The Power of a Woman: A Mafia Erotic Romance

BOOK: The Power of a Woman: A Mafia Erotic Romance
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Gina Whitney & Leddy Harper
Text copyright © 2015 Gina Whitney & Leddy Harper

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ISBN 10: Print: 1519568843
ISBN 13: Print: 978-1-5195-6884-7
ISBN 13 ePub: 978-1-4951-8486-4

Cover Design: Jada D'Lee design

Gina Whitney

Blood Ties
Beautiful Lies
Saving Abel
Forgiving Gia
Avenging Us

Leddy Harper

Home No More
My Biggest Mistake
Falling to Pieces

This is for Jay-Z and Linkin Park for showing us what a true collaboration is supposed to look like.

First and foremost I want to thank my coauthor, editor and friend Leddy Harper. You have become the right side of my brain at times. I know it’s scary place even part-time. I’m thankful you were put on my path and I can call you my chick(well that’s the clean version. LOL).

A special thank you to my friend and fellow colleague, Al Daltrey. It was because of his original outline that ultimately led to this short story becoming a novel. You’ve been there from the inception and have given me nothing but support. I can’t tell you how valuable your friendship is to me. Well I could, but that might take a few pages.

A tremendous thank you to my beta team whom I adore more than any words I could write. Vicci, Deana, Heidi, Tiffany and Gail. Your feedback and love is greatly appreciated, but your friendship is invaluable.

A tremendous thank you to my street team who pimp tirelessly every day getting my name out there. You girls rock!

A big hug and kiss to my chick Christine Stanley, and the ladies at The Hype Authors. You’re awesome!

A sloppy Yankee kiss to Deena Rae Schoenfeldt of E-BookBuilders. How you deal with me I’ll never know. I love your Texas ass! I’m always in awe of your talent.

Lastly, a big thank you to my PA Ruby Hinkleberry. Her attention to detail allows me to do what I do without worry.

To all my readers: Where would I be without you? Thank you, for one-clicking without hesitation and taking the journey with me. I hope you enjoy the newest ride.

First and foremost…my family for dealing with me for weeks on end when all you say was the back of my laptop. I don’t know what I would do without you! Gina…oh where do I start? You’ve taught me so much about mafia and writing a sexy scene hahaha. You’re the best, and I’m beyond honored that you even asked me to do this with you in the first place. I love you more than you know, and am so honored to call you my friend…amongst other endearing terms LOL! Neda…I may give you crap a lot, but at least I always say “you’re always right”…and in the end, that’s all the matters, right?! You rock! Thank you so much! Marlo…you complete me. But in a way more meaningful way. And to show I’m not a heartless bitch (okay, maybe I am sometimes)…Sarah and Shari. My forgetful mind may leave your names out of things sometimes, but they’re imprinted on my heart…and that’s forever. I love you both! Bloggers, readers, writers, (pretty much anyone who’s picked up this book) THANK YOU!!! I’m out of time…so this is all. If I forgot you, just know it wasn’t intentional!

All of us live with a demon inside. Some days, you control the demon. And other days, it controls you. But the one thing that never changes is that it’s always hungry. It feeds on lust and longing. You may slumber, but the demon never sleeps. It tempts you into crossing every line you’ve ever drawn, and all the while, it tests you, haunts you. And once it has turned your loved ones into enemies, the demon has consumed you whole.


Jordana Albanese grew up in a world spun with lies, secrets, and multiple sins. Her father, Gene—reigning king in the Mafia for the last decade—never protected her from his underworld dealings—La Cosa Nostra. She learned at a young age that in order to survive in her world, one must be
. She wore the shield of control on a daily basis, but she deeply yearned to slip it off and dispose of it. Except, letting it go would mean letting it
go. And she didn’t want that. She learned of a compromise—where she could only let go of control in private, behind a closed door, while receiving orders from
. Not simply to be controlled, but to be
. The only problem was that her ambitions cut bone deep. Deeper than a belt across her ass. Deeper than the marks from the restraints he used to subdue and pleasure her. The permanent marks left were not visible to the human eye. They were profound wounds—
—on her soul that only she could experience and draw strength from.

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