The Payment (28 page)

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Authors: Mysty McPartland

Tags: #romance, #love, #marriage, #family, #danger, #series

BOOK: The Payment
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Quick Jesse, give us a hand getting
Traye inside then we’ll come back for Dane.” Devon yelled and slid
off his horse.

Devon’s words sliced through his brain.
Jesse bound off the veranda and hurried to his side to help with
Traye. “How bad are they?”

As they lifted Traye off the horse and
carried him inside, Devon looked down at him. “I don’t know.
Traye’s lost a lot of blood. Dane is unconscious but I’m sure he’ll
be fine.”

India stopped her struggle to get to her
feet and fell back in her seat. She smothered her gasp behind her
hand as she watched Jesse and Devon carry an unconscious Traye
through the room to the kitchen. Tears fell from her eyes, with
Traye hurt where was Dane? Terror filled her heart, opening her
mouth to ask someone about Dane when Devon and Jesse came racing
back through the room and outside again.

Oh, God no please, please don’t let anything
happen to Dane not now. Once again, she tried to push herself out
of the chair, more determined than ever to find out. With one more
push, she gained her feet; she heard the scuffing in the foyer and
hurriedly waddled her way towards the doors.

She reached them just in time to see Reese,
Devon, and Jesse carry an inert Dane up the stairs, she sobbed
softly. She could do nothing but stand here and watch them take him
up to their room.

Once they placed Dane, stomach down, on the
bed, Jesse lit the lamp and cursed as he stared down at the
destruction to Dane’s back. “Who, how, who did this to them?” He
finally managed to bellow out.

Devon came up and placed a hand on Jesse’s
shoulder. “Calm down Jesse, I know how you're feeling but don’t
lose it now. Go down and fetch India, she’s probably near
hysterical by now. I’m going to town to fetch Jeff and send a wire.
I promise you in a few days this will all be over.”

Jesse could only nod. Taking one more look
at Dane, he hurriedly left the room with the others. He hoped India
would be strong enough to look after Dane until Chin Li finished
with Traye. He glanced down the stairs and silently cursed when he
saw the tears running down India’s distraught face. “He’s going to
be fine I promise India. Now let me take you up to him. Do you
think you’re capable of taking care of him?”

When Jesse swung her up in his arms, India
wrapped her arms around him. “Please Jesse tell what’s happened to

He found it impossible to meet her gaze.
Jesse concentrated on making sure he didn’t miss a step on the
stairs. “His been whipped badly, but listen to me India, he’ll be

A sob caught in her throat. “And Traye?”

His gaze flew to hers, his eyes full of
torture. “I don’t know. He’s lost a lot of blood but Chin Li will
save him.”

Before she could say anymore, Jesse carried
her in to her room. She gasped in horror at seeing the destruction
to her husbands’ back. Oh God. Who would do such a terrible thing?
When Jesse placed her on the chair next to the bed, she reached out
and brushed the hair off his brow. “Oh dear God, Dane. Dane my love
can you hear me?” Tears poured down her face as she stared at her
husband’s face, hoping he would open his eyes.

Tears welled in his own eyes; Jesse turned
away and quickly left the room to fetch the things India needed to
take care of Dane until someone else could take over the task.

Reluctantly moving her eyes from his face,
India forced herself to look at the damage done to his back. Dear
God, what sort of monster would do this to another human being? She
forced herself to concentrate on what needed to be done. When Jesse
came back, he would have to strip Dane, she needed to clean the
wounds thoroughly so no infection would set in.

Jesse rushed back into the room with Reese.
Both carried a bucket of water and things India would need to take
care of Dane. After they placed the things by the bed, tight
lipped, they went about stripping Dane of his clothes. When they
finished, they covered him with a sheet draped over his hips. Reese
left the room wanting to be at his twin's side.

India let me help you sit on the
bed.” Jesse helped her and once she was seated, he placed a hand on
her shoulder. “Call out if you need anything, or if you get tired.”
He wanted to stay and help but Traye’s injury was more life
threatening and Chin Li needed help taking out the bullet.
Reluctantly he left room.

Drawing in a deep breath, India went to
work. She wet a soft cloth and after wringing it out as gently as
she could, she started to clean the wounds on her husbands’ back.
Every now and then, she needed to stop and wipe the tears running
down her cheeks. It might be slow painstaking work, but she wanted
to make sure that no dirt or anything else remained in any of the
open wounds.




After checking on Traye and seeing that Chin
Li and everyone else were in control of the situation, Jeff raced
up the stairs to check on Dane. For a moment, he stood in the
doorway and shook his head sadly. He could see India drooping with
exhaustion. She needed to rest. Striding across the room, he
stopped beside her and snatched the cloth from her hand.

About to protest India turned and looked up.
Seeing Jeff, her shoulders slumped. “I have to clean them again.”
She said weakly.

Jeff bent down beside her. “I know but
you’re exhausted, I’ll do it. Let me help you to another room to

She shook her head backwards and forwards in
denial. “No I can’t leave him.”

Then let me help you around to the
other side of the bed, and you can lay next to him.” Jeff blew out
a breath when she nodded in agreement. Tossing the cloth in the
bucket, he straightened up, helped her to her feet, and led her
around the other side of the bed. When she sat down, he bent down
and took off her slippers, lifted her legs, and placed them on the
bed. “Try to sleep.” He said softly before he hurried around the
bed. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he went about cleaning Dane’s

India hated feeling so helpless. Curling up
on her side, she watched Jeff as he gently and methodically went
about cleaning Dane’s wounds.

Finally, satisfied Dane’s wounds were now
thoroughly cleaned; Jeff straightened up and shifted his gaze to
India. He smiled seeing that she at last slept and she still held
Dane’s hand. Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching, he stood
up and sighed when Chin Li hurriedly entered the room.

How is boy and Missy?” Chin Li
stopped beside Jeff.

The wounds have been thoroughly
cleaned and India is sleeping. How is Traye?” Jeff held his breath
as he waited for the answer, praying that Traye would

He strong will take while, but he
will be fine, now I take care of Dane. Go.” Chin Li moved around
Jeff and picked up the jar of cream.

Knowing not to argue with Chin Li, Jeff took
one more look at the pair on the bed and reluctantly left the room.
When he walked into the parlor, he saw Reese, Jesse, and Tuff
sitting on various chairs looking tired and worried. He took a seat
of his own and stretched out his legs. “Devon should be back soon.
He’s sending a wire to some friends of his, and they should be here
in a few days.”

I don’t want to wait a few days. I
want to get the bitch now.” Reese was about to jump to his feet but
Tuff’s words stopped him, and he slumped back in his chair silently
fuming in impotent rage.

Just sit where yah are boy, yah in
enough trouble as it is and yah ain’t going off half cocked
anywhere. We’ll wait until Devon’s friends arrive and do this all
nice and legal.” No matter how much he wanted to go after the bitch
who hurt his boys, he knew he would have to leave it up to the

Tuff’s right Reese. No matter how
much we all want to, we can’t. Just a few more days Reese and it
will be all over, and she will never see the light of day again I
promise.” Jeff said emphatically, once Irene was captured he
intended to make sure the woman would be jailed for the rest of her
evil life.

Reese mumbled a few curses and jumped to his
feet. “I’m going to go up and sit with Traye. Let me know how
Dane’s doing.” He stomped out of the room and upstairs to sit with
his twin.

Can’t blame Reese. I want to get my
hands on that bitch so badly.” Jesse said after Reese

Tuff felt tired and old, he had failed to
keep the boys safe.

Out the corner of his eye, Jesse saw Tuff’s
shoulder's slump. He rose to his feet and went to sit on the sofa
next to the old man. “The boys will be up soon, they’ll need

Jeff quickly caught on. “Yes they will, we
all need you and Chin Li.”

Tuff fought the tears filling his eyes. “I’m
just an old man; I failed to keep yah safe.”

Jeff jumped to his feet and joined the
others on the sofa. “Damn it Tuff you didn’t fail any of us.”

He’s right Tuff, you couldn’t prevent
what happened. You and Chin Li are our fathers, and we will always
need you both.” His words rasped out of him. Jesse reached out and
hugged the old man. “We love you.” He whispered softly.

Not used to showing affection easily, Jeff
cleared his throat and joined Jesse in hugging Tuff.

For a moment Tuff let himself be caught up
in the emotional moment, his arms went around both the boys and for
a precious moment, he hugged the boys back. After a few minutes, he
dropped his arms and cleared his throat. “Ah come on you two let’s
get in the kitchen and get some coffee on and start breakfast.”

Both Jeff and Jesse blinked the tears from
their eyes and gave each other a rueful smile before they stood up.
When Tuff got to his feet, they followed him out to the

Mason and Tye are going to be upset.
Someone will have to keep them busy for the next few days. I don’t
think it would be wise to let them go to school.” Jeff suggested as
he filled the coffee pot full of water.

Don’t worry none. I’ll see to them.”
Tuff replied. He felt guilty for failing to keep Dane and Traye

Jesse gave Jeff a grin and a wink before he
went into the larder to fetch the slab of bacon. He took a few
moments to get his own emotions under control. Rage sat in his
blood waiting to get out, and he hoped Devon’s friends would get
here quickly.


Finished applying the salve to Dane’s back,
Chin Li tiredly sat in the chair by the bed. The tears ran down his
face. How could a mother be so evil she would do such ugly and
cruel things to her own flesh and blood? He knew the answer, and it
shamed him to his soul that the woman was part of this family.

Well evil beget evil, the woman’s soul will
burn in hell for eternity for what she has done to his boys. This
latest evil would be the last. It is time to end things for good.
Since Missy came, the boys have changed so much and much happiness
filled the house, and it will again he promised. It will again.




Dane swam up from the blackness and groaned
when the fire on his back consumed him. He clenched his jaw to bite
back another groan.

India lay awake for some time and continued
to stare at her husbands’ face; she gasped softly when she saw his
lashes flutter and heard his soft moan. She knew he must be in
unbearable pain. She lifted her hand and stroked his cheek. “Dane?
Dane can you hear me?”

Slowly, Dane forced his eyes open and from
blurred vision could make out his wife’s face lying on the pillow
next to his own. “India, oh God India. Traye, Traye where is

Sh don’t get yourself upset, Traye is
fine just as you are.” India quickly reassured him.

Thank God, India I lo…” He couldn’t
finish the blackness swallowed him up again, but before he
completely succumbed to it. He felt relief wash through him knowing
Traye is safe and alive.

Tears slipped down her face, India felt
relieved that Dane finally regained consciousness, even if only for
a few moments. When the door opened, she turned her gaze and saw
Jeff step into the room. She needed to relieve herself and needed
someone to help her off the bed.

Jeff came in and stood by the bed gazing
down at Dane. “How is he?”

He just woke up for a few moments.
Jeff, I need you to help me.” India felt the blush cover her face
embarrassed of her plight and she couldn’t meet Jeff’s

His gaze going to India’s and seeing the
embarrassment on her face, Jeff felt his own face heat up
understanding what she needed. Dropping his gaze from hers, he
hurried around the bed and as gently as he could help her up on her
feet. “Ah…do you need any more help?”

India didn’t think her face could burn any
hotter, but it did. It might be all right doing this with Dane but
with one of his brother’s well it was downright embarrassing. “No I
can manage.”

Relieved Jeff quickly left the room to give
India some privacy. He would go down stairs and bring her up some


How is Dane?” Jesse asked as soon as
Jeff walked in the kitchen.

Jeff busied himself loading a tray. “Fine.
India said he woke up for a short time. I’ll take her up some

I want to see Dane, why can’t I see
Dane?” Tye cried.

Jeff reached over and ruffled the boy's
hair. “Course you can, you can help me take the tray up to India.
Do you want to come Mason?”

Mason swallowed back the tears that clogged
his throat. “Yeah and I want to see Traye as well.”

Jesse could see Mason fighting back his
tears and moved over, placed an arm around his shoulder. “Well I’m
taking a tray up to Traye you can come with me.”

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