The Mechanic's Mate (14 page)

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Authors: Mikea Howard

BOOK: The Mechanic's Mate
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Chapter 21

Domek opened his front door, walked in ahead of her, stood with indifference as Sadie eased through the entrance, and closed it behind her in a solid motion. His mind a torrent of thoughts and emotions, he crossed the living room toward his old desk without acknowledging her presence. Grabbing some papers, he sat down in the low library style leather chair alongside it. Pretending to be engrossed as he flipped through the pages, every tendril of his attention focused on just her.

Her red cloak hung, she smoothed its material out with shaking fingers, obviously trying to stall. When he cleared his throat in warning, his skittish little rabbit jumped, hands dropping. Composure regained, although he could practically hear her racing heart, she undressed in slow movements, fumbling at the black shirt’s high collar. He liked how it accentuated her long neck; much like the red rope did earlier today. It made him picture always having something there, marking Sadie as his. He decided in that moment to give up the pretense—at least with himself—it no longer mattered she had mated another, this dieselhead belonged to him. His heart chose her and would accept no other.

After pulling the shirttails from the waist, she strained behind herself to reach any buttons, forcing her chest against the material. Domek gave a wordless compliment to Helena, or whoever made the blouse, for placing the buttons back there. Sadie extended her arms down in front of her, allowing fabric to flow down them. She folded her top like he told her, setting it down. Sadie swallowed, straightened, and unfastened the side of her black slacks with tremulous hands. Continuing down her hip, they forced her to cock it to open the buttons.

He never liked when women wore pants, preferring skirts instead. Not only did they leave fetching feminine silhouettes to any woman’s shape, but the loose material allowed him quick access, if he needed it at that moment. Slacks eased down and piled at her ankles as she bent over, bracing against the wall. Lifting a leg, she worked the wide pant down her still boot-covered foot. Domek started to appreciate the men’s fashion on Sadie, watching her shimmy and struggle.

Wait! Men’s boots?

Tall black military style shoes that had been sported by soldiers in the Diesel War. They encased her calves, but left the rest of the leg exposed.

Once the pants were off, she folded and placed them atop the blouse that lay next to her. Jaw locked, he sucked air through clenched teeth as Sadie reached back for the bra clasps, forcing her chest forward. Springing up, he moved with the speed of a hunting werewolf. Sadie froze when he pressed his body into her from behind.

He ordered her hands down, so she stood there, arms loose beside her. When he slid his fingers beneath the bra, Sadie’s skin rippled with goose pimples. Running the sensitive pads back and forth, he savored soft satin on one side and excited flesh on the other then released the hooks. Had he ever touched skin so soft? He couldn’t remember anyone else drawing his touch this much. Domek placed his hands on each side of her neck, letting them glide down, taking both bra straps with him. He pressed himself closer. From over her shoulder, he took in the view of ripe breasts, still covered by pointed cups.

Moving his hands to her ribcage, he slid them over the elastic, stopping once they cupped satin covered breasts. Reveling in their weight he squeezed then pulled the material down and off, admiring how it gave up its claim to her chest as its straps slid down the rest of her arms, onto his floor.

He moved around front to kneel. Her gaze dropped even further, making sure they stayed locked on her own booted feet. Curling his lips at the corners, he reached up, exploring along the waist of Sadie’s panties. Just like last time, she gasped when he tore them away. Domek braced her hips with his hands, keeping her from tumbling forward onto him.

He commanded, “Look me in the eyes, Sadie.” Her gaze snapped to his. Displaying the undergarment remnants, he demanded, “You will not wear these again.” He reached down. “Nor this.” Picking up the bra, he tore it in half. “While training with me you must be ready for a lesson at any time. That means you will undress each time you cross my threshold. Do you understand?”

Sadie nodded, replying, “Yes, Alpha.”

Returning to his chair, he said, “As you were.” After which he sat down, dropped the torn satin to the floor, and began his reading once again.

Without lifting his head he ordered, “Eyes on the floor.”

The lack of movement in his periphery let him know that it took her a second to continue undressing. She stood naked, except for her footwear. The view from under his lashes showed her lift one booted foot and set it on the edge of his firewood box.

He raised his head from his papers, interrupting her descent. “No. Place your folded clothes where I instructed. Then face the wall. Feet shoulder width apart, you will keep your legs straight, with the exception of a slight bend in your knees, bow forward and untie your boots. Do not remove them, just loosen the laces.”

Easing her leg back down, Sadie retrieved the clothes setting them atop her bag leaning in the corner opposite Domek. She followed his directive by making a slight turn, with feet shoulder width apart. He appreciated the curve of her cheeks as she bent over. Shaking knees and fumbling fingers made it apparent she wanted this part over. Not about to let her set the pace, he commanded that the boots be removed one at a time . . . without haste.

Her anticipation and fear overwhelmed him and his living room with honeysuckle. Letting his gaze travel up the back of the boot, he mentally caressed the leather as it loosened its hold on her calves. He continued up Sadie’s leg lingering on two perfect curves where her ass started and thighs ended. Cravings had always surfaced at the sight of a woman bent over. He loved seeing one folded over a desk, chair, bed, a spanking bench, or like this with fleshy feminine folds showing just beneath her buttocks. Sadie’s labia were spectacular, practically pouting at him and already shining wet in the dim light. He licked his lips, fighting the urge to taste.

While unlacing the other boot her body gave a slight sway. “May I please stand, Alpha?”

A racing heart combined with being bent over, she would be getting dizzy. He’d already stood, heading over to assist. Domek pressed his legs against her bottom, leaned over, reaching around. Placing a hand just below her belly, resting it on the pubic bone, he brought his other arm up, enclosing his fingers over her throat. Straightening Sadie, he kept her against him until confident she balanced steady on her feet again. He moved his grip to her hips, and slid his hands around, brushing up to take a firm hold on her breasts. Cupping the soft orbs, pinching the nipples between his thumb and index fingers, he elicited a gasp.

“You will not speak unless asked a direct question, or I give you permission to. Do you understand?” he asked, punctuating
it with an outward tug on each nipple.

“Yes.” She panted.

“Yes what, Sadie? We have gone over this many times, and I’m not known for my patience for people who make me repeat myself.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

“Sadie, why do you keep fighting the trust in me? I was already on my way to reposition you. Have faith that I always know what you need at all times . . . even when you don’t. While you are in my care, you are my highest priority.”

He released her breasts, banding an arm across them, forcing her back into his chest even harder. The contrast of soft full breasts and hardened nipples pressed against his forearm almost undid him. He bent her forward just enough to plunge three large fingers into her from behind.

Ah goddess, so wet.

They glided in and out with ease. Easing his digits out, he fought her hungry inner muscles as they pulled them back in. Once free, he leaned down next to her ear and placed the fingers in his mouth, sucking them clean. Giving her a deep moan, he growled as both eyes rolled back in his head. She tasted so good, like the horned god’s ambrosia.

He straightened her once more. Stalking around, Domek went down on one knee to reach forward and grasp her calf, running his palm up behind her knee, a signal to bend it. Bringing her foot toward him he removed the boot. There weren’t any stockings within them. Turning to her other leg, he removed the final item from her body, placing the shoes beside Sadie’s bag.

He walked over and grabbed a large round flat cushion from behind his couch, moved to the center of the room and dropped it, then took a seat, all without acknowledging her. It proved to be the hardest task he’d ever forced himself to complete.

Still new to proper domination, like so many inexperienced submissives, she attempted to take control at uncertain times. Domek wished to break that habit tonight, so he’d test certain limits with her. First being the simple task of waiting.

He looked over and held Sadie’s gaze, forcing her to turn away. “I gave you specific instructions when we entered. I still expect you to complete each step.” Placing the papers on his lap he studied her next moves with a calm but steady expression.

Sadie, out of sorts, reminded herself to breathe and focus. The alpha had just kicked up her heart rate and now required she keep going? What had he dictated before they came in?

Focus, Sadie! You can do this.

She’d been instructed to undress, put each article away . . . Then his next command came back.

Oh goddess . . . make myself vulnerable before him.

She walked to where Domek had deposited the pillowed pad. Although facing him, Sadie made sure her focus stayed glued to the floor while kneeling on the large round cushion. Made of something pleasant, her knees were comfortable as they rested on it. Maneuvering them hip width apart, she tensed when her legs slid out somewhat.
Oh no.
The cushion’s smooth material had enough glide that if she relaxed too much her knees would just slide out wider. She had to tighten and hold her weak inner thigh muscles.

Sighing, she brought her arms up, shaking hands laced behind her head. Consumed by the memory of being taught this position . . . of Domek’s heat pressed against her, guiding her limbs to proper placement. How he’d sat in a casual pose taking it all in. The pressing gaze when he called her beautiful . . . The gentle kiss on her mound . . .
Oh goddess, when he pried my folds apart.

Sensations of past attentions washed over her. The way he’d lathed his tongue along her most sensitive spots. Back to front. She played the memory in a loop, again and again. The moment so vivid, she could almost come right now just from recollecting the heat of his mouth on her. Moisture ran down her legs already.

Darker experience required Sadie to run the pleasant thoughts through her mind in a constant loop, because her alternative memories of this position involved Eridon. Images of the last time she knelt vulnerable . . . Naked . . . Alone, threatened to intrude on this moment.
But this feels different,
Domek had nothing in common with that monster.

If she said ‘stop’, he would. This didn’t feel dirty and sad, as though victimized. Yes, anxious and nervous feelings stirred within her, as they had when she’d been held captive. But this made her feel . . . not quite captive, just

She was his to do with as he pleased. He had control, but only because she gave it to him, just like those Japanese courtesans she’d once read about in secret. She had stolen a book written by a professor Mead that a customer had left in a car. Sadie snuck it upstairs, staring at it transfixed, fascinated by the images. Beautiful, small, and feminine, each woman dressed in yards of luxurious material with coiffured hairstyles. Sometimes they kneeled, just like she was right now, waiting for direction on how to please their master.

Her musings returned to what Domek had done earlier. She’d been so panicked remembering Eridon. How had she not thought of the picture labeled as Courtesan Kinbaku when her alpha had tied her up? It surfaced in full detail now. The courtesan's expression revealed pure bliss, lying on her side with arms, legs, and torso bound by ropes tied in beautiful designs. Nipples peeked out from taut ropes, but Sadie thought the tips must have been pinched between coils since they glowed red. A man, still dressed, knelt behind his courtesan, with more rope in his hands. Once she learned more about sex from conversations overheard in the shop, her imagination would finish the scene. She would imagine herself as the courtesan. Sadie’s man would tie those beautiful patterns across her body, press himself to her, and take her from behind. She smiled.

Just like my alpha had.

The smile disappeared. But until today, Eridon had killed that fantasy. He had taken something beautiful, twisted it, and made her fear it.

No! No memories of him.
Sadie served Domek. Her alpha.
Sadly, not my mate.

It had been Domek who tied her in those beautiful ropes then took her from behind. She would kneel here, imagining herself a Japanese courtesan, waiting for her master, alpha. Filled with identical bliss those pictures had shown, envisioning what might be done to consume her with such ecstasy.

Her mind wandered in endless thoughts, just waiting. She didn’t dare inquire about her next task. Domek had made it quite clear that speaking unless asked a question, or instructed to, would not be tolerated. She had wanted to explain when he chastised her for talking, but couldn’t. Much like when he’d found her lost and alone, the moment he’d ordered her action or inaction, she had to obey. Every one of her muscles following only his commands.

Speaking of her body, Sadie’s muscles began to give slight trembles, aching from holding the position. She attempted an inconspicuous slant around for a clock but couldn’t find one anywhere.
Ugh, it must be behind me.
It would explain why he would glance over her head on occasion. Right about the time her muscles shook with exhaustion, Domek got up, put the papers back on the desk and approached at a relaxed pace.

She stayed focused on his shoes as he squatted down. Firm fingers slipped under Sadie’s chin, forcing her face up.

Commanding in a soft voice, “Look at me, now.”

Her gaze snapped up. Intent ice-blue eyes scanned her face looking for something. Thick, pitch-black hair stood in disarray, as though Domek ran his fingers through it in frustration.

The world dropped out from under her when he asked, “Are you ready for your punishment now?”

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