The Passion (55 page)

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Authors: Donna Boyd

Tags: #Fiction, #Horror, #New York (N.Y.), #Paranormal, #General, #Romance, #Werewolves, #Suspense, #Paris (France)

BOOK: The Passion
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He held degrees from the world's major universities in the arts, sciences and humanities. By age twenty he had climbed Everest in human form, had won the Grand Prix, and had composed and conducted a symphony. It was he who had designed the satel ite communications system upon which pack security around the world was based and had, as an incidental benefit, earned several hundred mil ion dol ars by sel ing various harmless bits of that technology to humans. He was a skil ed negotiator, a shrewd financier, a bril iant engineer.

He was frequently photographed with the world's most enticing females, both human and werewolf.

He dined with human kings, presidents and diplomats. He had a vil a on the Riviera, an apartment on Isle St. Louis, and a ranch in the Hawai an islands at which ministers of finance and chairmen of various boards from around the world were frequent guests.

When human factions went to war—whether they be nations or corporations—at the inconvenience of the pack, he made peace. When greed or short-sightedness caused a division within the corporate pack, he made corrections. When crises arose, he made decisions. He made improvements, he made suggestions, he made deals. Most important of al , he made himself indispensable. Over the past ten years he had gradual y insinuated himself into every area of administration of the pack and its hundred-plus corporate divisions. His personal number was on the Rolodex of every important C.E.O., investment officer, prime minister, king and president in the world, right next to that of Alexander Devoncroix—sometimes above it. A pack in crisis did not function wel , and nothing would plunge the pack into confusion faster than sudden change.

Every precaution had therefore been taken that the transition between a pack leader and his successor should be seamless.

But there were some eventualities against which no precautions were effective. No werewolf could be prepared for the legacy left to Nicholas by his father.

And nothing could prepare the pack for what Nicholas must do now.

Nicholas made his eyes focus one more time on the inert forms upon the bed. "
Au revoir, mon pere, ma
," he said "
." And in English he added, "You have ruled wel . I wil protect what you have built in the best way I know. I swear it."

He turned and left the room.




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