Read The Payment Online

Authors: Mysty McPartland

Tags: #romance, #love, #marriage, #family, #danger, #series

The Payment (11 page)

BOOK: The Payment
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Enough woman, God sweetheart it’s
been too long, and I’m dying every second I’m not inside of you.”
Dane gruffly growled as he laid her down on the bed and half
covered her with his body. When she wrapped her arms around him, he
kissed her ravenously, he kneed her thighs apart. Reaching down he
invaded her moistness with his fingers, wanting to bring her to the
same point of hunger he felt burning inside him.

India arched her hips as she felt Dane’s
fingers gently twirling and stroking between her thighs. She sobbed
softly as a wave of pleasure rolled through her.

His mouth lifted from hers, Dane drew in a
harsh breath. “That’s it baby join me.” He whispered against the
side of her mouth.

Oh God Dane, now please, I can’t
stand anymore.” India whimpered as she thrust her hips

Dane quickly removed his hand and nudging
her thighs further apart, moved between them, his mouth claimed
hers again as he thrust into her powerfully and embedded himself
fully inside of her.

When Dane finally sheathed himself in her
body, India wrapped herself around him as their tongues danced
together in an erotic dance. When he slid further inside of her,
she tore her mouth away and cried out as a wave of rapture rushed
through her.

Dane didn’t think he could penetrate his
wife any deeper but when she wrapped her legs around his hips, he
slid deep within her womb. His roar of ecstasy filled the room. As
he continued to thrust into her, he fought against finding his own
release. He bought his head down and kissed her voraciously. “Come
with me now baby, come with me now.”

He no sooner finished whispering the words
when India felt herself shatter apart, the whirling vortex of
rapture that consumed her spun her world.

Dane felt his wife’s liquid heat surround
him, he tossed his head back let out a growl, and as he thrust into
her once more he exploded in a maelstrom of unmitigated pleasure.
Shuddering, he thrust into her a few more times until his seed
completely drained out of him, and he collapsed gently atop of her.
Now totally sapped and weakened from the experience, he nuzzled his
face in the crook of her neck.




When she felt Dane explode hotly against the
wall of her womb, India shuddered from the rapture it sent through
her. She closed her eyes and held him tightly. She could not
believe just how much pleasure this man could give her.

His breathing no longer labored Dane lifted
up; he rolled off his wife and collapsed on the bed next to her. He
reached out, placed an arm around his wife’s waist, and drew her up
beside him. When she turned her head and looked up at him, he
grinned. “Damn, I think you're trying to kill me sweetheart.”

India lifted a dark brow. “We can always
stop doing it if you’re too weak.”

Dane gave his wife’s waist a light squeeze.
“Not bloody likely.”

Her soft laughter filling the air, India
snuggled closer, a bright smile covered her face as she let her
eyes drift shut. For the moment, she felt truly happy knowing that
she would not have to leave this wonderful man. And wonderful she
came to realize he truly is.


Down stairs in the parlor, everyone suddenly
stopped talking when they heard the muffled sounds coming from

Traye stood up downed his drink and went to
pour another.

What the hell’s the matter with you?”
Reese asked his twin.

For God sake, what do you think is
wrong with me? Don’t you know what’s going on upstairs?” Traye
growled out.

They all blushed with embarrassment all
except Tye who jumped to his feet and looked around confused.
Suddenly, they heard Dane let out a loud growl, becoming worried;
he took a step about to rush upstairs to make sure nothing happened
to his big brother.

Jesse reached out and grabbed hold of Tye by
the collar. “Now where do you think you're going”?

Let me go, I gotta make sure she
ain’t hurting Dane.” Tye tried to wiggle free.

Jesse rolled his eyes but kept a tight hold
on his squirming little brother. “Listen Tye trust me when I tell
you Dane is just fine.”

Hey why don’t we all go and sleep in
the barn tonight? Tomorrow I recommend that one of us speak to Dane
first thing in the morning. Cause I don’t plan to spend the rest of
my damn life sleeping in the barn.” Traye set his glass down, no
longer interested in having another drink and stomped out of the

The others all looked at each other and
after shrugging, they rushed after Traye.


Later that night Traye turned to his twin
and Jesse. “Have either of you taken a good look at Dane’s

What in the hell are you talking
about Traye? Of course we’ve looked at her.” Reese

What are you getting at Traye?” Jesse
asked curious to hear what he Traye wanted to say.

Well I got a real good look at her
when I found her down at the river. I thought she was a real beauty
then but when I looked at her at the dinner table, I can now
understand why Dane wanted to marry her so badly.” Traye hoped his
brothers wouldn’t guess exactly what he really felt.

Jesse frowned thoughtfully. “Well now I
admit even though I looked at her I didn’t take much notice. What
about you Reese?”

Hell I was too mad to look at her,
but now if Traye reckons she’s mighty pretty I think I’ll just take
me a real good look in the morning. Now if we’re finished yammering
about Dane’s wife, can we get some sleep?” He grouched.

When he noticed his wife sleeping soundly,
Dane shifted her gently out of his arms and slipped off the bed. He
moved over to the tub and sunk down into the now cold water,
leaning back his head; he closed his eyes and let a smile play over
his lips. He felt just so damn happy and so relieved. It would have
killed him to leave his brothers. Well, it never came down to such
a decision thank God.

He knew it would probably take time for his
brother’s to accept his wife. He chuckled, thinking that it might
also take his wife time to accept his brothers. She definitely
would not make it easy for them. Lord what a day. First, there was
the fight in town and then the ugly scene at home. He shook his
head wondering why his wife agreed to stay with him at all; he
wouldn’t have blamed her if she demanded that he let her return

Well, she hadn’t and he could only be damn
grateful she didn’t. He would have found it nearly impossible to
let her go. Opening his eyes he let out a yawn, quickly sitting up
he reached for the soap and started to wash himself. Tomorrow, no
doubt, would be another hectic day, and he didn’t doubt that there
would be some upset or argument.

It definitely would not be easy for his
brothers to have a woman living with them after so long and there
would no doubt be some clashes. He chuckled again as he thought how
his brothers were going to react to his wife’s stubbornness. They
would probably want to wring her beautiful neck, but he knew they
would never lay a finger on her.

Finished with his bath, he laid the soap
down on the small table beside the tub and rose up on his feet.
Picking up a towel he stepped out of the tub and wrapped it around
his hips, his gaze went to the bed, and he let out a disappointed
sigh. No matter how much he wanted to make love to his wife again,
he wouldn’t. She is probably exhausted after what she faced today,
he would let her sleep and wait until morning to make love to her


As dawn’s light started filling the room,
Dane woke his wife with gentle caresses and kisses, now having her
laying over him. He shifted her so that she straddled his hips. He
lifted his head up and kissed her hotly. “Ride me sweetheart.” He
whispered as he shifted her again and he slid inside her hot tight

Abruptly India came awake the moment her
husband’s mouth started suckling at her breast, when he fully
embedded himself inside her, she moaned softly. Placing her hands
on his chest, she sat up and lifted herself up. She then brought
herself down on his hard throbbing flesh buried inside her. Moaning
again, she stopped thinking and gave herself up to the overwhelming
pleasure spreading through her.

The need to clench his jaw when his wife
started moving, he could feel himself so close to exploding and
fought desperately to hold it back. When he found some control, he
reached up, cupped both her breasts in his hands, and squeezed them

India, now unable to hold herself under
control, let herself ride the waves of rapture washing through her
every time she slid up and down the length of him. Her nails dug
into the hard flesh of his chest, arching her head back, her gasps
of pleasure filled the room as she rode him faster.

Continuing to play with her breasts, Dane
watched his wife as she rode him hard and fast. He knew he couldn’t
control himself any longer. Letting go of her breasts, his hands
spanned her ribs, and he rolled her over until she now lay beneath
him. As his mouth claimed hers in a hot desperate kiss, he drove
into with one powerful thrust after another.

India didn’t object when her husband changed
positions. After his bone-shattering kiss, she cried out as she
felt herself being tossed and rolled on a wave of overwhelming
ecstasy that she felt close to fainting.

As soon as he felt his wife tighten around
him and her heat surround him, Dane let go of his control and
erupted in an earth-shaking climax. After undulating a few more
times, he rolled off her and collapsed on the bed beside her,
shaken to his very core. He flung an arm over his eyes and drew in
long shaky breathes as he tried to think of what just happened to
him. However, his mind completely mush he could not put a single
thought together.

He let his arms slide away and peeked over
at his wife, he grinned when he saw her once again asleep. Rolling
over on his side he gathered her up and cuddled her close, he
closed his eyes and rested his cheek against the side of her head.
His wife is definitely going to kill him, he thought with
amusement, but he didn’t care at least he would die a very, very
happy man.




Quickly washing and dressing, India still
wore a bright happy smile. She gazed at herself in the mirror and
her smile died as she thought about what waited for her down
stairs. No doubt, the next few weeks were going to be a trial until
Danes brothers accepted her. Well no matter how nasty or mean they
were going to be, they were not going to be rid of her. Not now,
she was here to stay.

Her shoulder’s squaring with
determination; she lifted her chin and turned away from the mirror.
She left the room determined to prove to Dane’s brothers that she
is a worthy wife for him. When she entered the parlor, she stopped
just in the doorway as several pairs of eyes speared her with
Good Lord what is wrong with
them now? S
he glared back before she turned to Dane,
who stood looking at her pleadingly.

She noticed the high color on his face and
wondered why he looked so embarrassed. Her gaze swung back to the
others. With her chin held high in the air, she moved across the
room and went to stand beside her husband. Once she reached him,
she turned to gaze up at him. “Is there something wrong?” she

Jesse cleared his throat, he could not
stop staring at Dane’s wife the moment she entered the room.
Holy hell,
he thought, feeling a
little uncomfortable, he turned away. “Come on boys it’s time we
went to work.” Quickly he picked up his hat and hurried out of the
room before he embarrassed himself.

Traye and Tuff followed Jesse just as
quickly but as Mason and Tye went to leave, Dane spoke up. “Mason,
Tye stay where you are.” He never answered his wife’s question; he
felt embarrassed and wanted to speak to her when they were

Mason turned to his older brother and
grimaced. “Ah heck Dane why do we have to stay home?”

Yeah, why can’t we go with the
others?” Tye asked but he didn’t mind he would much rather stay
with Dane.

Because you both will be helping me,
that’s why. Now run along and wait for me outside.” Dane answered
and once the boys left, he turned and eyed Reese with suspicion
wondering why he was still here. He let out an irritating sigh when
he saw him eyeing India intently. He turned and took a quick glance
at his wife and saw that she was also aware of his brother’s
scrutiny as well.

Now that everyone left Reese sauntered over
to Dane and his wife, standing in front of her, he looked her over
from head to toe. After he finished his slow inspection, he let out
a whistle of appreciation. “Well I’ll be damned. You sure are
pretty. I got to hand it to you big brother you sure know how to
pick em.” Once again, his eyes traveled over her face and his smile
dying, he frowned. “Hey now what’s that bruise on her face? You
ain’t being rough with her are you Dane?”

Dane rolled his eyes and once again took a
quick peek at his wife and wanted to laugh at the look on her face.
O’boy, Reese is in for it now, and he didn’t intend to come to his
brother's rescue, well not, unless his wife took a gun to him.
Besides, this should be amusing. He folded his arms over his chest
and waited for the explosion.

At first India felt only slightly annoyed
when her husband didn’t answer her question. When all but one of
the brothers left, she became more than aggravated when he wouldn’t
stop staring at her. She became infuriated after his close
inspection, she felt like a cheap floozy, and tipped over the edge
of her irritation by his rude whistle and his ugly accusation
towards Dane.

BOOK: The Payment
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