Read The Pregnant Lactating Slut: Collection Online
Authors: Bree Bellucci
Tags: #group sex, #erotica anthology, #pregnant sex, #lactating sex, #lactating fetish, #pregnant erotica, #lactating erotica, #pregnant sex fetish, #pregnant sex anthology, #pregnant slut
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Needing the Neighbor
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Andrea walked as swiftly as she could to her
parked car. The mall parking lot was nearly deserted and night had
fallen. Andrea lowered herself slowly onto her car seat, shut the
door and locked it, then stretched the seatbelt over her swollen
As she started her car and eased out of the
lot, her mind began to drift back to her visit to Victoria Secret.
The young girls working there had snickered when she came in asking
for lingerie. She knew the girls were wondering how she could fit
her ass, not to mention, 9-month pregnant belly, into any of their
Very Sexy thongs. Andrea squeezed her eyes shut remembering the
embarrassment as she quickly left the store and checked the
Motherhood Maternity shop without any luck. She didn’t want that
bullshit maternity underwear that came in only beige and black and
looked big enough for a parked car. Andrea had hoped (in vain) that
a sexy pair of underwear might interest her husband, Mark, to want
to touch her. Ever since she had entered her third trimester, Mark
had been afraid to touch her, fearing that he would hurt the baby.
Andrea had tried to explain that while he was well endowed, there
was no way, he or any other man for that matter, could extend all
the way up into her uterus. Sexually frustrated didn’t even begin
to cover what she was feeling. She was coming nearly every night in
her sleep. At least Mark was out of town right now so Andrea could
masturbate freely. Pregnancy made her ridiculously horny, so she
needed some type of release for God’s sake! Frustrated, angry and
still embarrassed from her failed mall trip, Andrea arrived home,
unlocked the door to her house, threw her purse on the table,
spilling its contents of keys, lipstick and gift cards, and stomped
her pregnant butt upstairs to fantasize about Ryan Gosling.
The following evening Andrea was busy folding
some of the baby’s laundry. Mark would be home the next day and she
was looking forward to his return, though still unhappy about the
lack of sexy lingerie and her bleak sex life. A knock at the door
interrupted Andrea and she walked slowly downstairs to answer it.
Standing at the door was her neighbor, Ben. Ben was tall and
muscular with a head full of dark brown hair that was just aching
for you to rake your fingers through it. He had dark green eyes and
full lips. His mouth split open into a grin when he saw Andrea.
“How are you holding up?” he questioned
“Fine,” Andrea replied, “feeling like a house
now, and only a few more weeks to go.”
Ben started down at Andrea beneath his dark
hair, “You certainly don’t look like a house, Andrea, you look” Ben
paused thinking of the right word, “hot.” His stare was dark and
penetrating and Andrea got a shiver down her spine as her mind
drifted to dirty thoughts of Ben undressing her.
Andrea shook her head to rid the thoughts and
smiled, embarrassed “Thanks Ben. What can I do for you?”
Ben stepped aside to reveal a large package
on the porch.
“Just thought I would help out by bringing this inside for you. I
know that Mark is out of town.”
Andrea stepped aside and admired Ben’s biceps as he hoisted the
package up and set it on her floor next to the table. He bent down
slowly to pick something off the floor and came back up with a pink
striped gift card.
“Doing some shopping?” he asked, smiling
wickedly at her.
Andrea flushed and grabbed the Victoria
Secret gift card. Ducking her head yet again to hide her
embarrassment she answered, “No. But not for lack of trying.
Apparently pregnant women aren’t sexy enough to shop there.”
Ben looked her up and down slowly before
replying, “I think you’re plenty sexy, Andrea. Even more so now
that you’re pregnant.” And then as if remembering he was speaking
to his married, pregnant neighbor, Ben quickly looked at the floor
and murmured, “I find pregnant women incredibly attractive.” Ben
looked up between his dark crop of hair and Andrea gasped at the
look of pure lust in his eyes.
Suddenly the room felt 100 degrees hotter and
Andrea felt little beads of sweat begin to pool between her
breasts. Ben awkwardly cleared his throat and the look was gone
from his eyes, but Andrea couldn’t help the tingling sensation she
felt between her legs. Damn these horny pregnancy hormones she
thought as she shifted her legs hoping to stop the sensation. She
tucked the thought of Ben’s lustful stare and seductive comments
into the back of her mind for her nightly masturbation session.
“So-um- I should be going. I just wanted to
move that package inside of you – I mean – inside
Ben stammered, “Oh shit” he cursed. “Forgive me, Andrea. I clearly
find you very attractive in your state and I need to censor my
comments.” He turned and walked out the door while waving to his
wife, Laura, who was pulling into their driveway.
Andrea stood in her doorway stunned watching
Ben stride sexily across her lawn. Oh shit is right, she thought.
If only Ben knew how desperate Andrea was for sexual interaction
and how horny she felt all the time. Andrea could already feel
fluid leaking out into her panties from her arousal. She sighed,
another telltale sign of her pregnancy. Andrea left the box where
Ben had placed it. She was fairly certain it was the baby swing,
and she would leave it for Mark to assemble once he was home. She
decided to go back into the nursery to finish folding clothes. She
fumed going up the steps, angry again with Mark for withholding sex
from her, even if he thought he meant well. Maybe if Mark would
just give it to her nice and hard, she wouldn’t be fantasizing
about her sexy neighbor having his way with her.
Once in the nursery, Andrea began laying
clothes inside drawers. She glanced outside the window at Ben’s
long driveway, which ran parallel to her house. Andrea caught a
glimpse of Ben grabbing his trashcan and start hauling it up the
driveway. The nursery window only faced Ben’s backyard as his house
sat further up a hill. Without thinking about what she was doing,
Andrea quickly peeled off her camisole letting her engorged breasts
fall out heavily onto her belly. 2 soft white nursing pads fell to
the floor. Andrea always forgot about these. She had begun leaking
last week and had been wearing them ever since. She swiftly turned
towards the window and acted as if she was preoccupied with the
changing table, allowing Ben a full view of her beautiful breasts.
Oh my god, what am I doing, she thought to herself. She took solace
in the fact that no one else could see, especially Ben’s wife,
Laura, with whom she was friendly. Andrea smiled inwardly at
herself. She felt sexy and liberated. Ben probably didn’t even
notice as he was heading up the driveway, anyway. Next thing she
knew, Andrea heard loud footsteps pounding up the stairs. What the
hell, she thought frantically. Mark wasn’t due home till tomorrow.
Ben burst through the nursery door, with a wild, lustful look in
his eyes. Andrea backed away toward the window.
“What the fuck are you doing?” he growled yanking the curtain
closed. Andrea spluttered incoherently. “Are you trying to drive me
insane?” he asked, and with that he pushed Andrea up against the
window and drove his tongue deep into her mouth. Andrea moaned as
her body went slack and then she eagerly met his kiss back with
matched passion. Ben began to kiss her down her neck while he
rubbed her belly softly.
“I have wanted to fuck you ever since your
belly began to grow.” Andrea felt the tingling between her legs and
began to tug at Ben’s belt buckle.
“Please,” she moaned, “fuck me.” Ben gasped and pulled back to look
at Andrea’s face. His eyes were filled with longing and carnal
“You don’t need to ask me twice,” he said huskily before pushing
hungrily against her mouth again.
Andrea felt his tongue slide into her mouth
and he swirled it around. He massaged her belly and moaned as he
felt how round she was. He then lowered his mouth to her belly and
began licking it softly. Andrea squeezed her eyes closed and felt
his warm, wet silky mouth all over her swollen flesh. His fingers
grazed over every kiss and her nerve endings were firing like
crazy. She grabbed onto his dark hair and steadied herself. Her
knees were feeling weak from the intense pleasure. Andrea could
already feel a soft building in her groin. She felt her wetness
seeping through her panties and the feeling was delicious. Ben then
made his way up to her breasts and cupped one softly in his hand
while he moved his mouth to her other breast.
“No!” Andrea spoke quickly pulled out of her
pleasure. Ben gazed up quizzically, panting from his longing. “I’m
– I’m – leaking,” she stammered.
“Even better,” said Ben huskily as he moved his warm mouth to her
breast and began to suck. Andrea gasped from the intense pleasure
and slight sting it brought. She instantly felt the pull between
her legs and remembered how she had dated a guy in college who had
made her come just from playing with her nipples. Ben looked up at
her from between his thick lashes.
“More?” he asked softly. Andrea nodded. “I
can’t hear you,” Ben chastised. “More,” Andrea begged, rolling her
head back.
Ben began to suck and pull at her nipples
simultaneously while switching between nipples every few seconds or
so. Andrea could feel his tongue flick and circle and his teeth
slowly nibble. Oh god, she thought, I am going to come right now.
She began to feel the build of a powerful orgasm, an orgasm only
another person could give her. This wasn’t going to be the mediocre
kind she was giving herself while rubbing herself in bed at night.
“Don’t. Stop.” she groaned between pants. Ben began to move more
quickly pulling her nipples harder, and Andrea arched up against
the window allowing her breasts to push forward into Ben’s hand and
savory mouth. “Oh, oh, oh, oh, Ahhhhhhhhhhhgggggghhhhh,” she yelled
as she rose and soared and shook uncontrollably under Ben’s touch.
Her body spasmed and her belly tightened across the middle from the
orgasmic contraction. She shook and she felt liquid trickle out of
her warm pussy and she came powerfully. She began to come down and
she fumbled for Ben’s shoulders to steady herself. Ben pulled away
from her breasts and began to kiss her mouth as he slowly pulled
down her maternity band on her pants.
“Did it feel good, honey?” he asked softly.
Andrea nodded, unable to speak. Ben licked his lips. “Your
colostrum tasted delicious. Sweet like sugar.” Andrea moaned softly
as Ben pulled her pants down her legs and then rubbed her hard
“Your hard belly is so sexy,” he took a little sharp intake of
breath as he ran his hands down into her panties. “Oh, Andrea, you
are so wet for me.” Andrea stepped out of her pants, and Ben turned
her so her back was to him, and he gently pushed her up against the
“I’m going to take you from behind now,” he
told her. “Is this what Mark does to you, baby?” he asked while
pulling down her panties and slowly rubbing her wet clitoris.
Andrea shook her head not wanting to answer.
“Tell me what he does to your hot, pregnant
self,” he insisted.
“N-n -nothing,” she stammered. Ben whirled
her around to face him and her pregnant belly pushed up hard
against Ben and she felt his rock hard erection through his
“He doesn’t fuck you?” Ben asked shocked.
“No. He’s – he’s afraid he’ll hurt the baby,”
Andrea looked down at her belly and she could slowly feel the
contraction easing away.
“Oh, Andrea. You must be out of your mind
with desire,” Ben shook his head sadly.
“I am going to fuck you into next week and
then I’ll fuck you again.”
Andrea looked up shocked at his words, and
then before she knew it, Ben whirled her around and bent her
slightly over the crib. She heard him fumble with his zipper and he
rubbed in between her legs again.
“So wet, “ he mused. And then before she knew
what was happening she felt his hard, thick cock push deep into
her, filling all of her and she threw her head back and moaned
gutturally like a wild animal. He thrust into her again and again,
picking up speed and she held onto to the crib as she felt his cock
slide in and out.
“Oh, god, Andrea,” he cried out, “You are so fucking hot!” He
gripped her belly and rubbed it as he pounded her over and over
again. He began to pick up speed and cupped her breast with one had
and began to rub in between her legs with the other. Andrea felt
another more intense orgasm building and she fleetingly thought of
the beauty of pregnant orgasms. Andrea couldn’t hold on any longer.
“Ohhhhhhh,” she cried out as she gripped the crib harder and felt
another orgasm take control of her body. She felt Ben slam into her
one more time before crying out himself and then stilling behind
her. As Andrea came back down she became aware of Ben rubbing her
hardened belly. Andrea smiled at the tightness of her uterus,
enjoying her just-fucked feeling. Ben slowly pulled himself out of
her and Andrea felt his cum slowly trickle out of her.
“It’s a good thing Mark isn’t home tonight,” Ben said, a sexy grin
on his face as he zipped up his pants and fixed his shirt.
“Did you like that?” he asked. Andrea found her voice, “It was
incredible,” she answered honestly. Ben glanced at his watch and a
look of guilt crossed his face. “I need to get back to Laura. I’m
going to tell her I was helping you hang shelves.” Andrea nodded
speechless, feeling her stomach return to normal and realizing
suddenly how naked she was.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get to taste your pussy,”
Ben said as if commenting on the weather, “I hope Mark goes away
again soon.” And with that he left the room and Andrea heard him on
the stairs.