Read The Physique 57 Solution Online

Authors: Tanya Becker,Jennifer Maanavi

The Physique 57 Solution (37 page)

BOOK: The Physique 57 Solution
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B. Prance

Bring your knees over your hips. Your feet should be extended out in line with your knees, parallel to the floor, toes pointed. Your arms should float a few inches off the floor, right outside your legs.

Keeping this shape, curl your head, neck, and shoulders up off the floor as high as you can and begin tapping your toes toward the floor, one foot after the other. Make sure your head and shoulders remain lifted throughout the movement.

Try to trace the same path with your thighs every time. You’ll be whittling down your waistline as you walk!


Bent Leg Taps

Bring your knees over your hips. Your feet should be extended out in line with your knees, parallel to the floor, toes pointed.

Keeping your legs bent and glued together, lower your legs to your point of control.

Now open your legs and then bring them back together to tap them at that point of control. Keep your mind focused on your midline.



D. Lady Frog

With your knees over your hips, bring your heels together with flexed feet to form a diamond shape: heels together, toes apart.

Curl your head, neck, and shoulders up off the floor as high as you can. Your arms should float a few inches off the floor, right outside your legs.

Keep your heels together as you straighten your legs and press them out to your point of control. Then bend your knees back in. Make sure that your head and shoulders remain lifted throughout the movement.

BOOK: The Physique 57 Solution
9.39Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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