The Red Hat Society's Acting Their Age (23 page)

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Authors: Regina Hale Sutherland

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BOOK: The Red Hat Society's Acting Their Age
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“It’s hard starting over,” she said, watching him as they began to walk. “I never imagined I’d be alone at this stage of my life.”

“What did you imagine?”

“Traveling with Dan. Taking our kids and grandkids along sometimes. Having someone to share things with. Little things, you know? The sunset, a good bottle of wine.” She looked away, embarrassed. “I didn’t mean to go on like that.”

“You didn’t go on. I understand.”

When she faced him again, she could see that he did understand, that Cade had wanted, had
, those things in his life, too.

He smiled. “It’s not over, you know. You could marry again.”

“Haven’t you heard the statistics on women my age remarrying? I have a better chance of winning the lottery.”

“I don’t put much stock in statistics.”

When Bart returned again with the stick, Cade ignored him. Rebuked, the retriever ran ahead to explore.

Cade offered Mia his hand, and she took it. As they walked, he pointed out how the house would sit on the lot, where each room would be. “I don’t have it all worked out. When I do build, I plan to take my time and do it right.”

“You’ll build it yourself?”

He nodded. “Most of it. I learned the ropes working construction during the summers to put myself through college. I’m rusty, but it’ll come back to me.”

“If you’re as thorough and patient with this as you are with your work, I’m sure the house will be a showplace.”

Mia’s face heated as she wondered again if he would also be a patient lover. She let go of his hand. Ever since the drive to Paco’s, she’d had no luck banning such thoughts about Cade from her mind. A change of subject; that’s what she needed.

They stopped beside a cottonwood, and she leaned against it. “Speaking of being thorough, did you sign Eddie and Roy on to do some investigative work for you?”

“Roy and Eddie?” His look of astonishment appeared far from genuine. “Why would I do that?”

Mia smirked at him. “You have an annoying habit of responding to my questions with more questions.”

“And you,” he said, nodding her away from the tree and leading the way toward the canyon wall, “have a habit of not answering my questions at all.” He glanced back at her. “I thought that topic was off limits when we’re together after hours. Have you changed your mind about that?”

Mia knew it was pointless to pretend any longer. If Cade didn’t already have the proof he needed for another warrant, he soon would, thanks to Eddie’s and Roy’s photos. She wondered if that was his reason for bringing her out here where they were alone and there’d be no interruptions. Maybe he was affording her one last opportunity to confess. If she did, what would happen? Would he make a beeline for his truck? Drive to the house immediately and pick up Rachel? Take her away tonight?

She wasn’t prepared for that possibility. Despite the fact Cade knew the truth, if Mia could give the girl one more night by keeping quiet, she would.

Still, she didn’t want to jeopardize what she felt between her and Cade. Last night’s kiss made her realize she couldn’t grieve forever. She had to let Dan go. Not forget, but move on. Make a new life for herself. She yearned to live each day again, not merely survive it.

When they stopped alongside the rugged canyon wall, Mia looked up at Cade. “I know you’re on to us,” she said.

Surprise sparked in his eyes. “So you’re admitting you have her?”

“I don’t like being difficult, Cade.” She crossed her arms. “But I’m going to make you come up with your proof. Until then, I’m not admitting anything. I’m not in a rush to cause heartache to someone who has already suffered so much.”

“You’re not causing it, Mia.” He scrubbed a hand over his face. “Believe it or not, I’m not in any hurry, either. Not anymore. This isn’t easy for me. I have some tough decisions to make.”

“About me, you mean.” Mia saw clearly how heavy those decisions weighed on him.

“You. Aggie and Leanne. Even the girl. Don’t think I don’t care what happens to her. I do. I have a heart. I’m not only a sheriff, I’m a dad, too. I hate seeing
kid in trouble.”

“I never thought you didn’t care. But the law takes priority for you. Right or wrong. I don’t blame you for that, it’s your job. I guess, this time, I just don’t agree.”

He blew out a noisy breath and looked away. “I’m not sure what I think anymore. But I don’t want to think about this. Not tonight.”

When he reached for her, she went to him without hesitation.

Cade wrapped his arms around her, pulled her close. “You feel so good.” He nuzzled his face in her hair. “I don’t want you to hate me.”

Mia leaned back to look at him. “I could never hate you, Cade. No matter what happens.” Rising onto her tiptoes, she pressed her lips to his. “You taste like coffee.”

One corner of his mouth curved up. “I’ve been drinking a lot of the stuff, lately. It reminds me of you.” When she tilted her head back, he brushed kisses across her eyes, her cheeks, her lips.

“So you think of me?” she murmured, lacing her fingers together behind his neck, feeling the soft prickle of his hair.

“All the time.”

“I think about you, too.”

They touched noses, smiled at one another.

“Look,” Cade said quietly as Bart ran up beside them and sat at their feet. Pulling away, he turned Mia so that her back was to him.

On the western horizon, the sun melted like liquid fire into the earth. Cade encircled her waist with both arms. Mia leaned back against him, feeling grounded, safe, happy for the first time in too many months to count.

Sometimes, she thought as, inch by inch, the ball of fire slowly disappeared, fate gave back what it took away.

Like someone with whom to share sunsets.

The next day, the women continued the routine that had become their norm. No one spoke of the photos or about the final showdown they expected to occur at any moment. Still, dread radiated from each of them until it almost shimmered.

Aggie jumped at the slightest noise.

Leanne snapped at the other women, at Rachel, at Brewed Awakening customers.

As for Mia, she held her breath each time the bell over the coffee shop door jingled. In some ways, she was ready for all the drama to end. They might never find a solution to Rachel’s dilemma on their own. Leanne’s visit with the attorney had given them hope. But so far, they had not been able to reach Rachel’s classmate Lacy Oberman or her mother. Without their testimony about witnessing Rachel’s abuse, Mia feared the girl’s chances of staying out of a juvenile placement facility were about zero.

Despite the tension permeating the air, the day passed without so much as a peep from Cade, Eddie, or Roy. Last night before leaving his land, Cade had asked Mia to have dinner with him again tonight. Mia had agreed. She suspected the invitation was Cade’s way of ignoring the trouble they both knew would come when those photos were developed.

After returning home last night, she’d stayed awake for hours thinking about Cade. His playful smile and solid warmth. How the touch of his body against hers made her ache with happiness. She relived his kiss, and the memory of the heat in his eyes the moment before their lips touched consumed her.

Mia tried to convince herself it was too soon after Dan’s death to feel so deeply for someone else. Too soon to want Cade after only two dates. But she knew it wasn’t true. She had suffered through sixteen lonely months. And she and Cade weren’t two people getting to know one another; they’d been friends for most of their lives.

“You’re going out with him
?” Rachel sat on the edge of the kitchen counter. “Where?”

“To eat pizza.”

Rachel turned to Aggie, who stood at the sink washing dishes. “We should have pizza, too.”

Dipping her chin, Aggie glanced over the tops of her reading glasses at the girl. “You’ve eaten so much pepperoni since you’ve been here, you’re going to turn into one.”

In her chair at the table, Leanne drummed fingertips on a placemat and looked at her watch, restless over Eddie. “What time is Romeo due, anyway?”

will be here at six-thirty.” Mia opened her compact and checked her lipstick for the third time in ten minutes.

“I’ll have to give it to the man.” Leanne wiggled her brows. “Once he finally talked you into going out with him, he knew what to do to keep you coming back.”

Making a face, Mia snapped the compact shut and slipped it into her purse. “It’s only pizza. And my going out with him
stopped his questions.”

Leanne tilted her head. “It’s hard to talk when you’re in a liplock.”

Mia smirked at them. “Very funny.”

Wiping her hands on a clean dishtowel, Aggie said, “Well, I think it’s wonderful.”

Leanne’s face softened. “So do I. But it puts an awkward spin on things, doesn’t it?” She glanced at Rachel.

“I’d like to talk to y’all about that.” Mia drew a steadying breath as she turned her attention to the girl. “Honey, I feel like we’re spinning our wheels and not resolving anything for you. Whether Cade gets his warrant or not, maybe it’s time we—”

The doorbell’s ring interrupted Mia mid-sentence. Her heart jumped to her throat, and the look of panic on Rachel’s face didn’t escape her notice. “That must be Cade.” Grabbing her coat from the back of a chair, Mia draped it over her arm and started for the entry hall.

Cade stood on the porch, but he wasn’t alone. Roy was on his left side and Eddie was on his right. “Hey, you three.” She laughed nervously. “Funny that you all showed up at the same time.”

Their expressions assured her the simultaneous arrival was no coincidence.
This is it
, Mia thought, preparing for the inevitable and hating it for everyone, Rachel most of all.

She stepped back. “Let me tell Aggie and Leanne you’re here.”

When she turned toward the kitchen, Cade stopped her by touching her arm. “We need to talk to you first, Mia.” He pulled several snapshots from his coat pocket and handed them to her.

Mia glanced at the first one. Leanne in the front yard wearing Brent’s old school jersey and the pink boots Rachel stole.

Meeting Cade’s gaze, she said quietly, “I could argue that this doesn’t prove anything. There are certainly more than one pair of pink boots in the world.”

Cade appeared sorry rather than smug. “Take a look at the others.”

Mia shuffled through images of Rachel giving Aggie a pedicure on the backyard patio. Rachel darting for the back door while Aggie looked toward the camera. Rachel standing behind Aggie holding a slingshot.

“Can’t argue with those,” Roy blurted.

Focusing her attention on Cade, Mia sighed and asked, “So did you get another warrant?”

“I was hoping you wouldn’t force me to do that. If the judge sees these photos, it’ll incriminate you, Aggie, and Leanne.”

Mia studied Cade’s face. “Cade . . . what you’re doing . . . it means a lot.”

“Don’t be so quick to thank me.” He pushed back his hat, looking as if he’d rather have a tooth pulled than go through this. “I’m sorry, Mia. Sooner or later, the girl’s going to have to go back to Amarillo and face the consequences. I can’t promise you how she’ll be treated if somebody else finds her and takes her back. But I can promise you that if I take her, I’ll do everything in my power to see that her case is handled fairly. I can’t help thinking that, if we’re honest, everything will work out for the best.”

Mia couldn’t speak. She nodded, stepped back, motioned for him to come in.

“Not you two,” came Leanne’s voice from behind as the other two men started to follow Cade inside. “After what y’all did yesterday, you can freeze your butts off outside, for all I care.”

Roy looked around the others at Aggie. “My bad hip flared up after that fall,” he said, sounding pathetic. “The cold aggravates it.”

“I’m not over my mad yet, Roy.” Aggie crossed her arms. “As for your hip, I guess you got what’s comin’ to you.”

Looking dejected, the two retreated to Cade’s truck to wait.

“Can we talk to her first?” Mia asked Cade. “Before she sees you? I don’t want to scare her.”

“She already knows,” Leanne said, her eyes bleak.

“The poor girl.” Aggie’s voice wavered. “She’s been through so much.”

“She’s going to be mad at us.” Leanne turned toward the kitchen. “I’ll go get her.”

Mia shook her head and looked from Leanne to Aggie. “We’ll all go together. The three of us.”

Cade nodded. “I’ll wait here.”

They found the kitchen empty.

“Rachel?” Mia called. “She must’ve gone to the bathroom.”

They didn’t find her there. Or anywhere else in the house. No Rachel. No backpack. Not a trace of any of her things. It was almost as if she’d never been there at all.

After searching the back yard and alley, Cade said, “Eddie, Roy, and I will separate and look around town for her. You three stay here in case she shows up.”

“Try the Nelson’s storm cellar,” Aggie suggested, her face creased with worry. “That’s where she hid last time.”

Mia glimpsed uncertainty in Cade’s eyes and knew what put it there. She touched his arm. “If she comes back here, I’ll call you. I promise.”

Right now, she regretted she hadn’t called him after they’d first found Rachel in their storage room. What good had their little undercover operation done for her? The girl was in no better position than she’d been before. She was alone, afraid, and on the run.

Cade handed her a business card he pulled from his pocket. “My cell number,” he said.

Dusk shadowed the lawn. Soon darkness would descend. Bitter cold. Mia took the card, her fingers brushing his. “Find her, Cade,” she said, her voice cracking.

He squeezed her hand. “I’ll be in touch.”

Chapter 18

n hour passed, then two, with no word from Cade. Mia prepared for a sleepless night reminiscent of ones she had spent ten years earlier when Christy had run away.

She relived the sinking dread, the rising panic that followed; a bumpy road she had hoped not to travel again. Would the nightmare repeat itself? Would one frantic day stretch into another then another until, finally, time blurred into a week, and still no news? When would they hear Rachel’s voice again? What if they never did?

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