The Price of Fame (10 page)

Read The Price of Fame Online

Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Contemporary, #General

BOOK: The Price of Fame
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She felt terrible for missing his performance and wondered if that’s why he was angry. Moving closer to him, she brought his clenched fist to her mouth and kissed his knuckles. “I’m sorry I missed your first live performance of our song. I didn’t know they would come and lock the restroom.”

Pulling her onto his lap, he brushed his lips against hers. “
, I’m not angry you missed my performance. I’m furious because you were locked in a bathroom for almost an hour.” Markus glided his hands down her neck to her shoulders and slid the thin straps of her dress down her arms. “I have wanted to take this little number off you since I saw you in it.”

She shivered as the cool air hit her exposed breasts. His hands moved around and down her back until he gripped her bottom, giving it a squeeze as he pulled her closer. Closing her eyes, she basked in his touch and took a deep breath of his masculine scent. “Markus, you have to stop. What if someone sees?” She arched into him as his lips trailed down her neck.

“No one will see. The windows are tinted dark. The driver won’t put the divider down unless I ask, and the doors are locked.”

Opening her eyes, she looked into his lust-filled blue ones. “Don’t you have parties to go to? You won everything you were nominated for. Are we driving to a party?”

“No, we’re not going to the parties. We’re going home to have our own little party.”

Circling his neck, she leaned forward, pressing her lips against his, debating how she should answer him. Kylie didn’t want to keep him from celebrating his success. She didn’t want people to think she was the reason he didn’t go out to celebrate. She had understood some of the things that had been yelled about her.

Trailing her hands up from his neck to cup his face, tracing the stubble over his chin and cheeks, Kylie looked into passionate eyes. “I think we should go. We can always have our party later.”

Markus searched her face. She made sure she showed no anxiety. Finally, he nodded and called up to the driver, giving him a new address.

Moving off his lap, she fixed herself up the best she could and tried not to show her panic at having to go to another event.

They arrived at the gates of a large, lavish mansion. IDs and names were checked and ticked off at two checkpoints. Media swarmed the first, and she was thankful for the dark tint of the windows. Markus held her hand, and she tried not to squeeze his too tightly.

They pulled up to the front of the house, and she saw the doors were opened, and laughter and music drifted to her ears. Taking a deep breath, she followed Markus out of the limo, only to lose him as people surrounded him.

Taking a deep breath, she followed Markus inside. Moving through a mass of people, she searched for Markus to find him still surrounded by fawning fans. Getting close enough to catch his eye, she waved and forced a smile, pointing to a corner. Wandering over to the corner, she found a seat and sat and watched the commotion around her.

Looking around her, she tried to see someone she might recognize from the movies or TV. Nope, nobody. One thing Kylie noticed though was that every person she saw had smooth, clear, brown-olive skin, shiny white teeth, and a perfect body. Oh, there was the odd one here or there, but the majority of people were gorgeous.

Markus’ world was so different from hers. Kylie didn’t know how long she could last in it. Women threw themselves at him, and after a couple of hours, she started to get pissed off. Markus was acting different. The man she was watching wasn’t the man she had been with the last couple of months.

The man she watched was now loud, lavishing all his admirers with attention and laughing. She watched as another woman threw herself at Markus, kissing both cheeks before she kissed his mouth. Gritting her teeth, Kylie waited for Markus to push the girl away. Getting angrier by the minute, she twirled her engagement ring, wondering if this woman would shove a paper with her number in his pocket too. What felt like hours later, he drew the girl away from him, and she slipped a piece of paper in his pocket with his collection.

This was ridiculous. She pushed herself through the mob that hung on him, furious that he hadn’t come to find her in the last hour. She hadn’t expected him to stay with her, but to check on her would have been nice. She had been pushed almost past the boiling point. She would explode if another woman came over and kissed him or tucked her number into his pocket. If he did nothing about it, Kylie was going to kick him in the balls and leave, throwing the engagement ring she wore at his face as a reminder.

Not caring about anyone around them, she grabbed his hand, pulling him down to her. “I’m going to leave. You can stay here.”

Markus pulled away from her and glanced about the room before nodding to someone behind her and muttering to the people around him. “Thank you all for the congratulations, but it’s past my bedtime.”

She gave a frustrated groan as several heads turned to give her a death stare. They all spoke in rapid Greek, too fast for her to catch anything, but Markus’ grip tightened, and he stopped smiling the carefree smile he’d been wearing only moments before.

Yanking her hand from his, she forced a smile. “Stay. I’m fine to head home by myself. I remember everything you showed me with the security system.” She turned and walked away, not giving him a chance to answer. Moving through the crowd the best she could, trying not to bump into anyone, she was shocked minutes later when arms grabbed her waist, turning her and picking her up against a familiar, hard, muscular chest. Markus’ mouth came down on hers.

Startled, and too angry that he had the hide to kiss her with the mouth that he’d kissed several other women with tonight, it took her a while to respond. Finally, her body betrayed her, and her arms slid up around his neck.

He pulled away with the biggest grin on his face. “
, you called our house home.”

Markus brushed his lips against hers before she let her arms fall from his body. “They’re all watching. As I said, I can get home without you coming with me. I think you should stay and celebrate. We can have our own celebration tomorrow.” She really wanted to say never again and wipe her mouth, but she knew they were being watched.

An involuntary shiver spread through her when, this time, his eyes never left hers, shining with a wicked light.

“The party I would rather attend is at our place. It’s a two-person-only show.”

Ignoring the people surrounding them, he put her down, and they walked out hand in hand.

Sitting in the limo again, she stewed about everything that had happened. Kylie wasn’t upset that he’d gone to the party. She’d told him to go. She was pissed that he had let every woman jump all over him and kiss him and left her alone at the party, not even checking on her. Markus hadn’t even waited for her or looked to see if she’d gotten out of the limo. Kylie expected better from him, especially when he knew she didn’t speak Greek very well and wasn’t comfortable with big crowds and attention. She didn’t even want to think about all the women he’d let kiss and fawn all over him.

Studying Markus as he talked on the phone to his family, she thought about the two completely different people he was and wasn’t sure she liked the superstar Markus.

When he finished on the phone, he reached for her, but she evaded him. “I’m not going to parties like that with you again. You’re welcome to go on your own.”

Kylie felt sick as she looked at him. How could he let those women kiss him? How could he say he loved her and leave her at a party where she knew no one to sit in the corner all alone? Moving to the farthest corner of the limo, she stared out the window, not caring at the moment about his reply.

“What’s the matter? Why are you over there?”

He moved closer to her, and she swatted him away. “You need to leave me alone. If you can’t figure out why I’m fuming mad, then I don’t know if this relationship can last.”

He made a grab for her, and she evaded him. Kylie knew if he touched her, her resolve would crumble. Moving to the other seat, she gritted her teeth, and when she looked at his bewildered face, she added, “You are two completely different people, and at the moment, I don’t like the superstar you at all.”

They sat in silence the rest of the way back to Markus’ house. He had tried to talk and reach her for a good ten minutes, but she’d reached the end of her tether.

When they arrived home, she got some PJs, walked out of the room they’d been sharing, showered, and went into one of the other bedrooms alone.

Chapter 10

Markus lay in bed trying to think of what he had done. He thought of everything that had happened since they’d left the awards ceremony. He hadn’t wanted to go to the party in the first place. She’d been the one to convince him. Kylie had sat in the corner the whole time. At first he thought she just needed to get used to the atmosphere, but after half an hour, she still sat in the same spot watching everyone. He thought she would come over to him, but she didn’t until a woman named Brenna came over to congratulate him.

Getting out of bed, he grabbed his discarded clothing and checked the pockets for his phone. Cash and pieces of paper fell out. He stared at the items on the bed, looking at the numbers. Could she be angry that those women congratulated him by kissing him? He looked down at the numbers again, picked them up, and placed them on the bedside table along with his phone before he got back into bed and tried to sleep. Maybe if he slept, he would wake in the morning with a fresh view on the whole thing, and Kylie might be willing to talk to him.

* * * *

Waking to the sound of his phone ringing, Markus reached for it and growled, “What?”

“You have an hour to get ready for the radio and TV interviews about your awards. I’ll be there in half an hour. The next three days are booked. Oh, and make sure that fiancée of yours is there being supportive. Everyone is talking about how she wasn’t there for your performance last night.” Gaelan hung up before Markus had a chance to respond.

Stumbling out of bed, he glanced at the bedside clock to see he’d had only three hours sleep, which meant Kylie wouldn’t have had much more than him. He decided to shower and get dressed before he went to wake and talk to Kylie.

He showered and dressed, and then he went in search of Kylie, hoping she would be willing to talk to him. Markus checked every room, and he started to get worried when he didn’t find her. Walking into the kitchen, he found a note leaning against a vase in the middle of the counter.

Markus, slept about three hours and couldn’t get back to sleep.

Have gone exploring and to get some food. Needed to get out of the house so I can think things over.


PS Have phone with me if you need to contact me.

Markus read the note twice before he went to the drawer by the garage door and grabbed his keys. Shit! He’d known Kylie was angry with him, but to leave their home and wander around a strange city by herself was silly when she was new and didn’t know Greek. He shook his head. He would paddle her ass. No matter how upset she got with him, he would make sure she never went out by herself in a city she didn’t know again, especially with paparazzi ready to pounce if they saw her.

Markus jumped into his Lamborghini, and then drove off, heading toward the city and hoping Kylie didn’t get recognized by the paparazzi.

* * * *

Kylie wandered the busy little streets of Mykonos in amazement. The exploring had done her a world of good. Her temper over what had happened with Markus had cooled down, and she was now ready to listen to him. Looking around the city, she’d seen that a lot of Greeks greeted each other with kisses.

She’d been walking for an hour and in that time bought herself some art supplies, which set her back a pretty penny, and she was now looking for a place to eat. Finding a lovely, quiet place overlooking the water, she sat out in the front and watched the view. A waiter came and took her order. When she spoke, he smiled and added in a very strong accent, “We don’t get many visitors this time of year this far over. It’s usually locals.”

She’d noticed there weren’t that many people about in this area of town. There was a couple behind her, an older gentleman in the opposite corner, two women chatting, and three men scattered about at the other tables.

Looking back at the waiter, she asked, “Do you want me to go find another place?”

The waiter’s eyebrows rose, and his accent got thicker as his words rushed out. “No, ma’am, I was just being—”

He was cut off as the older gentlemen from the corner rushed over.

“I’m sorry for Lukas, ma’am. He didn’t mean to make you feel unwelcome. He was just surprised to see a visitor so early and at this time of year.”

Kylie smiled at the man and at Lukas. “Nothing to apologize for. It was my mistake. I probably would have eaten farther down the waterfront, but this place looked too cute to pass up.”

The older man beamed down at her, holding out his hand. “Thank you, this is my little restaurant.”

“Well, from what I’ve seen so far, you have a beautiful little restaurant.”

He sat opposite her just as her phone vibrated in her shorts pocket. Pulling it out, she apologized for being rude as she answered. “Hello.”

“Where are you?” She let out a sigh as Markus growled into the phone.

“I’m at a cute little restaurant called…”

She glanced at the man opposite her, who said, “
As Pháne
.” She repeated what the place was called and where it was. She mouthed thank you to the owner as Markus muttered, “Good. I’m two minutes away.” Then he hung up.

Focusing her attention on the owner, she smiled at him as he seemed to study her.

“Sorry for being rude and answering that while you were talking, but I don’t want anyone to worry about me. I left this morning to explore, only leaving a note.”

“That’s fine. Should I order two of what you’re getting, or hold your order until your friend gets here?”

Kylie wondered if Markus would want to stay, but looking about her again, she saw there weren’t many people about to swarm him for his autograph or fawn over him, and none looked like paparazzi. “Yes, please hold off on the food as I don’t know what he’ll order.”

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