The Memoirs of Catherine the Great (43 page)

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Chinovnyi mir,

Ibid., 399–401. There is little information about the actual ranks of men’s and women’s court titles by the end of the eighteenth century, although the Table of Ranks lists positions for all men’s ranks.

Ibid., 410–11. The Table of Ranks initially included additional titles, which were simplified over the course of the century. In the eighteenth century, a total of eighty-two women held these positions. Maids of honor were not married, and had the privilege of being given in marriage with a dowry by the Empress; most came from court families, while a third were from the titled nobility. Once married, they retired from the court, though they retained the right to appear at court. Ladies-in-waiting and above were usually wives of important men in the military or civil service, and were also knights of the Order of St. Catherine. The most extensive information on women at the Russian court is P. F. Karabanov, “Stats-damy i freiliny russkago dvora v XVIII i XIX stoletiiakh,” Russkaia starina 2 (1870): 443–73; 3 (1871): 39–48, 272–82, 457–73; 4 (1871): 59–67, 379–404.

Chinovnyi mir,

Ibid., 341–42.

In 1736, the Duke of Holstein-Gottorp established the Order of St. Anna in honor of his wife, Anna Petrovna, and it was added to Russian orders by Empress Elizabeth I, Anna’s younger sister, in 1742.


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