The Payment (12 page)

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Authors: Mysty McPartland

Tags: #romance, #love, #marriage, #family, #danger, #series

BOOK: The Payment
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She took a quick step forward until she
stood toe to toe with Dane’s brother. Her hand came up, and she
started to poke him hard in the chest, forcing him to take a step
back each time. “Now you listen to me you bad-mannered imbecile. I
don’t like being stared at as if I’m some saloon girl, and I won’t
take it from you or any other man.”

Reese kept backing up and he could only
stare at Dane’s wife in astonishment. He felt the heat of
embarrassment burning on his face. He turned a pleading look to his
brother hoping he would take control of his wife. When he saw his
brothers smug face knew he wouldn’t. When he finally backed up
against the wall and had nowhere else to go, all he could do is
pray she would calm down quickly.

India grew too wrapped up in her anger to
notice they stopped moving. “And how dare you suggest Dane would
hurt me. For your information, you dolt head you not only insult
him but me as well. If you must know who hit me, it was some woman
who thinks she is engaged to your brother.”

Dane stood and watched the scene and could
hardly contain his laughter. Poor Reese didn’t know what to do as
India laid into him. However, as she started to wind down, he
quickly moved over to her, and once she finished poking Reese’s
chest again, he grasped her hand. “I think Reese now understands

When Dane gently took her hand India felt
the anger drain out of her, she turned and smiled up at him.

Reese shook his head over the sudden change
in Dane’s wife, one minute she was a spitting wild cat and now
after one touch from his brother, she was a purring kitten. He once
again shook his head over the transformation. “What does she mean
about some woman claiming to be engaged to you?”

Reluctantly turning his gaze from his wife,
Dane sighed and met his brother’s eyes. “Dianne King was in town
when we arrived and apparently while I was away she has been
telling everyone that we’re engaged. She became upset when she
found out I was married, and before I could prevent it, she slapped
India. I’m proud to say though that India retaliated and struck a
blow that would probably leave Dianne with a couple of black

India wanted to slap her hand over her
husband’s mouth to keep him quiet, she felt her face burn with
shame and embarrassment.

Reese burst out laughing, imagining the
scene. He found it hilarious to think that Dane’s small wife bested
the conniving spiteful bitch.

Quick to noticing his wife’s embarrassment,
Dane sent his brother a warning glare and when he stopped laughing,
he watched him hurry out of the room. Alone now he lifted his
wife’s chin and smiled warmly at her. “Don’t be ashamed sweetheart
you had every right to defend yourself.”

He knew what he would have to tell her next
would make her probably feel even worse, and he hoped it wouldn’t
affect their lovemaking. His fingers lightly caressed along her jaw
line. “It seems we were a little loud last night sweetheart.”

At Danes tenderness, India felt a little
better and about to smile, but when he finished speaking her eyes
grew wide a hand came up and covered her mouth. She felt mortified
to know that everyone in the house heard them making love. She
dropped her hand and looked at Dane. “Oh my I wondered why they
were all glaring at me when I came into the room. What are we going
to do? Oh damn this is all your fault if you weren’t so loud.”
Suddenly she burst into laughter seeing the humor in the

Dane became a little worried over her
reaction and hoping it wouldn’t change anything, but his jaw
dropped open when she blamed him and started to laugh. It was the
very last thing he expected. He didn’t find anything funny in the
situation at all.

India gathered control of her laughter when
she noticed the dark frown on Dane’s brow. “I’m sure we’ll find a

It’s not me that makes all the
noise.” He grumbled. “And I have already solved the problem. Our Ma
had her own room far away from the rest of us. She couldn’t bear to
be near us.” He wrapped his arm around his wife and drew her up
against him. “It’s far enough away and we can make as much noise as
we like and no one will ever hear us.” He said just before his
mouth covered hers.

India grew intrigued and saddened over the
way the woman treated her own sons. Dane might not realize it, but
every time he mentioned his mother, he could not keep the
bitterness out of his voice. Soon she hoped to learn what horrid
things the woman must have done to her own children but for now,
she just wanted to enjoy her husband’s kisses.




Wrapped up in kissing his wife it took Dane
a few moments to realize they were no longer alone when he felt the
tug on the leg of his denims. Reluctantly he lifted his mouth from
hers and dropping his arms from around her stepped away and looked
down to see Tye staring up at him in puzzlement.

Finally getting his brother's attention, Tye
let go of his pants. “What yah doin Dane, are yah tryin to eat her

Disappointed when her husband stopped
kissing her, hearing the young voice India rapidly blinked trying
to recover from her husband’s hot kiss, heat spread across her face
at is innocent question.

Embarrassed, Dane cleared his throat.
“Ah…well now Tye I was just giving India a good morning kiss.”

A frown on his brow, Tye look from his
brother to the woman. For a few moments he studied her then
shrugged his shoulders. “I’m Tye and I’m Danes favorite

India swallowed her laughter and smiled
warmly at the little boy. “Well is that so? I can see why you must
be his favorite; you’re the most handsomest and nicest of all your

Dane reached over and ruffled his brother’s
hair, he grinned when his saw his little chest puff up with pride.
He hoped Tye would accept India. His younger brothers needed to
know the love and kindness of a woman, and somehow he knew if
anyone could help his brother’s, it would be his wife.

For some reason, he felt sure that she could
teach his brothers that most women were not evil and cruel like
their Ma. “Come on Tye we have work to do. India, we’ll unload the
wagons, and you can tell us where you want us to put your

As she watched her husband and little
brother leave the room India smiled, at least one of Dane’s
brothers didn’t seem to dislike her.

Late afternoon India was finally satisfied
with their new room. She admitted it would be nice to have some
privacy. Still she didn’t understand why their mother would set
herself so far apart from her children. She also thought she
understood some of the reasons why they all resented her so much.
It made her sad knowing it wasn’t only the older boys that suffered
but the younger ones as well.

Mason’s resentment was obvious and he is too
young to hide it. Yet Tye, she could see, is not only curious about
all the things that were feminine, but whenever he could, he never
stopped asking her questions. Even though it might be tiring, she
answered them all, knowing he accepted her without resentment or

Just as she walked into the parlor, she
heard the noise coming from the dining room. For just a moment she
remained, where she stood and hoped tonight’s meal would be more
pleasant than last nights. Oh well, no sense putting it off, she
thought and hurried forward, not wanting to be accused of them
losing their dinner because she arrived late.

It still amused her that Chin Li would take
their dinner away from them if they upset him. She kept her eyes
down as she hurried towards the table and after taking her seat;
she lifted her head and warily glanced around the table. Her lips
twitched as she saw everyone washed and looking clean and tidy, but
she could also see the resentful glares they were sending her.

Damn it. Are we ever going to eat?”
Tuff grumbled.

India’s gaze flew to Tuff, and she eyed him
in confusion.

Tuff sighed heavily. “We’re waiting for you
Missy to take the first dish and pass it around.”

Now understanding why everyone stared at
her, India smiled and picked up a bowl of mashed potatoes. Once she
dished some on to her plate, she passed it along. She silently
admitted this meal might become quite pleasant. Smiling brightly
she turned her gaze to her husband, and she blushed lightly when he
gave her a cheeky grin and a wink.

Dane knew his brothers were irritated at
having to wash up and change into a clean shirt before supper.
However, even though they grumbled, they didn’t put up much of an
argument. For a long time they never made any effort and now having
a woman in their home would be good for them all to start. He could
see his wife couldn’t hide her surprise over it, and he chuckled
softly when he finally caught her eye he saw her face slightly

Lord she looked so beautiful it took his
breath away. He gave her a quick smile and wink before he turned
his attention to his meal. He decided earlier today that it might
be time for the boys to learn how to be gentlemen and how to treat
a lady. It would be up to him to set an example and by showing
them, hoped they would learn quickly.

Even though the meal at times became a
little noisy, India acknowledged it was quite a pleasant
experience. She only just laid down her utensils when she noticed
Dane stand up and come around the table and stopped beside her. Out
the corner of her eye, she noticed all the brothers were watching
in curiosity.

Would you like to sit outside for
awhile sweetheart?” Dane asked his wife as he helped her out of her

Amused India let Dane help her stand. “Yes
that would be lovely.” She replied with a smile she looked over her
shoulder as they started to walk away. “Would any of you like to
join us?” As soon as the words left her mouth, the chairs scrapped
back and everyone stood. She quickly turned away before she broke
in to laughter.

Dane didn’t mind his brothers joining them;
in fact, he was pleased that his wife made the offer. The more time
they spent around India the quicker they would lose their
antagonism towards her.

At first, the conversation came out stilted
but as time passed it soon flowed more freely. India said very
little when Tye came and sat between herself and Dane, she smiled
at him.

Shyly Tye moved to sit in between his
brother and wife, swinging his legs he looked down at them. “Do yah
know any stories?”

India wanted to hug the little boy but
didn’t dare. “Yes I know lots of stories, would you like me to tell
you one?”

His head coming up, Tye grinned in
excitement. “Only if you want to.”

Oh the little dear, India thought, she could
see the hope and excitement in his eyes and quickly nodded her
head. She took a few moments to think of a story that would capture
his attention, when she thought of one she hoped he would like it,
in a soft voice, she started the story of the brave knight on his
quest to rescue the princess from the evil dragon.

Pleased when Tye sat down between him and
India, Dane paid little attention to what they were saying to each
other until he noticed his other brothers attention wandered and
they fell silent as the listened to India. Only when he turned and
saw how enthralled Tye seemed by what India was saying, he started
to listen himself and soon, along with all his brothers, he became
wrapped up in the tale she told.

After talking for over an hour, India
decided to end the tale for the night. “I think we’ll finish this
tomorrow night.”

Oh please don’t stop I wanna hear if
the knight got past the second challenge.” Tye begged.

Dane ruffled his hair. “It’s late Tye and
the story will keep until tomorrow. Go along now, it’s time for
bed.” He watched as Tye gave him an unhappy glare, and as he
turned, he could see his other brothers looking at him with
dissatisfaction. He watched them all stand and slowly enter the
house calling out goodnight as they did.

Now alone with his wife he turned and
reached for her. “Thank you sweetheart.” He kissed her brow. Then
standing up, he drew her up beside him. “Come on let’s go to bed, I
have a tale of my own that might interest you.”

I hope it’s a long story.” Laughing
happily India saw the fire in his golden eyes.

Dane laughed and pulled his wife along
beside him. “I don’t know about it being a long story sweetheart,
but I promise you it’s going to enthrall you to the very end.”

Eagerly, India hurried alongside her
husband. Knowing that even if it didn’t take very long, it would be
overwhelmingly satisfying.


India sat on the veranda and smiled with
happiness. The month since she arrived seemed to have flown by,
even though the first few weeks were difficult she now felt Dane’s
brothers accepted her. Losing her smile she grimaced, well not all
of them, Mason still resented her even though he always seemed
close by. Perhaps he just needed a little more time. Lord, she
hoped so.

As for her husband, he seemed to care for
her, but she did not know if he loved her. It was a question she
wanted to know, it would hurt if he didn’t. Because now she could
no longer deny her own feelings. She had fallen in love with her
husband. Ruefully she shook her head and let out an unhappy

She realized it the night she first started
to tell the story to Tye that she loved him. She found it nearly
impossible to keep it bottled up inside her. However, she felt too
unsure of Dane’s feelings to say the words to him. Hopefully, soon
she would know how he felt.

Just as she went to stand up and go inside,
she suddenly heard the sound of a horse and buggy approaching.
Turning she gazed down the long drive and frowned, wondering who
might have come calling. She moved towards the steps and waited to
see who the visitors were. Dane and his brothers didn’t like
visitors, for some reason. She could not help but feel a little
excited; perhaps it might be some of the women from town coming to
welcome her.

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