The Only Thing That Matters (30 page)

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Authors: Neale Donald Walsch

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BOOK: The Only Thing That Matters
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The idea that
need to forgive somebody is clearly based on the fact that you feel offended, damaged, or hurt by another. Such a thought denies the reality of who you really are.

Nelson Mandela and Pope John Paul II never entered into such denial. (Or if they did, they moved out of it permanently.) While they did not agree with what another had done, they understood why the other did it.

Just as we understand the child whose simple immaturity and confusion led to his actions, so, too, do we see, when we come from the place of Deep Understanding, that the exact same thing is true of the adults who act in ways that persons of lesser awareness might call hurtful or damaging.

Understanding thus replaces Forgiveness in the Mind of those who have expanded their Consciousness to include the Awareness of the Soul. The Soul knows that nobody does anything inappropriate, given their model of the world. The Soul knows that everyone is doing the best they can at any given moment.

A wonderful effort of your Mind, then, each time you begin to feel that you are or have been hurt or damaged in any way, would be to open itself to the wisdom of the Soul.

Stop. Breathe. And then listen.

Listen to the reasoning of the Soul—what has been called SouLogic—and you will move closer and closer to Completion, in that moment, of your Sacred Journey.

Publisher's Note:
If you would like to see a healing process that has been developed around this particular tool, you may wish to watch a video of the SouLogic Process. It can be found at the following link:

Mental Emptiness

—if the Mind travels with the Soul between lifetimes, why are you now having to “remember” what you have brought to your own attention here?

The Mind of all human beings is reset to zero at the Moment of Birth. All previous data is deleted. And so, while on your first day of Life your Soul held an
of All, your Mind held
at all.

This is not by accident

Life is designed to give The Totality of You a fresh start with every incarnation. In this way you can re-create yourself anew in the next grandest version of the greatest vision your Soul ever held about Who You Are.

The slate is wiped clean as part of God's biggest gift: Freedom.

Life wants you to have the freedom to make Today's Choices as you wish, unburdened by the decisions of your past, unlimited thanks to the promise of your future, unfettered by the conditions of your humanity, and unleashed thanks to the glory of your Divinity.

Now you may recall that early in these explorations we introduced the idea that the Body and the Mind never die, any more than the Soul ever dies, but that they travel with The Totality of You from lifetime to lifetime. So right now you might say: “If the Mind is reset to zero at every birth, it might as
die at the end of its previous Life, because what good is it in
Life if it carries no memories of what it learned?”

That's a wonderful question that only a person who is deeply pondering these explanations one by one could possibly think to ask. Once again, the part of
that is doing
just that
has placed this query before you, so that you leave no stone unturned.

So to restate the question: If the Mind is reset to zero, with all its information from previous lives deleted, isn't that the same as one Mind dying and us being born with another one?

The answer is no. For your Mind, as we described in
Chapter 6
, is indeed like a computer—only
much, much better

As you probably know, on a computer you cannot permanently erase any data. You can send data to “trash”—that is, you can “delete” it—but the word “delete” is really a false promise. You have simply sent your data to a separate location on your hard drive.

This is a location that your operating system is programmed not to scan every time you give it a command, so the system runs faster. For this reason it's a good idea to send unneeded data to the Trash Bin … but it's also a good idea to know that it resides there forever.

Read that:

Many a white-collar criminal, who thought that he'd “trashed” certain evidence of his misdeeds, has found to his dismay when the good guys swoop in, confiscate his laptop, and dip into the so-called deleted files, that they found right there everything they needed to send him up the river for a very long vacation.

A Soul Knowing:
Life wants you to have the freedom to make today's choices as you wish.

Now these days you hear more and more about software that “shreds” data, but this, too, does not really make anything disappear. It simply overwrites the data, adding new and mishmashed data on
of it, to make the original data impossible to clearly see.
But it is still there.
(And, actually, much worse. You can't read it at all.)

Ah, but your Mind is more efficient than a computer! It can send data to “trash” (it does exactly this with each new birth), but it can reach into its deleted files and pull out even overwritten data (memories of experiences that you've had over and over and over again, from lifetime to lifetime) and decipher it.

In short, you cannot permanently “shred” the Data of the Mind!

What does this mean as a practical matter? It means that while, yes, you begin each new physical life with a “clean slate,” giving you the freedom to make here-and-now choices unencumbered by your choices in the past, your Mind can still access Prior Data from previous lifetimes when the Mind determines it is beneficial, and not a hindrance, to do so. Anything that stops growth is considered a hindrance. Anything that serves the continuance of Life is not.

Hence, we've all heard stories of the person who suddenly “knew” how to swim because a child desperately thrashing about in the lake needed saving, or who suddenly “understood,” with zero present-life training in advanced psychology, the exact right thing to say to talk a man out of jumping off a bridge.

Yet for all ordinary intents and purposes, the Mind is free of these trillions of bytes of deleted data, having no need whatsoever to bring forward old ideas or information that will not serve you in the Present Moment.

Rising above any old thought that your Mind may have harbored about your inadequacies or failures, your refreshed Mind opens at each birth to the Awareness that your Soul has always held: that you are magnificent.

Do you think it is happenstance that little children think they are wonderful and can do anything and can be anything, and will live forever?

The closer you are to birth, the closer you are to the truth of your Being. With your memory cleared of all your Previous Life Experiences in the Body, you can be of a new Mind about things. And so it is that you have been wisely advised:
Be ye as little children

Let this be your mantra, now and forevermore.

See the world with the innocence of children, approach the world with the daring of children, love the world with the readiness of children, heal the world with the purity of children, change the world with the wisdom of children.

Be ye as little children

Sustaining the Connection Between
the Mind and the Soul

to be authentic, pure, and joyful is what you will experience when you focus your life on The Only Thing That Matters. A deep commitment to peer deeply into each Moment to see how best and most completely you might express What One Desires will move you quickly into an Expanded Consciousness, from which all Divinity arises.

Such Expanded Consciousness is what eventuates when your Mind and your Soul co-join, for then Experience meets Awareness. The question is how to create such Meet Ups. The first thing you have to do is eliminate any thought you may be holding that Expanded Consciousness is something reserved for a select few.

Expanded Consciousness is, in fact, very easy to experience, and everyone on the planet has done so. Yes, even children. Perhaps especially little children.

Your next experience of Expanded Consciousness may occur …

• In any Moment, as in a “flash”

• Intermittently, during a short but intense period

• Regularly, over months or years

• Continuously, as an ongoing reality across the remainder of your lifetime

People in the first category are sometimes said to have had an “epiphany,” and may then become Seekers.

People in the second category are sometimes said to have had an “awakening” (which might be described as sort of a
epiphany), and may then become Students.

People in the third category are sometimes said to have reached a high level of Consciousness, and may then become Messengers or Teachers.

People in the fourth category are sometimes said to have reached Enlightenment, and may then be called Saints or Gurus or Masters—although they, themselves, would gently resist such honorifics.

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