The Perfect Woman (10 page)

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Authors: Jesse Abundis

BOOK: The Perfect Woman
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              Peewee did a double take as Karen spoke. “ Angela did something to set him off, and he takes out his anger on her?”

              Karen didn’t respond, something inside her mind had clicked. “ What are the name of the girls missing you suspect to be tied with your charming man?” She snapped her fingers at him to answer quickly.              

              Peewee pulled up the file on screen. “ Bridget Ramirez, Debbie Smith, Jessica Bishop, Winnie Lee, Liz Clinton, Holly Dixon, Cindy Hall, Jen Stipe , Dolly Paxton,  Lulu Ortiz,  Sarah Fairfield and  Wendy Cooper.” He was trying to catch his breath after such a fast read.

              Karen moved over to the other three photos Peewee claimed to have the same M.O as Lisa, his Seventy to seventy-nine percent victims tie to the same man. “ Lucy Daniels, Barbra Vargas and Linda Rogers.” She tapped her finger on each photo.

              “ Three girls who went missing in the span of weeks from each other, they came before Lisa. It was a warning of things to come, I guess.” Peewee said in a sadden voice.

              Karen cleared her throat and asked a question to bring him back to the present. “ You know everything about Lisa, right?” He nodded his head. “ Tell me about her.”

              “ She was friendly, kind, everyone liked her.” Peewee said.

              “ Don’t focus on the positives,” She told him. “ tell me about the negatives in her life, things she would never tell anyone.”

              Peewee fumbled through his mind to think back what Maggie had told him. “ She was really distant when it came to looking for love.”

              “ Why?” Karen asked.

              “ She was bitter with her past boyfriends, had some abusive and downright assholes for lovers .”

              “ There!” She shouted, rising out from the bed, sending Peewee into shock as she did. “He has a type, people he relates to, people he’s able to embed himself in, it has nothing to do with finding Ms. Right, it’s all about finding the broken.” She refused to let up, her mind was working faster then it had before. “ You run the names of all them, try to find something that has to do with abuse or a broken  family and you’ll have your connection or at least something to work with.”

              “ Damn,” Peewee wasn’t sure what to say. “ I might have to give Carl a buzz about this, see if he can help me dig something up on his free time.”

              Karen was taken back, this was her first time hearing that name. “ Who the hell is Carl?” She asked.

              “ He’s the office clerk in NYPD homicide. He fills me in on anything interesting going down and also browses through the data base to find me some info.” He checked his watch. “ We should head down to Rusty Chicken Shack before he goes to get his grease fix.”

              Karen couldn’t help but be proud of Peewee, he managed to do something they never could in their lives. “ How did you manage to get a mole inside?” She asked.

              “ I have my ways.” Peewee pulled a pair of sunglasses and placed them on smoothly, adding to his master of secrets persona.

              Sadly Karen knew his secret already, it didn‘t take a genius, if this person was willing to be  a buddy to Peewee, it only meant one thing. “ You’re supplying free porn to this guy?”

              “ My dear, we all have needs, even fat obese desk jockeys.”

              “ So, he hasn’t discovered internet porn yet?”

              Peewee slowly pulled off the sun glasses. “ He did, but his mom caught him whacking off in the living room.”

              “ Eww.” Karen could see the image already.
              “ He swears his mom lost ten years of her life, can’t blame her, when you see a huge black guy just ripping granny apart, and see your own son just pounding his own meat, that’s got to do some psychological problems. Anyway, he‘s back to old fashion DVD, this way he gets to whack off in his bedroom. That‘s the only place his mother won‘t look.”

              “ Oh my God, how do you meet these people.” She couldn’t help but chuckle.

              “ I don’t know, but when I had to erase the stuff on that PC, my lord.”

              “ That bad?” She asked only to learn perhaps asking wasn’t the best choice.

              “ You never look at a horse the same, after seeing what it's capable of doing to a small Asian woman‘s …”

              “ Stop, that’s enough.” The last thing she wanted was nightmares. “ So, did you bring your porno tapes to bribe this guy?” Karen reached out for her leather jacket and keys.

              “I got something better than that this time.” Peewee said.




Chapter 16



“ They were scared, they never want to do anything like that again.” He listened carefully, fighting the urge so deeply to hang-up as his lovers called out to him. “ What do you want me to do?”

              “ Nothing. They'll remain, they're not hard to predict.” He simply said to her.

              “ Can we talk about him?” Her voiced cried out in pain.

              “ Another time.”

              “ I understand.” He could tell that he upset her, but there was no time for them, he had pressing issues to deal with.

              “ I need to be alone for now. I shall contact you later.” He hung up his phone, opened the window to let the hot muggy air out from his apartment. He could hear their voices calling out through night, each one thanking and praising him for making them apart of something so divine and beautiful. They whispered into his ear how they wanted to please him sexually, as a reward for his good deed. They kept asking to find their next sister, the one who would join in the orgy of love.

              He could feel the bulge poking under his shorts, he knew he had to find the others before any pleasure could be released. He sniff the air smelling his lost love scent from miles away. She was calling out to him, now he needed to find her. “ We’ll be together, I promise.”



Chapter 17



“ I wasn‘t like this you know,”
Twenty years to the date and Klecko could still remember every word that was said.
“ I was a catholic boy, always said his prayers, always did as the good lord demanded. But then you just get tired of it, you want to know how the devil’s fruit tastes like, no matter how wrong it might seem. My first time was amazing.”

              “ Bryan Thompson, Dorchester, age four, skull cracked in with a rock, semen found in his mouth, that turned out to be a sort sick and perverse  calling card for you, didn‘t it?”
His voice was young then, still green, learning the ropes but ahead of the curb when it came to finding people like  Alan Smith, a repeated child molester/serial killer.

              “ You know everything about me, don’t you, I’m flattered. I really am.”
His god awful laugh forever stuck in the cracks of time. “So
, tell me son, what’s your name?”


*  *  *  *


Child porn blasted on the television screen in a run down basement, the voice behind the camera order the young girls to take off their clothes, to lay in bed together naked and they did so without fighting back. Every officer in the house paid no attention to it; they were all too preoccupied with the matters at hand. Klecko was the only one staring aimlessly at the screen, his mind drifting to another time and place, the moment that made his career and opened his eyes to the dangers lurking around this world.

              “Poor kid. “  Officers hovered over the six year old girl’s dead body, that was lying on the floor with her neck slit from ear to ear. Leaving the flap of her neck looking like gills. She had been chained up in the basement for the past two weeks, sexually abused and tortured until her captor felt it fit to end her life. The person who did this was a sixty-five year old man name Timothy Cartwright. The outstanding citizen in the block, who never raised his voice or caused problems. Perfect in every way, until neighbors heard strange noises coming out from his home in the middle of the morning. They immediately called the police, when the officers responded; they found his front door open, walking in to find him sitting on his old worn out reclining chair fast asleep, with blood all over his shirt. When he heard the squeaking of the officer’s footsteps on the wooden floor, all he could say was “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself, I just couldn’t.”

              His entire basement was littered with child pornography, his own homemade video tapes of his crime, all label with titles he bestowed upon them. “ Debbie Does Me, Young Slut, Bad Lola and Her First Backdoor Experience #1.” just hours of him making the victim perform sexual acts on him finding obscene ways for the young girl to humiliate herself. His idea of paradise and heaven for his deranged mind. “She wanted me to do this to her, she would always be playing in the park with her legs spread apart, I knew what she wanted, she loved me.” Cartwright believed those words to be true more than anyone else did, he felt he did no wrong.

              He claim to never harm a child in his life, until now, he felt the hunger and need to carry out his lust before his time on earth ended. “ I couldn’t live without knowing how it felt, you understand me don’t you?” His  eyes darted around the officers hoping to find someone that could relate to him. Klecko could only stare at the old man as he ranted and pleaded before they hauled him off, for a second he could have sworn he heard Alan’s laughter as they drove him away.

              In every case Klecko had been apart, most of the murders felt no regret. They stood there and justified their actions; they never seem to notice the problem with the carnage and death they caused. It puzzled him, what was there thought process through it all. They must know right from wrong, he knew it as a child. Were they born that way, or did society shape them into the monster they became, if so, then who among society would be the next mental case he would have to chase down?
“I felt so alive, I feel closer to you, father!”

              “Detective?” A young female officer tugged on his black trench coat. Snapping Klecko out of his daze. It took a moment to gather his surroundings, he was standing in front of the T.V; with the video tape still rolling. He looked around the room wondering where those last words had come from, he turned to his side to see a young officer standing right beside him waiting for him to answer. He brushed back his black slick hair and just tried to shake the images of the children out of his mind.

              “Turn this crap off and tell someone to take all his shit into evidence.” Klecko barked in a daze.

              “Yes, sir.” The female officer said. “I just wanted to inform you that Harkness needs to speak to you.”

              “About what?” He made his way up towards the stairs.

              “It’s the Angela Denning’s case, sir, they found the man responsible.” Klecko stop dead in his tracks, turned to face the officer, almost colliding into one another. “He’s outside waiting to drive you over to the scene.”




Chapter 18


New Lead


Karen and Peewee leaned on the old mustang as they stood outside Rusty’s Chicken Shack, the most notorious fast food joint that was clogging America’s arteries with it's chemically injected product and welcoming a new era of obese children to the world since 1985. Only place where you could buy three piece of greasy chicken for three dollars, who was going to argue.

              “We should buy a bucket for the road, the price is right.” Peewee begged Karen. “They’ll even throw a large bucket of fries if we super size!”

              “None of that sounds right,” Karen shivered as an obese family hobbled out of the restaurant. “They’re not going to make it through the night.” She muttered softly.

              “This chicken is yummy, mommy, I want more.” The little pudgy girl said, as she scarf down the deep-fried chicken thigh in one hand and pile of fries in the other.

              Karen diverted her sight the other way, only to see another victim of the fast food chain slave; he was an overweight officer wobbling his way down the street to the restaurant. He had sweat drenching down his back and almost seemed on the verge of dropping dead on the pavement from the mere grueling exercise of carrying his own weight. “He’s dying in a few seconds.” Karen laughed

              “That’s Carl!” Peewee waved his hand at the officer whose face was bright red, from the extensive workout of walking a block from the precinct to Rusty’s chicken shack. “Dude, you are looking thin.” He complemented the chubby officer.

              “Hey, Peewee.” He heaved for air. “Yeah, man, I’m only eating two meals a day, it's working miracles on my physique. I’m in the best shape of my life.” Karen almost let a snort of laughter, only to hide her face behind Peewee's back. “She ok?” The officer asked.

              “Yeah, she's just ashamed, we went to her OBGYN, turns out she has crabs.” Peewee fib, would earn a silent but deadly punch to his kidneys, almost causing him to slightly black out. “Oh, sweet Jesus.” He cried out as the pain radiated down from his back.

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