The Price of Fame (6 page)

Read The Price of Fame Online

Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Contemporary, #General

BOOK: The Price of Fame
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, I’m yours, just like you’re only mine.”

She laughed again as he whacked her bottom and then whacked his chest.

“Kylie mine.”

She giggled. “Always.”

* * * *

Eight days without him was going to be tough. She’d gotten used to their morning walks. The last couple of days, Kylie had taken off work, and they had spent every moment together, but tonight he was leaving, and Kylie had to keep reminding herself he would be coming back. Her pep talks didn’t seem to be working because her heart felt as though it was being squeezed.

Kylie lay in bed, cuddling Markus as he spoke into the phone. She’d started to understand little bits of Greek when he spoke slowly, but when he spoke this fast in Greek, she understood nothing of what was said. He didn’t sound happy. His face was a granite mask as he spoke through gritted teeth. His hand had stopped making soothing circles down her back, and his body had stiffened against her.

She’d noticed Markus’ stress levels increasing. Markus didn’t talk to her about his work, and in a way, she was thankful, but the strain had begun to show. The easygoing man she’d been falling for had turned tense, uneasy, and had become tightly wound.

Kylie tried to look on the bright side about him going home for a week. She hoped this little break would give them time to see if this relationship was really going anywhere, and she could sort out her feelings.

Markus gripped her tighter as she tried to get out of bed. It was nine-thirty, and since she’d been with Markus, her usually early mornings had all been non-existent. Kylie didn’t know if she would be able to get back into her routine.

Pushing at Markus’ chest, she managed to get out of his hold. She walked to the bathroom and turned the shower taps on. While waiting for the hot water, she did her morning ritual before getting in the shower under the hot spray.

Kylie closed her eyes, excited about the day ahead before she had to drive him to the airport. That’d been a sore point. He hadn’t wanted her to drive all the way to Sydney Airport just to drop him off, but she wanted to give him a farewell to remember.

Hands slipped around her, pulling her into his body. “Why didn’t you wait for me? You know how much I love showering with you.”

“Because we have too much to do today, and when we shower together, I always feel like I need another shower afterward.”

He chuckled against her neck as he trailed kisses down it. She maneuvered out of his hold and got out of the shower before they got carried away.

Wrapping the towel around herself, she shot a glare at Marcus. “I’d like to make it out for my walk today before lunch please. My poor Buddha is probably crazy lonely.” She let out a groan as he stared at the towel she gripped, as though if he looked long enough, it would magically disappear. “Stop that. We had lots of going-away sex last night. It’s all we’ve done the last couple of days. You’re turning me into a sex-crazed woman.”

He got out of the shower, not even bothering with a towel. She let out a sigh as the water droplets slid down his perfect six-pack abs. Maybe she should dry him; she was kind of thirsty. He laughed, coming to her and picking her up. Markus plastered her back against the bathroom door, and she wrapped her legs around him.

, that’s the way I like you, ready for me always.”

The towel fell from her grip, and he lined his penis up with her wet pussy and thrust home.

“Yep, just the way I like it. “ Her head fell back against the wall as he pulled his cock out before slamming home. “Tell me you’ll miss me.”

Capturing his face between her hands, she panted. “I suppose I’ll miss this.”

He gave a mock growl and covered her lips with his. His hands caressed her breasts, and he slipped out of her, hovering at her entrance. Markus’ tongue tangled with hers as they fought to get more of each other.

“Tell me I’m the only one for you.”

She tried to push herself back down on his dick.

“Tell me you believe me when I say you’re mine always and forever.” She looked into his sky-blue eyes, watching as they darkened with his lust and something else she couldn’t quite describe, love maybe. Markus’ hand came up to caress her cheek. “I knew the moment you touched me that you were my woman. The only one for me.”

She closed her eyes at the intensity of his words and stare, feeling terrified. She tried to stop her racing heart and her body from shaking. She thought of their short time together and slowly opened her eyes. “Yes, I’ll miss you, and you are my only.”

The smile that spread over his face was breathtaking, and he moved his hand to her waist as he thrust back home. Moaning when the sensations came crashing back, igniting the fire and building her passion up again until she was ready to explode into an orgasm again.

“I’m going to miss you, my
. How will I sleep without you holding me? What will I do without all my morning exercise?”

She gave a huff and whispered, “Think of all the extra energy you’ll have.”

He bit her shoulder, and she gripped onto him, digging her nails in as the fire they’d built exploded, and she felt her pussy quiver.

“Markus, oh Maarrkus.” She screamed as he slammed into her pussy one final time.

He murmured Greek against her skin as she felt his warm cum splash into her. They stayed that way for a few moments, leaning against the wall, trying to catch their breaths.

“I love the way you make me feel,” she whispered.

He kissed her forehead and unwrapped her legs from around his waist. “Come on. Let’s get dressed and go get your dog before I decide we should spend the day in bed.”

* * * *

Their last day had been wonderful. They’d played at the beach for the rest of the morning, taking silly photos of each other and getting people who passed by to take shots. Kylie was happy she would have some more photos of the two of them together. She’d been working on a painting of him, a couple actually, and a lot of the pictures would be perfect for her work.

She was going to keep herself busy, hoping that it would stop her thinking about Markus too much. Because, already, she missed him.

It was now Thursday night, which left only four more nights of sleeping alone until Tuesday afternoon when she would go pick him up from the airport. Sitting on her sofa, she tried to watch the movie she’d put on to relax, but her mind was full of ideas. Giving up, she went to her art room, turning on all the lights, and let her muse take her.

* * * *

“You should really answer your phone or your door.”

She jumped, screaming as James came up beside her.

“What have I told you about coming into my painting room?”

He stared, with his mouth agape, around her room. “Holy shit, Kylie, you do know what day it is?”

Kylie bit her lip as she counted back her days.

Jamie sighed and shook his head. “It’s Saturday afternoon. I’m here to take you to dinner before our dance class.” He pulled her to him. “You’re covered in paint.” James brushed hair off her face and rubbed her nose. “When was the last time you ate?”

She tried to remember. “I went to the bathroom. Fed Buddha, let him in, grabbed some chips and a bottle of water. I think earlier this morning.”

He pulled her slowly away from her room. “Come on. Let’s get you showered, and then we can go eat. Lucky I came early so we could have some time together.”

She nodded as he walked her to the bathroom and turned the shower taps on.

“Shower. I’ll wait for you.”

As soon as the water hit her, she started to wake and come together. She had been on a roll. The inspiration bug had hit her, and she couldn’t stop painting. Getting out of the shower, she turned it off, wrapped a towel around her, and walked into her room. After drying, Kylie dressed and met James in her living room, where he was talking to Buddha.

“How much longer do you reckon she’s going to be? I think she’ll take a while. She was covered in paint. What do you think she’d do to me if I went in and made sure she gets it all?”

“I would probably kill you.”

He turned to her, holding his chest as though she’d startled him.

“Come on, James, I’m starving. Let’s go.”

He looked her up and down, and his eyes widened. “When did you get that dress?”

She looked down at one of the new dresses she’d bought while shopping with Gemma. It was tight to her waist, and then it flared out. She loved how the colors blended together, cream and blue with black lace trim.

“You don’t like it? It’s new. I bought it while shopping with Gemma.”

He scrunched his face, showing his dislike for her friend.

“I seriously don’t get your beef with Gemma. Is it because she hasn’t fallen for your charms?”

James gave a mock shudder as they headed for the door. “No. Let’s just say she’s not my type.”

She laughed. “I didn’t know you had a type.”

“Oh, I do. They just don’t know they’re my type yet.” Kylie raised her eyebrows at his cryptic answer as he grinned and got in his car.

Chapter 6

Markus sat in the studio. “I can’t. I’m leaving late Monday night.”

Gaelan, his manager, raked his fingers through his graying hair. “You have to stay. The record label wants you there on Tuesday. It’s an awards show, Markus, where the public votes, and you’re nominated for two categories.”

He knew he had to go to the awards show since he was already in town. He just missed Kylie and wanted to get back to her so he could convince her to come here with him. “Fine, call them and tell them I’ll be there.”

His manager scurried off, and Markus reached for his phone. He dialed Kylie’s home, only to get voice mail. He called her mobile, and she answered just as he was going to hang up.

“Hello, what are you up to?”

He sank down in a seat, enjoying the sound of her voice.

“I’m in the studio, and I’m missing you. I have some bad news. I won’t be coming back Tuesday. I’ve been delayed another week.”

Silence greeted him on the other end. A minute or two that felt like an hour ticked by before he heard Kylie mumble, “Just give me a minute, and I’ll be right with you.”

He groaned when he heard James’ voice in the background. “Okay, go find us a seat, and I’ll get your meal.”

He gripped the phone tighter when she let out a loud sigh into the phone. She finally replied. “What’s holding you up? I can’t sleep without you anymore. I miss you singing my song to me.”

He chuckled. “I have to go to an awards ceremony. I’m nominated twice.”

“Oh, who will go with you?” He heard the worry in her voice.

, I’ll be going by myself, I promise, and I’m sending you a surprise. Check your email when you get home.”

“Please tell me you’re coming back, that this isn’t some famous person’s game where you play with me, and then throw me away.”

Clenching his fists in frustration because she was so far away, he tried to soothe her as best he could. “You, Kylie, are my one and only. My forever. I will be there Saturday night if I have to swim the ocean to get there. I did a little something for you. It should help you sleep. Check your e-mail when you get home, okay? Promise me.” He turned to his computer and sent the video clip he’d made of their song.

He heard James in the background. “Oh, sweetheart, don’t cry. Say bye. You’re tired…”

You have got to be fucking joking me.
He punched the table, angry that he’d made her cry.

She whispered, “Yep, I’ll check when I get home.” She hiccupped before she hung up on him.

Screaming in frustration, he threw the phone, watching as it smashed into pieces on the floor.

“I didn’t realize you were serious about the woman you were involved with on your holiday. I just thought she was some holiday muse.”

Growling, he turned to his manager. “That woman is the woman I love. I’m going to marry her. I just have to convince her of both of those things.”

He watched as his manager’s eyes widened for a moment before Gaelan returned to his serious-eyes-drawn-together, lips-pinched face.

“Look, I need some fresh air. I’ll be back. Get me a new phone too. The SIM card should have survived that.”

Markus got up and walked out of the studio, thinking about what he’d told his manager. He knew it was true. How could he not love her? She was the one thing he thought about before he went to sleep, and the only thing on his mind in the morning. She made him feel happier than he’d been since he was a boy.

* * * *

Markus had been busy the last two days, barely leaving the studio. His worry over leaving Kylie for the extra days eased when she’d rung him, raving about her surprise.

“I love it, Markus. The pictures of us on the beach look fantastic. Buddha was barking at himself when I put the music video on to watch. It’s not as good as having you here with me, but it will do. Thanks for recording our song just for me.”

He loved that she knew it was her song. It made what he paid for it to be done all worthwhile.

Coming up for air for the first time in days, he checked his phone, only to see he had six missed calls from family. Worried that something had happened, he called his mother. “Mama, is everything okay? I have lots of messages from family.”

“Congratulations, Markus, your new song is number one in our charts, and it’s top ten around the world. Everyone is calling to congratulate you and find out more about the woman in the video clip. You are obviously in love. ” He froze at his mother’s words and gripped his phone tighter, hoping what he thought had happened hadn’t.

“Mama, I haven’t released a song. I’m working in the studio now.” An uneasy feeling settled over him. “Please tell me the song wasn’t called ‘My One and Only’.”

“Yes, that’s what it’s called, very catchy. So when do I get to meet the girl? Is this the woman you met on your getaway?”

Rubbing his hand over his face and feeling as though he needed to pull his hair out, he took a deep breath and gritted out, “With everything that’s just happened, I don’t know if you’ll ever meet her. Um, that song was just hers, Mama.”

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