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Authors: Darryl T. Mallard

The Mutant World (34 page)

BOOK: The Mutant World
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“You don’t believe that the laws and commandments that came later were from, God?” asked the woman.

“No,” replied Princess Catal. “We do believe that some of it, like ours, was inspired by Nana, or came about by social and political necessity, but not by Nana/God
. We have noticed that the core teachings, those of love, peace, generosity, mercy and above all
are what attracted your first converts in the first place. Indeed, even here on Bellasaria. The Christian’s god or prophet ‘Jesus’ preached this more than any other. I understand that he is one of your Muslim prophets as well.
things we can believe are truly inspired by the creator. However, God sanctioning the killing, conquest and enslavement of those who do not share your beliefs and robbing them of their land and wealth is
the fiction of man. I mean no offense, but that is what we believe.”

The delegates looked at each other. That many didn’t agree with this statement was certain, but at the same time, many others did. Even on Earth, that sort of mentality was not popular anymore and was now (rightly) associated with fanatics and terrorist.

“Princess,” said the Pakistani woman, “I would very much like to see one of these sacred places in Hebi before we leave.”

“Well, I think that could be easily arranged,” said Princess Catal with a smile.




he Oshun Falls were the most breathtaking thing of nature that the Earth leaders and ambassadors’ had seen to date on their trip to this beautiful world, and that was saying something. The falls were named by a mutant from Earth who settled in Melmoria and discovered them centuries ago while hunting. Indeed, Akinlana, the nearby town that they were staying in, was founded by and named after the man himself and the chieftess was his direct descendant. The Akinlana were the protectors of both the pilgrims and the falls themselves. Chieftess Akanke explained that her people believe that the gods guided them to this place for this purpose. Ironically, the Akinlana worshipped Nana, but they also had a host of lesser gods and goddesses beneath her called Orishas. An African dignitary commented that the founders of this tribe were assuredly of his nationality and ethnic background. Aside from the root cultural origins though, the people were well on their way in becoming as culturally and racially mixed as the rest of the people on Bellasaria.

Chieftess Akanke, a caramel complexioned beauty, had personally been the guide on this occasion and had proudly shown the V.I.P’s the place where her ancestor had first stood in awe. This spot directly overlooked the falls. The roar of the water could be heard in the forest well before it opened up and revealed the awesome sight. It didn’t take the chieftess to explain what had drawn Akinlana to this spot. At various points along, down and on the other side of the raging waters, people could be seen standing, knelling or sitting cross-legged, eyes closed in meditation. The beauty of the place was in a word…magical. The newcomers had to admit that they were indeed looking at something spiritual.

Still, despite the numerous people meditating in spiritual bliss, there were quite a few folks holding hands and kissing as well. The Chieftess chuckled when someone pointed this out.

“This place was made by Nana, but it is still for the use of her creations. Animals still eat, excrete, fight and reproduce in and all around this place. Although we higher animals can appreciate this place for what it is, we too can enjoy it. People even swim and frolic in the lower extremities much further down. Fear not, although young people do find this place romantic and flock here, violence and copulation is forbidden in
sacred place.” Then she chuckled again. “Still, there is no law about getting a little cozy.”

“Speaking of getting cozy,” whispered a smiling aide to President Chambers, nodding in a certain direction. Chambers looked over and noticed that Prince Pantherus and Queen Bal had wandered off from the group and were now sitting together watching the falls oblivious to everyone else. The prince’s arm was around Bal’s shoulder and her head was against his. The president knew that Bal was well over fifty years old and the Barratian prince was just a large teenager, but she looked (especially now) like a girl in her late teens herself.

The president once again envied the genetics of the mutant nobility. The youth would most likely look only a little older than he does now fifty years from now. His father, a man who was at least in his late forties or early fifties, looked little older than a teenager himself. Well, whatever age they actually were, they looked like two young kids. Actually, considering the lifespan of a high mutant, to the Bellasarians the two probably
seen as young kids. Beverly couldn’t help but to smile.

“Now that’s so sweet,” she said.

However, not everyone was as touched by the two lovers as the American President. Princess Bellasaris was not pleased at all. She was known to be an impetuous girl, but even she wouldn’t start any trouble of a physical nature in this holy place. Animals could fight and kill each other in such sacred places, but humans and mutants could not. Although hunting was permitted, fighting on sacred ground was absolutely forbidden under any circumstances and would not be tolerated by anyone. The Akinlana kept the peace here, and they were renowned far and wide as fierce warriors. This was not surprising, seeing how the name ‘Akinlana’ means ‘Valor’. If she were to start any trouble she would be sure to take a beating and even the empress would not hold Chieftess Akanke at fault. Still, that didn’t mean that she couldn’t make her presence known, and if the Mavie woman should do something stupid it would be she who would have to face punishment. Princess Bellasaris walked over towards the couple. King Roc noticed this and nodded in approval. The law (and moral decency) forbade him to come between a bonded person and the one he or she had chosen, especially if neither had a mate already, but
choice for his son was Princess Bellasaris or ‘Bella’ as she was known to her kin and close friends. He desired a union with her for many reasons. Sadly, reasons his son couldn’t seem to grasp. Politically she was the perfect choice. He would become the empress’s son by marriage and his children would be close to the imperial throne. If a daughter of his should actually become empress the Barratians would be in a very good position. With a little luck, all support for the Mavie would dry up and he would finally be able to crush them once and for all. At the very least, their people would now be able to acquire certain technological comforts that have up till now have been denied them. However, besides all of these reasons, there was another reason King Roc favored Bella over Bal (other than the fact that he hated the Mavie) and that was because he actually liked Bella. Despite the fact that she was a woman, Roc actually liked her aggressive nature. When the empress learned of this from her spies she couldn’t help but to chuckle. It was common knowledge that the Great Cat and his sons were very fond of strong and strong-willed females. Obviously, this trait was very much alive in his descendants …even in Barrat.




Bal and Pantherus were sitting and enjoying the view and each other’s company when Princess Bellasaris sat down next to them. Queen Bal made a face of irritation and sat up. Princess Bellasaris grinned. “Well hello,” she said to Pantherus, totally ignoring Bal. “I’ve seen much of you, and I do mean MUCH of you, but you haven’t shared any of your…
with me. Why?”

“Well…I…” Prince Pantherus was still unused to the aggressive nature of these eastern females and totally clueless in complicated situations like this with women in general. Fortunately, Queen Bal would save him from saying something that could offend either woman.

“WE have been working hard to bring about peace between our peoples,” said Bal. “I would imagine that this would be seen as beneficial to the empire, no?”

“Yes indeed,” said Bella. “You’ve been working
hard. But, the king is the one you should be concentrating your efforts on.”

“I will sit down with him soon,” said Bal acidly. “You can count on it.”

“Hmmm, your dead eye has been healed,” observed Bella. “I wonder…not just any healer could do that. Who was it?”

“It does not matter,” snapped Bal.

“No. No, I don’t suppose it does. My lord,” said Bella to Pantherus, now totally dismissing Bal. “The relation between our two nations is not the best either. Your father is in favor of closer relations between our peoples and so is my mother the empress. I could be of great help in this area.”

“I think you should take your own advice and make your overtures to his father,” said Queen Bal standing up. Her face was red.

“And so I have,” purred Bella, now taking hold of Pantherus’s arm.

“You have?” said Pantherus, surprised by this revelation. He was even more surprised by her behavior. Bella, on the occasions they’d met, had behaved like…well like a male warrior. Yes, she was indeed beautiful and very well-made, but…she’d never approached him like a female with real interest. Well, at least not this sort of interest.

“Why yes,” said Bella. “I like your father. I believe that he likes me as well.”

“How fortunate,” said Queen Bal. “You can become his second wife and seal a union with Barrat and the empire yourself.”

Bella smiled at Queen Bal’s sarcasm and obvious jealousy. She had a sharp wit if nothing else. “No. He’s too old for me. I see him as an uncle or…father. It really is unseemly for a young person to go chasing after someone old enough to be their grandparent…or vice versa.” A vein began to appear on Queen Maya’s forehead. “I believe people should only mate with people their own age.
people should stick to their own kind. Actually, King Roc is more of a match with you, granny. Perhaps you can…”

“Is not your mother several decades older than your father, princess!” said Bal, now quickly losing her cool.

“I have no control over the actions of my mother,” said Bella with a smile.

“You…My lord, I think I’ve seen enough water for today! Perhaps we should return to the village for some refreshments.”

“Uh, yes,” said Pantherus. His eyes were unconsciously appraising Princess Bellasaris’s form. She was wearing shorts, a low cut shirt and a vest over that. Not far away, the Akkadian President and his wife chuckled. The advantage of clothes, especially in a society were little were worn, was that they could be used as a lure, showing just enough (which in Princess Bellasaris’s case was still a lot) to draw a man’s attention, but not too much, thus making him wonder. The princess knew what she was doing, which genuinely surprised them. Despite her incredible beauty and figure, everyone had seen her as a tomboy. Indeed, some of the Mavie had been a little hopeful of her sexual preferences…until now. As for Queen Bal, she was on the brink of doing something that could destroy everything she had come to the empire to achieve and she knew it. The greatest irony of it all was that, she, a
had attracted the young prince by behaving femininely, while the Illyrian had behaved like a ‘Butch’, thus giving her a decisive edge despite her age and disfigured face. Pantherus had seen Bella as a potential pal, not a potential mate. Who knows, maybe even
thought she preferred girls. But now she was reminding him that she was a woman and definitely
a lesbian.

“Let’s GO, my lord prince.”

“My son,” called King Roc, standing with the other Heads of States. “I’m going back now. Stay here and represent me. Oh, the princess has expressed a desire to know more of our people; I leave her in your hands.” With that, the king and his party departed.

“I’ll see you later,”
said the younger Bellasaris telepathically to Queen Bal.
“You did say you were ready to return to the village. You’ve been hogging this boy to yourself for too long anyway, Scarface.”
Queen Bal stiffened at this and clenched her fists.
“If you do something of a violent nature here on sacred ground, and to me of all people, the Akinlana will be all over you and the empress will not be pleased. I do believe the future of your nation is at stake here…old lady.”

Queen Bal stormed off with a growl. Her retainers, who had been keeping a respectful distance, quickly followed her. Prince Pantherus was left standing there still trying to process what had just happened.

“Now come along, my lord,” said Bella, taking his arm. “I’ve been here before. There is much to see and do of interest here besides the great falls.”



Illia, A Day Earlier

“Mother, I can’t believe that Prince Pantherus is actually attracted to that scar faced hag!”

Beral III looked at her daughter and shook her head. “Bella, my daughter, not everyone is swayed by outside appearances and Pantherus is feral. The woman is experiencing ‘The Hunger’ for probably the first time in her life. She’s in severe heat. Her scent and body language would affect him as much or more than her disfigured face. Also, her figure is most impressive. You call her a hag. That is not true. And I assure you, age means wisdom. This woman seems to know how to compensate for her disadvantages. Actually, I’m genuinely surprised that a Mavie would be so good at seducing a man. If you lose to her THAT would be humiliating.”

“I don’t intend to lose!” snapped Bella.

“Then stop acting like a man! You have every advantage over Queen Bal, but you behave like you were back among your warriors in some camp roughing it! If you grin and punch a man in the arm he’ll think of you as a comrade, a buddy. But if you walk up to him, smile shyly and take hold of his arm gently he will see you as a woman…a real woman. Show him your feminine side for crying out loud! If Bal had been proud and done just the opposite of what she did do when they first met she would not be being constantly pleasured by him now. Men fight one way, women another. Fight on their terms and you will lose in the war of love. A woman has many weapons. Tears are among them. Men can’t stand to see the tears of a woman. Bal disarmed Pantherus the moment she used them.”

“What? So you expect me to cry for him?!” cried Princess Bellasaris in disbelief.

The empress chuckled and said, “No, honey. Like anything else, one must know the right weapons and the right times to use them…especially crying. That is usually your trump card. For now…Well, you’ve inherited a very abundant figure from me and you’re very beautiful of face too, do I have to spell it out? Observe and learn. Act like a girl and you’ll be back in the game and the Mavie woman will have some real competition.”

“I won’t lose!” Bella said determinedly.

BOOK: The Mutant World
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