Read The Purrfect Predicament (Australian Shifters) Online

Authors: Angela Castle

Tags: #Fiction

The Purrfect Predicament (Australian Shifters) (14 page)

BOOK: The Purrfect Predicament (Australian Shifters)
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Hamish had felt it too, the way she chewed on her lower lip, her eyes filled with worry. "Give her time; it's only been two days. We can't expect everything from her at once."

Andy sighed. "I know, it's bloody hard controlling my beast, who wants nothing other than to mark and claim her."


"We have to make sure she's ready, Bro. She has to tell us when; till then stick to your evil genius plan."

~ * ~

Juniper slid the filled lasagna pan into the oven and moved to wash her hands. Busy, she needed to keep busy. One thing about working in an Italian restaurant for several years and waiting tables, Juniper paid attention to the chefs and how they prepared their dishes. Still, with her hands busy it didn't keep her mind off worrying. Yes, the brothers were sweet, caring. Yes, she felt safe and protected surrounded by them.

Having one gorgeous man at your beck and call was a dream come true and having two was an utter fantasy come to life. Icing on the cake, they were supernatural creatures, able to turn into Panthers. That part seemed easier to accept than the reality of a ménage relationship.

What happened if she kissed one brother first, would it seem to them she was favoring one over the other? Maybe she shouldn't initiate anything and just let them do it? She sighed and finished placing garlic butter on the long roll, before topping it with cheese. She wrapped it up in foil and slid it into the oven next to the pasta dish. There was a pitiful lack of vegetable and salad fixing in the refrigerator. Guess they'd have to do without till she could go shopping. Having searched through their cupboards, she'd mentally prepared a shopping list.

The thought startled her—did she really think of this place as home after just two days? Planning meals and…

Her head started to spin; she moved around the counter and sat down.

"You okay, sweetheart?" Hamish appeared in the kitchen door, his handsome face studying her in concern. He moved in, and before she knew it she was wrapped in his arms.


Sensible, practical and gorgeous Hamish. She laid her head against his muscular chest, heaving in a contented sigh. It felt so good, even if it was just a dream, it was something she didn't want to give up. His caring nurturing manner tugged at her heart strings.

"Yes, I'm okay I guess."

"You guess?" He used his index finger to tip back her head, forcing her to gaze into his heart-pounding and body-melting chocolate eyes.

"I may be a Panther, baby girl, but we can't read minds. Like any good relationship we need to talk and communicate. Tell me what's on your mind. Still worried about your father?"

"Yes and no, I'm still struggling to believe everything that's happened in such a short time."

"You know sometime you have to stop thinking with this." He bent down and kissed her forehead. "… and start feeling with this." His hand slipped down over her heart. "You feel what is real, then everything else will follow after. Call it animal instinct, we know what is right. Even full humans have the same instincts, it's just deeply suppressed."

She liked Hamish's take on their situation. Never having met supernatural creatures before, she figured they would be a better judge of their instincts than she. It made sense she would be stuck, confined to her 'human' way of thinking. Yet it was a struggle to free her mind.

It does feel right, so why am I fighting it, resisting it, them?

"Something smells amazing." Andy strode into the kitchen; he winked at her, as she peered over at him from Hamish's arms. He had not let her go. In no way did Andy seem put out or jealous by the fact she was cuddling into Hamish and not him.

"There's that frown again." She startled at Hamish's observations. "You going to tell us what's on your mind?"

Andy moved in on Hamish's right, leaning against the counter, his stare so intense; she thought he could see into her very soul.

"I just don't know how this is going to work." There, blurting out her thoughts had worked for her so far.

"How do you mean?" Andy questioned, reaching for her hand resting on Hamish's hip. Andy turned her palm over, placing a kiss in the centre, before threading his own fingers through her smaller ones.

"It's all very well to have a romp with two men, but a full relationship? What if one of you starts feeling neglected, or thinks I'm showing one more affection than the other?"

Andy quirked his left eye brow in a sexy way, a small smile on his sensual lips. "I like the idea of a sex romp, but do you feel more affection toward either Hamish or I?"

"No, of course not, I think you're both wonderful, and unique in different ways."

"Glad to know I'm wonderful and unique." Andy's grin widened. "Of course I'm clearly more lovable than Hamish." The twinkling teasing in his eyes made her roll her own.

"Seriously Juniper, it doesn't matter. You belong to both of us equally," Hamish cut in, ignoring Andy's quips. "I won't be jealous of you being with Andy if I'm not here, because he's your mate as much as you are mine, and I know he'll be looking after you."

"All fun aside, Hamish is right. If I'm not here then it'll be the same. I know my brother is looking after you. You're not alone anymore, sweetheart. You're ours to protect and cherish, and Hamish and I will rip anyone apart who dares to hurt you."

Despite the causal way Andy spoke, she could see the solid truth in his eyes. Again, it made sense; animals were protective of what they thought to be theirs.

Her mind a jumble and her heart pounding, she needed a little more time to wrap her head around it all.

"Thank you for clearing that up." She gifted them with a grateful smile.

"You're welcome, baby girl. Don't ever be afraid to ask us anything. It's still early days for us, everything in good time." Hamish squeezed her waist before stepping back. He understood her need for a little breathing space. No way did she miss his hard erection poking her in the waist as he hugged her.

Andy's smile was one of clear affection, mixed with a layer of unmistaken heat.

It was another thing to ponder and marvel over—that they really desired her. Plump, plain Juniper, at least she once again wore dresses. It felt as if a heavy weight lifted from her chest, no longer having to hide who she was.

"What I want to know is why there are no vegetables in the house?"

"I'll ah, go set the table." Hamish retreated, pulling drawers open, fetching cutlery. "You're on for this one, Bro."

"Coward." Andy chuckled. "What can you expect from ex-single carnivores, sweetheart, anyway, potatoes are a vegetable, right?"

Juniper groaned and rolled her eyes,
. Inwardly she smiled, letting herself relax. Happy, she mused, she felt happy, but was it really enough, with so many problems in the shadows waiting to pounce.

The timer went off as they finished setting the table. She pulled the lasagna from the oven, followed by the garlic cheese bread.

"Damn, woman, I'm gonna have to keep you chained up in the kitchen." Andy leaned over, taking in the hot wafting smells of the food.

"We struck gold, Bro; a woman who's sexy and can cook." Hamish took the garlic bread from her and set it on the table.

She dished up her first meal to her new…she couldn't think of any other word than…family.

~ * ~

William Carver, otherwise known as Bloody Bill, enjoyed the warmth of the Melbourne autumn day at the Rosso Antico Café on Lygon Street, watching the people bustle past. He sipped his black espresso, savoring the bitter coffee over his tongue, before swallowing.

Ah, the simple things in life

His two-month stay in prison had been nothing but a brief holiday. With no one able to make the charge of first degree murder stick, he was once again a free citizen to do as he pleased.

No, he was untouchable. Anyone who had ever tried to take him down, were now six feet under and decaying. It gave testimony to his true profession, including the once fruit of his loins.

How disappointing his offspring had turned out to be. Why couldn't he have had a son, to follow in his footsteps, as he had his father? Of course Bill had put all of his father's knowledge to good use, when Bill helped him have an 'unfortunate accident' which had secured his place in the Hierarchy of the Melbourne big business families. They had dubbed him Bloody Bill, for his preference of using a knife.

Such a wonderful thrill watching the horror on someone's face as he got up close and personal, sinking his blade into the right spots and keeping them alive just long enough to see the knowledge of their death on their faces, before they drain of life.

Of course he'd made an exception with his little girl. She'd turned on him and betrayed the family. It was simple; she had to die, along with all the coppers who were foolish enough to think they could protect her against him. The idea was laughable.

The vibrating phone jolted him from his thoughts. He pulled it out, checking the number. With a quirked eye brow, he answered.

"Bill, I think we have a problem." The family's contact within the police department whispered in a hushed voice.

Bill rolled his eyes heavenward; there was always a problem.

"The only problem I have is you." He picked up his coffee, taking another sip, watching some pretty young legs walking past his table.

The contact ignored Bill's response.

"I'm not stupid; I won't talk on an open line. If you want to know what's going on that'll keep you out of the hole, meet me tomorrow at ten in the usual place."

If they didn't need the little weasel, Bill would have happily introduced him to his gleaming silver a long time ago. In the meantime, he still had his uses…

Unconcerned of what information he may have, he sighed. "Fine, tomorrow." He hit the off button. No, there was nothing to worry about, he was untouchable.

Chapter Twelve

"So when do they start, ah, turning into cats?" Heat raced into Juniper's face, not knowing how to tactfully ask the women surrounding her questions about their men and the little boy who teetered on his two feet as he took steps towards his mother.

Sandy smiled, holding her hands out to her little Thomas.

"River told me he first changed at age twelve, which was rare, but his parents were there to help him through the first transition." Storm leaned back in the chair, her belly a huge prominent feature.

Tinder the coppery red head giggled, she too had a protruding belly, but not as big as Storm's. The women had invaded the home, after breakfast the next day. Both her boys had kept to their word and not made any 'moves' on her, but insisted she sleep between them, as they had her first night.

The ladies introduced themselves before ushering the men out while they had some 'girl time.' Juniper felt a bit awkward, never really having friends beyond her college days, but they were warm, open and included her in the conversation, explaining anything she didn't get. After a few cups of hot chocolate and coffee, she relaxed in their company, as if they'd been old friends from the start.

"Hawk told me he was fourteen, and whacking off when his change hit."

"Why am I not surprised?" Storm rolled her eyes.

"River and Hawk are twins too?" Juniper glanced between Storm and Tinder.

"Yes, but not identical twins like Andy and Hamish, they're fraternal twins," Storm explained.

"Regan's first change was at fourteen too. Just starting puberty, sexual stimulation does affect the change also. So I'm with Storm on that one; not surprising how Hawk would first change."

They all giggled.

"You poor thing, Juniper, having to put up with two horny cats chasing your tail." Tinder wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

The women giggled, but Storm shook her head. "Hawk's been rubbing off on you, way too much."

"They haven't mated her yet, though." Sandy pointed out.

Juniper felt her cheeks heat again. "I'm just not ready yet."

"Hey, honey, I'm sorry, didn't mean to put you on the spot." Sandy rubbed Juniper's arm. "The whole shifter thing takes some getting used to. But they are genuine about the whole mate thing. They truly are devoted to you for the rest of their lives, just like our men are to us."

"Um, thanks I think. So you're all happy?"

"If I got any happier, I'd be hysterical." Tinder grinned and they all groaned.

A knock sounded at the door. They all turned to Hamish who stood in the doorway. "Sorry, Juniper, but we've got out-of-town visitors. I'm afraid ladies' morning tea is over for now."

Her men had told her enough about the town to know, 'out-of-town' visitors meant they were human and were not in on the whole 'shifter community' thing.

"Sorry, but it was lovely meeting you."

Their men, except for Regan, came barreling into the living room, each helping their pregnant wives to their feet. Juniper got up to see them out.

"No worries, we'll get together again soon," Tinder promised.

River handed Storm off to Hawk, who winked in Juniper's direction. "Nice to meet you Juniper and welcome to the family."

BOOK: The Purrfect Predicament (Australian Shifters)
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