The Pregnant Lactating Slut: Collection

Read The Pregnant Lactating Slut: Collection Online

Authors: Bree Bellucci

Tags: #group sex, #erotica anthology, #pregnant sex, #lactating sex, #lactating fetish, #pregnant erotica, #lactating erotica, #pregnant sex fetish, #pregnant sex anthology, #pregnant slut

BOOK: The Pregnant Lactating Slut: Collection
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Bree Bellucci







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Bree Bellucci on Smashwords



The Pregnant Lactating Slut: Collection

Copyright © 2012 by Bree Bellucci



This book is a work of fiction and any
resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or
locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of
the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.



Adult Reading Material

The material in this document contains
explicit sexual content that is intended for mature audiences only
and is inappropriate for readers under 18 years of age.



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Table Of Contents

Pregnant Perversions: Seducing the


Pregnant Perversions: Needing the


Pregnant Perversions: Nursing the Male



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Seducing the Gyno



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Christine had always hated the way these
paper hospital gowns felt against her naked skin. It was like she
was wearing a sheet of sand paper around her body. Her pregnant
belly pressed uncomfortably against the material and her swollen
breasts were starting to become a real nuisance. The gown was
already starting to chafe her nipples. She pulled the gown forward
at the chest as she sat down on the examination table. The gown
hung open in the back and her bare bottom was shocked at she sat on
the ice-cold table that was just as ineffectively covered in paper
as she was.

She hated coming to this office and sitting
in these cold creepy rooms. They smell like alcohol and latex, she
thought to herself. Where is that doctor at? She had been waiting
for fifteen minutes now in this dungeon.

The examination room was well lit with bright
fluorescent lights. Their characteristic humming was the only
ambient sound. The stainless steel counters were covered with
various tools and instruments, jars of swabs and probes, boxes of
gloves, and alcohol prep pads. Christine shuddered at the sight of
these poking and prodding implements, hopefully they don’t use too
many of those things on me today, she thought.

She shifted her bottom on the table and the
paper covering crackled lightly under her weight. She was becoming
increasingly more uncomfortable where she was. Just then, voices
could be heard coming from the hallway. They sounded as if they
were getting closer to her room. The doctor stopped outside of the
examination room door and was speaking to someone, presumably a
nurse, in muffled tones.

These exam rooms must be insulated for sound
to protect patient privacy, she thought. Thank God, the doctor may
actually be ready to see me now!

The voices outside of her door ended abruptly
and Christine heard a light scrape as the doctor pulled her chart
off of the door. A few seconds passed as the doctor looked over her
information to refresh his memory. Hopefully it wouldn’t take him
too long to remember her; she flirted with him shamelessly upon
every meeting. During her last check-up she had acted like
something was wrong with her breasts so that she could take off her
gown, without invitation, and show him her tits.

She remembered how shocked he was that she
had taken such a liberty. He soon learned however that she was the
furthest thing from modest.

Christine smiled as she recalled his response
to her feigned worries during their last check-up appointment:

“Mrs. Jones it is perfectly normal and
expected that your breasts will grow and swell during your
pregnancy, and they will become even larger when lactation, or milk
production, begins,” he explained.

“Are you sure Dr. Kasselero? Maybe you should
examine them and make sure there are no lumps, please? They have
gotten so much bigger, I just worry that there might be something
wrong. I would do it myself but my hands aren’t as big as yours and
my boobs are too large for me to grab completely,” she said

He was reluctant to touch her and perform a
needless breast examination. This was especially due to the fact
that she was so physically attractive. He could see the sexual
assault accusation coming from a mile away.

“Okay, if you must insist, I will do a brief
breast examination,” he conceded.

“Please doctor, I’m so worried, this will
really put my mind at ease,” she begged.

“Sure, whatever I can do to help Mrs. Jones.”
He turned around and walked over to the counter to grab some
gloves. He put the gloves on skillfully, they fit snuggly over his
large thick fingers and wrapped tightly around his large hands.

He sat back down in front of her on his
stool. Before he had time to protest, Christine quickly pulled her
gown down from around her neck. The gown slid down her chest
falling over her swollen protruding breasts and into her lap. Dr.
Kasselero was visibly startled. He stopped and stared at her
beautiful breasts, subconsciously longing to wrap his lips around
her light pink nipples.

His unintentional gaze lasted only a few
seconds until he snapped back into professional mode. He reached
out and gently grasped her left breast with one hand. With the
other hand he began to firmly massage in little circles around her
nipple and breast tissue.

Christine couldn’t help but become aroused.
Dr. Kasselero’s warm hands felt wonderful as he methodically
massaged her breasts.

He switched and began to massage the right
breast, looking for any lumps or inconsistencies. He massaged her
chest for what seemed to her like an eternity. She began to breathe
heavily. She could feel her body begin to melt under his touch. She
was in heaven, and just when she thought it couldn’t get any better
he stopped.

“All done, and I didn’t find anything out of
the ordinary, so you have nothing to worry about Mrs. Jones,” he
said. He seemed to be out of breath and he was sweating a

She hesitated before pulling her gown up, she
wanted him to get one last glance at the large beautiful breasts
hanging from her chest. He didn’t waste the opportunity to catch
one last look.

“Thank you so much Dr. Kasselero,” she
smiled, “you’ve got the right touch.”

She caught him adjusting his scrub pants,
attempting to hide his growing erection.

That was how their last check-up ended. And
needless to say, Christine was excited to see Dr. Kasselero this
time. She heard his hand grasp the door knob and there was a sharp
click as he turned it to open the door. He stepped inside the room
confidently and met her gaze with a nervous smile. He turned and
shut the door behind him. He was wearing well-fitting slacks today
and Christine was able to steal a glimpse of his firm ass through
his pants.

He was such an attractive man, she thought.
He was in his mid-forties, he had dark hair with salt-and-pepper
gray lightly showing throughout. He kept his hair short and he was
always clean-shaven. He had deep brown eyes and thick brown eye
brows. Christine could easily be lost in those eyes for days. When
he looked at her with that concerned caring gaze of his, her heart
melted. Above all she loved his full lips. She had never seen a man
with such perfect lips, they were like little pillows, and she
often found herself wondering just how soft they felt. She wondered
how his lips would feel against hers. And sometimes depending on
how horny she was, she even wondered how those full pillow-like
lips would feel as his mouth explored her pussy.

Dr. Kasselero’s wife was a nurse and she
worked in his office. She was a pretty woman, also in her mid
forties, and she seemed nice enough. Christine found herself to be
slightly jealous of this woman. She was willing to bet that a
gynecologist knew how to perform cunnilingus like a professional,
and his wife was surely always satisfied in bed, she thought.

“Good afternoon Mrs. Jones, how are you
feeling today?” he asked automatically.

“I’m feeling great doctor, thank you for
seeing me,” she couldn’t help but smile like a school girl. To
Christine there was something extremely attractive about doctors.
Perhaps it was their superior intellect, caring nature, prestige,
and powerful position. She had fantasized about most of her
good-looking doctors but Dr. Kasselero was in a league of his own.
If he ever decided to come on to her she wasn’t sure she could stop
herself. This man could have whatever he wanted, she thought

“It’s always a pleasure,” he smiled back, “so
has anything changed since we last met? Do you have any new

“Well no, nothing new, everything seems to be
going according to plan. My boobs keep getting bigger and bigger. I
don’t know what I will do with these things if they grow any
larger.” She let out a flirty laugh. Without thinking, she arched
her back and pressed her breasts out so that they hung even further
over her swollen belly. She caught the doctor’s stare as he glanced
down at her tits and she smiled at him.

“Yes they will probably continue to get a
little larger, you are thirty-seven weeks pregnant, so you haven’t
too much longer,” he said. “May I have you lie back and let’s take
a look to see how you’re coming along?”

He helped her to lie back on the table. She
felt the uncomfortable paper crumpling against her bare back as she
lay down. He put his hand on her back to help ease her into a lying
position. She felt a surge of adrenalin, even from only his
slightest touch. He brought her a small pillow for her to rest her
head on and he helped her fit it behind her neck and shoulders.

“Watch your feet, I’m going to pull the
stirrups out from underneath the table,” he said.

“Okay, but boy do I hate those things, they
are always so cold!” she exclaimed.

He carefully slid the metal stirrups out from
the underside of the table and helped Christine rest her legs on
the holders. The cold metal scolded the bare skin of her thighs and
calves. She gasped and sucked in a deep breath to ease the shock of
the frigid apparatus.

“I apologize for the cold metal, are you
otherwise in a comfortable position?” he asked.

“Yes thank you Dr. Kasselero, I’m fine,” she
said. You’re lucky you’re cute, she thought to herself.

He walked toward the counter and put on a
pair of gloves. He got a tube of lubricant out of the drawer and
walked back over to her. He placed a stool at the end of the table
and sat down. His face was directly between her spread legs.
Christine felt slightly self-conscious. Dr. Kasselero had been her
gynecologist for years and he had seen her vagina numerous times.
But it was still unnerving to have a man examining your vagina in
such a brightly lit room. She had taken the time this morning to
shave her vagina very carefully and she was proud of her work, it
was extremely soft and smooth. She wanted her pussy to look
pristine for him.

He grabbed a speculum from a drawer inside
the table and opened it from its sterile packaging. Oh God how she
hated that little duck-lipped torture tool.

“I am going to insert the speculum, it’s
going to feel cold and may cause uncomfortable pressure as I expand
the tool to be able to visualize your cervix,” he said

“I understand doctor,” she said cheerfully.
“Do whatever you need to do.”

He squirted lubricant on the speculum and
spread it around the instrument to make sure it was completely

“I know it’s difficult but try to just
relax,” he said softly.

He gently introduced the speculum into her
vagina. She felt the painful pressure from the cold hard object as
he pressed it steadily into her pussy.

“I am so sorry, we’re almost in all the way,”
he said.

“Hah! I have never had a man need to tell me
it’s in when it hurts this much!” she laughed.

Dr. Kasselero let out a half-nervous

“Okay, the speculum is in but now I have to
expand it, it will be uncomfortable,” he warned her.

He pressed and spread the speculum, expanding
her vaginal opening wide enough for him to visualize the opening of
her womb. He used a pen light to peer into the back of her pussy
and as soon as he was able to inspect her sufficiently he retracted
the speculum and slowly removed it from her. She let out a sigh of
relief as the tool that was filling her up was removed. She felt a
tingle of pleasure from her nether region as the speculum was
removed. Christine secretly wanted him to fill her up again.

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