Authors: Jesse Abundis
“ Horseshit.” He slammed his fist on the steering wheel. “ Don’t you dare say that.”
“ Jamie had a point, Peewee. We’re just kids playing a game, we have no clue what we’re doing.”
“ Oh yeah, well you were schooling the cops on the crime scene back there. I saw it in your eyes, you were loving every minute of it. This is who we are, we live for this. Who says we can‘t make a difference?”
Karen stood silent for a few seconds before saying a word. “ Just drive me home, Peewee.”
“ I can’t do this without you,” He looked over to her. “ I know if you were on this case with me, we would figure out this whole thing in days. I was hoping all of this would bring you back..” How he wanted those words back as they left his mouth.
“ Is that why you took me down to that crime scene, to get my blood going, so I could help you,” She stared at him with a furious look that could stop the devil cold. “ Or because you wanted to spend time with me as a friend?” He couldn’t lie, so he said nothing.“ That’s low, “ She swallowed down her anger. “ Just take me home, Peewee.”
“ There’s a good chance this will happen again, you’re telling me you‘re going to allow it, when no one else does anything to stop it?” He asked her.
“ That’s why we have the cops.” She stared at him with a sad tired look.
He was hoping to have the old Karen back. The one that believed in what they were doing, the one that never backed down from a challenge. But she was gone, all that was left was a sad mopey girl, that was too busy hurting, just waiting for life to past her by and bury her in the ground. “ Yeah, you’re right.” There was nothing he could do.
For the past week they spent their time in bed making love to one another, each time he thrusted into her, she could feel them becoming one. It wasn’t just about cumming, it was about fusing together, seeing into one another's soul, She felt closer to God every time he ejaculated into her. Maybe love was the key for being free of everything, maybe it was the key to internal happiness.
Angela was addicted to his scent, she couldn‘t bare being without him, each time he walked away she felt herself slowly dying. Her head rested on his chest, her black hair drenched on his body. His hands caressing down her exposed back, she pressed against him with each touch, kissing his chest to praise him. This was a moment neither wanted to end, until David's phone began to vibrate on the nightstand, he sighed and cursed under his breath. “ What is it, baby?” She asked.
“ It’s my bloody father, no doubt.” David rubbed his forehead. “ He’s been hounding me all past week to come back home.”
“ Just stay here with me,” Angela wrapped her arms around him. “ You’ve gotten to know my room an awful lot.” She smirked.
“ Quite true, quite true.” He said with a devilish grin. “ But, my father is an overbearing tosser. He won’t stop hounding until he gets what he wants.”
Angela didn’t want David to leave her, she had found her missing part to her life, that one thing that made life worth living. Now all that was at jeopardy because of a father that wanted his son to follow in his footsteps and become a stock broker. David wasn’t meant for that, he was a born artist, she had seen his paintings in his apartment, they were like staring into God’s face and knowing the answer to life. She couldn’t allow talent like his die so needlessly. “ Your father doesn’t own you ,David, you have to choose what you want in life. I know you love him, but there comes a time when you have to put your foot down and say no.” Her Aqua blue eyes stared into his dark hazel eyes.
He smiled and leaned in to kiss her. “ Where have you been all my life?”
“ I could ask the same.” She smiled and let her hand slip under the covers, reaching down to caress his crotch. “ Look’s like someone woke up again.”
“ Can I take you somewhere special tonight?” He said trying to finish his sentence.
“ Where to?” Angela began to lower herself down into the covers.
“ Oh, dear…” He felt her mouth wrap slowly around his cock, whatever he had to say would have to wait later.
“ David, why didn’t you tell me?” Angela gasped at all the paintings he had drawn in the art studio, paintings of her in different poses. She never knew he rented this place to begin with, but she was proud that her boyfriend was pouring so much of his soul into his work.
“ I wasn’t sure if you were ready to see this side of me.” He winked at her. He ran to the corner of the studio and came back with a bottle of champagne. “ I did have this plan for quite awhile, as you can see.” He nervously laughed as he pointed to the candles and red drapes.
“ You’re beautiful.” She walked up and caressed his cheek. She grabbed his hand and they walked to view every single painting he had drawn of her. Every painting they passed always seemed to focus on her eyes, she giggled at this observation, it was refreshing to know that one man in the world wasn’t keen in her breast or ass. “ Somebody likes my eyes.” She teased him.
“ Well, they were the first thing that caught my attention.” He said with a smile, how she melted each time he did that. There was something so pure about David, he could do no wrong. “ It was like I was staring into heaven and finding the missing part of my soul.”
Angela placed her hand on his chest. “ Baby, I have a confession to make, it might kill you.” She laughed and as did he. “ These are contacts.”
“ Pardon?” He said stunned.
“ Yeah, these aren’t my real eye color.” She reached and retrieved one of her contacts. “ I have black eyes.” She said laughing hysterically.
“ How could you.” David hung his head in disgust.
“ Baby, is everything ok?” She slowly crept up to him. “ you‘re not upset about it are you?” She held his hands in hers.
“ You lied.” His British accent was gone, he squeezed Angela’s hands tightly. “ You used me, you toyed around with me, why!?”
“ David, you’re hurting me, let go!” Angela’s eyes began to tear, as David vise like grip was crushing into her fingers. “ David!” She shouted louder. “ Let me…” Before she could say another word, he head butted her with sheer force, breaking her nose instantly, sending the bone out of place and poor Angela down onto the floor. She couldn’t feel the pain, she was too stun to feel anything.
David just stared at her with so much hate and anger in his eyes, that he began to slowly let out the sorrow that consumed him, the tears began to run down his face. “ Why did you used me!” He screamed at her.
“ David, I’m sorry.” The blood began to drench down her mouth, she could barely speak. Her entire body was dazed from the hit, all she could do was sit there and look at him.
“ You knew how much I loved you and you ruined it, with your fucking disgusting filthy lies!” He began to breathed harder as she kept staring at him with those eyes, those same eyes that lied to him, that called out to him. “ I never want to look at them again.” He said to her.
“ David, take me home, please.” The words barely managed to escape Angela’s mouth. Her shaking hand extended out to him, she wanted to have her sweet angel back. She would give anything to have him back.
David walked over to Angela, slapping her hand away. “ Like I would touch those fucking hands.” He scoffed at her.
He used his knees to pin her arms to the side. He grabbed her head with his hands, let his tears dripped down onto her face, he wanted her to see the pain she caused him. “ Don’t do this.” She pleaded.
A few seconds later his thumbs caved into her, causing Angela’s body to seize up, foam shot out of her mouth as she felt his finger digging into her skull. Seconds later her entire body shut down. Angela was no more.
David remained on top of her, still crying, his thumbs still inside her sockets. He cursed repeatedly under his breath. He looked at every painting he had up, shaking his head. “ I did this for you, you were suppose to be apart of something special. But, now look at you.” He said to her dead body.
Chapter 11
27 Years Ago...
“ Question is simple, why'd you want to be a cop?” It was Brian Klekco's first drive around his hometown as a Boston P.D officer. The moment they left the station his eyes were focused on the unknown, looking into the dark streets, alley ways, house windows on the drive by, seeing if anything caught his attention, while his partner, an old vet of thirty-six years, Eddie Flask flapped his gums. “ Is it because you want the uniform to empress some of the local girls, is it because you want to hold a gun, or do you just want to crack a niggers head in?”
Klecko turned to face the gray bearded man with a glance of confusion. “ I just want to do some good.”
“ Good, you sure you know what that means, son?” The old man chuckled.
“ It's doing what's right, putting the bad guys away for a long time and keeping the innocent protected.”
Flask chuckled once more. “ Still green.”
“ You have a problem with how I see things?” Klecko asked angrily.
“ Easy, cupcake.” Flask shook his head. “ It's not your fault, your mind is still stuck in gear one, is all I'm saying.”
“ Gear one?” Klecko rolled his eyes at Flask.
“ Gear one,” Flask reiterated. “ that's how we all start, but with time you began to move up, soon, Good and bad all start to look the same.”
“ Maybe you should get your head check.” Klecko muttered.
“ So why'd you join the force?” Flask asked once more.
“ To do some good.” Klecko said to him.
“ I think that's a lie.” Flask chuckled. “ So, I'll ask you again, why'd you join the force?”
* * * * *
Ever since coming to New York, sleep alluded Brian Klecko. Within the months it got worst, there were nights when he never slept at all, he'd spent his time just staring blankly at the wall waiting for night to turn into day, it was though this city was eating him alive. “ You never call this late,” or maybe it was life just catching up to him, seeing what he’d seen, been through the things he had been through, one had to wonder if that affected you. “ what’s bothering you?” His insomnia led him online searching for some random person to speak to, but he needed to find someone he could trust, he thought he'd never find that, especially online, until one day he saw a post on Craigslist with the title, “
Looking to make sense out of my life.“
He fought himself from answering, you never knew what could be waiting for you on the other side and apart of him knew he was better than this. “ Just talk to me, isn’t that why you called me?” But he needed someone to confine in, before this heavy weight on his chest ended him, and he found his relief through her.
“ I just wanted to hear your voice.” He always pressed his ear to the phone just to hear her talk, it was quite soothing.
“ So, you didn’t call to explore our fantasy.” He loved her laugh.
“ I’m sorry for calling you like this,” He apologized. “ it’s just been one of those days.”
“ I don’t mind breaking the rules.” He didn't know her name, she didn't know his. They were just two random strangers, sharing the things they could never tell a soul.
“ Do you think of me?” He asked like a nervous wreck.
“ I do, a lot.” He could feel her smile through the phone. “ Do you think of me?”
“ I do, oh, how I do.” He exhaled.
“ What's going on, you sound upset?” Her voiced radiated with concern for him.
“ It's just getting worst for me to find peace.” He shook his head, almost questioning his own mental state as he poured his bleeding heart out to this woman. “ There's times where I wonder if I'm really there at all.”