The Princes of Tangleforest (13 page)

BOOK: The Princes of Tangleforest
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“All right,” she said. “If you can get him to say yes, I’ll go.”

He stood up and dusted the sand off of his pants. “It’s a date, but the overalls aren’t invited.”


“It has come to my attention that the Long boy has taken an interest in you. Now I know how you and your brother feel about the Longs, however, I strongly feel that our association with them will help the bank tremendously. This isn’t for me; it’s for our family’s future. You understand. I would take it as a personal favor if you would do this. Seeing as your brother is refusing to help out his own family.”

Myra really wanted to go with Preston. Still, sitting there listening to her father treat it like a business deal made her feel a little used. If Preston wouldn’t have been so darn handsome she would have said, “This is what you think of your only daughter? You’re going to trade me like a cow?” She had a better idea. She would do some negotiating of her own.

“I’ll do it,” she said softly, “on one condition. Leave Jerry alone. Don’t set him up with June anymore. He really doesn’t want to date her. She’s not his type, you know. She’s really quiet. I bet she didn’t say a word at dinner last night. Am I right? I’ll do this, but you have to let Jerry date who he wants to date. He’s had his eye on a girl in my class for some time now.”

“Who? He never mentioned anything to me.”

“That’s because he didn’t think you’d approve. She’s not from a family who needs your bank.”

“Now Myra, I don’t appreciate what you’re suggesting.”

“Do we have a deal?” She felt a wave of regret. Even if Preston turned out to be the biggest toad in the world, she had to stay with him until she got Jerry married off. She didn’t worry about Preston liking her, most boys did. They swarmed around her like she was honey and they were bees. She had thought cutting her long blonde hair would deter them; it didn’t faze them in the least. The girls, on the other hand, hated her; she didn’t have many girlfriends, so her brother’s friendship was priceless. So was his well being, even if it wasn’t important to her father.

Her father’s face had become red, but he used a gentle voice. “I really do want what is best for you. Preston seems like a good boy. I hope you have a pleasant time.”

“And…” she said, “you have to tell mother to let me buy a readymade dress from a store. I can’t go wearing one of these… things she makes. She’s such an awful seamstress.”

Her father nodded and smiled. “I’ll see what I can do.”

She ran up to him and, despite being upset with his all-business mind, gave him a kiss on the cheek to seal the dress-buying deal.


Chapter 20


On the way back from walking Julia home, Tanner thought about how Julia did find out one thing: their plan was a complete dud. Julia already had some experience with the NLP stuff, and if she didn't think it would be possible to convince the witch to let Poppi go, he knew that reading the book wasn't going to do him any good.

Once he arrived home, he sat down on the porch steps, staring across the street at Poppi’s dark house. He thought about Julia and how scared she had been.

He visualized her tearing across Poppi’s yard and his heart began to race the same way it had when he thought something had happened to her. The entire time she was in that house he had been in a state of panic. If she’d been in there a moment longer, he would have gone up to the door no matter what the circumstances. When he had seen her run out of the house, he had felt relieved, until she was close enough for him to see the fear on her face. She had flown into his arms, her entire body trembling at first, slowly calming as he held her—


Tanner jerked his head, looking behind him at his mom who stood in the doorway.

“Is everything all right?”

He nodded and turned back around.

“I put your sister to bed. Can I sit with you?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “Sure.”

They sat for awhile without saying anything, a soft breeze interrupting the still night every now and then.

“What’s this?” Joanne picked up the book.

“Julia let me borrow it,” he said.

“A fairy tale?”

Another perfect opportunity to explain everything to his mom, but instead he said, “Yeah.”

“Hmm,” she said, setting the book back on the porch and taking a noticeable transitional breath. “How is everything? I haven’t really been able to talk to you lately, with my new job and all.”

“Fine,” he said.

“Tanner, I’ve known you awhile. How long has it been?”

He laughed.

“I know when something is eating at you. You don’t have to tell me what it is, but if I could be allowed to do my mom bit, I would appreciate it.”

Tanner smiled. She was a great mom, really. He didn’t think he would have to receive too much therapy as an adult. “Sure. I’m listening.”

“Girls can be—”

“No, Mom, it’s not—”

“Aaaaa! You said I could have a mom moment. You already agreed. If this doesn’t pertain to right now, believe me, it will eventually, so just pay attention.”


“Girls can be difficult to figure out.”

“You didn’t have to tell me that,” Tanner mumbled.

“It’s true that we are very intuitive. We can think with our emotions and read between the lines. However, sometimes, it is nice to hear certain things out loud… to be sure.”

“Why do y’all have to be so complicated? It’s hard enough trying to figure myself out.”

“You really like her, don’t you?”

“Yeah,” he said, and then coughed from surprise when he found himself thinking of Julia instead of Poppi. “I don’t know… I mean… who?” He stared at the concrete as his mom gave him a couple of quick pats on the back.

“You should tell her. I can tell she really likes you, too.”

When he peeked at her, she smiled. It seemed like a good time to ask a dorky question: “How do you know when you love someone instead of like?”

She didn’t laugh or even change her tone of voice when she said, “I think it’s a combination of things: mutual admiration, chemistry, respect. Plus you don’t want to be away from one another. I didn’t want to be away from your dad when we were dating. I still don’t.” She dragged her hand across her forehead. “Oh man, I don’t know what happened. He thought I was running away from him, and I thought he had lost all his sense of adventure and loved his job more than me…”

Even though Tanner knew his mom probably needed to talk to someone, he didn’t know if he should listen to her talk about her problems with his dad or not. He let his mind drift to Julia. He was thinking and trying to figure out why he had immediately thought of her earlier. What was that?
He didn’t know what having a girl for a best friend was supposed to feel like, but he did know how close he felt to her in such a short time span.
Does she really like-like me? Have I been so wrapped up in saving Poppi I hadn’t noticed?
Events, expressions, and ignored feelings started replaying in his mind.
I am a dumbass.

“…I’m truly sorry we lied to you,” his mom was saying.

“What?” he said. What had he missed?

“I figured you would forgive us since we are getting back together. Your dad is wrapping up a few things at his job. He’s even breaking the lease on the apartment.” She smoothed her hair and smiled. “He’ll be here next week.”

“Wow! That’s great. Bonnie will be thrilled.”

“Yeah.” She nodded. “Me, too.”

“Me, too.”

“After everything that has happened, I think I’m ready to settle down. Really! Nothing like being away from someone you love to make you realize they’re what you need to stay grounded. We’re even talking about putting an offer in on the house. I think I like it here. Do you?”

“Crazy, but yeah, I think I do.”

Chapter 21



Myra woke with a start. Poppi stared down at her, a concerned smile on her face.

“Grandma? Are you okay?”

“Oh dear,” Myra said. “I must have fallen asleep.”

“What are those?” Poppi asked, pulling a picture out of the hatbox.

“Some old photos.”

“Who’s this?” Poppi turned the picture around so Myra could see it. 

In the gray photo with aged edges, Myra wore a white, sleek, satin wedding gown with long, laced sleeves. The fitted headpiece’s veil covered her face, but she knew what it hid beneath… a scared little girl.

She and Preston had dated for six months before her father had approved of their marriage. During the engagement, her life had become a whirlwind of parties and gifts. She didn’t have to do anything to prepare for the wedding: Preston had picked out her dress, the flowers, even her bridesmaids. He had told her he wanted everything to be perfect. At the time, she felt grateful because she didn’t want to look foolish in front of Preston’s parents or friends. In retrospect, she wished she had seen it as the ominous sign that it had been.

After she had received a call from her mother on her honeymoon, she met the real Preston. Myra’s brother, Jerry, had been attacked by a shark while swimming in the gulf. She had begged Preston to take her home… he had refused.

While on her honeymoon, Jerry had died. By the time she had arrived home, they had already had his funeral. She hated Preston, and she hated herself for not insisting and for not standing up for herself. Somehow, she found her old spirit, and divorced Preston, despite her father’s excessive protesting.

“Come on, Grandma,” she heard Poppi saying with excitement. “You gotta see! You gotta see! ”

“I’m sorry, Sweetie… What did you say?”

“In the garden… The Queen of the Night. She finally bloomed! She is soooo beautiful!” Poppi put her hands six inches apart. “She’s this big.”

“I can’t believe it. I’ve been waiting on her for five years. ”

“So come on!”

As Poppi helped her to her feet, Myra noticed the next picture in the box, the one of her and Ward.

They stood beside his beat-up pickup truck, Myra with one suitcase in her hand. Ward’s rugged good-looks and carefree attitude blinded her in a much different way than Preston did.  He put no pressures and no demands on her. They had lived each day without plans or expectations. She thought she had finally met her match in 1955…

“You’re what?” Her father asked as he pounded his fist on the table. “You are not going anywhere with that dirty carnie.”

“Father,” Myra said. “I’m not asking your permission. I’m over thirty years old. I’m sharing my good news with you, that’s all.”

“Do you even know what you are about to do? Do you know what kind of life you will have traveling around with a carnival? You will live like a gypsy with no food and stealing from—”

“Ward is not a thief! He earns an honest living, and he’s really good at his craft.”

“Throwing knives is not a craft.”

“Mom?” Myra asked for help. Her mother sat silent staring at the walls.

“What about you?” her father was saying. “What will you do?”

Myra pressed her lips together. She didn’t look her father in the eyes as she said, “The seer has promised to show me her trade. She’s getting older and doesn’t have a daughter of her own.”


“She tells people their futures.”

Her father threw his hands up. “Oh! There we go. My daughter the fortune teller. Elizabeth, tell your daughter that no daughter of mine is going to be doing the devil’s work. We are proud members of the church.”

“Umm,” her mother began. “What about your shop? You’ve worked hard for that place.”

“…and tell her if she leaves with that heathen, we will never speak to her again.”


Her mother looked down again.

“You can’t be serious.” Myra began to cry. “I’m leaving in a week. Mom? You would disown me for him? What has he done for you but give you grief?”

“Myra!” her father scolded. “That is quite enough. How dare you talk to your mother with that tone of voice.” His voice had risen to the ceiling, his face blotchy red. “Mark my words, you will regret this. Don’t bother coming home after that lifestyle has beaten you down. It might seem glamorous from afar, but I’ve been around for a while. I know better. I’ve heard about what goes on after those things close. If you leave with him, you are no longer my daughter.”

Chapter 22


Friday morning before school, Julia’s dad didn’t acknowledge her at the breakfast table. Even though Julia spoke every once in a while, he didn’t say anything, and she knew why.  After Tanner had walked her home the night before, and right when she didn’t think her evening could get any worse, her dad had introduced his new “friend” to her.

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