The Perfect Plans Series [Box Set] (66 page)

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Authors: C.J. Wells

Tags: #Perfect Plans and Take a Bow

BOOK: The Perfect Plans Series [Box Set]
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“Oh, I’m just getting started, big boy,” I open the door, laughing flirtatiously, looking back towards him.


What the fuck?
Frozen in place, I turn my head, taking in the sea of faces peering back at me from inside, my focus blurring between each giant smile. My mother. Dad. Beth and Kevin. Alex’s sister, Anne and her husband, Gerard.
Oh my God
Please tell me the other two are not Alex’s parents
. My gaze darts back to his.

Walking up behind me with a nervous grin, I note him tuck his hand into his pocket, a flash of pink in its wake.
, he mouths, his arm wrapping around my waist to lead me inside.

I’m immediately inundated with hugs all around. My head is spinning, flashes of pink twirling around in mind screaming
Oh. My. God
. I try to hide the panic in my gaze as my mother releases me, smoothing down my skirt - heaven forbid I be anything but wrinkle-free above my bare ass.
Oh. My. GAWD

“Aby, these are my parents,” Alex pulls my attention, “…Miriam and Simon.”

“It’s so wonderful to meet you, Aby,” his mother pulls me in for a hug.

“Isn’t she everything we told you, Mum? Beautiful, charming, and just cute as a button,” Anna gushes.

“That she is. I can certainly see why my Alex is so taken,” she smiles up at her son as she releases me.

“You’re embarrassing the poor girl,” Mr. Tate chimes in. “It’s truly lovely to meet you, young lady,” he winks.

Though I know my mouth is open, words escape me. Thoughts, however, are endless - the most prominent being,
I’m. Going. To. Kill. Him

“I think she’s in shock,” Beth laughs.

Shocked - yes. Mixed with the humiliation of a cool breeze up my backside
- my inner actress fumbles through the script.

“Say something, Aby,” my mother urges with an awkward smile.

“I’m sorry,” I finally manage. “This is such an incredible surprise! It’s such a pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Tate.”

“Miriam, sweetheart,” she smiles warmly.

“My wife doesn’t like being put in the same category as her mother-in-law,” Simon whispers playfully, his hand blocking her view of his mouth.

“Sounds like Beth,” Kevin chuckles, nudging my sister.

Alex’s mom laughs too, squeezing Beth’s hand in a sweet gesture before turning back to me. “Ignore my husband, Aby, he fancies himself a bit of a comedian.”

“Fancies?” Simon questions, playfully hurt.

“Oh come on, Mum,” Alex teases, “…he tries.”

“He’s had
laughing since the day Anna brought me home,” Gerard joins in. “Nice to see you again, Aby.”

“Okay, everyone, let’s take this inside, the poor girl needs to breathe,” Simon adds, ushering the crowd.

My smiling gaze scans them as they back away, landing on my father in the corner. He winks before turning to disperse with the rest, all chatting and laughing as though they’ve known each other for years.

“How did you do all this?” I question Alex, without turning.

“I flew everyone in last night,” he brushes my hair over my shoulder, bending to kiss my neck.

“Last night?” I swing around to face him. “But when did you…”

“The plans have been in motion for a little while now.” Smiling, he brushes his thumb across my lips, locking me to his beautiful blue eyes. “Everyone is staying at the hotel for the weekend, however, they will be enjoying some time to themselves as well, of course.”

“Of course,” I smile, in awe of his incredibly sweet, over the top gesture to do all of this. “You’re incredible, and I love you.” The length this man has gone for me, to prove
love, simply blows my mind. “This is just…wow,” I look back, watching the interaction of our families. “They’re all getting along so…well.”

“Does that surprise you?”

“Just a little,” I lie before looking back into his eyes. My slight nagging fear of an impending clash of the titans, with my usually standoffish mother at the helm, is instantly banished by his loving gaze. He never had any doubt that they would get along; his heart is too pure. “Thank you.”

“Does this mean I can still look forward to you showing me all of the very many ways you’re thankful
? You did offer,” his wickedly sexy smirk sends shivers down my spine.

“I’m not sure,” I teasingly purse my lips. “Are you going to hand over my panties so I can cover my hidden indecency?”

“I believe they were a gift to me, were they not?”

“That was a gift offered under your act of nondisclosure, sir. I think in such circumstances, it’s highly refutable. You set me up.”

“Correction, sweetheart. I look
to setting you up,” his brow does its sexy shift, his hand reaching between us to cup my core. “Until then, you’ll just have grin and

“ABY, I JUST can’t get over this place. It’s breathtaking. Stunning,” Beth swoons, staring out at our view of the ocean. “Does the word
work as a descriptive?” she laughs, and I can’t help but smile. “You know what? I think I’m due for a mid-life crisis, I’m leaving Kevin alone with the kiddies and spending a month here to find myself a delicious playboy actor,” she spins around, taking in my stunned gaze, “What?”

I can’t believe she just said that.

Concern and regret spill from her eyes, “Oh crap, Abs, I didn’t mean anything…”

“I know,” I smile on a deep breath. It was an innocent statement - coming from Beth’s lips, anyway. Had it been my mother…it would have been a totally different, passive-aggressive, situation. Regardless, the judgmental vibe rubs at my insecurities a little. Something I’m still working on, clearly. “Speaking of my niece and nephew,” I brush it off, “…are they staying with Kevin’s parents? It would have been so nice to see them.”

“Oh, gawd,” she rolls her eyes, “…if you had seen the look on Kevin’s mom’s face when we told her we were coming here for Thanksgiving. Needless to say it was either leave them with their grandparents, or not go. An
vacation? Yes please!”

“You and Kevin deserve a little break,” my smile is sincere, but not that Beth would notice. I lost her gaze over my shoulder just as her brow scrunched in response to whatever’s caught her attention.

“Ummm…Abs, maybe you should go rein Mom in.” I follow her gaze to find our mother fretting around the cook Alex has hired to prepare our feast. “I think she’s going to have a lack-of-control coronary.”

I roll my eyes, walking towards her. “Mom…Stop it,” I slap her hand lightly from an attempt to stir the gravy. “You are supposed to be enjoying yourself. Go mingle.”

“I brought savory, Aby, sweety,” she leans closer to whisper, “…I don’t think she even bothered using it,” she nods towards the dressing prepared in a bowl, her eyes wide with dramatic appall.

I look to my side for Beth’s assistance, only to find she’s flown the coop.

“There you are, Dianne,” Miriam saves me from having to talk my neurotic mother down off her ledge - under the fleeting glances of the cook to boot. “I remember the first time Alex hired someone to cater for me,” she continues, clearly hip to my torment. “It was a belated Christmas get-together, since he was unable to make it home for the holidays,” she smiles at the memory. “He wanted to treat me to a day away from the madness of the kitchen, but they had to all but tie my hands together to keep me from intervening. It’s something you will get used to,” she adds, leading my oddly silent, though appreciatively smiling, mother towards the living room.

I do note the cook’s sigh of relief with a slight inconspicuous rolling of her eyes, but I’m too shocked to enjoy the humor of it. I’m still stuck on the ‘something you will get used to’ part.
Does Alex’s mom believe I will be in his life long enough to warrant getting used to all of this?
That’s mighty presumptuous. Assumptions are not good…but,
holy crow…was it Alex that gave her that impression?

“Knock, knock, we made it!”

Oh my God!
“Stacey?” I run for the front door to find Stacey and Thomas being greeted by all.

“Surprise, babe!” she beams, meeting me for a hug.

“Perfect timing, my man,” Alex shakes Thomas’s hand.

“Yes, we’re just about to sit down for dinner,” Mom adds, hugging Stacey.

“So he got you, huh?” Stacey’s turns to me, her smile ear-to-ear as she takes in my elated shock to yet another surprise.

Did he ever
, I look towards him, introducing Thomas to his family.

“Quite the sneaky planner, that man of yours,” she nudges me. “Wait until tomorrow night! The four of us are hitting the town…Par-
, baby.”

“Best Thanksgiving ever,” I can’t wipe the smile off my face, literally scrunching in delight.

“Best ever,” she agrees, linking my arm to walk into the dining room.

This is all so amazing. I’m overwhelmed with Alex’s thoughtfulness, looking towards him as he laughs with our families.

His eyes catch mine, stealing my breath in the brief moment of our silent loving exchange.
I love you
, he mouths, nearly melting me to the floor.

I watch in awe as he makes his way around the table to my side, pulling out my chair to seat me, before sitting to my left. The sudden squeeze of his hand on my thigh pulls my gaze, a flash of pink lace teasing from between his fingers before disappearing with his hand into his pocket.

My wide eyes dart to his, the vision I find enough to make me combust from the heat…

Sin. Perfect, angelic sin.

-mones, slut. You look about ready to get your fuck on. I know Alex is
and all, but I’ve heard exhibitionism is frowned upon in public,” Stacey shoves my shoulder, effectively halting my stare of Alex’s ass as I trail his journey to the bar.

“You’re one to talk Tramp-Express. And I can’t help myself,” I sigh dramatically on a laugh, turning back to her. “He’s just so…”

“Fuckable? Yes, my dear, he is. As is Thomas,” she turns back to our men, now leaning against the bar placing our drink orders. “But you need to get a grip, sugarplum. Quiet down your slut just a tad, she’s getting loud. Have I not taught you anything? Darlin’, learn how to keep those hooker tendencies in check - you’re about as cool as a hand job on a honeymoon over here.”

I laugh out loud. “Stacey, you kill me.”

“Alex’s big cock will be
you later, if his glances over here are any indication. He’s as bad as you are. He’s been eye-fucking the shit out of you all night. At least you’re both consistent.”

“He has?” I turn to glance back at the bar, slightly intrigued by her statement, catching a glimpse of Alex’s gaze locked on mine. Flashing me a flirty smile, he turns back to Thomas.

Oddly, I hadn’t noticed his lustful looks. Mind you, I
drunk. And that may just be the understatement of the century. More like wasted. Yet, so is Alex. It’s been quite entertaining watching his progression throughout the evening; eyes glazing over, his perfectly coiffed curls looking a little more rumpled than usual.

come on
,” Stacey jars me from my thoughts. “Don’t even act like his little looks aren’t giving you butterflies in your vagina. It’s probably why you’re struggling to keep your inner whore at bay. Not that
particularly mind you two humping like rabbits on this table, but I would suspect that the paparazzi or his cray-cray fans may have something different to say about it. So, quit it.”

“Alright, alright,” I drawl dramatically for effect, taking the last swig of my beer. “God, I miss you Stace. I’m so glad you and Thomas came. Talk about a surprise.”

“I miss you, too, doll. It’s been weird not having you around when I’m in London…I just…Goddammit, don’t make me drunk cry! It’s like ugly cry on crack. You know I fucking hate that.”

“Awe, shnookums, don’t drunk cry,” I pat her hand on the table, “It’s not a good look on you,” I tease, laughing at her playful glare. “Seriously, though, I know how you feel. But, this move to L.A.
been amazing.
has been amazing. Living together…it’s out of this world. And I can’t believe he planned the whole Thanksgiving get together for our families. Blows my mind.”

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