The Playboy's Princess (26 page)

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Authors: Joy Fulcher

BOOK: The Playboy's Princess
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“I am, actually. Would you like to have dinner with me, Ariel?”

It seemed a bit silly to him to ask his
to have dinner, but their situation was unique, and it wasn’t his right to assume she’d want to spend time with him.

“I’d love to. There’s a restaurant just outside the hotel. When I walked past it last night, the food smelled amazing.”

“Let’s go.”

They both decided to have the buffet and enjoyed the best seafood they’d ever had. Jade also indulged in a few cocktails, and Drew sampled several of the local beers as they ate.

While Drew asked the waiter for the check, Jade drained the last of her sixth cocktail. The room swam around her in a haze of color and sound. Drew’s face was mingled in there somewhere, the only familiar thing in this foreign place.

“I had the best day of my entire life today,” she said, hearing her own voice as it slurred the words.

“I’m glad. I love seeing you smile.”

She spread her mouth wide in a large, toothy grin. He reached across the table and stroked her hand, fingering her wedding ring. It was still hard for her to believe she was married. But she was, and she was going to make the most of having a man at her disposal.

“There’s a bar next door. Do you feel like dancing?” she asked.


Drew paid the bill, and they walked toward the loud music coming from next door. The bar had low lighting, and Jade stumbled, tripping over the leg of a stool.

“Sorry,” she said to the person she’d bumped.

“Are you okay?” Drew asked, slipping his arm around her waist to keep her standing.

“Yeah. Stupid stool jumped out at me.

Drew chuckled. “I like drunk Jade. She’s fun.”

“Jade isn’t drunk!”

The music pumped, and Jade’s body moved without her control as she grabbed Drew and dragged him onto the dance floor. She was impressed with his moves. He could certainly hold his own. She watched his hips move, his body sway, and couldn’t stop her thoughts from wandering to how his body would feel moving against hers.

With a steadying breath, she stepped closer, grinding against his leg. His eyes went wide, but he seemed happy to play along. He grabbed her and held her close, moving against her. Jade’s heart pounded in her chest. She didn’t know if it was from the dancing, the alcohol, or being so close to Drew, but she didn’t care.

Drew pulled her closer as the music changed and nuzzled his face into her neck.

“You smell amazing,” he said.

Jade giggled. She didn’t know why she was laughing, just that it seemed funny to have Drew’s arms around her. Lights flashed around them, strobe lights from the ceiling mixing with camera flashes. But neither of them noticed, their focus only on each other.

Drew looked into her eyes, and with what must have been a sudden rush of courage, or perhaps stupidity, he kissed her. She didn’t even blink an eye. She kissed him back, totally lost in the moment.

His lips felt soft against hers, and he tasted sweet, like the drinks they’d had at dinner. She wanted more drinks. She wanted the happy day to continue, to have Drew’s kisses mixed with more drinks and the memories of the reef.

She broke from his mouth, and he leaned toward her, his eyes still closed, searching for her lips.

“Let’s have shots!” she said.

Drew’s eyes flew open, and he grinned. “All right.”

They made their way to the bar and ordered two shots each, downing them quickly and then moving back to the dance floor. Their arms found each other again, melding their bodies back together, and Drew kissed her, not wasting any time.

Jade broke the kiss again, twirling around to the music. “I love this song!”

She noticed how Drew watched her dance and liked his hands sliding over her waist and hips. He kept pulling her back for kisses, but he couldn’t keep her still for long. After a while, Jade started to lose her buzz and slowed down.

“Do you want to go back to the room? You’re looking tired,” Drew said.

She nodded and let him lead her out of the bar. The hotel was only a block away so they were back in their room in only a few minutes.

Jade’s head was swimming with a combination of the cocktails she’d drunk and the affection that Drew had been showing her.

“This room is fucking amazing!” Drew said, looking around at the amenities as though he hadn’t seen them before. It seemed his buzz was still in full effect.

“I might have a soak. I feel like relaxing in a bubble bath.”

“Mind if I join you?”

Jade breathed heavily. It wasn’t that she was out of breath; she was just excited. The blood pumped through her body, and she didn’t want Drew to stop the kisses they’d been having. Even though she knew she’d regret it later, she didn’t want to say no.

“Okay.” Jade’s heart rate sped up. She was about to have a bath with Drew.

She dug around in her suitcase for her spare bikini and took it into the bathroom. She quickly changed while the tub filled and poured in some bubble bath.

She wished she could turn the jets on, but the churning water mixed with the bubbles would be a disaster. When the tub was filled, she opened the bathroom door to let Drew know he could come in, and then she stepped into the tub.

The water was hot, and it stung her skin as she sat down. It was nothing like the tepid ocean they’d swum in at the reef. Drew appeared in the bathroom wearing his swimming shorts and a cheeky grin.

“May I?” he asked.


As he climbed into the tub, his foot slipped, and he fell into the water, sloshing waves over the edge and onto the floor.

“Are you okay?”

Drew laughed hysterically, clutching the side of the tub as he sat down. “I’m fine.”

They both laughed until it became awkward, and then they fell into silence. His thigh was pressed against hers, and Jade felt a tingling where their skin touched. The tension between them was ridiculous. She knew it was a forbidden fruit situation for him. He didn’t actually desire
. He only saw her as a challenge, something to strive for. She knew all too well the male desire for the chase.

“Damn. I should have ordered some champagne,” Drew said.

“It’s okay. I think we’ve both drunk enough for one night.”

“But we should celebrate. We’re on our honeymoon.”

Jade laughed and then froze. His hand had crept along the seat and was gently stroking her leg. She didn’t know what to do. It felt so good to have him touching her that she didn’t want it to stop. But she knew she should push him away.

Before she could make her decision, Drew slid along the bench seat right up next to her.

“Ariel, I know this isn’t a real honeymoon, and we’re not married in the traditional sense of the word, but I do care about you. More than I’ve cared for any other woman.”

“I care about you too, Drew.”

She rested her hand on top of his on her leg, but didn’t push it away. He seemed to take that as encouragement and ran his fingers up her thigh.

“You’ve made your rules very clear, and I know your boundary.”

She laughed. “That wall is crumbling very quickly.”

He smiled and stroked his thumb over her cheek with the hand that wasn’t planted on her leg. “Is that a good thing?”

“I don’t know,” she admitted.

Picking up that he stood a chance, Drew moved his body closer, intoxicating her with his closeness.

“You never know what we could be if you never give us a chance, Ariel,” he whispered.

His words were enough to throw her inner conflict from chaos into clarity. It wouldn’t hurt to try.

She closed the small gap between them, pressing her lips to his. Drew took her lead and ran with it, spreading her lips and seeking out her tongue. They’d never kissed like this before. It had always been for show. Now they were genuinely kissing each other.

Jade nibbled on his bottom lip with her teeth, and he growled, pushing her back into the wall of the tub. His hands explored her body, sliding over the slippery skin of her stomach and up over her ribs.

“I’ve wanted this for so long,” he breathed into her mouth.

“Me too,” she admitted, lost in the moment.

His hands continued to travel up, into her hair and resting at the base of her neck. He pulled the ties that held her bikini top in place and looked into her eyes, begging for permission to release the fabric’s hold on her flesh.

She gave a tiny nod, and the material fell, floating on the surface of the water, leaving her exposed.

“I knew you’d be beautiful,” he said, taking her in.

“Take me to the bedroom,” Jade said, throwing caution to the wind.

Drew didn’t need to be told twice. He stood and held his hand out, helping Jade out of the tub. He grabbed a towel and dried her slowly, making sure every part of her was shown attention. His lips followed the trail of the towel, kissing her newly-dried skin. Her bikini bottoms were removed as the towel moved over her hips, and she stepped out of them, pushing her nerves away.

Drew quickly rubbed the towel over himself, not taking anywhere near the care he’d shown to her, and then scooped her up into his arms, carrying her to the bedroom. He laid her on the bed gently and crawled up her body.

“You want this, right?” he asked hopefully.

“Yes.” The word came out as a soft moan as his hands began exploring her skin.

He pressed his body over hers, pushing her down into the mattress with his weight. She curled her legs up, holding his hips to hers and squirming beneath him.

His tongue trailed down her neck, and he sucked a nipple into his mouth, flicking the tip. Lightning shot through her body, making her jerk beneath him. He smiled around the nub, apparently enjoying her reactions to his touch.

She was desperate for him, and he wasn’t moving fast enough for her liking, so she took the initiative. She pushed against him, flipping them over so he was lying on his back. When she untied his shorts and pushed them down to his ankles, his cock sprang to attention and bounced in the air, ready for her.

Drew smiled, watching her as she stroked him, getting him ready.

“You’re eager,” he said.

She smirked and showed him just how eager she was. Normally, she enjoyed giving blowjobs, but right now wasn’t the time for that. She didn’t want to drag this out any longer than it already had been. She needed him inside her.

She crawled up the bed, straddling him, until she was in position over his groin. Drew’s eyes went wide, obviously surprised that she was fast-forwarding the action.

“You want this?” she asked, swirling her entrance over the tip of his cock.

“Fuck yes.”

His hands rested on her hips, and he pulled her down, impaling himself in her. They both cried out and started moving against each other, eager for more friction.

A part of Jade told her to slow down. She didn’t want Drew to think of her as a cheap fuck. But she was so desperate for him that she couldn’t stop her hips from bucking over him.

“God, Ariel,” he gasped, his hands kneading her breasts.

She sped up, rocking her body over his at a furious pace. Without warning, he flipped them over and started pounding into her. She wrapped her legs around him, urging his thrusts on.

“You’re so wet,” he groaned.

Inside, Jade felt like she was on fire. Every nerve in her body throbbed as Drew moved over her. She’d known he would be good in bed, he had a reputation for exactly that, but she hadn’t expected it to be so intense. She felt as if she might explode around him.

“Drew,” she gasped.

He chuckled. “I love hearing you say my name.”

His lips found hers, and he sucked her tongue into his mouth, stroking it at the same feverish pace as his hips.

“Oh my God, yes!” she cried as her orgasm built.

There was good sex, there was great sex, and then there was Drew’s sex. She’d never felt so connected to anyone. She’d never felt like her whole body was melting into a delicious puddle with each thrust of his hips.

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