The Price of Freedom (15 page)

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Authors: Carol Umberger

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He led Kathryn to the table on the dais, where Adam awaited them. None of Kathryn's social circle had been invited to this hasty gathering. The company consisted of the two knights who served with Bryan as well as various castle residents. Thomas sat with Fergus, a common sight these days, as they were very close in age.

A woman of Kathryn's social standing certainly deserved more than this, but it was the best he could contrive on such short notice. They arrived at their places and greeted Adam. Bryan assisted Kathryn into her chair as the musicians sounded a fanfare. Bowls of water and towels were brought to each table. Bryan took up the towel and attempted to dry his wife's hands, but she pulled away from his touch.

Gently, he reclaimed her hand, determined to reconcile her to the role they each must play. “I will not bite.”

“I'm not so sure,” she retorted.

“Am I so frightening?”

“Aye, you are that.”

He would have to let down his guard enough to allay her fear of him. He smiled; at least he hoped it was a smile. “We are being watched, lady wife.”

She seemed taken aback. But he had to admire her quick wit and composure.

She allowed him to dry her hands. “Do our guests know about the piper—about how this marriage came to be?”

He said, “No one outside of Adam, Thomas, and the priest . . . And Anna, of course. Will she tell tales?”

“No, she can be trusted. I had a word with her as I dressed.”

Bryan laid down the towel and washed his own hands in the bowl. “Then it is our secret until we choose to make it public.”

Lips pursed, Kathryn dried his hands. With the ceremony completed, a great cheer went up from their audience. He gave her hand a squeeze.

“You are kind, my laird. Perhaps this play-acting will improve your temper.”

“Am I such a bully you thought I'd beat you in front of the wedding guests?”

She rewarded him with a smile—a warm smile—and his heart twisted at the beauty of it. The accord they'd reached earlier returned, and they acted as any agreeable couple might, feeding each other from a shared trencher. Her fingertips brushed his lips when she fed him a morsel and his hand skimmed hers as they both reached for the goblet.

And Kathryn's blushing face told him she was aware of him, too. Here, then, was one of Adam's miracles—the way of a man and a maid. Aye, looking at her lovely face and hearing her laughter could go a long way toward making a man believe.

For the first time in many years, Bryan prayed to a God he wasn't sure existed. He prayed for an end to the war; but he feared his heart would surrender long before England did.

KATHRYN'S CHURNING EMOTIONS nearly overwhelmed her. She cast about for an excuse to leave Sir Bryan's presence, to escape from his touch and his flashing dark eyes. These fluttery feelings were exactly what she'd felt with Rodney and could not be trusted.

She was about to give her attention to Adam when a servant hurried to Sir Bryan and bent close to speak privately.

The knight sprang to his feet. “The devil you say.” Pivoting to her he said, “Excuse me, Kathryn, but we have unexpected guests. I will return shortly.” He strode to the hall's entrance, which was at the opposite end of the room. She asked Adam, “Who can it be to agitate him so?”

“I don't know.”

Kathryn heard uneasiness in his voice and she feared trouble was afoot. Adam evidently shared her apprehension because he moved off to stand between her and the new arrivals.

A burst from the minstrel's trumpets announced the arrival of the visitors. She heard Adam chuckle but he stood too far away to ask what he found so amusing about the situation.

She stood in order to see better but the visitors had their backs to her. Still she didn't think she'd ever seen either of the two men before. She watched as Sir Bryan paid obeisance to one of the men. He was nearly the same height as Sir Bryan and had the same broad shoulders and powerful chest of a soldier. The three men clasped hands and greeted one another. Sir Bryan obviously knew them well.

Even from a distance Kathryn could discern the fine cloth of their traveling clothes. The knight nodded toward the dais and the man and his companion turned to face her. Only then did she notice the golden circlet on his hat and the red lion on his surcoat. Her face drained of blood. Somehow she managed to stay standing as Sir Bryan led the king of Scotland toward her.

When they stood before her, Bryan said, “Your Majesty, may I present my bride, Lady Kathryn Mackintosh, Countess of Homelea.”

The king brought her hand to his lips and brushed the back of it lightly as Kathryn contrived a curtsy. “Your Majesty,” she said coolly, unsure how she felt about the man who'd freed her from Rodney Carleton only to impose a marriage to Black Bryan upon her.

The king didn't release her hand, and she dared not withdraw it. He stared at her and she feared she had offended him with her tone of voice. “Forgive me, Countess,” Robert said as he let go of her fingers. “Your beauty reminded me of my own wedding and how lovely my wife was on that day.”

A look of sadness crossed his face, and Kathryn recalled that the king's wife was held captive. Clearly this pained him, and Kathryn's hostility toward him felt out of place in the face of his obvious devotion.

“I hope your wife will be returned to you soon, Sire,” she said with reluctant warmth. She reminded herself that because of this man, she was now wed against her will. And she was not happy about it. Truly, she was not.

“You are kind, lass. Some day Elizabeth and I will be reunited. I only pray that the reunion takes place first here on earth.” He clapped Sir Bryan on the back. “But enough of such musings. I've brought Douglas to enliven this happy occasion. Let's celebrate your marriage with all due indulgence.”

So saying, Sir Bryan introduced Kathryn to James Douglas, another of Robert's fearsome lieutenants. Unlike Bryan, Douglas appeared harmless and spoke with a slight lisp. But she noted the man had permission to carry his sword in his king's presence. Apparently he was a trusted and competent bodyguard.

Then the king took Kathryn's arm and escorted her to her seat, he on one side, Bryan on the other. Never had Kathryn envisioned having a king attend her wedding feast. Bruce honored her, and even more, Bryan by coming here. Perhaps that was his purpose.

Evidently Douglas's purpose for being here was more one of protection than levity, for he declined to join them. He and Adam took themselves to the table near the door where Fergus sat.

With another flourish of trumpets the celebration resumed and food was served to the new arrivals. Sir Bryan leaned close to her and quietly said, “Thank you for your graciousness to Robert. I must admit, I rather feared your reaction to him.”

“He is a likable man, not at all what I expected.”

“Aye.” Bryan agreed. “He does have that effect, especially on the ladies.” His expression softened into a grin and his gaze traveled to her neck and below, lingering briefly before returning to rest on her face. “I haven't had a chance to tell you how beautiful you look. You honor me by wearing such finery.”

She blushed at his frank appraisal. “Did you think I would wear my stable clothes?”

“I never know what to expect from you,” he admitted.

He smiled, a smile with more warmth than she'd yet seen from him, and Kathryn's senses reeled. He was much less dangerous when he scowled, since the smile softened his features and made his face appealing. Very appealing. Much too appealing for a man who was to be a husband in name only.

Still, she grinned at his confession. She didn't know what to expect from him either. He was frightening and . . . intriguing.

Obviously King Robert held this knight, his son, in high esteem or he wouldn't have rewarded the man with an earldom. Or come to his wedding. Fergus's defense of the knight echoed in Kathryn's mind—perhaps she should look beneath the surface of this fascinating man she'd married. And his king.

Courteous and charming, Bruce entertained her with stories of Bryan's exploits much as any proud parent might.

At the end of this last tale, Sir Bryan rolled his eyes. “Please don't believe half these stories, lady wife. I fear my king exaggerates.”

Robert sipped from his cup. “You call me false, then?” he said with obvious fondness.

“Nay, my laird. I only wonder who told you such outrageous tales.”

“I suspect I don't know the half of it.” Bruce's look became pensive. “I am a king blessed with able lieutenants, Lady Kathryn. I would be proud to call any one of them my son. But none more so than Bryan here.”

She stared at Bruce and he gave her an almost imperceptible nod. When she recovered from the shock, she dipped her head in silent acknowledgment of his admission. Kathryn sipped her drink and Bryan remained silent, probably as surprised as Kathryn by the turn of the conversation.

Bruce said, “You have chosen your wife well, Bryan.”

Kathryn nearly choked on her water. Bryan stared at the king and then laughed out loud. She hadn't heard him laugh before, and the sound was infectious. Soon the three of them were laughing at the absurdity of Bruce's statement.

Watching the two of them, Kathryn marveled at how much they resembled each other. She studied her husband's profile.
I have
married a stranger. A handsome, charming, frightening stranger.
She must not allow him to disarm her as Rodney once had.

Despite these misgivings, the evening passed pleasantly and soon it grew late.

“Lady Kathryn, it has been a pleasure to share this occasion with you,” Bruce said. He stood and lifted his tankard toward the guests and toasted them. “To long life and God's blessing on your marriage.”

“Hear, hear!” came a hearty reply.

The king turned to Sir Bryan. “And now James and I bid you goodnight.”

“Come, lady wife. 'Tis time to retire.” Sir Bryan took her hand. Only then did Kathryn remember she hadn't made arrangements for a room for them.

“First I must rouse Anna and make rooms ready—”

“I saw to it earlier. Adam will give Bruce his room, and Douglas will stand watch at the door.”

“They don't trust you?”

“The king has learned to be cautious—I take no offense. Now, come. I'm tired, as I know you must be. Let us retire.”

When she realized the full implications of Sir Bryan's suggestion, she withdrew her hand from his.

Perhaps sensing her distress, his scowl softened and he leaned closer. “It is past time. Will you play along or would you rather risk the fainting ruse again?”

Despite his frown, his voice held a trace of the warmth he'd displayed earlier. His acknowledgment of her subterfuge lightened her fears and she covered a smile with her fingers. “How far do you expect me to play, my laird?”

He reclaimed her hand and held it to his lips. “I won't rescind our agreement, no matter how tempting the circumstances.”

“Will you spend the night in the stable, then?”

He chuckled, and the rich warm sound tugged at her spirit in a way that Rodney at his most charming had not. “No, indeed. That would not be appropriate.” Bryan stood and drew her to her feet. “Come, my lady. There's nothing to be done about it—we shall have to endure the bedding ceremony.”

Kathryn's protests went unheard as they were quickly surrounded and pushed up the steps to the upper floor. A knowing look passed between Sir Bryan and Adam, but neither made any effort to halt the proceedings. Did Adam know of Bryan's agreement with her? Would Bryan truly honor it now the time had come?

Striving not to panic, Kathryn allowed the women to propel her into the master chamber. As they undressed her, Anna let down Kathryn's hair, unwinding the braids and brushing the strands until they shone in the firelight. With gentle hands and not a few giggles, the women helped Kathryn climb into bed, then covered her with a white coverlet Anna had quilted in an intricate circle design.

Not wanting to be left alone, anxious to forestall Sir Bryan's arrival, Kathryn grabbed Anna's hand. “Anna, please.”

The older woman looked tenderly upon her. “There's naught to fear, Kathryn. I spied your husband gazing at ye tonight—he'll not hurt ye, lass. 'Tisn't in him to harm a woman. Just tell him the truth, lass, and all will go well.”

Unwilling to confess that the marriage was in name only, Kathryn watched as Anna laid a bottle of wine and a loaf of bread on the bed beside her. “What are you doing?”

With a mischievous grin Anna replied, “The wine will help ye relax, and the bread will keep up yer husband's strength.” Looking quite pleased with herself, Anna quickly left the room before Kathryn could make a suitably indignant reply.

The door had barely closed on Anna before the men entered the chamber, shoving Bryan before them. Kathryn's face warmed, as he stood before her clad only in his knee length saffron colored shirt. With many suggestions to enjoy themselves, the others soon left, and Kathryn stared at the man who had promised to leave her untouched.

Kathryn was sure her face couldn't get any warmer. Sir Bryan shook his head and walked toward her. Kathryn drew back into the pillows and pulled the cover higher.


RYAN STOPPED, DISMAYED AT his wife's apprehensive expression. “You need not fear, Lady Kathryn. This is a marriage of convenience. For appearance.”

Kathryn's chin came up in a show of bravado. “I only wanted to be sure you remembered.”

“I remember.” The sight of her with her dark blond hair hanging loose upon the bed coverings gave him a moment to regret the condition of their marriage. He'd never been in a woman's chamber before and like any man, he'd looked forward to his wedding night and the secrets it held.

But that was not to be. He scrubbed a hand through his hair and walked to the window opening, in hopes a cool breeze would bring some order to his confused senses. Saints above, why couldn't she be an ugly hag?

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