The Prince Charming Hoax (28 page)

BOOK: The Prince Charming Hoax
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Glancing quickly to left and right, Roxie could see couples moving about, disappearing into the darkened periphery of the room. D.J. appeared, naked, from seemingly nowhere and lifted her up in his arms, carrying her off the dance floor, down a hallway, through a half open door. He pressed his back against the door of the room, firmly closing the entrance. As Roxie looked around, she saw several large platforms covered with mattresses and lined with pillows, giving the appearance of sofa beds.

The sounds and smells of lovemaking filled the air. Roxie could make out the figures of Nicky and Belle as they grinded away at a frenzied pace. D.J. gently tossed Roxie in the center of a soft platform bed next to their friends, and climbed on next to her. He kissed her hard as he ran his hands over her body.

Baby, you are so hot. Not one man in the room tonight could take his eyes off you, and I

ve never seen the women so turned on during their little dance, either. Everyone wants you, baby, but I

m going to be the first.

Roxie felt him entering her, and she involuntarily cried out with pain. D.J. was huge and hard as a rock, like he was fucking her with a steel rod.

D.J., what the—

Sorry, baby, sorry.

D.J. quickly withdrew, apologizing over and over.

Sorry, I was just so excited.

He began kissing her, moving down from her lips to her neck.

Let me make it feel better,

he whispered. Roxie nodded, closing her eyes and lifting her pelvis. But when Roxie felt soft wet lips and a tongue between her legs, she knew it wasn

t D.J. She raised her head to find Belle gently caressing her, licking the area that D.J. had penetrated so roughly. When their eyes met, Belle stopped for a moment and smiled at Roxie.


m gonna get you ready to accommodate that big party stick. Just enjoy.

Roxie was puzzled by the reference, but she nodded and Belle continued her sensuous stroking with her tongue and fingers until Roxie could feel herself opening wide with desire.

Fuck me,

she screamed and D.J., who had been humping Belle as she kneeled over Roxie, pulled out, pushed Belle forward and thrust himself into Roxie. Belle was stretched out on top of Roxie, her legs spread, and D.J. slipped his fingers in and out of her and he moved up and down inside Roxie. Belle and Roxie clung to each other and, as D.J. brought each of them closer to orgasm, the women locked in a passionate kiss.

After she came the first time, Roxie lost track of who was doing what to whom. As soon as D.J. pulled out and Belle had rolled off her, Nicky pulled Roxie over next to him on the other bed, then D.J. and Belle joined them. They all rolled around, taking turns filling each other until the four of them lay still, arms and legs still locked, exhausted.

Roxie was drifting off to sleep when Belle took her hand.

Roxie, honey. Let

s go freshen up.

Startled, Roxie sat up to find D.J. sitting next to her on the edge of the platform. Nicky was gone. She draped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

D.J., are we getting ready to go?

Not yet, baby. There

s a big party going on out there. Go with Belle for now, and I

ll meet you outside.

He kissed her lightly on the head and left the room.

Roxie got up, stretched, and followed Belle out into the hallway. Men and women sat, danced, and walked around the same as before except that no one had any clothes on. Roxie couldn

t help but notice that every single man had an erection, regardless of what he was doing.

Hey, Belle, what

s with all the stiff dicks?

she asked once they were inside the women

s lounge.

Belle threw back her head and laughed heartily.

You mean the party sticks?

Roxie nodded.

Yeah, you said that before. What

s with those boners—they

re like steel rods.

Still chuckling, Belle said,


s face it Roxie, most of these guys are in their 40s and 50s. They

re not taking any chances on not being ready for action. They all take stuff that keeps them hard.

What kind of stuff?

Oh, you know—those pharmaceuticals you see on television. Whatever they can get their hands on.

Where do they get it?

Belle shrugged.

The Internet, doctors, whatever.

Roxie caught her reflection in the mirror and automatically ran her fingers through her hair.

Hey, where are our clothes and stuff? I want to fix my hair and makeup, so I need my purse.

Belle led Roxie through the sitting area of the lounge to a dressing room with showers and lockers. Roxie spotted her dress hanging inside one of the lockers, with her undergarments, shoes, and purse neatly lined up underneath.

How did this get here? And is it safe to leave all our stuff laying out like this?

Belle motioned to an attendant seated at a small table between the lockers and the shower stalls.

Maria puts everything away and keeps her eyes on things for us.

Roxie surveyed the long row of lockers filled with the women

s personal belongings.

But, how does she know what belongs to who?


s her job to know. Look, don

t worry about it. Let

s freshen up and get back out there.

Maria gave them towels, rubber slippers, and shower caps to cover their hair. Roxie followed Belle to the stalls, quickly showered, and applied some fresh makeup.

Fresh as a daisy,

Belle said. She looked over at Roxie and motioned for her to put away the brush she was using.


re gorgeous. Let

s go.

A small square box slipped out of Roxie

s purse as she reached out to put her things away in the locker. She picked up her gift for D.J. and said,

Oh yeah. Forgot I had this. Belle, do you know what a cock ring is?


s something guys put on to constrict the blood flow. It keeps them harder longer.

She laughed.

Why don

t you save that for a night when he

ll need it?

Roxie giggled.

I guess a cock ring would be a bit superfluous tonight.

She tucked the box back in her purse and put it away.

Before we go back out there, Belle,

Roxie said as they started out the door,

I want you to know how much it means to me to have you walk me through the paces tonight. I

d have been lost here tonight without you guiding me. Thanks for being a friend.

Roxie took Belle

s hand and squeezed. If they were dressed, she would have hugged her. Even though the two had been intimate minutes before, Roxie wasn

t comfortable with the woman-to-woman part of the little game they were playing, and she didn

t want to encourage any solo performances.

Belle seemed to understand.

No problem. I remember how hard it was for me in the beginning to do the girl-thing. It gets easier.

She tugged on Roxie

s hand without waiting for an answer.

But, come on now. We

re missing a lot!

They walked through the bar, across the empty dance floor, and down the door-lined hallway that D.J. had carried her through earlier in the evening. Roxie took more notice of her surroundings this time.

Is there a reason why some doors are open and some closed, Belle?

Lets people know who wants company and who doesn


Roxie nodded, remembering how D.J. had shut the door behind them before.

Where are the guys, anyway?

Just then the women turned the corner and Roxie could see a big room at the end of the corridor with a double door entry, open wide. Inside, long buffet tables were set up with platters of food. As they drew closer, Roxie realized breakfast was being served.

Great, food. I

m starving. What is this, Belle, the dining room?

Belle laughed.

We call it the Party Room.

s go. The guys are inside.

Roxie searched for D.J. once inside, but didn

t see him. She saw a door in the wall behind the tables and realized there was another room behind the buffet. Grabbing a Danish off a tray, she walked over and peeked inside. She almost choked on the bite of pastry she was swallowing. The room was a gigantic platform lined with people engaged in a huge orgy. Bodies writhed as the participants humped, thumped, bumped, and grinded away at one another. She watched as Belle walked in and threw herself in the middle of the group.

Come on, Roxie, join us,

she beckoned with her arm.

Roxie stood frozen in the doorway.

There you are—how

s my woman?

D.J. put his arms around her from behind, kissing her neck.

I see you found the Party Room. Ready to go in?

Roxie turned and put her arms around D.J.

No! I—I want to eat something. I

m starving. Come with me, D.J.

Roxie turned to head back to the buffet.

Whoa, woman. Not so fast.

He tried to pull her back, but Roxie wouldn

t turn around.

All right. I guess you must be hungry—you barely ate a bite of dinner. I

ll meet you inside, then.

Roxie stopped in her tracks.

No, come sit with me. We hardly had a chance to talk all evening.

We didn

t come here to talk, Roxie.

You mean you can

t stop for five minutes and sit with me while I eat something other than your dick?


s raised voice caught the attention of those nearby, and D.J. put his arm around her, drawing her away from the passersby.

Keep your voice down. Don

t make me look like a fool.

I can

t believe you

d go in there without me. I thought you said this was something we

d do together. Am I supposed to sit out here and eat alone while you

re in there fucking every tail in the room?

He scowled and nodded, clearly acquiescing against his will.


ll wait for you, if that

s what you want. What

s the problem?
You don

t want to go in solo your first night?

D.J., I don

t know that I want to go in there with you, either. Can

t we just eat and go home?

She leaned in against him, rubbing his ever-ready party stick.

Come on, Deej, we can have our own private party.

She nibbled his lip.

BOOK: The Prince Charming Hoax
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