The Power of a Woman: A Mafia Erotic Romance (12 page)

BOOK: The Power of a Woman: A Mafia Erotic Romance
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Returning back to my father’s house, I’d hoped to sneak in and hide out in my room until my nerves had settled some, but I had no such luck. Daddy sat on the couch in the formal room across from the foyer, elbows on his knees as if waiting for my arrival. The moment the front door opened, he was on his feet, charging at me with arms spread wide and a deeply furrowed brow. I understood his worry, but wished he would’ve held off on the affection just a little bit longer.

His arms hugged me tight and caused me to gasp, desperately holding in my pain. I didn’t do a good enough job, because he released me and took a step back, taking in my appearance for the first time. I watched silently as his eyes narrowed and glistened.

“Jordana…what happened? What’s happened to your face?” Concern and anger laced his tone, warring with one another.

“It’s not a big deal, Daddy. I went up to the market for some fresh fruit and got mugged. I’m fine, just a little busted up.”

“Who was it? Did they catch the fucker? Did he get away?” Daddy fired off question after question, not giving me a moment to answer.

“I don’t know who it was. I fought back and then was knocked down. He got away.”

“Did he take anything? Did you cancel your credit cards? How much cash?”

“Daddy,” I said, placing my hands on his broad shoulders to calm him down, “all I had on me was the bag of fruit. It was just the corner market. Everything is okay. I just need to lay down and relax please.”

He seemed torn between following my wishes and keeping me close. “Why didn’t you call me?”

Losing my patience, I looked him in the eye and said, “You sent me there because you had to deal with Matty, remember? I didn’t want you worrying about us both, especially since I was fine.” I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and then hauled my bag up the stairs to my room.

The silence felt overwhelming, suffocating even. I hadn’t been alone once since Scarface, other than the thirty minutes earlier while waiting for the family car to show up. But there was something about sitting in my childhood room, observing the innocence I once held, and knowing that I was no longer that person. I’d never be that person again. It didn’t matter how strong I was, Zeke took something from me I’d never get back.

A tear leaked from my eye before I even knew it, and I quickly wiped it away with the back of my finger, berating myself for showing any weakness. I’d made a vow to myself that I wouldn’t allow what had happened to me to break me. That monster might’ve torn me down, but Stefan built me back up. He remade me into a different person, a
person. He’d given me his strength and promised me a future. All I needed to focus on was that.

I didn’t remember falling asleep, but I knew I had when I woke up covered in sweat, my throat raw and my heart pounding heavily in my chest. My door flew open and my dad came rushing in, out of breath and looking panicked.

He rushed to my side and held my face in his hands, almost scrutinizing my features. “What happened, sweetheart? What’s wrong?”

His genuine concern felt odd considering it’d been so long since he’d treated me like his child. I’d grown accustomed to being an adult, able to take care of myself. Don’t get me wrong, my father still took care of me, but in his own way—such as making sure I had someone to keep an eye on me most of the time, and providing me with a roof over my head. But I wasn’t naïve…I knew the only reason why he kept me in his house was to make sure he had someone to take care of things for him.

I shook my head and tried to catch my breath. “Nothing, Daddy. I just had a nightmare. I’m okay now.”

“I don’t know how much more I can handle here. First your brother, and now you. I can’t help you unless you talk to me. I can’t make you feel safe until you tell me what scares you.”

“Daddy,” I said condescendingly, “I’m fine. I spent a week alone with no one to talk to. The nights were dark and quiet. That’s enough to frighten any woman.” I played the gender card again, knowing he’d eat it up. As long as he still viewed me as a fragile female, he wouldn’t question me too harshly.

“Oh, sweetheart. I know you hate it there, but it’s the safest place for you. And you should never be scared of the nights there…we have a state of the art security system that would prevent anyone from getting to you. And the safe room is impenetrable. I wouldn’t send you there alone if it wasn’t the safest place in the world for you. I hate to say it, but it’s safer there than here with me.”

I nodded in compliance.

“If you’re up to it, I’d like to discuss Matty with you.”

That piqued my interest and set worry into my gut. Stefan told me that Matty was safe and I believed him. I hated questioning his word, but I couldn’t help it in that moment. In that moment, all I could feel was concern over my brother. “What about him, Daddy?”

“I had a meeting yesterday with Mick Giannotti’s son.”

I had to think…yesterday…I was with Stefan. How could he have gone to see my dad? Where was I? Then I remembered how he had effectively tired me out and I slept soundly. When I awoke, he was still there, so I just assumed he’d never left. Guess he did, and talked with my father.

“He’s made a deal with me. But I can’t speak of it to anyone. He took half the payment yesterday, and I’ll give him the other half next week. But as far as Giannotti is concerned, it’s paid in full,” he explained in a hush tone, even though we were the only two in the room.

“I don’t understand. Why would he do that?”

“It’s a loan. I’ve essentially borrowed the other half from him to borrow time for Matty. But I know I can get that money by next week. He’ll add on a vig of course, but I can handle that. When I asked him why, all he said was he had his own reasons. But that I couldn’t mention it to anyone. I’m telling you in case anything happens. In case he’s playing both sides. Something doesn’t feel completely right, but I had no other choice.”

I hated to think of Stefan playing both sides, but I knew him. He wouldn’t lie to me. Especially after he made me trust him. I just needed to talk to him and ask him why he would take my father’s money when he’d told me that he paid the debt off himself.

“But what I’m worried most about is Matteo. Jordana, he’s gotten bad into the gambling and I fear he won’t stop. I had no idea the depths he’s gone with this until I spoke to Stefan Giannotti yesterday. I’m worried that this wasn’t enough of a scare to keep him away from the tables.” His eyes darkened and his gaze dropped to the floor at his feet. Opening up about his emotions wasn’t something I was used to seeing, and I didn’t know how to handle it.

It didn’t help that Matty looked like he was twenty-five and could walk into any casino without question. He flaunted his money—or his borrowed money—and loved the rich life. He liked affluent, beautiful women, but loved money more. I blamed it on the way we were raised, living in the life only made it easier to fall down that rabbit hole.

“I hate to say it, but he’s been bailed out too many times. Why would he change if we continue running to his aid, pulling him out of trouble? But don’t worry, we’ll get him help, Daddy,” I said in the hopes of giving him some comfort. But by “we,” I didn’t mean my father and myself… No, I meant Stefan and me.

We were a team on our way up a mountain.

I’d agreed to follow him.

The morning sun reflected off the pool and streamed shades of blue through the window, illuminating the wisps of dust motes in the air. I pulled in a languid breath and held it for a moment. For the first time in a few days, my muscles didn’t ache. I smiled at that notion. However, I realized I had a different feminine ache only Stefan could quench.

I had tried to reach out to him a few times over the last week, yet he continued to give me the same response—”you need time to heal.”

Fuck that.

Time seemed to stretch out, and I feared the separation between us would last forever. I looked at my watch before I stepped into a pretty summer dress. I needed some time with him. He wanted me to heal. However, what he didn’t understand was that my healing rested in his hands—literally. His hand, his mouth, and his cock. Besides, it was way too beautiful a morning to stay in my bed—alone. The longing I felt for him was on autopilot and completely independent. I was a woman on a mission. I had questions that needed answers, and this had to be done in person. He’d abated me with his short texts long enough. Before any family interruptions, I ran down the stairs, kissed my father’s cheek chastely, and bolted toward the door.

He dramatically cleared his throat, which meant
stop right there
. I knew without a doubt the questions that would come. “Where are you going so early, Jordana?” His eyes scanned me, searching for compliance.

“Gym.” My eyes closed as I remembered the clothes I had put on.
. I wasn’t dressed for the gym.
Quick. Quick. Quick

“Dressed like that?” I heard the rustle of his newspaper as he closed it and set it aside, which meant he’d start his worrying shit. Jesus, today was not the day for this.

“Umm, actually, I have my clothes in my locker. I’ll change there. I’m planning on meeting Laura and doing lunch.” I shrugged before meeting his eyes, hoping like hell he believed me. The good thing about being the only daughter was being a Daddy’s girl. And with that title came manipulation. The kind of manipulation that all fathers were born blind to.

He ran his hand over his freshly shaven face, and the scent of his after-shave reminded me of when I was a kid. His eyes narrowed and I knew the wheels and cogs were turning, so I stood firm, meeting his gaze as we squared off. I didn’t smirk or blink. Only stared.

He nodded.
. “I think the gym and Laura will be good for you. Maybe work off some of your anger over the mugging. You could use a meal, Jordana. Where’s my girl and her appetite?” His fingers came together in front of his face—it was the Italian way. “I wish you would eat. Then I’d know you’re happy. This…” He gestured toward my disappearing figure. “…isn’t a happy Jordana.” His lips thinned and his eyes watered.

Food and our culture go hand in hand. It’s not merely a means for survival, it defines who we are. I mentally chastised myself to keep from rolling my eyes. He had no idea what I’d been through in the past week. The abuse I’d suffered. He only knew the story I chose to tell him. I needed to beat him at his game, so I stepped forward and hugged him tightly.

“Daddy, you’re always right.” I smiled innocently up at him. “I plan on having a good meal this morning. I want to be properly nourished before I work out. That’s why I’m leaving so early.” I dipped in for another quick kiss before opening the door. “I love you, Daddy…” I called out before closing the door behind me.

His key dangled from a silver Tiffany’s “J” initial key ring, and the weight squeezed my heart. This was no ordinary key. It was the key to his elevator, the only way onto his floor. I stuck the key in the slot and turned it to the right, and then pressed the button for the penthouse until it illuminated. There was no turning back now.

Desperate to quell my nerves, I shook my hands out and prayed like hell he wouldn’t be too pissed at my wake-up call. The doors opened with a resounding ding, echoing around me and ringing in my ears.
Could that be any louder?
I shook my head and silently cursed at the quakes that had taken over my muscles, causing me to appear frightened.

I wasn’t frightened…I was high on adrenaline.

His suite was dark, silent, and there was no sign of Stefan. I smiled, anticipating waking him up in a sexy way. I swiftly slipped off my shoes and tiptoed across the marble expanse of his entryway through the kitchen. His room was the third door off the living room, the same room I’d shared with him for three days. As I approached his closed door, memories of the last time I was here flooded my head. A slight dizziness swept through me, and for a second, I almost panicked. I couldn’t quite explain why I felt that way, other than it was an instinctual response that clearly spoke of my state of mind. Inside, I was not as healed as my physical wounds were.

I heard Stefan’s soft snoring through the oak door. As I pressed my forehead firmly into the wood—thinking of what the next few hours would look like—a calm came over me and desire flooded my panties. A thousand images played through my mind.

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