Read The Purrfect Predicament (Australian Shifters) Online

Authors: Angela Castle

Tags: #Fiction

The Purrfect Predicament (Australian Shifters) (15 page)

BOOK: The Purrfect Predicament (Australian Shifters)
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"Thank you." She really was starting to feel a part of the family; apart from one small detail—but that could wait till later.

Hamish wrapped his arm around her waist as they saw their visitors out.

"Who's here?" She whispered.

Hamish kissed her temple, whispering, "Federal coppers."

Her body froze in fear. She gripped on to Hamish's arms. "Don't let them take me, please."

"Baby girl, no one's taking you from us, got that?" She held his serious gaze, she swallowed hard and nodded, but still she couldn't stop from trembling. "Andy's in the games' room with them now. Forrester and River will be present. Nothing will happen without your say so. Remember while they're here, we're pretending you're just with me. Okay."


"There's my girl." He grinned and dipped down for a slow leisurely kiss, which quickly turned more heated.
Mmm, so good, this was what I've begun craving
Their touch, their kisses and so much more.
Three days and she was already addicted.

Someone cleared their throat. "When you've finished pawing at your mate, can you bring her in?"

Hamish seemed reluctant to pull away but did, glaring at his cousin. "Spoil sport."

"Says he, who tried to hit on my mate when she first came to town."

"Really?" Juniper glanced between the two men.

Hamish groaned. "Don't start that again. We both know, I had no idea she was yours. Anyway, I've got mine now. It's a long story, baby girl."

"We can argue semantics and tell stories later, let's get this over with. I want the humans out of our town as soon as possible."

This really perked her curiosity, but they did have to deal with her past in order for them to have a happy, worry free future, one which didn't involve a murdering father.

"He's got a point, shall we?" With his arm still around her waist, they followed after River.

Her gaze automatically searched out Andy, who smiled when their eyes met. He leaned against the door frame on the other side of the room. Two men sat on the main sofa. She recognized them from the station in Melbourne, Detective Renview and Manning. It seemed their habit of wearing matching suits hadn't changed. They made no move to stand up, but just eyed her critically.

"Good, we're all here," River started. "Miss Carver, as you see, is safe and sound."

"This is a federal case; Mr. Black, neither you nor the others need to be here. We need to take Miss Carver into protective custody," Renview stated.

"No. I am not going anywhere with you, and I want them here," Juniper snapped, glaring at the men. "I trust these men more than I do the Federal Police, so deal with it or get out."

Andy's lips twitched up in a proud grin.

"Don't you think you've caused us enough problems already, just disappearing on us for the past few years? You need to come with us."

Andy didn't move but she could see the murderous gleam in his eyes.

"You heard Juniper the first time; she's not going anywhere and watch your tone." Hamish pulled her back slightly. "You're the ones who fucked everything up from the get go. You failed to protect her. She was shot while in police protection, which forced her to hide in horrendous conditions."

The tension in the air grew thick as the men glared back at each other.

"Calm down, Mr. Brown. We know you've taken a personal interest in Miss Carver, but she is still our only witness to the murder of an officer. Are you still willing to testify against your father?"

She sought out Hamish's hand, gripping it tight, wishing she could hold Andy's too. "I'm tired of running, and want to live a life again without fear. Can you assure me, if I testify, he will be locked up for life?"

"With your account and the evidence we've already got on him, it's a guaranteed life sentence."

"Then don't waste any more time here, go arrest him. I'll come to court when the date is set."

"And you can be assured she'll be protected here," Hamish said. "With my cousins, brother and Forrester all watching out for her, she's safe from harm. We'll make sure she gets to court."

"I still don't like this," muttered Renview.

Manning rose to his feet, forcing Renview to follow. "I can live with that. I'll be glad to see the end of this, and a cop killer behind bars." Manning nodded at Juniper. "It is good to know you are alright, Miss Carver."

"I'll be a heck of a lot better once this is all over."

"Good, we'll see you before the trial so we can go over your testimony."

She nodded, wanting them gone already.

"We'll see you out." River and Forrester led the detectives out and the tension in the air drained. Hamish let her go and she ran at Andy, throwing herself into his arms.

"Sorry you had to do that Andy; pretend you're not with me."

"Eh, I can't go around telling people I'm a Panther either, but you learn to deal with it. So, do I get a make-up kiss now?"

She giggled and kissed his chin, feeling bold and brave as his hands slipped down her back to cup her ass.

"That's not a kiss, woman." He almost growled, his eyes darkening, gleaming with lust. "Kiss me like you mean it." His command sent an erotic shudder down her spine.

Obeying, she went up on tip toes and pressed her mouth to his, boldly running her tongue across his lips. He opened and suddenly gripped the back of her head. She moaned as he took command of the kiss, slanting her head and thrusting his tongue in to toy and tease.

Her hands gripped on to his shoulders, frightened this was nothing but a dream and it would soon all fade; she would wake up alone and still scared in the derelict house she'd called home.

When he pulled back, they were both panting heavily.

"Damn, sweetheart, I need you again, please say yes."

"No." she shook her head.

Andy blinked, confusion clouding his eyes. To his credit he dropped his hands and took a step back. "I ah, understand, not yet."

Juniper smiled, she turned, reaching for Hamish, who moved quickly to surround her. She took hold of Andy's hand. "I don't just want to have sex with you both; I've already decided want I want."

"What is it you want?" Hamish asked first.

"I don't want this to be a dream. I don't want to ever go back to what and where I was. I want you, both, forever. Will you mate me?"

Hamish stilled, staring at her. "Are you sure, Juniper? Once we do, there is no going back, there is no divorce. We will be both yours forever."

She fluttered her eyes at Hamish, running her hand up his chest. "I don't know what it is, but I did what you told me to do. I listened to my heart, trying to open my mind to everything. My instincts tell me not to let you go. Please show me forever. I don't want to go back, ever."

"That's the pull of true mates; natural and what we were made for." Hamish nodded.

"Well, it's bloody wonderful! You're ours now, sweetheart." Andy spun her around, his lips suddenly crushed against her as he devoured her mouth, his tongue pushing into her mouth, twirling around, to taste her fully. She loved every second, her head spun and her body was burning with need.

He reached around unbuttoning her blouse; from behind her Hamish helped slide it off her shoulder and down her arms, exposing her new white lace and satin bra. In a second Hamish had unhooked it, Andy broke the kiss, leaning back to rid her of it and gaze down. She didn't need to look, knowing exactly what was there, and what she had to wrap each day to flatten the two ample mounds of pale flesh, each topped by a large dark nipple, nipples which tightened harder under his inspection. Juniper felt the heat rising under his scrutiny. Instead she watched Andy's reaction, his face showing the hunger, making her nipples tighten even more. At the same time she felt the heat spreading from between her legs, wet and needy.

"So bloody beautiful."

Hamish's hand snuck around and palmed them, squeezing before rolling the nipples between his fingers.

Junipers head fell back against his chest, as he moaned. "Take one brother." Hamish chest rumbled, his lips now meeting the flesh of her neck, placing kisses along her shoulder. At the same time Andy took her right breast into his mouth, sucking hard on the nipple.

Juniper caught between them, pressed more into Hamish, reaching back with her hand to rub against his hard cock. She heard his soft hiss of pleasure. A thrill ran through her that she could illicit such responses from these men, her men.

No more shy, timid Juniper. She wanted to be free and explore this new-found sexuality and her new sexy beastly men.

Andy switched breasts, as Hamish's lips now moved down the curve of her back.

"Sweetheart, we have two ways of doing this," Hamish murmured against her skin. "We can either, each take and mate you in turns, or we can both take you at once, it means letting us have your arse, to fuck."

It sounded so dirty, scary, something the old Juniper would balk at doing; run away and hide. Yet the erotic temptation before her was too wonderful to resist. She trusted them not to hurt her.

"Both of you, in me," she squeaked as Andy pulled back. His eye gleaming with desire for her made her quiver and burn. Oh, she wanted everything that was wicked and naughty. She knew her body wouldn't disappoint.

"Who knew there was a bright bold little Pantheress, hidden under all the boy's clothing? We're going to make you cream and scream for us, sweetheart, wring every drop of pleasure from your body. Then we're going to do it all over again."

Her knees folded under her, and Hamish lifted her up, placing her on the sofa. "I'll go lock the doors," he rumbled, leaving Andy to rid her of her skirt and panties before quickly shedding his own clothes; his eyes raking over her nude form.

"You were made for loving, sweetheart." He sank onto his knees before her. Hamish returned, he must have been stripping as he made sure the doors were locked. He also gripped a bottle of something in his hand, he tossed it to Andy.

"As I was first in her sweet pussy."

"I get to be first in your arse." He held up the bottle. "Lube, sweetheart. I don't want to hurt you your first time, but I'm not going to lie; it will be uncomfortable at first."

"Don't fucking scare her," Hamish hissed. He sank down onto the couch and pulled her into his lap.

"I'm nervous, but not scared. I've known fear, and that's not what I feel now, with you. I feel safe, cherished and…"

"You can say it, beautiful, because it's true, I love you." Hamish raised his head, meeting her gaze head on.

She gasped, "Even after such a short time?"

"You're still thinking like a human, which I don't blame you for." He nipped at her lips, his hands palming her breasts. "I know what's real, remember."

Andy moved in behind her. "Something I never joke about, and that's my feeling for you, Juniper, I love you too, sweetheart. This is our mating, I promise to cherish and care for you always."

Her chest tightened as tears threatened to spill, powerful emotions swamped her, filling her with such awe for her two men, their words and actions wiping away any doubt. She believed in them, all three a family, fated to be lovers and mates till the end of their days.

"Hey now, it's alright," Hamish soothed, he gently kissed her until her tears dried.

Andy rubbed her shoulders. "You okay now?"

She glanced over her shoulder and grinned, kind of already guessing what he was thinking. "I'm okay; we can get on with the fucking now."

"Hallelujah! I knew I'd found the Purrrfect mate!" She giggled at his rolling r's. "My woman gets me."

"She gets you're still an idiot, now who's stalling the fucking, back up, Bro."

Andy did as Hamish bade. Hamish moved, tossing her off his lap and onto her back on the couch.

"I've been dying for more cream." He licked his lips, gripping her ankles and pushing them wide.

She gasped as he dove between her thighs, his tongue, swiping up from her already dripping wet heat, circling to her clit to slide back down.

Andy moved over her and took her mouth in a possessive, hungry kiss, leaving her panting before moving down to again feast on her breasts, switching from one to the other, occasionally nipping at her nipples, sending jolts of pain mingling with the fire between her legs.

Hamish took her swollen bud between his lips and sucked hard. Overwhelmed, Juniper went spiraling over the cliff of utter bliss; her body seized before bursting apart. Her scream filled the room as her every nerve ending shook in ecstasy.

They took no mercy on her quivering body, Hamish pulled back, and Andy lifted her up as Hamish moved to the large soft ottoman in the centre of the room next to the coffee table, he helped his brother to arrange her on top of him. His hard cock nestled between her outer lips, but did not enter her. She moaned at the sensation of his ridged length sliding against her sensitive clit.

Hamish gripped her hips, keeping her still as Andy parted her arse cheeks, new nerve endings flared as he played with her rosette.

BOOK: The Purrfect Predicament (Australian Shifters)
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