The Mechanic's Mate (13 page)

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Authors: Mikea Howard

BOOK: The Mechanic's Mate
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Chapter 19

Seeing red and tasting blood didn’t even begin to describe the chaos in Domek’s mind right now.
How in the hell could she be so foolish going into Eureka?
If she had concerns that took her to the city, she should have told her alpha. But instead, she snuck out while he briefed Marek’s security enforcers to prepare for their search. She would be disciplined for this unacceptable behavior. Domek just had to find Sadie first. Keep her in a tight hold
bend her over the spanking bench.

He wouldn’t have known either, if he hadn’t searched for her after the meeting. Oddly anxious to be together, he went hunting for her. Sadie’s stealth still lacked in skill, so some Scrubs who had been out earlier that day, picking herbs, saw her pass by, headed in Eureka’s direction.

Without wasting a moment, Domek sprinted for the forest, toward the east border. Once there he would have had no idea what to do since Sadie never mentioned where her flat resided within the city. All he knew of her city life summed up to her being a mechanic. So he assumed home would be near their shop, however had little idea where even that would be. Checking the industrial area first should allow his nose to locate her. Safe, his search would lead him to where she would be safe. If Eridon finds Sadie . . . does
nefarious . . . he’d nail him to a tree to suffer through the rest of his days. The rogue’s cries of agony will herald a warning that any wolf under his protection, especially Sadie, must not be messed with.

Too much leniency had caused her blatant disobedience. He’d seen multiple bruises left by Eridon, and had been conscious of Sadie’s healing rope burns. Quite certain how she’d gotten them. He’d avoided bringing those memories into sessions, by taking her lessons slow, easing her into life as a wolf. Had Domek behaved as the true dominant she needed, Sadie never would have risked his displeasure.

This run took entirely too long. Contemplating changing for speed, he knew that would mean dumping every stitch of clothing right here. Leaving him in wolf form, or walking about in a natural state. Based on Sadie’s difficulty with people being naked around her, the people of Eureka wouldn’t be accepting of it. Nor would they accept an enormous wolf trotting through the streets. Damn Dieselheads with their closed minds. They impeded Sadie’s search and recovery.

Inhaling, he sensed Eureka drew near. Air around here hung thick, as though smog cleaved through the forest’s pure air. A faint smell mixed in with it raised an alarm. Pulling the scent deeper within his lungs, Domek detected a faint odor of honeysuckle
. . .

Sadie! That girl will not escape my wrath!

Adrenaline entwined her sweet floral smell. She had to be terrified, running at a frantic speed. Stopping, he ripped everything off, shifting in record time. Domek ran at full speed in her direction. Another scent followed hers . . . nose rotting iron and oil. His wolf ears perked up at loud crunching of additional feet striking the forest floor.

He heard a faint, familiar voice call out, “Sadie! You’re not fast enough and I’m getting angry.”

Hackles rising, he burst off with extra speed. He ran even faster than he ever knew possible. Trees in his peripheral became nothing more than a blur of brown and green. Domek’s black wolf zeroed in on one scent, charging full speed toward it. Crashing through thick brush, the panic-stricken woman came running right at him. He sprung off a fallen tree jumping over her. Growling and snapping while flying above, he gave a blatant command to keep running. He continued on at full speed, his target mere feet behind her and gaining fast.

Eridon tried dodging right, but wasn’t fast enough in human form. Domek’s full tilt force slammed into the rogue, throwing him back against a tree, then onto piles of dead leaves. Proving once again that his alpha speed and tactics would always win over the former beta’s. The hit landed so hard it knocked every ounce of air out of the piece of shit, leaving him gasping. Eridon’s struggle gave Domek just enough time to shift back, his fury driven adrenaline making the change lightning quick. Diving on top he planned to beat him unconscious. Fist drawn back, he swung toward Eridon’s emotionless face. Solid metal blocked it.

Eridon drew the mecha arm back, and thrust it forward. He knocked Domek off, rolled away, and jumped up. Without a word, the fucker charged him as Domek rose to his feet, forcing him to dive to the side. As he tried to get up again Dom was slammed forward, tackled from behind, skidding on his chest. Cold steel locked across his throat, squeezing as hard as possible, digging into his trachea, cutting off all oxygen.

Pushing himself up onto all fours he brought his legs up into a squat, trying to shake him off, unsuccessfully. He swung his elbow behind him making contact with the side of the rogue’s head. Eridon continued holding tight, forcing him to swing back with repeated strikes until pressure loosened enough to ease his burning lungs. Forcing his legs straight into the ground in an abrupt movement, Domek kicked up, throwing Eridon off and over. Freeing his windpipe as the bastard went ass over teakettle, landing hard on his back.

Domek used dominant inflection commanding, “Stay Down!” while righting himself. It came out hoarse due to Eridon’s stranglehold, but the power deep within him still coated his command. Of course the old Blue Wolf beta let out a maniacal laugh, rolled over and pushed up into an Olympic runner's starting stance.

With a cold calm, Eridon stated, “I almost had her. Soooooo close. You know how to piss me off, Domek.” He charged back at him.

A cacophony of multiple feet crashing through the forest reached them. The unexpected noise startled them for just a moment, allowing Eridon a quick mechanically assisted punch right into Dom’s solar plexus. The blow caused his knees to buckle; he fell, void of breath once again. The rogue didn’t stop, continuing his momentum, running past. Domek heard the now familiar mechanical whir of that blasted arm, letting him know Eridon initiated his shift.

Struggling to stand while pulling in air, Domek almost missed Marek, along with three enforcers coming into view. Edo, the smallest knelt in front of him, eyes averted. Two others continued after Eridon.

“Alpha! Are you all right?” Edo asked.

“I’m fine. He got a cheap shot in when we heard you coming.” Domek glanced up at Marek saying, “Up until then, I was winning.”

“Of course you were, Alpha.” Marek gave him a light smirk.

Edo leaned forward offering a shoulder for his alpha. Once up, Domek signaled for him to rise. He proceeded to dust dirt and leaves from his still naked body.

Opening a satchel the enforcer offered familiar clothing. “We found these as we tracked you.”

Domek took them and began dressing.

He didn’t have time to ask before Marek answered, “We went looking for you with additional questions from our meeting. When the Scrub you had sent found us, we headed out immediately to meet up with you. Then your lost lamb ran into us at full speed. She panted out enough that we got the gist of how urgent your situation had become. I sent Sadie back to Kara. We got here as quickly as we could.”

The other two enforcers returned. They explained how Eridon had lost them, heading further into the trees rather than toward Eureka. They said it appeared as though his mecha arm helped him to run even faster.

“That damn arm has become a real pain in my ass.” Rubbing the center of his chest he added, “Next time we meet, I’ll rip it off and beat him with it.”

Sadie had said that she built the enhancement for him. Domek needed to sit down with her, find out more about the arm, and how it worked. Just like all machines, it must have inherent weaknesses. But before he had that discussion with her, punishment for this hullabaloo would be first. She almost got herself caught. He needed to let her know that under no circumstances would that be acceptable. With the decision firm in his mind, he gathered the others and headed home.

Chapter 20

Sadie had sprinted full speed without stopping after running into Marek and the enforcers. Still out of breath, she exploded into Blue Wolf enclave from the forest edge. She must have startled some pack members moving about the housing area. Ignoring their gasps and questioning looks, she dove between bodies making her way, as though running for an imaginary finish line. She didn’t slow down until she approached the house, only stopping on the front steps to catch her breath.

Easing the door open and stepping into the foyer, she glanced around spying her friend carrying a large bag down the hall. Seeing Sadie, Kara gasped and dropped the bag, hugging her into a tight hold. Her large amber eyes, red and puffy, with moisture still clinging to her lashes signaled she had been crying.

“I was so worried. I have no idea why wouldn’t have come to me. If something had happened to you . . .” Sniffling, she almost couldn’t continue. “I can’t lose another person close to me, Sadie. I just can’t . . .”

Sadie’s chest ached for making her friend cry, she couldn’t have imagined her secretive actions hurting someone else. The effort to protect Kara had inadvertently hurt her instead. “I am so sorry. I never meant to scare you. I’d only thought of protecting my father. I didn’t tell you because it wasn’t fair to put you in an impossible situation like that. You’ve come to mean too much to me.”

Taking off the backpack filled with items from her workshop, Sadie rolled her shoulders then set it in the corner. She’d pushed the pain of its weight from her mind while running from Eridon, but now, relieved of that burden, her shoulders resumed the ache of their previous protest.

“I was just so worried when the scrub came by and told me . . .” Reaching over, taking a hand, Kara said, “I know you thought you had to go alone, but . . .” Letting go, Kara moved her gaze up toward the door, eyes filled with worry.

Sadie felt him coming too. It wasn’t a werewolf thing; the vibration of his anger approaching the house disturbed the air surrounding them. She straightened her back, ready for his worst, but the moment he entered she fought the urge to drop to her knees and beg his forgiveness. The door swung shut behind him as he fixed Sadie with a stare. Her gaze dropped to his feet, even still the heat of his focus burned over her, causing her stomach to plummet.

Much quieter than she expected, his voice more frustrated than angry, Domek said, “Full moon and the night sky. What were you thinking, Sadie? Why didn’t you come to me?” She heard the thump of a fist against his chest as he said ‘me’, stressing his point.

Unsure if he meant it as a rhetorical question, she stood there, waiting for him to continue with his lecture.

“That was a direct question, Sadie. You will look me in the eye as you give me an honest answer.”

Raising her eyes to his, ready to answer, the front door opened again, and Marek entered. He moved into the room to stand behind their alpha. She saw his eyes settle on the woman standing beside her, his expression exhibiting concern.

Filling her lungs with courage, she answered, “If I had asked, you would have said no, and then I wouldn’t have been able to check on my father. I can’t go against direct orders from you, so—”

Cutting her off, with more heat in his voice, he stated, “That reminds me, Sadie, and listen well, because this
a direct order. You will now ask my permission to do
outside of normal pack jobs . . . and your normal body functions.”

Scanning her with a harsh squint, he added, “However, if you even
doing something without my permission again, even simple thoughts crossing your mind, I just may add body functions to the permission required list. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she answered in a quiet tone.

“Yes, what?” he replied with a stern snap.

“Yes, Alpha. I’m sorry.”

He turned his gaze to Kara. “I pray you played no part in this. Have you done as I asked?”

“Yes, Alpha, I have all of Sadie’s things packed up, here,” Kara said, retrieving the large bag she dropped upon Sadie’s return.

Sadie gasped,
Oh goddess, no! He’s sending me away!
She dropped her eyes to the floor.

From under her lashes, she saw Domek take a step toward her. “Did you, Sadie, even for a moment, have any concern for your pack in this decision? How those that care about you would be wracked with fear, or concern about your wellbeing. Pick up your belongings now and follow me.” He waited for her to retrieve them. “I find that I cannot tolerate you out of my sight or care, so you will relocate to my house. Tonight just proved why I should have made this decision sooner.”

Sadie risked a glance up to view his back turning around and walking out the door. She followed as always, behind her alpha. She hated that she disappointed and scared him, but couldn’t regret warning her father since she wasn’t sure when, or if, she would see him again. Her heart raced at the prospect of living within the walls of Domek’s home. Would he require she sleep on the couch, or would she get to share his bed? Above all, she couldn’t stop her relief that he wanted to keep her instead of sending her away.

Goddess what sickness do I have? I am just as excited as terrified about my punishment.

On the porch of Domek’s home, he stopped, turning toward her. “I realized your concern about your father’s wellbeing, so I sent a scout to check on him. I would have done that earlier if you had come to me before taking that unacceptable risk.”

He leaned forward, tipped her chin up with his extended right index finger, forcing Sadie to move her gaze from the wood slats to his lips. “Now, when I open this door you will proceed forward three steps, stop, remove that cape, and hang it on the hook in the entryway. Then place your belongings down against the wall and remove all of your clothes, folding them with clean lines. Stack each item as you go, and set them on top of your bag. Once you’re done, go to the center of my living room, drop to your knees, with them hip width apart and place your hands behind your head, fingers laced, like I showed you in the forest. Whereupon you will wait without making a sound until I am ready to deal with you.”

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