The Rangers Are Coming (6 page)

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Authors: Phil Walker

BOOK: The Rangers Are Coming
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“We are not in public, Mr. Washington; we are safe here at your home in Mount Vernon.  I know a great many things, things that you’ll be very interested in learning.  In fact, my story is so important; it will profoundly change your life.”

Washington seemed on the verge of losing it when he said, “I don’t know who you are, where you have come from, or what you represent.  You speak of things that are considered treason in some circles.  I think you should leave my house.”

‘Mr. Washington,” said Arcadia evenly, “I more than understand your disquiet at this juncture, but let me ask you something.  Don’t you suspect that my arrival here today in a vehicle you’ve never even imagined could suggest matters far more important than you can reasonably dismiss without more information?”

“What is it that you want from me, Arcadia?”

“At this point, all I want is some of your time.  Surely these mysterious occurrences warrant at least the courtesy of your time.”

Washington sighed, “Very well, I will listen to your ranting’s or fables, or the work of a demented mind.”

Arcadia relaxed a little.  She had her foot in the door.  “Could we use your private office?”

Washington rose and said, “Come with me.”

“Would you carry the plasma screen for me again, please?”

Washington picked up the case and the two of them headed for the office he used.  He shooed away the crowd of onlookers who had gathered.

When they were inside the office, Arcadia unzipped the case on the screen and set it on a table.  Then she took out her shoulder bag and pulled out her laptop.  She inserted the DVD disc and set the laptop to project onto the screen, adjusting the volume as she did so.  She pulled the curtain of the window and the room grew darker.  Then she pushed start and sat back.

The contents of the disc contained a comprehensive history of the world since before the Renaissance.  The melodic voice of the narrator told of the plagues, the rise of the Protestant movement, a look at the history of Europe, the wars, the succession to the throne in the British Empire, and the colonization of the new world with the Puritans coming on the Mayflower looking for religious freedom.  Arcadia knew that Washington was familiar with all this history.  She only showed it to demonstrate the authenticity of the information.

Washington was mesmerized by the high definition color images and sound he was hearing, but he was watching the content closely.  The section ended with the Boston Massacre, which had occurred just months before in March.

Arcadia turned to Washington and said, “Would you agree that I have correctly reported past history?”

“Very impressive,” said Washington, “and your magic box is truly a wonder.”

“Now Mr. Washington, let me show you some more history.  This is history to me; however, for you it will represent the future.”

She started the second section, which detailed the growing unrest in the colonies, the crackdown by the British and the brutal occupation of Boston.  Then there was the formation of the Continental Congress when revolution was first discussed.  Washington saw the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, saw himself installed as the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army and for the next two hours Washington watched in horror the constant defeats of his army, their suffering, their victory in the Delaware crossing at Christmas, and ultimately the defeat of Cornwallis at Yorktown in 1781, with the assistance of the French.

“This is the true story of the Revolutionary War and the subsequent formation of the United States of America,” said Arcadia.

“How could you possibly know all these things,” asked Washington?

“How could I possibly have arrived at Mount Vernon in a helicopter?”

“Are you trying to tell me that you are here from the future?”

“What possible other reason could there be?  You saw the helicopter.  You see this plasma screen with perfect high definition color that magically comes from this disc, out of this machine.  Who else but a person from the future could possibly possess such technology?”

“To what purpose,” asked Washington?

“Our purposes are the same.  You will fight to have a United States.  I am fighting to preserve a United States.”

“You’d better tell me the whole truth,” said Washington.

“You want it sugar-coated or right between the eyes?”

“Speak plainly, woman!” cried Washington.

“Very well, here is the truth.  I am from the year 2025.  The United States has just been attacked with monstrous weapons.  We have 150 million people dead.  I prayed for understanding to this atrocity and a vision of God appeared before me.  God has determined that in order for this event to be erased I must come back to this time and correct the errors of the past 275 years.  It is God who is making this possible.  No one can move in time, except God.  My mission today is to show you the future of the United States right up to our current crisis and gain your support along with Adams, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, and Hamilton to know the whole truth and convince your fellow countrymen to follow the correct course of history.”

“I gather that you have other ways of providing me with proof?”

“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.  And the first thing I’m going to do to prove it is just for you.”

“What would that be?”

“I’m going to give you a brand new set of real teeth, George.”

Washington laughed for the first time, “That would be miraculous, indeed.”

“I have another six hours of video for you to watch.  You won’t like it, but it’s also the truth.”

“Perhaps, we should have something to eat.  Are you hungry?”

“I’m starved,” said Arcadia.  “It’s already been a long day.”

“Then come and we shall have our lunch,” smiled Washington. 

As the two of them were eating a lunch of sausages, bread, hard-boiled eggs, and some cheese, topped off with water that was laced with wine, Washington looked across the table at Arcadia.  “Why do I believe you?”

“I think you are getting some help from the Creator,” said Arcadia with true sincerity.  He knew this would be the hardest part.  I believe He has put trust in your heart.”

“Divine Providence,” said Washington, “I believe in that.  Something I have difficulty in comprehending is why your group in the future would send a woman.”

“You will understand, Mr. Washington, the country will evolve over the centuries.  However, the answer is found right here in this time.  You will write, or rather Thomas Jefferson will write ‘All men are created equal; that they are ordained by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’  You must agree that the use of the term ‘men’ is a metaphor for all humanity and includes by definition, women.”

“In the broad interpretation of those words, very good words of great importance, I would have to agree that women would also be included in that statement.”

“I was selected to direct this huge operation for the simple reason that the Lord spoke to me in a vision.  My father says that the reason for that is that he believes that, as David, I am a person after God’s own heart.”

“Is that true?”

“I try to follow the advice of Paul, who says that we should pray continuously, and as he writes in Romans 12, ‘Do not conform any longer to the pattern of the world, but by transformed by the renewing of your mind’.  If Jesus was sent by God to repeat history differently, who am I to question that?  Frankly, I’ve no idea why He is doing it this way, but His Ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts.”

“That was also well spoken,” said Washington.  “You say that you have more to show me on your magic lantern?”

“I do indeed, Sir,” smiled Arcadia, “There are six full hours of video for you to see.  It begins with the end of the war and struggle to form the United States, afterward you will see a second war with England, the expansion of the country, the outcome of the problem of slavery you do not resolve in the formation of the country and the results of that about 75 years from now, when the country fights a very destructive Civil War in which a tragic 700,000 Americans die.  You will see the broad expanse of history and the involvement of the United States in world affairs.  You are going to see some pretty awful things.  You will learn the truth of the good policy somebody writes in the future, that the United States should avoid foreign entanglements.”

“That sounds like good advice,” said Washington, “Who said it?”

“You did, about 20 years from now.”






Mount Vernon, Virginia

Washington shouted in anger, wept, and shook his head in disgust as he watched the following 250 years unfold on the screen.  Arcadia knew the presentation was carefully prepared to elicit the greatest impact, and also to be very credible with exact dates and the actual footage of events when motion pictures became possible at the beginning of 20
century.  He was horrified to see the result of this American transformation and the nuclear explosions that wiped out the biggest cities and killed 150 million people.

When the video was finished, he was silent for a long time.  Arcadia sat quietly and let him process all he had seen.

Finally, he said, “The Lord has given you a plan to prevent all of this carnage and destruction?”

“We are not certain about the rest of the world,” said Arcadia, “but we believe much of this can be avoided by building a different United States.”

“How do you intend to accomplish this?”

“I’m not going to do anything, except provide good counsel and the means to defeat the British in a hurry right now, all the real work will have to be done by you, and your colleagues, plus the men and women who will follow you in history.”

“So,” said Washington, “assuming that all you have said is true, and I am inclined to believe you more than ever now, what is the next step?”

“Send messengers immediately to Adams, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, and Hamilton and ask them to come here as soon as they can.  Tell them you have vital information to share and ask them to stop what they are doing and come to Mount Vernon.”

“And then, what will happen,” asked Washington?

“They will get the same briefing you got.  Then they must make a decision on how to proceed.  I will then transport all of you to the installation we have built, not far from here and show you wonders beyond your scope of belief.”

“I will send messengers with letters out in the morning,” said Washington.  “You will spend the night, of course.”

“Absolutely not,” Arcadia spoke with firm authority.  “I have already taken a huge risk in spending the day with you.  I should have worn a mask, along with my gloves, but I was afraid it would alarm you.”

“Is something wrong?”

“Potentially, you and I are separated by two and half centuries.  There’s just no telling, what kind of pathogens we have exposed each other too.  The risk to me is less because I was vaccinated against every disease we know about from this time, but there’s no way of knowing if I have brought something lethal with me from my time that might infect you.  It would be a tragedy if I’ve given you a 21
century disease that would kill you.  It would make my mission much more difficult to accomplish.  No, Sir, I’m leaving as soon as I can get a chopper in here to take me out.

She handed Washington an IPhone.  “When all your guests have arrived, turn this on, by pushing this button and then enter the number one.  I’ll come back.  Arcadia demonstrated by using the phone herself.  A man’s figure appeared on the screen. “I’m ready for pickup.”

“We’ll be right there.”

“I don’t know how long it will take to assemble the men we need,” said Arcadia, “Please do it as expeditiously as possible.”

Moments later, the helicopter sat down on the space in front of the mansion.  Arcadia bowed to Washington and said, “You can watch everything you’ve see today as many times as you like, just push start, thank you, Mr. Washington and May God Bless you in the name of Jesus Christ.”

With that, she hurried to the chopper and was gone in just a few seconds.

Good to his word, Washington wrote long letters to each of the people Arcadia had mentioned.  He knew them all, of course, and he told them that an extraordinary event was unfolding, and that it was imperative that all of them come immediately, no matter what their circumstances.

Young Thomas Jefferson was the first to arrive, since he had the shortest distance to come from Monticello.  He pestered Washington endlessly.  Once he had seen the equipment that was still in Washington’s office, he insisted on seeing the video.  Washington finally relented and Jefferson watched the entire program twice, from start to finish, before he commented.

“You have not said it, George, but in order for this magical equipment and all the information it contains to be here at all, would suggest that your visitor comes from the future.”

“To make it even more confounded,” said Washington, “All of this was delivered in an incredible flying machine by a tall, blond, and very attractive woman, named only Arcadia, who told me that she was here because of a divine vision from God.”

“Amazing,” said Jefferson “was there a hint of sorcery or dishonesty to what she said?”

“No,” said Washington, “she was very frank, incredibly sincere, and her speech was sprinkled with strange words and expressions of the type that would be normal progression for English if it were to come from the future.”

“And she invoked the name of God?”

“Several times and she swore an oath in the name of Christ that all she was saying was true.  You’ve seen the devastation she says the United States of the year 2025 has suffered, and she was truly grieved over the loss of what she said was 150 million people.  I can’t explain it, but I think I actually believe her entire story.”

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