The Power (32 page)

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Authors: Rhonda Byrne

Tags: #Mind, #Body, #Spirit

BOOK: The Power
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“A man who is master of himself can end a sorrow as he can invent a pleasure. I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”

Oscar Wilde

You can change any negative situation in your life, but you can’t change it with bad feelings. You have to react differently to the situation because if you keep reacting negatively, your bad feelings will magnify and multiply the negativity. When you give good feelings, the positivity magnifies, and multiplies. Even if you can’t imagine how a particular situation can change into something positive – it can! The force of love always finds a way.

Love Is a Shield

To take the power out of other people’s negativity and not be affected by it, remember the magnetic fields of feelings surrounding each person. There’s a field of love, joy, happiness, gratitude, excitement, passion, and a field for every good feeling. There’s also a field of anger, discouragement, frustration, hate, desire for revenge, fear, and a field for every negative feeling.

A person surrounded by a magnetic field of anger doesn’t feel good at all, and so if you come into their presence, they will most likely direct their anger at you. They don’t mean to harm you, but they can’t see anything good when they’re looking at the world through their field of anger. All they can see are things that anger them. And because they can only see anger, they are likely to get angry and hurl anger at the first person they see – often a loved one. Does this situation sound familiar?

If you’re feeling fantastic, the force of your magnetic field creates a shield that no negativity can penetrate. And so it won’t matter what negativity anyone hurls at you, it cannot touch you, and it will bounce right off your feeling field without affecting you at all.

On the other hand, if a person hurls something negative at you and you feel what they say, then you know that your feelings must have dropped, because the negativity broke through your feeling field. There’s only one thing to do if this happens, and that is to find an excuse to politely walk away, so you can restore yourself with good feelings. Two negative fields multiply at a rapid rate when they come into contact with each other, and no good can ever come of it. You will know this from your own life experience; two negative fields together are not a pretty sight!

“Muddy water, let stand, becomes clear.”

Lao Tzu
(circa 6th century BC)

If you are feeling sad, disappointed, frustrated, or any negative feeling, then you are looking at the world through that feeling field, and the world will look sad, disappointing, or frustrating to you. You cannot see anything good through a field of bad feelings. Not only is your negative field attracting more negativity to itself, but you will never see your way out of any problem until you change the way you feel. Changing the way you feel is easy compared to running around trying to change the circumstances of the outside world. All the physical action in the world cannot change the situation. Change your feelings and the outside circumstances will change!

“The power is from within, but we cannot receive it unless we give it.”

Charles Haanel

When someone is surrounded by a magnetic field of joy, you can feel their joy touch you from across the room. People who are popular and who have magnetic personalities are simply people who feel good most of the time. The field of joy that surrounds them is so magnetic that it draws everybody and everything to them.

The more you give love and feel good, the more magnetic your field becomes and the more it expands, drawing everything and everyone you love to you! Imagine that!

Love Is the Power That Connects Everything

“When all the people in the world love one another, then the strong will not overpower the weak, the many will not oppress the few, the wealthy will not mock the poor, the honored will not disdain the humble, and the cunning will not deceive the simple.”

(circa 470-circa 391 BC)

You have opportunities every day to give love to other people through your good feelings. When you feel happy, it is your guarantee that you will be giving positivity and love to whomever you come into contact with. When you give love to anyone, the love will return to you, but in a far greater way than you may have realized.

When you give love to another person, if your love affects the other person so positively that they then give love to someone else, then no matter how many people are positively affected, no matter how far your love travels,
that love comes back to
. Not only do you receive back the love you gave to the original person, you receive all the love back from everyone who was affected! And the love returns to you dressed as positive circumstances, positive people, and positive events in your life.

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