The Only Thing That Matters (35 page)

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Authors: Neale Donald Walsch

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You always, always have Free Choice.

The fact that you made the choice to bring these remembrances to yourself, and to even dance for a while with the idea that you—or a part of you, at least—actually wrote this book, says mountains about who you are, the kind of person you've chosen to be, and the kind of gift you bring to every person in your life.

How lucky they are to know you!

Now, as your next expression of Free Will, you are invited to look within and to announce and declare
for yourself
what is The Only Thing That Matters. It has been said here that it is What One Desires, and that What One Desires is for you (and all of Life) to experience the highest expression of Divinity possible in any Present Moment.

Yet there is a higher answer than that. We have waited until this moment to bring it to you. It is an answer far more profound for you, far more true for you, and far more specific to you than anything you have read here so far. You will find that higher answer on the pages that follow.

Oh. A final note. On these pages, as in all of Life, you will find there only what you put there. So you are invited to assume, please, once again, the role of the author of this book. Pick up a pen and please finish this book in your own handwriting, in the exact way that you wish. For in the end, The Only Thing That Matters is what you decide is The Only Thing That Matters. So provide your own answer, in your own words, to the question: What is your truth about What One Desires? This will be a wonderful reference for you days, weeks, months, or even years from now.


And very good.

So now, always remember—indeed, of all the Remembrances offered here, let this be the one held by you as the most important: You are a blessing.

You have been a blessing to many, many people. You have done more kindnesses, big and small, for more people in your life than you could possibly remember. But those kindnesses
remembered. They are imbedded in the hearts of all those who received them from you, and they are written on the wings of all the angels in heaven. It is what makes the angels fly.

Even as you look up in your final moment on Earth, remember this, and then, watch for those angels. For they will fly straight to you, bringing back to you all the energy of every kindness you have ever offered to another. For this is the purest energy, and it is the energy that you will use to go Home.

Yet that is not now. Not in this precise Moment. For now, know that yes, yes, you are The Gift. There is no mistaking that. Your life has been a testimony to that, far more than you could possibly imagine. Yet wait. Just wait until all of your goodness is added up. Then you will be clear. Then you will know what God knows now: you are God's Beloved Other, and you have brought blessings to others every single time you have done a kindness, no matter how small.




And now God is waiting to give you the biggest hug to thank you for this, for blessing the lives of so many others so many times in so many ways, allowing Divinity Itself to be made manifest just as God had planned—on Earth as it is in Heaven.

God will give you that hug right now if you will let God do it. Place you hand over your heart right now. In this, as in all things, God must work through you. So gently place your hand over your heart even as you read this.

Then feel the hug.


There now.

You're Complete.

You're Home.

Without having to go anywhere.

For it is true …

where the heart is.

May blessings continue to flow to you, and through you, all the days of your life. And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.


Conversations with Humanity
series of books places a particular and specific point of view about Life before the people of our world, and then invites input, ideas, and commentary of all kinds about that point of view, so that humanity itself will rewrite its Cultural Story.

It is clear that the story we are now living, individually and collectively, on this planet is not working for the largest number of us (or anything close to it).

If we wish to alter our everyday experience during the time we each spend on Earth, we will find it of enormous benefit to begin paying attention to The Only Thing That Matters. This point has been made repeatedly in the
Conversations with God
series of books, upon which all of the material in this present volume is based—including the message that you have brought this material to yourself, using the metaphysical “trick” of making it seem as if it was written by “someone else.”

If you would like to continue your interaction with this larger part of Self that forms the community called humanity on Earth, you may do so on a daily basis at the Internet portal site found at …

There you will have an opportunity to enter into a lively Global Conversation taking place daily around the topics explored here, join with people from across the globe in seeking to create Oneness as a worldwide experience through the work of Humanity's Team, share the life-changing­ ­messages you have found here through the CWGforParents home-schooling program, and learn more about how to apply the principles of Conversations with God in your daily experience through programs of the Conversations with God Foundation and CWG Village.

Perhaps most important, if you are facing a major life challenge or difficulty right now and would like immediate spiritual assistance or guidance, you will find that, too, at this portal website. Just look for the CWG Healing Community, the ministering service of the Conversations with God global outreach.

A number of years ago a book was given to us called
Home with God: In a Life That Never Ends.
In it, God engaged in a dialogue around what occurs at the end of our present physical life, and thereafter. As part of that exploration, a question was asked about what our world would “look like” if all of us looked more closely at what we know deep inside to be true about ourselves and about Life.

Much of what was offered there relates directly to what has been offered on these pages. As an Afterword to the present text, we offer this excerpt, in which Divine wisdom is brought to us in the words of The Divine. The excerpt addresses an issue that readers such as you have brought up frequently. “I've heard all this before,” people say. “Tell me something

Here, from
Home with God
, is a response to that in the form of a dialogue between a human being and God.

God speaks first …

Now you can say that you've heard all of this before—but you are not
acting like it

That is why you keep telling yourself this over and over.

What would it “look like” if I
“acting like it”?

If I really understood this and didn't need to have this conversation circle back, again and again, over what I “think” I already know, what would that look like?

First, you would never entertain negative thoughts in your mind again.

Second, if a negative thought
happen to slip in, you would get it out of your mind immediately. You would think of something else, deliberately. You would simply
change your mind about that

Third, you would begin to not only understand Who You Really Are, but to honor and demonstrate that. That is, you would move from what you Know to what you Experience as the measure of your own evolution.

Fourth, you would love yourself fully, just as you are.

Fifth, you would love everyone else fully, just as they are.

Sixth, you would love life fully, just as it is.

Seventh, you would forgive everyone everything. (And now we would add, by not having to forgive anyone at all.)

Eighth, you would never deliberately hurt another human being again—emotionally or physically. Least of all would you ever do this in the name of God.

Ninth, you would never mourn the death of another again, not even for a moment. You might mourn your loss, but not their death.

Tenth, you would never fear or mourn your own death, not even for a moment.

Eleventh, you would be aware that everything is vibration.
And so you would pay much more attention to the vibration of everything that you eat; of everything that you wear; of everything that you watch, read, or listen to; and most important, of everything that you think, say, and do.

Twelfth, you would do whatever it takes to adjust the vibration of your own energy and the life energy that you are creating around you if you find that it is not in resonance with the highest knowing you have about Who You Are, and the greatest experience of this that you can possibly imagine.

Excuse me, but how does all that happen? For instance, how can I become “cognizant” of the “vibration” of a piece of clothing, or a meal listed on a menu, to say nothing of something that I'm thinking, saying, or doing?

It's really quite simple. Tune in to how you feel.

Now I can just see someone saying, “Boy, what a piece of new age jargon—
get in touch with your feelings.

Those who see it as jargon will experience it as jargon. Those who see it as wisdom will open the door to a whole new world.

Any suggestions on how to do that?

It is just a matter of focus. Most human beings are focused most of the time on things that do not really matter. Yet if they were to take a few moments each day to focus on what does, they could change their whole lives.

(Inserted note—2012: This was given to us in the above dialogue many years ago!)

Your body is a magnificent instrument of highly sensitive energy receptors. Believe it or not, you can run your hand six inches over the food in a buffet line and, without touching it, feel whether it is of benefit to you to eat that right now. You can do the same thing with clothing that you are picking out of a closet to wear for the day, or that you are thinking of buying in a store.

When you are with another person, if you will stop listening to what you are thinking and begin listening to what you are feeling, the quality of your communication with that person will skyrocket—as will the quality of the relationship itself.

When you are confused and perplexed and looking for answers from the universe, if you will just turn off the part of you that desperately wants to figure things out and turn on the part of you that knows it has access to every answer—if you will stop trying to decide what to
and start choosing what you wish to
—you will find dilemmas dissolving and solutions appearing magically right in front of your face.

As for measuring the vibes of thoughts or words, there are very
people, actually, who cannot tell you whether they are feeling light or heavy about thinking or saying something. Most people can assess this pretty quickly.

Yes, but—and here is the where the screw turns—
very few people ever do.
At least, that's my observation. Gosh knows, I certainly don't nearly enough.

Then you may wish to start.

Because you are right: very few people use their intuitive and psychic abilities to go deep within themselves and get in touch with their feelings before they think or say or do something. Very few people even do it afterward. If you did this you would allow yourself to be satisfied with nothing less than lightness. You would have nothing to do with anything that has heavy vibes. You would seek to lighten the vibration of everything that you observe, create, experience, and express. You would call this “enlightenment,” and you would see amazing results in a very short period of time.

End of excerpt.

It is the hope that you will hear, loud and clear, the messages that you have brought yourself in the reading you have done here. May you experience God's blessings flowing to you, and
you, all the days of your life.

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