The Pussy Trap (32 page)

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Authors: Ne Ne Capri

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: The Pussy Trap
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“What the fuck is going on out here? What y’all niggas selling, dope or pussy?” Niggas were silent. “Don’t get quiet now. Shit, I could hear y’all two blocks away a minute ago. Like we running fucking Coney Island out this muthafucka.” Her eyes scanned the crowd. All they could see was evil. No one said a word. “Why are all these bitches posted up?” Again, niggas were silent.


The chicks looked at her like: Who the fuck does she think she talking about? One of them got up the courage to say, “Damn, Jerome, a bitch tells y’all what to do? Maybe instead of dutches we should have brought tampons out here.” Then they started to giggle. KoKo turned her head and looked at the bitch like she had just slapped her mother. All the dudes backed up because they knew shit was getting ready to get real ugly. KoKo reached for one of her guns, loaded one in the chamber, and then said, “So, Miss Smart ass, I think I want to get fucked up tonight. I know my hearing gets a little off. But for some reason I believe I heard you call me a bitch.” The girl took a hard swallow on her spit then looked around at the face of the niggas she came out there to see. All she could read from their expressions was ‘bitch you on your own.’


“Oh, so now you all ‘cat got my tongue.’ A minute ago you thought you were Rambo or some shit. Who brought this silly bitch out here?” KoKo asked, waving her gun through the crowd. This nigga named Cas raised his hand. Wrong move because KoKo shot him right in his palm. He doubled over in pain and yelled, “Ohhhh . . .”


“Pick your bitches better next time. And shut the fuck up. Get his ass outta here, Jerome. I’ll deal with you later.” He quickly got Cas out of there.


“Now, what was it that you were saying?” She turned her attention back to the chick, who looked as if she just shit herself.


“Look, I don’t want no trouble. I thought you was just some girl who was trying to start some shit.”


“Bitch, you so dumb you stupid. Bitch, can you read?” KoKo barked at the bitch.


“Yes, I can read,” she answered with a tremble in her voice.


“Well, bitch, there were signs. You should have been able to read that this shit was getting ready to get fucked up. But you know why you ignored the signs?”


“No,” she answered, scared as hell and shaking.


KoKo looked at her like she was getting ready for an attack then she said, “Pride.” KoKo jumped on her and busted her in the head three times with the gun. The last time it went off grazing her forehead. The girl wanted to scream, but didn’t want to piss KoKo off any more than she was. Her friends tried to run, but the dudes held them there so they stood there crying.


“Shut them bitches up. I can’t hear myself think.” KoKo had her by the throat, gun pointing in her face “You feel that? Bitch, that’s called pride. See how it will get you all fucked up? I’m KoKo, muthafucka. Now, I don’t want to see you ever again, Dawn Smith.” The girl’s eyes grew as big as basketballs at the fact that KoKo knew her name.


“Now, you and those two bitches get the fuck off my block and I don’t ever want to have this conversation with you again. Do I make myself clear?”


“Yeeeesss!” she said through tears.


As KoKo got up she said, “You’re lucky I’m having a good day or instead of patching your head they would be looking for it. Now get the fuck outta here.”


The other two chicks scrambled to help her up as they tried to drag her to the corner so they could get a cab. KoKo yelled out, “Don’t forget to tell the cops about the two white boys that jumped out and tried to rape her as y’all ran for help. And this good brother helped you.” She patted Kaleef on the back. “Go with them and handle this shit. It’s your fucking fault she’s all fucked up. The rest of y’all niggas go home for the night. I’ll get with y’all later.”


As KoKo stood there watching everybody do as they were told she mumbled to herself, “Stupid muthafuckas. Good help is hard to find, but you can always find target practice.” She headed back down the block disappearing the same way she had come.




New York Trip…


Meanwhile Terrance was sitting in his car having a conversation with one of his boys.


“I’ll catch you when we get back.” He had been running back and forth trying to get his street credit up for the last year.


“Where the fuck you going?”


“I’m headed to the city of dreams,” Terrance responded.


“All I can say is, nigga be careful. Them niggas are slippery as hell.”


“Shit, the east ain’t ready for the west. That city is sitting there waiting for me to fuck it. I might as well get my dick wet.”


“Sheeit. Just don’t come home with it in your hand.”


They busted out laughing. He and his boy hit fists and he exited the vehicle. “Hit a nigga when y’all get back.”


“A’ight.” With that, Terrance pulled off with his plan in hand.








Chapter 30

Terrance Meets KoKo



Terrance was sitting in a booth at the club having a few drinks with his boys laughing and talking shit. The music was bumping and everybody was feeling the buzz and enjoying the sights of wall-to-wall big asses in tight jeans and titties spilling out of bras. They were making bets on who was going home with a bitch and who wasn’t when Terrance was totally distracted by what he could only describe as a Goddess. KoKo walked out with these tight ass jeans on and a white Chanel tank top and a pair of Gucci clogs. Terrance’s eyes were fixed on her ass and was caught in the KoKo trance until his boy hit his arm and yelled, “What the fuck you staring at?”


“Damn, did you see that girl that just went by?” Terrance said to his boy.


“Nah, was she all that?” He started to look around to find what had his boy’s dick on high alert.


Then Terrance said, “Hell yeah, she was wife material and she's headed to the VIP section over there.” He had caught a visual of her as she headed to her favorite spot where she could watch everything and everyone. KoKo had stopped briefly on the way to say something to one of her informants. If he was on her, she had to make sure someone was on him. Being the hunter she was, she felt his stare and turned and flashed Terrance a sexy smile then turned around to finish her conversation.


“Damn man, did you see the way she looked at you?”


“Yeah, but I ain’t tripping. She probably belongs to one of these niggas up in here and I ain’t trying to kill no nigga over no pussy.” They all busted out laughing. However, Terrance kept his gaze in her area for some reason. She had a certain something that he wanted to get next to. Just then, the waitress was going by and he grabbed her arm and said, “I need to know who sexy is sitting in the VIP section and is she with one of these niggas.” Then he slipped her four hundred dollars.


Crystal looked in the direction he was pointing and saw that it was KoKo. At the same time, KoKo looked in his direction and saw him pointing. They made brief eye contact again. Just as the waitress said, “Oh her? That’s boss lady.” Then she prepared to walk away.


Terrance grabbed her arm again as he asked, “Boss lady? What the fuck does that mean?” Terrance looked perplexed.


Crystal could tell he was not from around there and wasn’t trying to give this nigga too much info. “She is a partner in the club,” she said, trying to walk off but was stopped by Terrance again.


“Yo. Send her a bottle of La Mondotte for me,” he said. La Mondotte went for $600 a bottle. He gave her two hundred dollars to deliver it.


Crystal laughed and then smiled. “Okay,” she said, but in the back of her mind, all she could think was KoKo is not going to drink that bullshit. “Is there anything else?” she asked as she turned to walk away.


“Yes, is there a nigga I need to worry about?”


Crystal smiled and said, “Personally, no. But professionally, there are several niggas in here that would kill air over her.” She gave him a cold stare then another smile. “I’ll be right back.” She disappeared into the crowd.


Terrance watched her go to the bar and place the drink order. She got the bottle of wine and a glass ready to be taken to KoKo.


The bartender started to laugh then he asked, “Who sent that shit?” Crystal pointed to the table where Terrance was sitting. The bartender called over Candy and put her on standby as Crystal headed to the VIP section. She sat the bottle on the table and leaned in to tell KoKo about what happened at Terrance’s table.


KoKo gave Crystal a serious look then said, “What’s the niggas resume?”


Crystal responded, “I think I heard them call him Terrance. But I don’t think he is from around here because he would know who you are.”


“Do me a favor. Let me have a pen and a piece of paper.” Crystal passed it to her and KoKo started to write him a note.


“Give this note to him along with that bullshit he sent over here. Add three bottles of my shit. I’m bouncing. Watch him and find out who that nigga know and why he’s here and then contact me.” KoKo got up and walked off. Terrance watched the whole exchange and got a little excited when he saw her writing on the paper.


“Damn, I didn’t think it was going to be that easy,” he said to his boy.


When Crystal and the other waitress came over to his table with a smile he knew he had hit pay dirt. She handed him the note along with the bottle he sent over. His boys all had puzzled looks wondering what the note said and why she sent back Terrance’s bottle of champagne. Terrance opened the note and it read:


Thank you for the gesture, but I don’t drink bullshit. Next time do your research. I have sent you what a real woman drinks. Enjoy the rest of the night. It’s on me.


One of his boys yelled out, “What the fuck she do? Write you an essay? Because it don’t take that long to read numbers.” With that, they all busted out laughing. Terrance had to laugh himself. Then Crystal flagged Candy and three other waitresses who were waiting in the cut and wearing hardly anything. Each girl held one of the three bottles of Mouton Rothschild 1945 standing at $28,000 a bottle, which was KoKo's favorite wine. They brought the bottles over and placed them on the table.


“Boss lady said to take care of y’all. So anything you need is on the house, and I do mean anything.”


All his boys were all cheesed up and started reaching for the bottles and rubbing titties and ass like they were prisoners on a conjugal visit. Terrance looked past the chicks and toward the booth for KoKo, but she was gone. All he could do was smile. He had to respect her gangsta.


“Yo, tell your boss I said thanks.” Then he poured himself a drink, sat back, and enjoyed the show.


“No problem,” Crystal said, sliding off just as smooth and lost herself in the crowd.


When KoKo got to her car, she started it up. She lit her blunt then looked up to see that same chick looking at her as she walked into the bar. She picked up her cell phone and hit Crystal on the waist. “Yes, Boss lady?”


“It’s a bitch that just walked in the club wearing dark blue jeans and a yellow tank top. Find out who she is.”


“What she look like?”



Let the Games Begin



KoKo stepped in the huge walk-in closet. She started picking out her killer outfit, a pair of black Marc Jacobs jeans and a cream colored $1,800 silk Marni tank top with Swarovski crystals and a pair of $1,300 Gucci Sigrid platform sandals with metal embroidery and black zip closure. She had just gotten her hair and nails done, so she just wrapped it around and hopped in the shower. As she washed up she was getting her head right to get herself in a space where she could get close to her husband’s killer. She was prepared to sacrifice whatever she had to in order to trap the muthafucka. Now she needed to seek out everything she needed to know to carry out her mission.


It was twelve o’clock and KoKo stepped into the club. Looking good, smelling good, and strapped. She didn’t play that. If a nigga got outta line she was going to show them she was that bitch.


She scanned the floor space checking out each VIP room, trying to target her mark. And true to form there he was, sitting in one of the VIP rooms with all the chickens posted up. Getting her mind right, she ordered a double shot of Hennessey Black, downed it, popped a mint in her mouth, and headed his way.

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