The Perfect Mate (10 page)

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Authors: C. E. Black

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #Fantasy, #Werewolves & Shifters

BOOK: The Perfect Mate
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We kissed passionately and he began to move inside me again. I moaned into his mouth, moving with him when I heard something. I looked up at the sound of a gun being cocked. Gray was standing by the bed, his pistol aimed at Paul's head, an evil grin spreading across his face.

I gasped, sitting up quickly, ready to fight. Paul looked over at Gray too. We both stared at the dark haired man. His crooked nose and yellowed teeth made me blink in surprise. That was not how I remembered him.

I began to move over Paul putting myself between him and the gun. Paul stopped me with his hands on my shoulders. "No, sweetheart,it's okay."

I looked at him, shocked. "It's okay? How can this be okay? He's got a gun pointed at you, Paul," I panicked.

"Sweetheart, he's not real."

"Huh?" I looked back at Gray. He was in the same position as last time I looked. Nothing had changed. I looked back at Paul confused.

"We're dreaming Susan. He's only here because you put him here." I began to shake my head in denial, but stopped. Was Paul right, I wondered? This was a dream, but I didn't know why I'd want Gray here.

"You probably had your upcoming meeting with him on your mind. It's alright, baby. Just wake up and he'll be gone."

I lay back down and buried my face into Paul's shoulder, closing my eyes against the vision of Gray. It didn't take long before the dream dissolved.

I gasped, sitting up in bed breathing hard. I glanced around the room, my heart pounding against my chest, looking for any sign of Gray. I didn't see him. I jumped at the feel of a hand sliding up my back. I turned and saw Paul lying beside me. He reached up and tugged on my shoulder until I lay back down. His strong arms closed around me as I snuggled against him.

I breathed deep letting Paul's presence calm me. "I'm sorry," I finally said. "I'm sorry I brought him there."

Paul kissed the top of my head. "It's alright, sweetheart. You couldn't
help it."

I kissed his still bandaged chest in apology. "I know, but I'm still sorry for ruining our time together. It was really nice until I ruined it."

"Don't worry; we have plenty of time for you to make up for it," He said wryly and I could hear the smile in his voice.

I lifted my head, my lips reaching for his. I kissed him hard with longing. When we parted I grinned wickedly. "Oh I will." And I did.






"What's going to happen to him?" I asked the guard standing outside the prison doors.

"He was scheduled to be transported back to Vancouver for execution tonight, but it was decided that he was too dangerous to try and move him. He'll be executed tonight by Pack Master Dane. The other packs that were trying to find him gave him the go ahead." Justice would finally be served and the Vancouver pack could live in peace. I nodded my thanks as I passed.

I walked into the prison cell, my chin high. I held back a flinch as the iron bars slammed shut behind me. I looked at Gray. His feet and hands were handcuffed to a chair that was bolted to the cement floor. He grinned at me and I suppressed a shudder of revulsion.

I became aware of the fact that I was alone with the person who took the ones I loved most away from me. Paul was furious when I insisted I come alone, but I assured him all would be fine. There were guards standing just outside the bars, heavily armed. At first he protested steadily, but after much persuasion, he relented. He did insist on watching me through the monitors and I agreed.

"Well what do you want. red?" Gray sneered, bringing me out of my thoughts. I walked a little closer looking him over. He was battered and bruised, but not enough to make me happy. His dark hair fell over his forehead covering most of his black eye. I stared at his straight, but wide nose then my gaze move to his mouth. He smiled showing sharp, white teeth. For some reason I was fascinated that my dream made him look so ugly. Physically, he was a handsome man with eyes the color of his name, but inside he was the ugliest creature on earth.

"Hmmm, too bad you didn't stay a little longer in Vancouver. I haven't had a red head in awhile. Is the color natural?" Gray leered at me dragging his gaze over my body, making me want to gag. It was all the reason I needed.

I stepped up to him and back handed him as hard as I could. His head snapped to his left. He turned slowly towards me licking his bloodied lip and glaring daggers at me. I knew he was going to speak, but I had something to say first.

"You're a coward Gray. Killing my father without a proper challenge was cowardly and unnecessary. And my mother, my mother did nothing to you. Why?" I clinched my hands into fists waiting for the bullshit I knew would spew from his mouth.

"Well, red, I guess I did it because I could." He laughed his eyes hard and cold. My patients had ended. I pulled my arm back and punched him, with all my strength, in the nose. I heard the bone crunch as my fist connected painfully. His head snapped back and blood spurted out of his nostrils.

He was cursing and spewing blood, but it wasn't enough. He screamed as I kicked him in the knee causing his leg to sit at an odd angle. I turned and kicked his other knee with the same result. I pulled my arm back ready to send another punch to his already broken nose when I was grabbed from behind.

I kicked and screamed as I was dragged out of the room. I clawed at the hands that carried me out, but they held tight. Gray's screams and curses were cut off as the heavy door to the prison shut behind me.

Soothing words were whispered, but I didn't hear them. I was in a rage and couldn't be calmed. Gray deserved worse than what I did. He deserved to be tortured and ripped apart for what he did to my family. I screamed out my frustration in one long cry then slumped exhausted against the person holding me.

I was breathing hard, my pulse hammering against my rib cage. Tears streamed down my face and a sob escaped my lips. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I sobbed, howling for the loss of my loved ones.

I don't know how long I cried out my sorrows, but eventually I became aware of another sound. It was the sound of someone else's cries. I was sitting on the stone floor right outside the prison and I turned in the arms that still held me. I found myself facing Paul. His face was contorted as if in pain. His eyes were closed and tears streamed down his cheeks.

I place my hands on either side of his face, wiping at the tears with my thumbs. I kissed his cheeks, nose, and eyelids until he finally looked at me. What I saw caused my breath to catch. His eyes were filled with so much love, hurt, and regret that just the intensity of his gaze caused my tears to return.

"What is it?" I croaked.

"Your pain, sweetheart, was so intense I was feeling it with you. It was killing me to see you in so much agony," He said, another tear rolling down his cheek. I pressed my forehead against his trying to comfort him. Guilt for putting him through that was setting in.

"And now you're comforting me when you're the one who needs it." He shook his head. "I'm so sorry for what you've had to go through because of him. You deserve so much better." He growled, a spark of anger igniting his gaze.

I shook my head. "It's over, Paul. Let's go home." He nodded and stood up sweeping me up in his arms. I curled my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder as he carried me upstairs.










The sun was hot on my skin as I stretched. A shadow passed over me and I blinked trying to focus my vision. Paul stood over me, clad only in his white board shorts. His chest was broad and smooth except for the long thin scar. I look up and smiled into his glittering gaze. I saw he had picked up the suntan lotion and was shaking it at me.

"You're starting to burn. Flip over and let me get your back first." I stuck my tongue out at him, but complied with his command. He began at my shoulders, rubbing the lotion in with firm strokes. I closed my eyes and moaned as his hand moved down my back kneading my tired muscles.

"Mmm, that feels good. I needed a massage after what you put me through last night."

Paul smacked my ass playfully, but it was enough to make me moan. "You better behave," He scolded and I chuckled. "I love your punishments," I retorted.

He leaned down and teased my earlobe with his tongue. "Oh, well I think maybe I'll have to try torture then." His hands caressed down my back and over my ass. Slipping his fingers under my yellow bikini bottoms, he circled my clit until I was writhing under his hands. I was right on the edge when he suddenly pulled away. I whimpered and he chuckled. I realized what he meant by torture.

"You tease," I called out at him. He only chuckled again and lay beside me. I looked over at him and narrowed my eyes. He would pay later. I'd make sure of it.

I stretched back out to enjoy my sunbathing again. We were back in Tahiti, finally having an undisturbed honeymoon. Although we'd been many places over the last year, this is where I most wanted to come. I wanted to have the honeymoon we were meant to have.

We'd been all over the globe. Italy, France, Ireland, Australia, and Africa were some of my favorites we traveled to. We had the best time experiencing each new place together but I was ready to head somewhere else.


"Hmm?" He was stretched out beside me soaking up the rays. His eyes were closed and he looked rested, peaceful, and happy. I hoped I could continue to keep that look on his face.

"We've traveled to a lot of places together. Thanks for coming with me. I don't think it would have been the same without you," I said truthfully.

He looked over at me and smiled. "You're welcome, sweetheart. I loved every minute of it."

I cleared my throat, kind of nervous about what I was about to propose. "I was wondering what you thought about going home," I said.

His eyes turned serious at my words. "Do you want to go home, Susan?"

"Well, I...yes. Yes, I'm ready to go home. I was wondering what you thought about maybe starting a family."

Paul sat up as if alarmed. "Sweetheart, are know? Are you...?" He looked down at my flat stomach.

I laughed loudly at the look on his face. He looked scared, but also hopeful, definitely surprised. Too bad I was about to burst his bubble. "No honey, I'm not pregnant." I watched how his face fell a little and had to hold off a chuckle. "Yet," I added. His face lit up again, but with a little wariness.

"What are you saying, sweetheart?"

"I'm saying, if you're ready then so am I."

He jumped to his feet and scooped me up in his arms. I laughed as he ran to our bungalow. "What are we doing?" I asked holding tight as I bounced in his arms.

"We're getting started on that family, sweetheart."





Author's Note


Thank you for purchasing The Perfect Mate. I hoped you enjoyed reading about Susan and Paul. I had lots of fun writing about this couple. If you're looking for more, check out Jessica and Lucas' story, Enduring Kiss. Thanks again for taking a chance on The Perfect Mate.


Peace, Love, and Reading Happiness,

C.E. Black





Excerpt from Enduring Kiss by C.E.Black.



I screamed through the cotton gag that was stuffed in my mouth. Heat seared my skin. The pain was excruciating and I couldn't breathe or move. My wrist and ankles were tied and felt raw from my struggles, but I barely felt them through the fire that licked across my waist and up the side of my chest. The smell, Oh God, the smell of burning flesh, my burning flesh choked me more and I started to hyperventilate. Another smack across my face stopped my breathing all together. How many times had that hand hit my face? Dozens? I lost count. Evil, nasty laughter erupted as I prayed for this nightmare to end. The laughter continued on and on and on becoming shriller...

I sat straight up in bed breathing erratically. A dream, just a dream, I told myself. But it wasn’t just a dream. It was my nightmare. My haunting was back. A shrill ringing sound startled me and I looked around my room realizing what I heard was the telephone. “Hello?” I answered.

“Jessica! What took you so long to answer the damn phone?” My mother’s nasally voice demanded.

I looked at the clock. It was almost noon. Time to get up, I thought. I took a deep breath, really not wanting to talk to my mother. If I never talked to her again it would be fine with me. “Well it is the daytime and you know that my schedule is different. I am up nights now,” I told her for maybe the hundredth time.

“I haven’t forgotten what you are Jessica.” Janice Fuller’s voice sounded as disgusted as I felt right then.

“What are you calling about Janice?” She never called without a reason. Either she wanted money or she just wanted to put me down about my profession.

“Well, I was just going to let you know that Bob was killed yesterday, thanks to you. If you hadn’t pressed those ridiculous charges against him, he would be home with me where he belongs. Now I have to bury my husband while you live like a...”

“How did Bob die?” I interrupted gritting my teeth. I squeezed my eyes closed but tiny tears streaked down my face anyway. Bob had been my stepfather. My real father left us when I was a baby and never came back. My mom got word a year later that he had died in a car accident. It was years later when she met Bob.

“His cell mate choked him to death. Happy?” she said starting to get angry again. She loved to stay agitated at all times.

I sat silently listening to my mother’s raspy breathing as a feeling of relief poured over me. Dead. Bob was finally dead and I was free. Or freer than I was. The relief was short lived when my mother’s ranting came over the receiver once more.

“This is your fault Jessica. You’re nothing but the whore you’ve always been. I can’t believe you let that vampire touch you. It’s so disgusting. At least you get paid but what does that really say? Hmm? Your scars prove just how low you will go.”

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