborough, town of
Miles, John
Miles garrison
Miller's River
Mohawks, King Philip's War and
King Philip's War and
Monponsett Pond
More, Jasper
Morton, Thomas
Moseley, Captain samuel
background of
King Philip's War and
mountain lions
Mount Hope
fort built at
during King Philip's War
map of region of, June-August 1675,
Mourt's Relation
(Bradford and Winslow)
Mullins, Priscilla
Mullins, William
Narragansett, fort at
enmity with other tribes
Great swamp Fight
King Philip's War and
Massachusetts alliance
Pequot War of 1637 and
Native Americans of southern New England:
agriculture and
Christianity and
guns incorporated into culture of
King Philip's War, impact of
plague devastating
ritual dances
tribal areas, in 1600s,
war dance
Wessagussett massacre, effects of
Billington boy and
corn stolen on Pilgrim exploration expedition of 1620,
Nemasket, village of
Nemaskets, King Philip's War and
New Bedford Harbor
Newman, Noah
New Netherland
New York, colony of
see also
Manhattan; New Netherland
Ninigret II,
King Philip's War and
Nipsachuck region
Nompash (sakonnet warrior)
Northfield, town of
Obtakiest (sachem)
Of Plymouth Plantation
Oliver, Captain James
Pepper, Robert
Pequots, King Philip's War and
Pequot War of 1637,
Peter (Indian guide)
Peter (son of Awashonks)
Alexander's death and
becomes supreme sachem of the Pokanokets
coat of wampum
death of
King Philip's War,
King Philip's War
land sales and
name change
Plymouth Court and
Mary Rowlandson and
sassamon's betrayals of
Josiah Winslow and
Pierce, Captain Michael
Pilgrim Hall
Pilgrim Lake
departure from Delfshaven
distinction between “Puritans” and
exploration expeditions of 1620,
First Thanksgiving
landing in the New World
land purchased from Indians,
land sales
in Leiden
religious motivation of
religious practice
settlement site, exploration expeditions to find
see also
Plymouth Colony
Pilgrim spring
Plimoth Plantation
Plymouth Bay
Plymouth Colony
agriculture in
births and deaths, in first year
cannons for defense of
Cole's Hill
conflict between Pilgram and strangers
the first year
Fort Hill
Indian relations,
see specific tribes and sachems
King Philip's War and,
King Philip's War
land ownership,
land sales
layout of
settlement site
town formation and
wall built around
Watson's Hill
see also
Plymouth Harbor
Champlain's map of
map of
Plymouth Rock

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