The Navigators (31 page)

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Authors: Dan Alatorre

BOOK: The Navigators
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“It was explosive all right. But not the way you mean.” Findlay kicked at the ground, rubbing his neck. “Hey, would you wanna get a cup of coffee with me?”

“Are you asking me on a date?”

He put his hands in his pockets and shrugged. “I kind of thought we hit it off the other day.” He sighed. “I could use a friend right now.”

“They say, ‘In politics, if you need a friend, get a dog.’”

“I'm not in politics.”

“What would you call it? You took a shot at the next mayor of Tampa. If you shoot at the king, you better kill the king—otherwise you're the one who gets killed. It doesn’t get much more political than that.”

“Yeah, well…” Findlay gazed at the ground. “I feel like I got killed pretty good up there just now.” He raised his eyes to meet hers. “How about it?”

She put her hands on her hips. “What’s a pasty white boy want with a girl like me, huh?”

He shrugged. “I’m of Irish descent. Some of my people were pretty adventurous, you know?”

“Look where that got you.”

He nodded. “Yeah, okay.”

She winked. “You'll be all right, Findlay. Not today, but maybe when you're feeling better, call me sometime. When you’re not licking your wounds. And we’ll talk.” She climbed into the news van. “You can get me through the TV station.”

He managed a smile. “Okay.”

She started the engine and drove off.

It might be a few years before I can call, though.

* * * * *

Mr. Mills snorted. “He has eyes for my daughter? So has every other young man in Tampa over the years.”

Janice shook her head. “Oh, Michael, how can you be so smart and so dumb at the same time? That Findlay guy must be rubbing off on you.” She leaned in front of him to look into his eyes. “Weren’t you ever young and stupid?”

“I was, sure. I don't usually like to talk about that in front of my daughter, lest she get the wrong impression of her prim, proper and successful old dad, but once upon a time I was pretty young and foolish.” He chuckled. “Me and Carl Baker ran naked through a sorority house and stood on the retention pond wall singing Christmas carols. Nothing like this.”

“And why did you do that?”

“Oh, we were drunk, probably. Come on, let’s go.”

She put her hand on his arm. “Wait a minute. You can be drunk anywhere. Why run through a sorority house or sing a serenade from a pond wall?”

“What, to impress some girl?”

She raised her eyebrows. “Ya think? Michael, that boy has known your daughter for years. He’s not trying to be seen at the right restaurants around town with her.”

“He can’t,” Mills huffed. “He doesn’t have any money to take her out. His parents are probably still paying his bills.”

Janice sighed. “The point is, he’s not after your money.”

“He’s just after my daughter.”

“He’s being noble.”

“He’s being stupid.”

Janice reached over and adjusted his tie, purring at him. “He’s impetuous. Not unlike a certain naked singer I’ve only recently heard about.” She smiled. “He’s willing to sacrifice himself just to protect her. That sounds like the kind of guy you’d want dating your daughter. Besides, I think Melissa has eyes for him, too. Now, do you believe in second chances or what?”

Mr. Mills sighed. “Come on, we’re going to be late.”

Chapter Thirty-Four


here is a certain feeling a person’s childhood home has when they visit as an adult. It is the same house, but it is different somehow. Smaller. Quieter. It belongs to them less, or they belong somewhere else more.

Melissa walked from room to room, looking at the changes her father had made since her last visit a few weeks ago. Mostly it was campaign stuff. Boxes of posters and buttons. The garage was brimming with signs.

She went to her room to get some of her own clothes to wear—Mandy’s had been fine, but there was no reason to stay in them. She had plenty of clothes at home.

Funny, it wasn’t that anymore. Home. Her apartment was home now. It had been for some time. This was now her old house. Dad’s house. She drifted from room to room. It felt different from how it used to feel. Just as warm, just as inviting–but different.

Of course, the house is the same. I’m what’s different.

She checked the clock over the fireplace. It was time for the campaign rally to begin.

The remote for the TV was on the coffee table. So was one of the cordless phone handsets. Its little red light flashed.

Messages. Better check it, in case there’s an emergency.

“Michael, it’s Troy. Listen, I’m begging you, don’t make that speech today at the campaign rally. Let’s just cancel and run some polls to see how the public is taking the story first.”

The second message was the same – Troy, the diligent campaign manager, hoping to persuade the eager politician from career suicide. Melissa shook her head.

Uncle Troy, you still haven’t learned after all these years.

There were several more messages, all from Troy, all begging Mr. Mills not to give the speech. She sighed.

I guess I’d better watch it, then.

She clicked on the TV and found the one of the local news channels.

The TV announcer was doing a live shot. “We’ll be covering mayoral hopeful Michael Mills’ speech today, his first public appearance since the shocking revelations in today’s online edition of the Tampa Tribute.”

Melissa wandered into the kitchen. The TV had always been visible from there, even though nobody ever cooked. Certainly not her father.

“And here comes candidate Mills to the podium now.”

The kitchen was a spectacular array of high-end appliances. The never-used stove, the stainless steel pots and pans in the chef’s chandelier. If not for the cleaners, it would all be covered in dust from lack of use.

They were pretty, though.

Polite applause greeted Mr. Mills. “Thank you, my friends.”

Grabbing a Diet Coke from the fridge, Melissa settled in on the counter, placing her elbows on the cold granite surface. She leaned in to watch her father’s speech.

“You may have been disturbed about some of the things happening on and around the campus of the University of South Florida. I know I have been.”

Some ripples of laughter went up from the crowd.

“It’s fair to say that the stories I’ve read have been troubling to me, not only as a political candidate, but also as a father.”

Melissa winced, not realizing she’d be addressed so directly in the speech.

“I was supposed to give a political speech today, but I’d like to just talk to you for a moment.” He set aside some papers. “I know that many of you would be troubled if you read about a loved one in the paper, or if you got the kind of bad news I’ve been receiving over the last few days.”

The crowd grew quiet.

“And it would strike many of you to use all your power, to reach out with any means necessary, to help those you love. In this regard, I am the same as you.” He scanned the forum, taking in the crowd, taking in their faces. The expression on his face was one of pain. “I’m sure I felt the same way any of you would have felt under the circumstances.”

The speech didn’t have his usual cheeriness. It lacked the warmth he was known for.

Maybe Uncle Troy was right. Maybe this wasn’t the time to go out and give a big speech.

“As a parent, we would do anything for our children. We have but one life. We… would gladly trade it—to protect our offspring.”

He looked out over the crowd again. The camera zoomed in on him. A tear rolled down his face.

“I will never apologize for sacrificing everything to protect my family.”

A few people in the crowd called out comments, but they were too far away to be understood.

“…and neither would you. We don’t have to reach for the stars but we can certainly acknowledge what’s right in front of us.”

A few more comments were shouted from the crowd. Melissa shifted uncomfortably on her feet.

“My friends, I believe in second chances. Today, I have done what I believe in my heart is good and right and proper, and the best thing for all involved, including my family, and the city I love.” He looked down. “But… I leave the decision to you. If you read the story, you know the facts.”

Then, the brilliant smile. “Can you stand for an honest man to be your next mayor?”

The crowd erupted in applause.

“It would be a nice change in this country, wouldn’t it? Because there is only one version of the truth. You know it when you see it.”

There was cheering. People rose to their feet.

“We all love our families. You do, and I do.”

The applause grew louder.

“And we love our city. We want the best for both.”

The television cameras pulled back to show people cheering and applauding. Putting the truth in the paper first had worked. The city still loved her father.

His speech now seemed to be directed at her.

“Life is full of difficult choices and wasted opportunities. Fight for what you believe in. Fight for what you want. Demand it.”

There was more, but she was no longer listening. The crowd had seen fit to rally behind her father, and the city would, too. Uncle Troy’s polls would show it soon, but she had been around politics long enough to see it in front of her. She knew it instinctively.

And she knew what she needed to do.

* * * * *

About an hour later, the phone rang. It was Troy.

Melissa, fresh from the shower, took a break from picking out her clothes while she toweled off her hair. She picked up the phone.

“Melissa? Where’s your father?”

“I don’t know. I thought he would be with you at the campaign rally.”

“Normally, yeah, but I needed to stay at the campaign headquarters all day to put out fires.”

She slid into her jeans with a slight hop, holding the phone to her ear with her shoulder. “And?”

“And the speech was a home run. He’s even more popular than he was before. Turns out the people trust him more than I did.”

“Really? I didn’t think the speech was that good. Why are you calling here, anyway?”

“I can’t reach your father on his cell phone. He’s been avoiding me all day.”

“I bet.” She picked over some tops she’d laid out on the bed. “I heard the messages you left.”

“Okay, well, we’re running a flash poll and it’s sailing over the rooftops. It’s ninety percent approval. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“You haven’t done any other political campaigns. That could have something to do with it.” She quickly set the phone down and put on the shirt.

“Could be, but the guys who’ve done this for a living say it’s pretty remarkable. Your old man really dodged a bullet.”

Melissa winced. “You think so?”

“I know so.”

“Then now would be a good time to hit him up for a favor?” She sauntered to the living room to check her look in the big mirror. It was a cute outfit.

“It just might be. Have him call me when he gets in. I gotta go. The phones are ringing off the hook here.”

As she hung up, the front door opened. Her father, smiling from ear to ear, walked in.

“Did you see that?” He held out his arms. Melissa ran into them, closing her eyes and squeezing him.

“Dad, you were amazing.”

“No, it was all you.”

“What?” Her cheek still pressed to his chest, her eyes flew open. “What do you mean?”

“I gave a speech to a crowd, but I was thinking of you the whole time.”


“I’m not sure. I guess I just wanted the whole world to know how much I love you.” He picked her up in a massive bear hug and spun her around, then kissed the top of her head. Setting her down, he strolled into the kitchen.

“Hey, where’s Janice?”

“Oh, she’s busy doing some reporter stuff. You know how it is. I’ll be meeting her at the Hilton in a few hours for a fundraiser dinner.” He tossed his wallet and some papers onto the counter. “I booked a suite and a limo, so I’ll be staying down there tonight. You’ll have the house to yourself.”

Melissa shoved her hands in her pockets, eyeing the floor. “Janice is… pretty special, isn’t she?”

“Oh, she’s the best.”

“No, I mean she’s
. You can admit it. It’s probably the worst kept secret in Tampa anyway. Even Uncle Troy knows you’ve been dating her.”

Mr. Mills crinkled his nose and scratched the back of his neck. “He does, huh?”

“And it’s okay, Dad. Really.”

He sighed. “Missy, you know I would never do anything to disrespect your mother.”

“I know. And you haven’t. Mom… would have wanted you to be happy.”

“I tell you, kiddo, I look at you, and I see her face, her strength.” He smiled broadly, showing the brilliant smile and boyish dimples that had made him famous. “How proud of you she would have been, to see what a beautiful, strong young woman you’ve become.” His smile faded. “That’s why this thing with Janice, it really—I wanted to keep it quiet. I just . . . I didn’t want to hurt you.”

“You didn’t. She’s nice. I like her. A lot.”

“I like her a lot, too, but…”

Melissa hugged her father. “Dad, I love Mom and that will never change. Nobody can ever replace her.” She gazed up at him. “But I love you, too, and part of that is wanting you to be happy.” She buried her face in his chest. “You’ve done so much for so many, it’s okay to do something for yourself. Mom would want that for you, your happiness. Give Janice a chance. It’s okay. Really. We have one life, right?”

Mr. Mills gently patted his daughter on the back. “Just like your mom. You get right to it, don’t you?”

“Maybe she’s not the one but it’s okay to test the water. You’ll never know if you don’t at least try. Right?”


“So, you booked a suite at the Hilton?”


“For just


She looked up. “It’s okay. I’m teasing. Go. Have fun. Do you have a condom?”


“I’m just kidding. But, seriously—do you?”

He stood back. “Okay, I have to shower and change before the next event. May I?”

She made a sweeping gesture in the direction of his bedroom, bowing. “Please do, Mr. Future Mayor.”

“Thank you.” He breezed past her, disappearing around a corner. “Will you be staying at the house tonight?”

“Actually, I was just thinking I might borrow the BMW.”

“What? No. Get your car out of the impound lot.”

“Come on. You have a limo and I need a car. I can’t get mine until Monday.”

He peeked around the corner at her. “It might not be a bad idea for you to stay here until then.”

“Please, Daddy?”

He sighed. “Okay. That smile doesn’t work on me. I’m just being nice because I’m in a good mood.” He disappeared again. “You’re not running off to go see that Barry character, are you?”

She smiled. “I thought I might stop by the hospital to see him, yes.”

Mr. Mills walked out of the bedroom. “Maybe I’d better tell you a few things about that guy first, then.” He sighed. “Sit down.”

* * * * *

Mr. Mills’ BMW was a sleek machine. Top of the line. Like the ads said, it practically drove itself. Even so, it was illegal for Melissa to be talking on a cell phone while driving it.

“Mandy, we need to make a vehicle trade. My dad’s 500 series for your shitty pickup truck, for the whole weekend. What do you say?”

“I don’t think my dad will let me.”

“Then don’t ask him. Come on, I need a favor and you owe me.”

“Bullshit I owe you. You got me in some deep shit with
dad. I don’t owe you anything.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Just forget it.” Melissa glanced out the window. “Hey, by the way, does your dad know your boyfriend moved in with you?”

* * * * *

Melissa paused outside the door to Barry’s hospital room, one hand on the knob and the other poised to knock. She took a deep breath, cracking the door open. “Knock, knock.”

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