The Mechanic's Mate (15 page)

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Authors: Mikea Howard

BOOK: The Mechanic's Mate
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This isn’t my punishment?

Undressing and kneeling before him, proving obedience wasn’t enough? What else could he have in mind? Eridon had tied Sadie up, and beaten her until she bled. Would he do that? Were bad wolves beaten until they’re bloody? She almost hyperventilated as panic crept in.

Chapter 22

He took his hand from her face and offered it to her, standing up. Yet another unspoken command that Sadie found she could read with ease. Glancing down, she placed her hand in his, as he helped her up. Dom led her through his kitchen to a door in back, and opened it, causing confusion.

They entered a large pantry filled with jars of preserves and dry goods. Closing the door behind them, he continued on to push against the back wall. With a click, it popped up and the outline of a door appeared. Once opened, light from the pantry revealed stairs leading down. Cool air and the smell of moisture eased over her senses. He had a secret cellar, and now led her down the stairs into it to punish her.

Even with her improved night vision, thanks to her wolf, it took her eyes a second to adjust to the complete lack of light. She held his hand a little tighter as he led her in deeper. They didn’t go far before he let go of her grasp.

“Stay here,” Domek commanded, walking away.

Ohhhh kaaaay. Like I can find my way around to go anywhere.
Sadie closed her eyes hoping to kick some other improved werewolf senses in and figure out what she stood in the middle of. Taking a deep breath her nose detected aged wood, tanned leather, sweet beeswax, and metal. Her ears perked up at the clink of chains being bumped. Chains . . . that hung to her left.

Chains!? ohmygoddessohmygodddessohmygoddess. Calm down, Sadie, just like Domek told you, all you have to do is say stop.

Sadie’s ears perked once more to a match being struck. Nose twitching, she smelled a candle burning. She opened her eyes to be greeted by soft candlelight illuminating the room. Domek kept his back to her, lighting more candles on a small workbench. Glancing around, in an instant she froze in place, eyes wide.

The room she stood in likened Spanish Inquisition torture rooms pictured in history books. She scanned the room, first focusing on the thin chains hanging from the ceiling, draping down walls. Relieved that they appeared so thin she could break the links with no trouble, if she tried. Further into the room rested a tall skinny bench covered with padded leather. On one wall ‘tools’ hung in a neat, uniformed manner, much like how she used to keep hers at Pop’s Shop. Well, the ones she used most to have them close at hand. Sadie walked over to the wall of ‘tools’, to examine each one closer. If these represented the instruments he preferred to use . . .

A few different sized wooden paddles, familiar to her, dangled closest. Eureka South’s school marm loved to use them on insolent children. Some of these had holes cut out. Moving in closer she noted not just plain circles, but paw prints. He must have a sense of humor to mix this in with his punishments.

Next to those hung something new to her, she ran her hands along it. A solid wood handle wrapped in smooth leather with quarter inch wide strips dangling off one end. She ran her fingers through leather ribbons, grasping a handful. So soft, she loved the tickle as they brushed along her skin.

She couldn’t help but wonder how many of his casual encounters with other women ended with these things. Her heart ached at the thought. The next items she noticed made her breath hitch, and nipples tighten, shaken by a combination of past fears, and recent pleasures. Domek had more ropes draped over hooks, a bit thicker than the ones he used on her.

“You do have a hard time following direct commands at times, don’t you.” He didn’t phrase it as a question, more as a statement.

Startled, Sadie spun around. He walked up to her, with a firm grasp on her chin he forced her gaze up at him again. She skirted her eyes around his face to his neck. Holding her there, he reached his other hand past her to something on the wall, coming back with ropes in his hands. Turning around he moved to the padded bench.

In that deep, calm, even tone he said, “You will come over here, press your hips against this and spread your legs so your feet line up with its legs.”

Once again, she found she couldn’t stop herself. Her body took over, following his directions on its own. Because the bench’s legs came out toward her at a slight angle she had to lean forward toward it to get her hips to it. So she balanced herself by grasping the padded leather on the center bar.

Domek knelt to her right moving her bare foot to rest just to the leg’s side, so that it pressed against her arch. He took one of the ropes draped over his shoulder and proceeded to tie her ankle to the bench. The rope pulled tight enough to press into her skin, but not so tight as to cut. He even slipped his finger between the rope and her leg. Sadie couldn’t help but feel safe when he stopped and checked if he left enough space. She also filled with pride for remaining calm. Even as he moved to her other side and repeated the process, securing her further.

Dom challenged that calm when he moved around, faced her, cupped his hand on the back of her neck, and said, “Bend over, Sadie. Bend all the way over it, stretch your arms out and grasp the legs as close to the floor as possible.”

Taking a shaky breath, she couldn’t help the jolt of fear that ran through her, but the desire to keep going on helped her bend over. The bench, just a little bit taller than the natural bend in her waist, forced Sadie to stretch onto tiptoes to complete the position. Thankfully, the slight angle of the legs that forced her to lean forward on one side, made it easier to reach out and grab the legs on this side. She noted he’d bolted the bench to the floor to keep it from moving and tipping over, a good thing since she remained terribly off balance in this position.

Tying her wrists to the bench legs in the same manner, he took a moment to check her ankles again now that they strained more while balanced on arched feet. The bonds must have been to his liking because he gave a slight adjustment to their position, instead of untying them. Rising, he ran his hand along her back and over her ass, stopping to caress the exposed folds between her legs.

Sadie dropped her head to view Domek from between spread legs. Through her upside down view he walked to the wall of tools, hovering his hand over the paw print paddle. Butterflies filled her belly when, appearing to change his mind, he took the soft leather one with all the little strips she’d examined earlier. Turning around he cocked his head at her, contemplating. He held the thing in his right hand, flicking his wrist, landing light strikes against his other palm with the leather strips. It gave her a good idea as to how he used it.

Domek approached, and standing behind her, took a firm hold of her left hip. He spoke with a calm sound, as you would an animal you didn’t want to scare away. “You chose to go against your alpha by leaving for the city. I’m responsible for your protection, yet you put yourself at risk. You knew I would be angry when you left for Eureka. Didn’t you, Sadie?”

“Yes, Alpha. I’m sorry.” And in her heart she meant it.

“Sorry for what, Sadie? Are you sorry you scared everyone? Or because you almost got yourself caught by Eridon? Or for displeasing your,” he paused, sounding as though he choked down words, continuing on, “your alpha? Which one, Sadie?”

“I’m sorry for, for all of it, but above all for displeasing you, Alpha.”

“If you feel sorry for displeasing me, I want you to call out ‘I will not displease my alpha’ every time this flogger strikes your beautiful bottom.”

She didn’t even have time to process his statement as his left hand tightened its grip on her waist and he moved back the other arm. The thin leather strips struck her right cheek’s fleshy part. It stung a little, but not as bad as she anticipated.

“You didn’t say it, Sadie. That means you're not sorry for displeasing me.”

Another strike, this time harder, so she cried out, “I will not displease my alpha!”

“Excellent, Sadie. Just like that,” he cooed to her, and then struck again.

“I will not displease my alpha!”

The flogger stung more every time it landed. Either he hit her with more force each time or her poor cheek just got more sensitive with each stroke. This back and forth, call and response type punishment continued for five more lashings. Then Domek removed the hand holding her hip, repositioning himself behind her. He smoothed, caressed, and rubbed her stinging cheek, gliding his palm over the marks. He gave the flogger a soft-handed flick, making the tips sweep and slap between her legs in a tender manner. The heady combination of sensations caused her to dampen and swell. Switching to rough kneading on her sore ass cheek, he increased the sting while teasing her clit with the soft strands. He drove up her desire with a light mix of discomfort and pleasure.

“You do please me, Sadie. Your quiet gasps and moans please me. Feeling you dampen pleases me.” Flicking the flogger with more snap, Dom created a slight sting on her folds and clit. “Seeing you work with the pups pleases me. Smelling your honeysuckle scent as I move through the building, it pleases me.”

He flicked the flogger even harder causing Sadie to gasp, adding, “But when you do something that you know will displease me . . . you get my punishment.”

Switching in a deft movement he grabbed her right hip lashing down on her left cheek and Sadie automatically cried out, “I will not displease my alpha!”

Again and again and again. Sobbing, not because of pain, but because she
was sorry for displeasing him. She never wanted to displease him again. As though reading her mind, or she may have even mumbled it out loud, Dom dropped the flogger to the ground.

She heard the metal teeth separating as he unzipped his pants, followed by the rustle of fabric as his pants appeared at his ankles. He whispered, “That’s my girl. I know you don’t . . .” Then he slid his cock into her and she sobbed again, this time for joy.

Pumping in slow strokes at first, with hands on her hips he moved into a more consistent pace. The bench kept her from being pushed away when he thrust causing his balls to slap her tender clit. Sadie lost herself in the sensation. Her coming orgasm’s heat built, and she let it creep over her. Sliding his hands to her ass, he began kneading at already sensitive cheeks, speeding up the pace of his thrusts. The pressure threatened to push her over the edge.

Domek must have sensed its pending arrival commanding, “Come for me, Sadie. Serve me now by coming.”

As she cried out, her inner muscles spasmed around his cock, milking him.

Dom groaned. “To hell with the fates, mated or not, you are mine, and I’m keeping you.” Joining her off the precipice, he kept his cock buried deep within as his seed spilled out. Folding his body over hers he nuzzled her neck.

“Full Moon, woman, you
please me. So damn much.”

Placing a soft kiss behind her ear as he straightened, he eased his cock out, and pulled his pants back up. Domek came around and untied her wrists first, followed by ankles. Removing the ropes with gentle fingers, her alpha rubbed every area the binding touched, placing a soft kiss on each limb before setting it down. He stood up behind her, and like when she untied her boots, collared her neck with his fingers, sliding the other arm around her chest pulling her against him. Holding Sadie there, secure against him, an unexpected sensation flowed over her.

Her heart felt protected, wrapped tight in a warm fist. Finally safe here, with him.

Chapter 23

Sadie woke to Domek’s scent. While she knew he no longer rested in bed, whiffing his presence on the pillow and comforter provided a ghost of him. Her body ached. So sore, blessedly sore from being well loved.

Not that she knew, but she always imagined one should ache with bliss after a night with their mate. Up to now, nights with her mate did not leave any pleasurable memories. Banishing thoughts of Eridon, she rolled over to caress where her alpha’s head had rested. Sadie encountered a note written by the one who recently vacated that spot.

Little rabbit,

Breakfast is warm in the oven for you. I had to go do some research before work. I can’t wait to see you tonight.


She smiled, replaying last night. After her punishment, Domek tucked her into his bed, but he woke two more times to make love, or at least in her mind they made love. Although having little comparison with past experiences, it still felt like more than just sex. In the slow rocking movements of the darkened room, neither of them spoke, but it felt like they shared everything with each other. Or it could just be that Sadie carried a torch, couldn’t get enough of him, and was over the moon at hearing him say he wanted to keep her.

She slowly maneuvered out of bed in search of the toast, steak, and eggs left by him. Ensuring every ember went out the way Kara taught her, she pulled the plate, piled high with food, out and placed it on the counter. Without moving to go sit at the table, Sadie stood in place and ate every speck in, she assumed, two minutes. Eyes closed, she sighed, belly full with the best, most satisfying breakfast . . . Ever.

Stopping off at beta’s house to pick up everything left behind from the city excursion she also made sure her friend forgave her.

“I’m so sorry, Kara. I knew I needed to save my dad, but I hadn’t imagined how it would affect you or anyone else. I’ve only ever had to be concerned with myself and Pop. I take full responsibility for my negligence in not taking you and our friendship into consideration when I decided to sneak out of the enclave. I just don’t know how to fully express how sorry I am.”

While she couldn’t adequately explain the absolution she gained last night, not only from Dom but from herself, she knew Kara understood as she grabbed Sadie and gave her a tight hug and beaming smile. “All is forgiven. Yes, I was sick with worry, but I understand the concern you had for your father’s safety with that rat bastard Eridon still running wild.”

The weight of her guilt lifted as she replaced it with the weight of the bag she’d filled in her shop. Throwing it over her shoulder, she bid Kara farewell as she headed off to the smith’s shop.

Smitty, happy at seeing her enter, had minimal jobs waiting this morning. Sadie suspected that Domek had a hand in that, so asked if she could focus on projects for the pups after finishing those tasks. He, of course, had no problem with that. While working on tubing and dismantled gun parts, creating toys, Smitty looked over at it.

“That’s interesting.”

When she tested the first prototype, he laughed. “Well that’s different.”

Making much needed toys for kids filled her with joy. She couldn’t wait for their reactions. At shift’s end Sadie headed off toward the daycare center with newly made presents in tow.

Since her afternoon co-worker needed to be elsewhere, she was relieved that she had a plan and could manage it on her own.
Baptism by fire as Kara would say.
Sadie served lunch, followed by a story and naptime; precisely like every other day. She couldn’t wait to show the kids their new toys when they woke up though. She filled that time with busy work, waiting for her wards to stir, all the while giddy with excitement.

Domek’s research once again hit a wall. None of these books in the enclave library had anything about how a mating could be just partially complete. This couldn’t be the first time this had ever happened, could it? Only one person had been around before the Diesel War, Matus, Blue Wolf’s old healer. He’d have tomes at home older than any books found here. Besides, if relevant information couldn’t be found in a book, perhaps the old wolf alone would have answers. The healer had asked for some forest flora, and he needed to deliver it anyway.

While walking back Domek ran into Marek. Since their recent encounter with the rogue, his beta had taken most enforcers out to track Eridon’s new movements. As long as that rogue remained near Blue Wolf territory, he presented an issue. If he moved in any closer they would run the psychopath off, or with any luck, subdue and capture him.

He’d stressed ‘capture’ several times as this beta’s natural reaction to finding him could have fatal consequences for Sadie. Marek meant ‘God of War’, an apt name for his personality. He loved battling, with words or might and often lamented that he hadn’t been born eighty years earlier, to single handedly end
the Diesel War. But thank Gaia their topic of discussion didn’t lead that way . . . this time.

Marek’s face twisted, growling, “He’s up to something, Dom. That nose rotting rogue Eridon is up to something!”

“I see you have advanced to stating the obvious,” Domek replied, never stopping his quick stride.

“No, not his usual ‘up to something’. But, ‘
to something’.”

to something. Yes that clears it all up.” Shoving Marek, he threw him off balance. “Perhaps you could be less vague, War Monger.”

“Wow, Dom, your new pet names need some serious work. That’s sad, even for you old wolf.” Marek attempted a similar shove back. Domek stood strong giving as much as a brick wall. “But I’m serious,” Marek continued. “We tracked Eridon’s scent to a cave a few miles from here . . . his wasn’t the only scent. Other rogues from Eureka and machines, enough so the area reeked so bad of diesel we had to head back, or suffer losing our ability to smell all together.”

This news stopped Domek dead, his hand on his office door demanding, “How many others?”

“That’s the tip of god’s antlers, Dom. Their scent was primarily city stench, barely any animal left. We couldn’t determine how many because they almost smelled the same.”

“Minimal animal scent? That means old rogues with minds even crazier from exposure than Eridon.” Domek threw open the door heading for his desk. “It figures the bastard would trick other wolves into becoming his allies.”

“I don’t even know if they’re all wolves. There were some other faint smells we couldn’t place. That’s why I found
you. You’re still alpha, right?”

Domek gave Marek a sidelong glance followed by an eye roll. “You finally got balls big enough to fight me for my rank? Or does Kara still have them packed away as your mating gift?” As Marek attempted to shoot back a retort, Domek waved him off in the other direction. “Get your team back out there. Scout everything around it. I want to know what direction those machines travel, and descriptions of any other rogues spied coming or going.”

Marek left without another word. Domek opened the redwood box behind him, pulled out Matus’s satchel, and headed out the door. Closing it, something caught his attention. He tipped his head, tuning in on a ruckus down the hall. Shouting came from the pup’s daycare.

Was that something breaking and the cry of Balan, Grahm's youngest?
Domek took off at a run.

He reached the daycare in seconds. Glancing around their open play area he found it empty. Cries rang out again, from inside the daycare’s main office. Reaching for the door sobbing sounds passed beneath it. No wait, not sobbing . . . laughing. That deep belly guffaw that takes your breath away, making you gasp between bouts of body shaking. Above it, an exquisite sound echoed through the air. One that rose over a cacophony of pups, flowed out, and slid up like a hand caressing his cock.

was laughing. Domek threw the door open, anxious to view Sadie in the throes of pure joy. But the scene that played out in the room, drove him into an instant rage.

“What is the meaning of this?!” Domek bellowed.

Pups froze, with their jaws dropped wide open. Some even appeared to have wet themselves, moisture darkening their clothes.

His eyes, filled with fire, stared at her as she struggled at holding his gaze. Sadie’s face strained as she seemed to fight every urge to lower her eyes, but his dominance won out and they dropped.

“Pups, drop them now and leave us!”

Clanking of metal toy guns falling filled the room, followed by small feet scurrying out. As soon as the last one bolted out, he slammed the door shut, locked it, and stalked toward her. Domek modulated his voice low, almost quiet, as he tried to control blinding fury.

“Who gave them these blasphemous toys? Did you do this? How dare you bring such things into our enclave!” She just stood there, eyes averted. He barked, “Answer me.”

“They’re only toys,” Sadie whispered, barely audible. Clearing her throat, she straightened her spine, continuing louder, “They’re only toys. The pups loved them . . . besides they could use some actual toys to play with. You treat the children like future warriors, born just to work for you . . . you and your Nattie beliefs!”

“What’s next, Sadie? Do you also plan on teaching them that they should alter the bodies Gaia gave them with mecha parts?”

He knew it had been a low shot to bring Eridon into the argument, but in his anger it could not be stopped.

“Of course not!” Sadie shouted. “But your world will not end if pups learn to play with toys!”

She emphasized her point by aiming the toy tommy gun at him, and pulling the trigger. Ice-cold water hit him square in the chest. He sputtered incoherently gaping down at a now soaked shirt, causing Sadie’s guffaw. Covering her mouth she attempted to stop her laughter, but couldn’t. The rumpus from just moments before reignited so hard she wrapped an arm around her belly, gasping for air.

It seemed his booming voice had not caused pups to wet themselves. He’d been so preoccupied with the fact they had toy dieselhead guns that he hadn’t noticed their shirts dripped with water. Somehow, in his anger, he’d also missed how Sadie’s white blouse, also wet, clung across her chest. Nipples hard, chilled from cool water, were visible through the soaked, and now transparent fabric.

Get a grip Dom! What she’s done is serious. You don’t have time for this.

“You do not treat your alpha this way.”

Taking a step toward her, he reached out, ready to take the toy. Quickly lifting the gun with one hand, her other arm still pinned against her side, Sadie pulled the trigger again. This time she hit the front of his pants. Glancing at where she’d just soaked him, a hitch halted her breath, putting an abrupt end to her laughter. His obvious erection now appeared, outlined by the wet fabric’s darker color.

“Give me the gun

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