The Recruit: Book One (25 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

BOOK: The Recruit: Book One
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Richard was staring at him with wide eyes and a trembling
mouth.  Will could see the fear in his eyes and he growled low in his throat. 
Richard was his friend, had treated him as a brother for many years, but he had
grown complacent about who and what Will really was.  He closed his eyes,
trying to control his desire to shift.  When he opened his eyes again, his eyes
were a dark yellow and the shadow of hair on his face had grown to a full

“Will, calm down.”  Richard whispered.

Will leaned over the desk until he was only inches from
Richard’s frightened face.  “You would be wise my friend, to remember that I am
not a dog that you can leash and control.  Do I make myself perfectly clear?”

Richard swallowed, the dry click of his throat very loud in
the silence.  “Yes.”

Will stared at him for a few minutes longer.  The only sound
in the room was the low and continuous growling emitting from deep within his

“Do not forget again.”  He warned quietly before leaving the

* * *


Will sighed heavily and opened the door to his apartment. 
He hadn’t left any lights on, and it was dark in the small apartment.  He
closed his eyes and leaned against the door.  After leaving Richard’s office he
had escaped to the woods outside of the facility, shedding his clothes before
shifting and running deep into the woods. He had ran for hours, pushing his
body to the limit, trying to tire himself out in the hopes that sheer physical
exhaustion would force him into sleep. 

He needed to sleep.  He was losing it.  The control he had
always prided himself on was slowly corroding away, and he knew it was
partially from lack of sleep and partially from the intense desire he felt for
Hannah.  He had barely seen her since they had met up with Tyler and Selena on
the side of the road after the hunt.  She had slid across the seat and kissed
him deeply, her tongue sliding into his mouth and her hands threading through
his dark hair before she had pulled away and joined the others in their car. 

The quickie in his truck had only made it worse, he
thought.  It had reminded him of what he was missing and he cursed inwardly. 
He rubbed a shaking hand over his face.  Jesus, he had nearly attacked Richard
in his office.  He shuddered, remembering how deep the urge had been to shift
and bite, to show Richard that he would not be controlled like some cowardly

He inhaled deeply with his eyes still closed.  It was nearly
ten and he had to be up early.  He would shower, have a quick bite to eat and
try to sleep before – he paused and inhaled again before groaning softly.  He
really was going insane; he could actually smell Hannah in his apartment.  It
had been months since she’d been in his bed, and yet he could almost taste her
scent in the air.  He shook his head.  He was –

“Where have you been, Will?”

He jerked against the door, his eyes popping open and his heart
slamming in his chest.  He flipped the light switch on, blinking as his eyes
adjusted to the sudden light.

Hannah was sprawled across his bed, wearing a pair of
panties and nothing else.  She smiled at him.  “I’ve been waiting hours for

“Am I dreaming?”  He whispered.

She laughed.  “No, you’re not dreaming.  Stop talking and
get into bed.  I can’t stay all night.” 

He nearly ran across the room, pulling his t-shirt over his
head and kicking his boots off.  He yanked his jeans and underwear down,
hopping and kicking them impatiently off his feet.  She giggled a little and
then let out a soft squeal of surprise when he grabbed her ankles and dragged
her towards the edge of the bed.  He grabbed her panties and tore them off with
one hard yank.

The fire was burning inside of him, his cock so hard it hurt,
and she blinked at him in shock as he fell on her.

“Will, are you – “ 

He stopped her mouth with a hard kiss, slanting his mouth
over hers, pushing his tongue against her lips and demanding entrance.  He
cupped her breast roughly before tearing his mouth from hers and dipping his
head to suckle at her nipple.  He blew lightly on it, watching it tighten in
the cool air before rubbing his rough, shadowed cheek against it.

She moaned and he thrust his pelvis against her.  “Open your
legs.”  He growled. 

She spread her legs immediately, wrapping them around his
waist, and he placed his cock against her.  He needed to wait, to make sure she
was completely ready for him, but he couldn’t think about anything but his white-hot
need to be inside of her.  Praying silently he didn’t hurt her, he plunged
deeply into her.  The resistance he was expecting wasn’t there.  Instead there
was only a slick, tight wetness that had him groaning uncontrollably.  He
thrust wildly in and out of her, feeling his groin tighten, knowing that he was
going to come and having no control over it.  With one more hard thrust he came.
 A loud howl erupted from his throat as she squeezed her legs around him and clapped
her hand over his mouth.

He collapsed against her, his breath tearing in and out of
his throat, as she panted lightly beneath him.  He could feel shame flooding
through him.  He had been like a teenage boy getting his first taste of sex and
he rolled off of her, throwing his arm over his eyes, his face burning.

“Will?”  Her soft voice came from above him and he squeezed
his eyes shut.  She tugged his arm off his face.  “What’s wrong?”

He shook his head.  “Jesus, I’m so sorry, Hannah.”

“For what?”

The genuine surprise in her voice, with no hint of the
disappointment or hurt he was expecting, forced his eyes open.  He stared at
her for a long moment.  “Did I – did I hurt you?”

“Of course you didn’t.  Why are you sorry?”

He groaned, his face reddening again.  “I lost control and I
couldn’t stop.  I didn’t even make you – “

He groaned again.  Never in his life had he lost control
like that.  He prided himself on his ability to keep his own need in check, to
make sure that the woman he was with was fully satisfied before he took his own
satisfaction, and he couldn’t believe that he had done that to Hannah.

She leaned over him, rubbing her nipples against his chest
and nibbling lightly on his throat.  “I like making you lose control, Will.”

“Besides, there’s plenty of time for you to make me come.”  She
kissed him, pushing her tongue into his mouth and exploring it with a fierce
sort of determination that made him shiver against her.  She kissed his throat,
trailing her tongue along the rough skin and moaning when he reached down and
kneaded her firm, supple thighs. 

“I have been meaning to return a favour.”  He whispered into
her ear.

She peered at him.  “What do you mean?”

He grinned at her, his teeth glinting in the soft light and
rolled her onto her back.  “Let me show you.”

He kissed her upper chest and then licked between the hollow
of her breasts.  She moaned and arched her back as he moved his mouth to one
breast and pulled gently on her nipple.  It tightened in his mouth, and he
sucked softly as she moved restlessly beneath him.

He kissed his way down her body, leaving no part of her
creamy skin untouched by his tongue and lips.  When he kissed her naval, his
tongue dipping into the indent, she giggled and jerked beneath him.

He smiled up at her before slipping further down her body. 
Her giggling dried up at the first feel of his hot breath against her soft
curls, and when he placed a gentle kiss on them she clutched his head in her

“Will, what are you doing?”  She moaned.

“Returning the favour, remember?”  He whispered.

She moaned again in reply as he slid between her legs and
slipped his hands under her.  He cupped her ass, lifting her slightly before
placing a soft kiss on her warm, pink folds.  She jerked again, her breath
hissing between her teeth and he smiled before licking her warm skin.

“Oh, sweet Jesus.”  She whispered. 

Her legs, which had closed around his wide shoulders in
nervousness, fell open and he could feel his cock hardening again at the sight
of her small pink clit.  It glistened wetly and he slid one hand out from under
her and parted her swollen lips.  He used the tip of his tongue to lick the nub
delicately and she moaned loudly, her hips rising upwards.  He flattened his
tongue and licked her clit repeatedly, tasting her on his tongue as she began to
writhe under him.  Her hands clenched in the bed sheets, pulling and yanking on
them as he wrapped his lips around her clit and flicked his tongue repeatedly
against it.  It swelled and hardened in his mouth and he sucked lightly on it
as her thighs tightened around his head.

“Oh, oh, oh…”  She cried lightly.  Her head tossed back and
forth before she arched her hips completely off the bed and came violently
against his mouth.

She collapsed against the bed, her body shaking, and he slid
up her body and entered her with a gentle push.  He rocked back and forth
gently, feeling her warm wet core gripping him tightly.  He realized with a
sinking dismay that he would never get enough of her and, as she wrapped her
thighs around his hips and began to move against him, he buried his face in the
soft skin of her throat and lost himself in the pleasure of her warm body.

* * *


“Why did you come here tonight?”  Will was lying on his back
with his arm around Hannah, and she was curled up against him like a contented
cat.  He stroked her back with the tips of his fingers and stared up at the

He could hear the amusement in her voice when she said, “I
thought that might have been obvious.”

He grunted and pulled her closer.  “What if someone saw

“No one saw me.” She rubbed her hand through the hair on his
chest.  “I’m like a ninja now.”

He laughed despite himself and she sat up, leaning over him
and grinning delightedly.  “It’s good to hear you laugh.  You’re always so
serious, Will.  Sara used to tell me I was the most serious person she knew,
but I think you’d give me a run for the title.”

He stared at her.  “If you’re caught – “

“I won’t be caught.”  She said impatiently.  “Besides, after
listening to Selena sneak out to meet Tyler the last five nights in a row, I
figured it was my turn to get what I wanted.  Everyone else gets to sneak
around this damn facility fucking whoever takes their fancy, why shouldn’t I?”

He tensed beneath her.  “You’re mine.  Don’t even think
about – “

She rolled her eyes.  “Relax, big boy.  You’re the only one
I fancy.”

She rested her elbow on his broad chest and propped her head
on her hand, staring at him thoughtfully.  “You look tired, Will.”

He shrugged.  “I haven’t been sleeping well.”

She traced the dark shadows under his eyes with the tip of
her finger.  “Why not?”

“I don’t know.”  He said gruffly. 

Admitting to her that it was because she was not in his bed
would only make things worse.  She would not be a recruit forever but there was
still no future for them.  Many Lycans mated with humans.  It was considered an
acceptable breaking of the rules, an erotic break in the normal routine of
their lives.  He supposed it was similar to the way that the humans felt about
sleeping with Lycans. 

What Lycans most definitely did not do, was form any type of
bond with a human.  His kind already considered him strange for living so
deeply within the human’s world.  They had accepted it because of his history
with the vampires, accepting if not understanding, that this was his way to
exact revenge.  But if they knew that he was sleeping with a human on a regular
basis there would be hell to pay.

She smiled at him.  “I should go.”

He shook his head, tightening his arm around her.  “No, not

He kissed her, licking at her lips as he cupped one firm

She pulled her mouth away.  “Stop distracting me.  You need
sleep, Will.  Not to be rude, but you look terrible.”

He shook his head stubbornly.  “I’ll be fine.  I’d rather
spend time with you.”

She grinned when he suddenly yawned deeply.

She curled up on her side and opened her arms.  He turned
into her embrace, sliding one muscled thigh between her soft ones and wrapping
his arm around her waist as she pulled his head into the curve of her shoulder.

“Sleep, my love.”  She whispered, stroking his hair.  “There
will be other nights.”

Chapter 22


She cleared her throat nervously and paced the small room. 
It was nearly dark, and she had only a little time left before she needed to
return.  It was getting more and more difficult to slip out of the facility
unnoticed and the longer she was gone, the greater the chance of being caught.

She stared at the man sitting in the chair.  He stared back
at her calmly and she flushed a little.  “Why do I have to meet him?  I’ve
never had to - to speak to one before.”

The man shrugged before adjusting the cuff links on his
sleeves.  “Marcus wishes to meet the woman who has been so helpful to his

She stared at the familiar, her eyes studying the mark on
his neck.  He had been branded by them, she thought with a touch of fear and
disgust, like all the humans who became the vampire’s pets.

The man noticed her gaze and smiled before running his
fingers gently over the raised skin on his neck.  “Perhaps you would like to
bear the mark as well?  You are, for all intents and purposes, one of us now.”

“I am not.”  She hissed.  “I hate vampires!  I did this only
because – “

She stopped as the door to the room opened and a tall, thin
man with a scar across his face floated into the room.

“Hello my dear.”  He said warmly.  “It’s so nice to finally
meet you.”  He kept his hands folded firmly behind his back.

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