The Moffat Museum

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Authors: Eleanor Estes

Tags: #Ages 8 & Up

BOOK: The Moffat Museum
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The Moffat Museum
Eleanor Estes

Illustrated by The Author

Orlando Austin New York San Diego London

Copyright © 1983 by Eleanor Estes

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First Harcourt Young Classics edition 2001
First Odyssey Classics edition 2001
First published 1983

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Estes, Eleanor, 1906–
The Moffat museum/Eleanor Estes; illustrated by the author.
p. cm.
"An Odyssey/Harcourt Young Classic."
Summary: The adventures of the Moffat children living in Cranbury,
Connecticut, in the early twentieth century as they create a museum,
participate in their sister's wedding, and try to buy a trolley car.
[1. Brothers and sisters—Fiction. 2. Museums—Fiction.
3. Vacations—Fiction. 4. Family life—Connecticut—Fiction.
5. Connecticut—Fiction.] I. Title.
PZ7.E749Mn 2001
[Fic]—dc21 00-38845
ISBN 978-0-15-202547-2 ISBN 978-0-15-202553-3 (pb)

Printed in the United States of America

To Carolyn, Gillis, and Ted


A Special Museum

The Pennypepper Tour

Rufus, The Waxworks Boy

The Flower Girl

Sylvie's Wedding

Conversation over the Back Fence

Jane on the Eight-Fifteen

The One-Dollar Trolley Car

Straw Hat Day

Come Back, Joey! Joey, Come Back!

1. A Special Museum

The Moffats should have a museum! Suddenly this idea popped into Jane's head as she was sitting alone on the back stoop of the little gray house at 12 Ashbellows Place in Cranbury, where the Moffats lived.

It was a very hot day in June. Jane cupped her chin in her hands. She hadn't been thinking of anything in particular, just dreaming, just listening to the buzzing of the bees in the honeysuckle that spread along the fence of the house next door. This part of the fence was very close to a barn in the Moffats' backyard, and some honeysuckle had climbed up onto the roof of the barn.

Absentmindedly, Jane scrutinized the barn ... weather-beaten, wide open at the front. The doors had been taken off years ago and were propped against the barn on the honeysuckle side. Therefore, you could always see inside, though there wasn't much to see. The main thing was an ancient sleigh, an old-fashioned sleigh, not very large. It was already in the barn when the Moffats moved here from the Yellow House on New Dollar Street.

Jane began to think about the sleigh. Really, a sleigh like this should be in a museum.

It was then that the idea of the Moffats having a museum popped into her head. A museum in the barn! A special museum, a collection of things that had been important to one, some, or all of the Moffats. THE MOFFAT MUSEUM!

In this town named Cranbury, where three thousand people lived—it said so on a sign at the Cumberland Avenue Bridge: ENTERING CRANBURY, POPULATION 3,000— there was not one museum! There were schools, stores, houses, the library, the Town Hall, a green with two churches on it; and there were little brooks, large fields, some cows, and plenty of places to go to, take walks to, or take a trolley car to: Savin Rock, Lighthouse Point, and more. But no museum of any sort ... art, science, or anything! "There are museums," Joey had told her, "for every known thing somewhere in the world."

"Museums," mused Jane, "for every known thing!" She remembered a teacher she once had who said there was a museum in a town in England just for shoes, shoes from the earliest time to the present.

Joey liked best a museum in Washington: "first" things... first airplane, first steam locomotive, first trolley, everything "first"!

"Ah!" murmured Jane, standing up now and going close to the barn. She addressed it. "Barn! You may soon become the first and only museum in Cranbury. No museum here? We'll change that! 'First' things or any treasured things of any Moffat!"

Wait till the boys came home and heard this! Wow! Where were they, anyway? Here was a museum all in her head. She needed Joey and Rufus or someone to tell her plan to. Oh, if only Nancy Stokes, her best friend, had not gone off to Maine so early! Nancy's house was on the next street, but her apple orchard garden and backyard and Jane's backyard were separated only by a green wooden fence. Nancy's mother had let the girls take one wide green board out, put hinges on it, and it had become a secret door between the two yards.

Oh, how Jane missed Nancy! Missed seeing her squeeze through the secret door, missed hearing her whistle—"Peewee!" like the sound of the peewee bird.

No sense wishing for Nancy. She just wasn't here. Anyway, the boys were more important right now. She needed other Moffats.

She looked past the house and to the street. No sign of them.

This place in front of the barn and near their neighbors' fence was a perfect place to view whoever might come to visit the museum. Jane smiled happily. People might come from far away, from Montowese, or even from England, to see how a museum in Cranbury, Connecticut, compared with a shoe museum somewhere in their land!

Jane stretched out her arms as though welcoming a large part of the population to The Moffat Museum ... if news of it got around, that is.

"Oh, pooh!" she said. "This museum is really for us Moffats, to have in it loved things, really just for us and a friend or two, and their friends' friends."

Again Jane held her arms out to extend a welcome to a friend or a friend of a friend.

In the distance she could hear the tinkling sound of a ragman and his voice, as from far, far away, yet coming nearer: "Cash paid for rags ... cash paid for rags..." She thought nothing of it, no more than of the humming of the bees she had been listening to.

What was nice was that while she was stretching out her arms, welcoming an unknown into The Moffat Museum, her two brothers did come riding lickety-split up the narrow walk. Rufus rang the bell and rang the bell, urging Joey to go faster and faster!

You'd have thought he was going to ride right through her and into the barn, out the other end, and then through the secret gate. But he put on his brakes in the nick of time, making the dirt fly.

"Don't do that," said Jane. "It scares me. Feel my heart, how it's pounding. I have gooseflesh, see?"

"Oinck! Oinck!" said Rufus. "But what were you doing there, standing like a statue, holding out your arms?"

"Statue!" exclaimed Jane. "You're getting close. What do you see there? Look!" She pointed to the barn.

"The barn!" said the boys. "So what!"

"Oh, no!" said Jane. "What you see there is ... or will be soon, when we get going ... a
The Moffat Museum!"

The boys liked the idea right away. Both of them did.

"Yes!" said Jane eagerly. "A museum! The one and only museum in the town of Cranbury."

"Population circa MMM," Rufus put in.

"It's going to be a museum just for Moffat things!" said Jane.

"Bikey!" said Rufus. He ran to the side of the yard behind the raspberry bushes, where he had a garage for his special things. But Bikey, as they all fondly called this bicycle, was gone!

Silence! Then into the silence came the sound of the ragman's tinkling little tin bells. Suddenly the bells stopped. A horse neighed and stomped his feet. The ragman stopped his chanting, "Cash paid for rags!" He bought more things than old rags, though. Junk, just junk, like an old baby carriage, or an old bicycle?

Some people might call Bikey junk. That's what the children thought.

They rushed to the street. They were right! There was Mama about to hand Bikey over to the ragman as a piece of "junk."

"Ten cents," they heard the man say.

"All right," they heard Mama say.

"Oh, no!" shouted the three children. "Mama! Don't sell our bike! It's valuable. Every one of us has learned to ride on it! It's like a pet!"

"Here!" said Rufus, stripping off his sailor blouse. "Take this instead!"

Mama laughed. But she gave the ragman back his ten cents, and he gave her back the bike, and off he went with his bells tinkling in the breeze and his singsong voice chanting, "Cash paid for rags ... cash paid for rags..."

Mama apologized. "I'm sorry," she said.

"Bikey is for the museum we are making our barn into," Jane explained, so that Mama would not feel guilty. "You didn't know about it. Neither did Rufus and Joey until now. Bikey is going to be one of the most important things in the museum!"

Mama came around the house, paused on the back stoop, looked at the barn, and said, "A good idea! A very good idea! I'm glad you rescued Bikey ... a fine artifact!"

"What's an
Mama?" Rufus demanded.

"Oh, things, just ... things," said Mama as she went inside.

At first Rufus was going to put Bikey right inside the barn, but Jane stopped him. "We have to pull the sleigh out to make room for all the other things we'll be adding to the collection. Hide Bikey way back in his raspberry garage where he will be safe. He's an artifact now."

This famous bike! Every member of the family, beginning with Sylvie, the real owner—a Christmas present when she was ten—then Joey, then Jane, and finally Rufus, had learned how to ride on it!

Even Mama herself had once ridden old Bikey down the narrow walk leading from the front porch to the street to see if she could still ride a bicycle! Although it was not the kind that she had learned on, with a big wheel in front and a small one behind, nevertheless she rode it from the porch to the street and did not once let it wobble onto the lawn, nor did she once fall off! The children were proud. One wheel bent, one tire flat, yet Mama rode it!

Well, Bikey was saved! Now to get on with the museum! Sleigh next. Out it had to come to be an outside museum attraction. "People will spot the sleigh," said Joey, "and say, 'Oh-ho! Here is The Moffat Museum!'"

Even though the sleigh was not a Moffat sleigh, it didn't matter. At one time or another, all of them had sat in it, Rufus the most often. He'd take the crumbling leather reins in his hands and say, "Giddyap! Giddyap!" to an imaginary pony, wish that a real pony, even an old one, had also been left behind by this sleigh's former owner. Catherine-the-cat liked this old sleigh, too. It was a place to get away from them all, to curl up on the seat, listen for a bird, or take a long snooze inside the rounded front of the sleigh ... hidden. So of course this sleigh should be part of the museum!

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