The Mechanic's Mate (20 page)

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Authors: Mikea Howard

BOOK: The Mechanic's Mate
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Chapter 33

Domek forgot how unnerving owls could be. Or rather, how unnerving someone with ‘sight’ could be. Not all owls had it. He’d previously met only one other that had soul sight; details he’d suppressed bubbled to the surface of his psyche.

Domek sat and watched as Eridon paced the kitchen waiting for the owl to pour them some tea. They had traveled for days in search of Otik, and it had taken some huffing and puffing to convince him that it was okay letting two wolves in. Owl Shifters, are only born, not made, the rarest of them being Barn Owls. The goddess allowed just one Barn Owl Shifter birth every decade. Needless to say, it made them a tad paranoid. Hence, it took almost an hour of discussion through the door to convince Otik that they were allies.

“Life as a sickly human child was not kind,” the long limbed, pale faced man with reddish blond hair and beak of a nose stated while handing a cup of tea to the beta. “It stains your soul, wolf.”

“Living without proper medicine could never be kind, owl. But that was life in the Scrub encampment. Blue Wolf’s residents were strong, requiring no modern medicine, but our parents thought, we, as humans, could live the same way. It taught me to survive until . . .” Domek knew what was left out, and so did Otik.

Easing his gaze in Domek’s direction, Otik continued, “Until you convinced a member that you would be an asset to his pack, as a wolf. However, you were not completely honest with them were you?”

Eridon took offense, his voice rumbled, “What do you mean? I have the ability to outthink anyone. I keep us one-step ahead of any enemy. I have always been honest about my ability, and proved it many times. How else could I’ve moved up in the pack?”

Otik’s solid black eyes focused intently on the beta as his head, shoulders, then torso did a little shimmy. Shaking as though something distasteful had hit his senses and he needed it off, now. Domek found the move reminiscent of birds shaking water from their feathers. Perhaps he had a disliking for ‘made’ Shifters. He’d heard it rumored that ‘born only’ species had a tendency toward prejudice.

The owl replied, “You felt weak, powerless, so you found things weaker and more powerless. Hurting them made you superior. You wanted to be a wolf so things stronger than you as a human, would be comparatively feeble.” Leaving the kitchen, Otik sat himself in his entry room addressing Domek. “Is that why you came so far seeking my counsel, Alpha? You knew, yet you hoped he could change?”

“He has been trained . . . No longer hurts things just to take pleasure in their pain.”

“But, Alpha, there is no difference between physical and psychological pain.” Otik had turned his black eyes onto him, peering into his soul this time. “This man has hurt one so much mentally, that they hurt themselves physically, hasn’t he?”

Domek thought of Karel, Kara’s twin sister, and her hollow sad eyes. She’d stopped interacting with the pack and began cutting herself . . . Moving away, he returned to the kitchen where Eridon still nervously paced while sipping his tea. He appeared wrapped up in his own contemplations, processing the owl’s statements.

Otik leaned in close to Domek, speaking in a low tone, “Some souls are born black, dear Alpha, and you just can’t save them.” He glanced in Eridon’s direction. “I need to speak in private with you about something. Something Gaia herself imprinted in your soul, Alpha. If you will please follow me.”

The lanky man stood, leading Domek across his house to a bedroom, and closed the door behind them. “Your soul has been fated.”

“Fated? How? Being more specific would be helpful, owl.”

“Our goddess has already picked which thread yours will be entwined with, the other half of your soul. From the city of diesel she will bring change to wolves with hammer, wrench, strength of mind and will. Thus in turn make you an even stronger presence in the world of Shifters.”

“That is nonsense. Gaia and her fates don’t meddle in the lives of wolves. Nor would she taint me with a heretic dieselhead woma
n . . .” Domek stopped as both of their ears perked up at a creak outside the door.

Otik opened it quickly but no one stood there so they headed back. Eridon no longer paced, he leaned against the counter drinking his tea, woolgathering. Despite his appearance of calm, his pulse beat hard against his neck while taking shallow breaths.

Their already reluctant host squinted at the beta as he spoke under his breath to the alpha, “I ken you have a good soul. You want to believe the best, that there is hope. But I must warn you wolf, be wary of him.”

Domek mumbled, “From the city of diesel . . . hammer, wrench, strength of mind and will . . .” under his breath when the memory faded. His consciousness returned to the here and now, in Eureka, with an older, larger owl staring at him.

Sadie’s hand grasped his arm, regarding him with concern. “Alpha, are you ok?”

“Hi-de-ho, Alpha. Did you bring us something from your trip?” The old owl chuckled, pleased with his joke.

“Price, we were talking about your price for the information we seek,” Dom said shaking free of the old memory. “Before I agree to a price, I need proof that you have what we need. I agree to nothing until then.”

Oldrich sat back, pulling at his beard, examining Domek, his left horned eyebrow raised. You could almost hear wheels turning in the old man’s mind.
I bet he’s working out how much to give us for free, making us willing to pay anything, but without giving us too much.
Putting on his best ‘bring it’ alpha face, he stared back.

“I had another curious visitor seeking this same information. He paid handsomely for it too. But, he knows that my information is always good. Just like the first time he sought me out after arriving here, in Eureka, casting about for . . .” Oldrich glanced briefly in Sadie’s direction, rolling his eyes to the ceiling he avoided Domek’s stare. “The answer to a riddle he wished to solve.”

“Eridon!” Domek said, shocked. “Eridon has been here multiple times? What prices did

The owl scoffed. “For one with a soul stained as dark as his I tripled my price in hopes it would just make him go away. But when he came up with my required lettuce . . . well, even my reluctance to aid such darkness, staining my own soul in the process, was outweighed by my need to eat. Will you pay as much as Eridon for it?”

This seer tested Domek’s patience beyond reason. As he grabbed Sadie’s hand, ready to leave, Oldrich struggled getting out of his seat. Approaching a wooden secretary surrounded by, and covered in piles of paper, he opened a hidden center drawer at the back, removing an envelope. He stood considering it for a bit giving one decisive nod, and turned around, walking back to stand next to Sadie.

Meeting her eyes he said, “What’s it worth to you doll? Most info I have is above your pay grade. I know, out of you two, you understand my need to charge. Otherwise I’d be on the nut in this city. No lettuce to feed myself.”

Domek waited without speaking beside Sadie as she glanced between Oldrich, the envelope, and himself multiple times. “I’d give my life to be rid of him. Ensuring no one else suffers at his hand.”

Domek jumped up, grabbed their answers from the owl, placing Oldrich between Sadie and himself, barking out, “No! Oldrich, you will
hold her to that! As one of my omega wolves she does not have authority to make deals when I am present. What do you want from me? How much money do you need?”

The owl turned his head slowly around toward him, his neck rotating beyond most people’s normal range. Proving once again that even in human form, this being embodied more owl than man.

Domek’s jaw dropped, taken aback and quite unnerved when Oldrich repeated his own words. “Money gives a false sense of superiority, Alpha. It can buy false personas.” His head rotating back toward Sadie, he added, “If you won’t allow this dame ta pay with her life, then a favor from you . . . at a later date . . . a task still unknown . . . for something still unseen.”

Full Moon! Domek had just been—
how would Sadie put it?
— taken for a ride. Oldrich knew exactly how to get what he had wanted all along. Owls might not even bargain with lives.

“Fine. Done. Now what information do you have?” Domek tore open the envelope, bellowing as he stared at its contents, “What’s your game owl? This paper is blank!”

Sadie gasped, jumping up to take it from his hands, turning it over multiple times as though words would appear at some point. Oldrich shuffled back over to settle into his chair. Laughing. The annoying bastard laughed. Domek now knew why Gaia only allowed them to be born, instead of made, too many gifts bestowed makes them complete assholes.

“Saps, why would I bother spilling onto paper what I have firmly in my head? Risk someone nabbing it without leaving scratch?” Folding his hands on his lap, he leaned back in his chair expectantly. “So you ‘gonna just stand there, or you planning on sitn’ down so I can explain what I already told that other wolf sniffing around my old nest. Besides, there’re a few extra details I may have left out of his information that might prove useful.”

Chapter 34

It had grown dark by the time they finished talking to Oldrich. While she might have asked to stay the night at his place, she knew Domek wouldn’t agree. Still upset by the knowledge the owl gave Eridon, he made it clear he just wanted to be away from him. She got that, but couldn’t bring herself to be angry at Oldrich in the least. Sadie liked him. He sold his sight, and obviously tried not to sell his soul right along with it, but he had no idea such innocuous information could be so devastating.

Well, not until he shared it so that the future could be possible. Even while acting defensive, regret shone in his enormous eyes. That’s why he gave them extra tidbits hoping to help put them a couple steps ahead of the other wolf. She suspected his moving to this new ‘nest’ had something to do with Eridon as well.

Sadie sighed as they stood on the porch, unhappy to leave the soundproofing. Sidling up against Domek, she asked, “Where to?”

“I think it’s too late to travel all the way back home and I can’t sleep in this city, it’s already grating on my nerves again. How far to get out of town heading north?” he said pointing towards the river.

“It would take us just about ten minutes to get to the edge of town. How far out should we hike from there?”

“Just until it’s not so loud.” He cocked his head, glancing at her. “Are you okay with sleeping in the woods?”

Sadie shrugged. “I didn’t even think about that, so, yes, I guess I am.”

They managed an uneventful hike into the woods. Sadie spoke very little, letting Domek mull over the information they received. She let her own thoughts wander as well, trying to digest what the owl said. When he stopped short and inhaled, the noise seemed little more than a low hum in the background. Taking in their surroundings, she spied a large rock hiding a crevice beneath it they could sleep in. The heavily wooded area enclosed them in privacy.

Turning to view the distance they just traversed, Sadie had no idea how she made it through without even stumbling. She should be sprawled out at the bottom of a ravine somewhere for the attention she paid.
Double extra points.

Smiling at Domek to tell him she had so many personal points she was lousy with them, she noticed he remained distracted. She took a moment to study him, how much strength he packed into that body, but somehow never abused that power. Sadie never questioned his intentions or doubted him, as though from the moment they crossed paths an unbreakable connection tied them. Considering the hell she’d escaped, only fate allowed her to trust him with such ease. While studying Domek, the primal animal inside him flashed in her vision showing what he needed.

“Alpha, would you like to go for a run?”

His preoccupation vanished, cracking a wide smile. “Oh, Sadie, there is nothing I’d like better right now.”

She laughed walking toward him, to wrap her arms around his waist, taking in his sandalwood and evergreen. The scent she associated with home, with love, but she couldn’t share that now.

Thanks to Oldrich’s disclosure, she knew her fate. She tied her life to a monster, one she could not allow to live. Domek’s plan to just imprison him didn’t guarantee he couldn’t hurt another; Eridon needed to die. Just wanting to enjoy what time she had left with the man by her side, she’d hope for the best but prepare for the worst. That her alpha survived whatever came next became the highest priority. She smiled, kissing his chest and pulled back preparing to shift.

She winked cheekily at him unbuttoning her shirt, pulling its tails out of the skirt she wore. Because of her alpha’s edict, undressing took mere seconds since she only had shoes, a skirt, and a shirt to remove. With no need to wait, she initiated her own shift because she could now. Welcoming the familiar pain, she shifted beside her alpha, panting through the reknitting. Domek, already shifted, licked her muzzle and ears as her transformation completed.

Once the pain subsided he nudged her, ready to play. She rolled all the way over, gave a huge wolf style stretch, and sprinted into the thick woods starting a game of chase. They ran, playing until even Sadie’s cinnamon wolf exhausted herself, prior to heading to the rock for the night. Tired enough, she considered sleeping in her lupine form.

Is it possible to shift in my sleep?

Domek nipped at her playfully, not agreeing with that plan. Sadie willed her return by the third or fourth prod, giving a huge sigh when her body began the transformation. As broken bones fused, Domek, already finished shifting, arranged a nice wool blanket for them to use as a bed tonight. Carrying her to the nest he created, he laid her down, spreading another blanket on top, and spooned in behind her. He held her through the chills that racked her body after the shift, less now than the other times, but still debilitating. She got even warmer as he placed light kisses up her neck to ear.

“Thank you, Sadie, for knowing exactly what I needed. For knowing me.” He nipped and sucked at her earlobe as he ran his hand down from her breast to her knee. The sensation of his skin made her break out in gooseflesh. Pulling her leg open, stretching it over his, he rolled her hips back slightly. Brushing up her thigh he followed the crease back down to her folds. Middle and index finger on either side of her clit he pinched, rubbing in a circular motion. He brought the arm under her head around to gently roll her nipple at the same time.

Sadie arched her spine to glide his cock between her folds trying to get him to enter her. It felt right. To her, all of this felt like destiny, just the two of them entwined. No longer concerned if it remained wrong due to her mating, she decided to just savor every moment she had left with him.

“Mmmm, ummm, little rabbit. Do you think you can take control and make me do something?”

Sadie chuckled. “You caught me, Alpha. Could you do a dame a favor?”

“Well, I’m entertaining favors for one dieselhead at present. What does she want?”

“Domek, please . . . take me, make me come, make me forget. I don’t want to think about yesterday’s mistakes or tomorrow’s obstacles. Please, Alpha.”

“Anything for you, Sadie,” he said, entering her at a leisurely, even pace.

He rocked into her, continuing a slow steady rhythm, licking and nipping at her shoulder and neck. Rubbing her clitoris he rolled her nipple with equal pressure. The tension of looming euphoria built in increments at this rate, until she pushed back toward him. She still couldn’t get enough of him inside her; longing to feel him deep within her pussy. Sadie needed to feel the head of his cock bumping her cervix.

“I got you, baby,” Domek said, removing the hand from her breast, placing it to her head. He pushed her forward, until she bent at a ninety-degree angle. The new position allowed him to fill her completely, and it still wasn’t enough. She needed more. He’d opened her to his rougher pleasures that she needed from him right now. As though he could read her mind, he fisted her hair, pulling hard enough to give a small bite of pain to her scalp with every thrust still rubbing her clit.

“Please, Alpha.” She panted, ready to go over the edge.

“Come for me, rabbit,” Domek said thrusting harder, increasing the tug on her hair.

Sadie exploded, calling out wordlessly, her inner muscles throbbing and grabbing. He released deep inside her, each jerk of his erection giving her the sensation of finally being filled with every part of his essence.

After a moment to catch his breath, he untwisted his hand, letting his fingers gently comb through her hair. Placing a palm on her sternum, grabbing her neck loosely, he slid her back up to his chest again. Domek propped himself on one elbow grabbing her chin with his other hand to turn her face, so he could kiss her lips. Settling down again, he wrapped his arms around Sadie, cuddling tight as they both drifted off to sleep.

Domek dreamed that night of another life, one where he’d believed Otik, found Sadie, and mated her proper, well, and true.

Before Eridon had a chance to claim her.

His dream unfolded in his mind, a different path taken, a reality where he never needed the services of Oldrich . . .

He walked into the mechanic’s workshop calling out, “Hello? Is anyone here?” After no answer, he called out a little louder. “I’ve come from the wolf enclave in search of something.” Under his breath he added, “Or someone.” He raised his voice again. “That can help us fix our water wheel and hydro-power generator. It’s failing. We would like to discuss assistance with parts and repairs.”

Using the story he had concocted when he elected to search out the mate Otik told him waited out there. Thanks to that riddle he assumed he’d have to search Eureka for some woman who used a hammer and wrench. So here he stood, in the city he abhorred, at a mecha shop filled with scents that destroyed his senses, searching out a woman he had never met.

He heard a reply from the back of the shop, from underneath a motorcar. “Yeah, yeah bush hound, we hear ya. Give us a chance to get out from under this jalopy will ya. It’s not like we have any young fellas work’n here.”

Another, older, deeper voice replied, “Now watch that kisser of yours, dish, we ain't that slow. Besides we can take our time, it’s not like he’s got a bean-shooter to our heads. Oh and applesauce, this old dapper still proves to be a ducky hoofer.”

“Ha! Dancing, or should I say shuffling since that’s what you do,” she taunted while crawling out from under a gigantic metal beast. “They’re two different things Father Time. Listen Fuddy-Duddy, who are you, calling me dish while I’m workin’?”

“Your Pop, that’s who. Here, take my rag to clean your mug then go gab with this appleknocker.”

“Well, good thing this dish didn’t get her looks from her Pop. Why do you care how clean my mug is? You think’n this bush hound’s sheik or someth’n?”

He couldn’t help but be amused by the diesel-speak banter that he barely understood as the old man drug himself out from under the motorcar, getting up. Still talking, they stood, backs to him, one garbed in dirt and grease covered mechanic's coveralls. The other wore a brown vest with a multi buckled tool belt over a white blouse, using the proffered hankie to wipe one cheek. The latter pulled long sooty gloves from her arms revealing pristine white ones with open fingers she used to pull the tech goggles off her eyes when turning to face him. This woman’s beautiful hazel eyes stunned him, even while standing in the noise and oil filled room. Everything else disappeared. Domek’s chest tightened. In typical dream form, he knew his fated mate stood in front of him, the one Otik prophesied, but was meeting her for the first time.

While he stood there struck dumb by her, she walked up, extended a hand to shake, desperately trying to make eye contact with him, but just achieving brief glances.

“Hi-de-ho, welcome to Pop’s Shop, I’m Sadie.” She pointed with one thumb over her shoulder. “That face stretcher is Pop.”

When he grasped her hand to shake it, a small jolt of energy passed up his arm, to his chest, and straight down to his cock, making it hard in an instant.

The dream shifted. He courted her like a proper gentleman, meeting her just outside Eureka for a picnic and a walk. She wore his favorite yellow dress. Sure, it had been made by Helena at the enclave, but his subconscious put her in it because he loved how it clung to her curves, yet hung light and flowing, almost see through.

He fed her some slices of cheese on thin slices of roasted lamb, leftover from the pack’s gathering the night before. Running his thumb across her bottom lip as she closed them over his offering he removed the small flake of lamb resting there.

“I’d like to have you come to our next gathering. The members of my pack are anxious to meet you,” he said picking out another item.

“I, I don’t know. I’ve never been that far from Eureka.” She took a bite of the strawberry he rested on her lips, nervously chewing. “Do they even like city slickers?”

He set down the stem, reached over and lightly grasped her chin. “Look at me, Sadie, look into my eyes, past them . . . into my soul. See how much this wolf likes a city slicker.” She met his gaze as he leaned down and kissed her, pulling away slowly. “How could they not fall for you as hard as I have?” He leaned down again to claim her mouth with his once more.

The dream shifted once again, to them naked on his bed, her arms above her, both wrists pinned in his hand. His left forearm braced on the pillow as he kissed her hard, their tongues dueling for dominance.

He moved the kisses down from cheek to ear where he whispered, “Goddess, Sadie, I can’t get enough of you. I want you always. Look me in the eyes.”

Locking eyes, he moved his left hand down between them to press the head of his cock right against her wet folds, but didn’t go any further asking, “Sadie . . . Do you accept me as your mate?”

Her eyes shining with tears, she smiled at him. “I . . .”

As she almost completed the mating his wolf perked up, warning him of multiple footsteps approaching them in their bed. They closed in slow, as though sneaking, but still crunched on dead leaves and twigs, getting louder as they got near. Wait? Dead leaves and twigs in the bedroom? When did those blow into his bedroom? The wolf began howling, its message called urgent and clear.

Wake up! Danger! Time to fight! Wake up! Wake up!

Domek’s eyes snapped open just in time for multiple pairs of hands to grab his arms, legs, chest, and head, pinning him down to the ground. He kicked and jerked, furiously searching next to him to locate Sadie. But the men who reeked of city blocked his view. It didn’t matter, he didn’t need to view who attacked them. Eridon’s stench permeated the area.

The men fighting to hold him down must be the rogues Marek told him about. The ones moving about the cave Eridon hid in. They began punching him all over while he managed to work one arm free. He landed a few quality hits, breaking a nose and blacking an eye or two, until they all focused their strikes on his solar plexus and head. Domek withstood it as long as he could, then the world went dark.

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