The Price of Fame (3 page)

Read The Price of Fame Online

Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Contemporary, #General

BOOK: The Price of Fame
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“Yay, this Saturday, after you help dickhead with his classes, we’re going out partying.” Gemma started to rummage through Kylie’s closet, mumbling, “Look at me. I’m so excited. I need to focus on you and getting you through today.”

Kylie watched as Gemma chucked clothes at her, making her try on everything until she’d finally had enough. “Okay, Gemma, I’m happy with this set.” She looked at herself in the mirror at the black singlet top and denim shorts, which she’d teamed with black gladiator sandals. She pulled her hair into a ponytail and put lip gloss on.

Closing her eyes, she tried to calm her pounding heart. She glanced at her watch and sighed in relief. “He might not even come. He should’ve been here by now.”

Gemma glanced around at the mess she’d just made, shrugged, and then turned back to her. “He’ll be here. I’ve got a good feeling about this with everything you’ve told me. I want every detail, too, when we go shopping on Tuesday.” Gemma looked into Kylie’s now-empty closet. “I know that’s one of your days off. You, my friend, are in desperate need of a new wardrobe.”

Studying the pile sprawled across her room, Kylie saw almost all the clothes were either faded or tattered. She tried to remember the last time she’d bought a new outfit. It must have been some time before her parents died.

She knew they wouldn’t have wanted her to put her life on hold for as long as she had. They would have wanted her to have fun and embrace what she’d been given. Feeling lighter than she had in years, she slowly took a deep breath and let go of her past, promising herself she would try and live life to the fullest again.

Glancing back at her friend, she nodded. “All right. I hate to admit this, but you’re right. No more moping about. Tuesday will be our shopping day.”

Gemma jumped up and down. “This is going to be so much fun. I love shopping, and I get to spend someone else’s money. That’s even better.”

A loud knock sounded on her door, and she shot a glare at Gemma. “Be good.” Gemma gave a huff as she followed behind.

Kylie opened the door, and her breath caught at the sight before her. Markus was so handsome, and all he had on were jean shorts and a plain black shirt with sunglasses sticking out of his shirt pocket.

Gemma whispered, “Holy shit.”

Markus had been staring intently and took a step back, startled as he glanced at Gemma.

“Come in, Markus. Gemma was just leaving, weren’t you?”

Gemma nodded, but her eyes never left Markus as she slowly grabbed the bag she’d dumped by the door and walked out, mouthing, “Call me.”

Kylie should have felt bad not introducing her friend, but she wasn’t ready yet to share Markus. After all, she’d only just met him herself.

* * * *

Kylie was having so much fun. Markus was so easy to be around, telling her about his parents, brothers, and sister. She loved how he spoke of his family and touched her at every opportunity.

“Let’s get lunch so we can see the show at two o’clock. I didn’t see a restaurant on the brochure, so I’m guessing there’s only that little place as we came in.”

Smiling at him, she nodded. “Sure, let’s head over to the kiosk now.” They strolled hand in hand, basking in the hot day.

Kylie enjoyed her time so much she had stopped noticing all the women who eyed Markus, though her annoyance came back when the two ladies at the small kiosk practically fought to serve him.

He didn’t seem to notice, turning to grin at her. “
, what do you want?”

She had no idea what he’d called her, but it sounded good. Reaching for her wallet, she ordered a chicken sandwich, and as the girl behind the counter went to take her money, Markus frowned and grabbed her hand.

“I’m paying. Don’t take her money.” He shoved a fifty-dollar bill at the lady, adding that he would have the same.

A giggle slipped from Kylie’s lips as the woman behind the counter glared at her with pure envy. He got their food, pulled her close with a fake growl, and pretended to be mad.

“What are you giggling about?”

“You. Surely you’re not that oblivious to the women constantly checking you out. I also noticed that, when you’re annoyed, your accent becomes really thick, making you harder to resist.”

She let out a groan as she realized what she’d just said. Maneuvering herself out of his arms, she rushed to a table. She’d started to sit when Markus spun her to face him. He dropped the food bag on the table, placed his mouth over hers, and their tongues met. When he’d finished kissing her, he pulled slightly away, resting his forehead against hers.

“Stop running from me.”

His mouth feathered over hers, and his hands crept down her back where he gripped her butt and moved her closer to him. Kylie let her tongue slip out so she could trace his lips, and Markus’ tongue slipped out to meet hers. His taste filled her mouth. Wrapping her arms around him, she held him close until they heard an announcement over the speaker. “The snakes and spiders show will start in half an hour.”

Remembering where she was, she sighed and pulled away. “Come on. Let’s eat our lunch so we can go see the show.”

He gave her a strained smile, muttering something in his own language before taking a seat.

“I think I’m going to have to learn Greek.”

* * * *

Markus wondered if blue balls was a real condition because, if so, he was definitely suffering from it now. He watched as the cause of his pain finished the last bite of her sandwich and stood up, and he smiled as she held out her hand. It seemed his plan was working as she was reaching for his touch.

“Are you coming? I’m a slow walker, and we’ve got just over five minutes to get to the show.”

Holding hands, they arrived just in time. Once the show was finished, they visited the spider and snake exhibit, seeing many of the poisonous spiders and snakes that were talked about in the show.

He turned to Kylie as they walked to the exit. “Australia has so many deadly animals. After seeing that show, I will definitely be checking my shoes before I put my feet in them. I also think I will skip my bushwalks I’ve been doing in the afternoon. The redback spiders worry me, as the other day I killed one and didn’t even know that it was deadly poisonous.” He shook his head. “Here I was thinking this would be a nice, safe place to live.”

Kylie paused at his car and grinned over at him as she stood by the passenger door. “I wouldn’t go to that extreme, and if you’re scared, I’ll come on your afternoon walks in the bush to protect you.”

He unlocked the car and got in. She followed, and as they sat in the car, she reached over and held his hand, giggling. “How about we stop at your house before you drop me at mine, and I can check your shoes for spiders and your bed for snakes.” She patted his hand. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you. It’s okay to be scared.”

Markus shot her a glare and sat up taller in the car seat, straightening his shoulders. “I said worried, not scared.”

He started the car as her giggle turned into a laugh. “You sure did look scared when the ranger let me hold the blue tongue lizard. I think that’s the fastest and first time you’ve moved from me since I met you.”

He muttered between clenched teeth, “You held a poisonous reptile.”

Kylie grinned and nodded.

On the drive home, she chatted away about the places she’d love to take him, and he learned that she only worked mornings until lunch on Monday and Wednesday, but on Thursday, she worked a full eight-hour workday.

As they turned into her driveway, her mobile phone rang. She ignored it, but then it rang again.

“Answer it. That’s the second time it’s rung.”

“Are you sure?” He gave a nod and watched her rummage through her bag for it and then shove it against her ear. “Hello.”

He strained to hear who it was but knew almost instantly. “No takeout food before practice. Mmm, out. Um, no one, I’m just out. Fine, James, I’ll see you at five. Yep, bye.”

He gritted his teeth when she didn’t identify him and hung up. She smiled as she turned back to him. Kylie talked about him not noticing the women looking at him all the time, but she had no idea her friend was interested in her. If Markus went off the stares he’d received last night, and those James directed at Kylie, he would guess the guy was in love with her. “Am I intruding?”

Her nose scrunched up, and her eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?”

“Do you have a relationship going on with James? Should I back off?”

Her eyes grew wide, and she chuckled. “No. You don’t have to worry about James. He’s my best friend. I would…” She gave a dramatic shiver. “We’re friends. That’s all. I would never sleep with him.” She shook her head and got out of the car. “If you can’t handle him being my friend, then I don’t…” Her eyes narrowed on him for a moment in an angry glare before she shook her head and continued. “Thanks for taking me to the Reptile Park. I had fun. Are you coming tonight?”

He debated on whether to go, but knew he had to phone his family. He’d discovered Sunday nights were best. “I can’t. Sunday I chat with my family. Thanks much for the great day. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning.”

He could tell he’d said something wrong. She looked eager to leave. Markus wanted to pull her in and kiss her, but he didn’t want to push his luck. She nodded and ran to her door, unlocked it, and walked inside.

. This was going to be harder than he’d thought. He’d never had to chase a woman before. They usually fell at his feet. It was one of the perks of being a famous singer.

Chapter 3

Two weeks of morning walks, weekend dancing, and showing him some of the close-by sights. They’d even driven to Sydney and spent a full day in Darling Harbor. But tonight she’d agreed to go on a date. Markus organized dinner and a movie, trying to keep it simple. He needed public places so he didn’t throw her over his shoulder and take her back to his place and ravish her. As much as Markus wanted to do that, he knew in his heart Kylie was the one, and he wasn’t going to treat her like one of his groupies or a fling. He wanted Kylie forever.

Feeling like a teenage boy going on his first date, he sat in front of Kylie’s house in his car, wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans. “Keep it together, Markus. Be yourself. She likes you for you. She has no idea you’re a superstar.” He said it out loud, hoping it would help his current terrified state.

He walked to her door telling himself he could do this. If he could perform in front of thousands of people, he could get through one date without ravishing her. She deserved better, and Markus wanted their first time together to be special.

Before he could knock, Kylie opened the door. She had dressed in a simple pink and white dress with swirling patterns and black flat sandals. She wore no makeup, and her hair was in a messy bun. She looked adorable.

“Hi. I’m ready to go.” Kylie grabbed his hand and shut her door with the other. He smiled down at her as they walked to his car.

Markus couldn’t get over how different she was compared with all the other women he’d dated. She was so fresh and easygoing. Kylie didn’t complain when he’d told her what he’d organized, or that the restaurant wasn’t the best or the most popular place.

After getting in his car, they drove to the restaurant, which was close to the cinemas. They found a spot to park between the two and walked hand in hand to the restaurant. Markus listened as she talked about her day and what she and her friend Gemma had gotten up to the night before. She asked his opinion on what she should do with her art work, if she should get a new car, and even about what she should cook. He loved that she asked his opinion on things that affected her life and asked about how his own day went.

Markus didn’t talk about his work with her, scared he would say something to give away his identity. He told her just enough to keep her happy. She must have realized that his work was a no-go zone. At the restaurant they were seated immediately and ordered their meals. Once the waitress left, they sat in silence for the first time since the start of the date.


Kylie stared at the brightest, clearest blue eyes she had ever seen. They mesmerized her, and she wondered how many times in the last two weeks she had drowned in them. Kylie had painted and drawn them again and again. She took her time, adding in his strong, masculine, olive-skinned face.

Markus was beyond beautiful.

He was her dream and all she thought about. Her body acted as though it had awoken from hibernation and gone into overdrive. Every time he touched her, a fire started and continued to build. After seeing him in the mornings, she always retired to her room to let off some steam with the ladyfinger vibrator Gemma had bought her as a joke for her last birthday. She still needed a cold shower afterward as her body craved the real thing, something she found odd because she’d never had the real thing.

Markus cleared his throat loudly and, in an almost growly voice, said, “If you keep looking at me like that, I won’t be held responsible for picking you up and throwing you over my shoulder. Then I’ll take you back to my house and strip you naked.”

She clenched her fists and squeezed her legs together as the image came to life in her head. “S-sorry, it’s just…” She shook her head to clear it.

He nodded and looked away, giving her a chance to gather herself. Then he turned back and let his shoulders drop as he leaned back in his chair. “What are you doing tomorrow night?”

“I’m working until seven. Covering for a friend. This is our first date. You might find out after tonight you just want to stay friends.”

Markus let out a big belly laugh and leaned across to hold her hands. “Oh,
, there is no chance of that happening. I have been getting to know you for two weeks, and technically, this isn’t our first date as I took you to the Reptile Park, and we had that day in Sydney, and all the other times we’ve been together when you’ve shown me around.”

She stared at him, open-mouthed. The corners of his lips curled in a wicked smile.

“You are special to me.” He picked up her hand, kissing her knuckles, and then whispered some words in Greek.

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