The Party Season (36 page)

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Authors: Sarah Mason

Tags: #Fiction, #General

BOOK: The Party Season
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He smiles once more. 'I hadn't thought of it that way. And I suppose this is infinitely preferable?'

'Infinitely. I would go through that dreadful autumn twice if it means I get you at the end.'

'I'll make it up to you, I promise.' I like the sound of this. His smile grows even wider and he moves closer. This is obviously our moment, the part where it all comes right. I am painfully aware of him – the warmth of his hands, those gorgeous eyes looking deep into mine. He moves a little closer, bending his face slowly towards me until …

A loud voice interrupts us from out in the hall. 'In the cupboard, you say? Hell's bells, what are you talking about? What do you mean, in the cupboard? No son of mine would possibly …' And with this the door is thrown open. 'Oh, hello Izzy, Simon,' says Monty. 'What on earth are you doing in the cupboard?'

'What does it look like we're doing, Dad?'

'Well, I really don't know. The two of you seem to spend an awful lot of time in small enclosed spaces. Maybe you should see someone about it?' Aunt Flo's face appears next to him. She tugs at his arm. 'Come away, dear. I think they're having a moment.'

Monty allows himself to be led away and Flo quietly closes the door. We can hear him roaring, 'A moment? What on earth is a moment?' all the way down the corridor.

The pause gives me time to gather my thoughts. 'Simon, what's happened with the takeover?' I feel appalled that I haven't thought to ask. I take his hand quickly. 'Have you lost the house? You know, it will be fine. We'll manage somehow and—'

'That was pretty amazing what you did in the press conference,' he says, playing with my hand.

'What? Made a fool of myself? It's something I'm becoming quite an expert at.'

'The only person who looked a fool was Rob Gillingham. At midday the board of directors of Wings lost control of the company.'

'You mean it's all going to go through?' I ask breathlessly.

'It means that the American bank finally accepted our share offer and sold us their shares. I don't think Wings could persuade them not to after your little barrage.'

'So you're not going to lose the house?' I ask.

He slowly shakes his head. 'I hope not. I think I'll be able to persuade the bank to hold off until we have sold parts of Wings and consolidated the rest of the company. Maybe we'll even turn it back into the high-profit company it once was. The Americans have first option to buy back their shares.'

'How long will that take?'

'Twelve months at a push, eighteen at the most. None of this is guaranteed but we'll have some money rolling through the company now from backers. Not a lot but enough to live on and get the furniture back.'

'Are you going to sack lots of people?'

'Izzy, some people are going to have to lose their jobs because the company isn't making any money. But not as many as the current board of directors would have sacked.'

'But Rob said they weren't going to make any staff cuts.'

'He was lying. Let's face it, he's not exactly renowned for his honesty, is he? I'm sorry that I thought you were feeding information to him. I was starting to get paranoid. This takeover meant so much to everyone. I knew as soon as you opened your mouth back there that none of it could be true.'

He grins at me and my heart prances foolishly around. 'Would Gerald let you work here at the estate?'

'If I still have a job.'

'I'm sure you will have when he hears how much there is to be done. I'm thinking about opening the house to the public, a tearoom, some outdoor concerts, that sort of thing. It would be perfect for you. And companies will be queuing up to hold their bashes here after the ball. Then I thought I could retire from the takeover business permanently. Hand over one of the farms to Will.'

'That would be fantastic. I feel a bit sorry for Will.'

'Do we have to talk about him?'

This time he really does kiss me. On and on it goes as we shift position awkwardly on our wooden boxes. He moves one hand to the middle of my back and squeezes me to him. Eventually we break apart and stare at each other. I don't think I have ever seen anyone quite so sexy.

'Simon, what about this lawyer character I've been hearing about? Are you seeing someone?' I ask suddenly.

'Not exactly seeing.' I give him a look. 'Oh come on, Izz, I'm not a monk. I can safely say that since you reappeared on the scene I haven't spoken to her, much less seen her. Come on,' he says, hauling me to my feet.

'Where are we going?'

'I don't know about you but I need to finish a rather large takeover.'

We fall out of the cupboard on top of Mrs Delaney.

We blink in the natural light for a second. 'Mrs D? What
you doing?' says Simon as we all find our feet.

'Guarding,' she says fiercely. 'Monty and Flo said you were both in here and he …' she points accusingly at Sam who looks petrified'… wanted to disturb you.'

'Oh, er, thanks, Mrs D.'

'You're welcome,' she sniffs and marches off back to the kitchen.

'Simon, are you coming?' asks Sam.

'I'll be there in a second.'

Sam scoots ahead of us, blushing furiously.

'You know I had my hair cut short for you?' Simon says, as we wander slowly towards the drawing room, hand in hand.

'Did you?'

'Yes, I remember you mentioning how much you fancied men with short hair.'

'You look gorgeous.'

'Do you think you can put up with my family? I know they're a pain in the arse but they sort of come with me.'

'I adore your family,' I protest.

'That's lucky because they will be interfering in this from the off. We will be on constant look-out for spiders, have to share the bed with at least seven dogs and then Harry will pop up in the middle of the night asking for bob-a-jobs.' I giggle. 'I gave Harry fifty quid to tape a kipper under Rob's Porsche's bonnet.'

'You didn't!'

'At least he'll win the bob-a-job contest now. We would never have heard the end of it otherwise.'

'Godfrey Farlington was becoming a little annoying.'

'This has probably been a bad time for you to give up smoking then?'

'Actually, I don't smoke.'

'Really? Would you like a cigarette?'

'Have you got one?'

'Ha! Caught you!'

'No, I really don't smoke. I never have. It was Dom.'

On cue, Dominic sidles up to us. He is holding out my mobile phone. 'Izzy, I'm sorry but there's someone who absolutely insists she speak to you.'

'Who is it?' I ask.

'Lady Boswell.'

Simon pauses outside the drawing room. 'Lady Boswell?' he repeats. 'Of the Nordic Ice Feast?'

Our eyes meet. I always said he could read my mind because he takes the phone from Dominic. 'Lady Boswell? This is Simon Monkwell …' he says smoothly. He squeezes my hand and then the door clicks quietly shut behind him.


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