The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1) (116 page)

BOOK: The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1)
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He leaves me as if we didn

t just share our first kiss

like maybe that was our second or third or
one hundredth
kiss. As I watch him go find his sister, I

m in awe of how natural that felt and how unaffected he seems. Maybe I

m wrong and he

s going completely crazy on the inside. Either way, I know one thing


ll never be the same again.






s definitely starting to get too cold for my morning runs, but I

m determined to stick it out until it starts snowing. I do pretty well in my long workout pants, a turtleneck, a jacket, mittens, and my earmuff headband; but as I walk through my cool down after my six miles, my sweat makes me instantly cold.

I was the first to wake up this morning and decided that I

d head out and come back before everyone else got started with their days. I haven

t talked to Sonny about his plans before tonight

s game, but I

m hoping we can spend some time together

maybe have some breakfast, at the very least. However, as I

m walking back to my building, my plans seem to fall apart as I spot him heading to his car. I call out to him and he turns toward me as I approach.


s wearing a pair of fitted navy slacks and my favorite brown leather shoes with the green sweater I bought him for his birthday underneath his light jacket. It

s barely eight o

clock and he

s dressed and out the door headed who knows where?
Well, I

m going to find out

wherever he

s going is stealing my boyfriend from my boyfriend breakfast plan.


I greet him as I close the distance between us.

Where are you going?


He reaches for my chin and leans down to kiss me hello. He kisses me once. Twice. The third time he tarries and it makes my stomach tingle with delight.

How was your run?

Good. Cold but good.

I realize as I answer him, he didn

t answer


re up and out pretty early. Where are you going?

I just have something I have to take care of,

he replies, running his hands up and down my arms to help warm me up. I love it that he thinks to do such a thing without a single word from me. His vague reply to my question, though, leaves me wanting.

I squint up at him suspiciously.

Something you have to dress up for? On a Saturday? Before you can have breakfast with your girlfriend?

Yes, yes, and yes,

he answers, punctuating each
with a kiss on top of my head.

And I should probably get going.

Are you really not going to tell me what you

re doing?


not going to tell you what I

m doing.

But why?

I ask, folding my arms across my chest with a pout.

I think, seeing as how this
gets to have you when I don

t, I should get to know what this

He chuckles as he pulls my arms apart and scoops me up into an embrace. I wrap myself around him before he speaks.

I can

t tell you. It

s a secret.

of secret?

The kind I can

t tell you right now. I need to get on the road, so you

re going to have to live with it.

I squint at him again.

On the road?
What road? Sonny

He interrupts me with a kiss.


ve got to go. I

ll see you tonight. After the game.


me, here. Are you sure I can

t just come with you?

It wouldn

t be a secret if you came.

He taps my backside and then puts me down. I let go reluctantly.

I love you. I

ll see you tonight.

I love you, too. Will you tell me this secret tonight?


he says with a grin, climbing into his car.

Fine. Be that way,

I tease.

I will.

He winks at me and I watch him drive away before I hurry inside, where I find Addie

s up and dressed for yoga already. She

s in the kitchen drinking coffee and staring at what appears to be

Got any left over?

I ask, pointing to her mug.


she hums as she comes to.

Coffee, AJ, is there more coffee?

Oh, yeah.

She sets her mug down and turns to pour me a cup.

What were you thinking about?

She doesn

t respond right away and I scoff in irritation.

secret? I haven

t even had a chance to have breakfast and already my day is filling up with them!

Roman kissed me,

she spits out as she hands me my coffee. I almost drop it before I discard it on the counter behind me for safe keeping.


And I kissed him back.

Shut. Up.

I stare at my other half as my jaw goes slack. I study her, trying to figure out what she

s thinking, but I can

t tell. She looks neither guilty nor remorseful, panicked nor anxious; in fact, she doesn

t appear to have any of the emotions that I would image she would have, given the magnitude of what has happened.

Okay, I didn

t mean that
Is that all I get?


t tell anyone,

she says, her face still reading as impassive.

Especially not Sarah

not until I figure out what I

m going to do.

Wait, what?

I ask, her comment taking my shock up a notch.

What do you mean,
figure out what you

re going to do?

re not planning on a repeat performance, are you?

She shakes her head and offers me a shrug. All of a sudden, I no longer like Roman. Not even a little bit.

What about Beckham?

I ask defiantly.

I don

t know, Ave

I don

t know. I haven

t figured it out yet.

What is there to figure out? I thought you were waiting for him!

Now I

m fighting the urge to put Addie in the same camp as Roman. Or this woman who
to be Addie. Verdict is still out on that one. I can

t believe her answer to my question about Hammy is
I don

t know.
How could she not know? He

s the love of her life, last time I checked. I mean, I knew that she might be falling for Roman, and I

m aware that she and Hammy aren

t exactly dating right now, but whatever might be going on between her and Roman doesn

t negate the
five years

s invested in her otherwise wonderful relationship with my supposed-to-be brother-in-law!

Maybe I still am. I don

t know,

she says, pulling me from my internal rant.

Look, just, don

t tell anyone, okay?


m speechless. Absolutely, one-hundred-percent, speechless.


ve got to go. I

ve got yoga.

She leaves and I feel like I need to go to bed and start this day over. So far, none of it makes any sense.

BOOK: The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1)
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