The Red Moon: Moon Rising (2 page)

BOOK: The Red Moon: Moon Rising
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My eyes fixed on hers for a second; suddenly a flood of


memories overcame my already boggled mind. "Mom." I said,


jerking backward with surprise, nearly dropping my bunch of


roses. "What are you doing here?" I demanded, stunned at her


sudden appearance since her midnight departure so long ago.


felt so many overwhelming emotions run through me, like


electricity was building up in my veins, the noise in the parking lot


slowly began to quiet down where all I could here was the sound


of my heart beating; with every thump a new memory would pass


through, rushing over me like a waterfall, seemingly endless.
Hurtful memories, joyful memories, memories of when I cussed


her out; without her even being there to hear any of it. Memories


that I thought I let go of; letting it wash down the shower drain


every single night that I took a bath.


Then out of the crowd a tall thin white man dressed properly


with a black suite and a brown and black striped tie appeared


behind her. He looked hot on this sunny summer day. I looked at


him with a confused look as he reached my mothers side. "Hey


Lu, you left me behind back there on purpose didn't you?" He said


with a smile. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry but I didn't want her to get all


busy with all her friends without me getting a chance to see her


first." Mom said, with a big smile on her face, stepping closer to


this tall man with her pale colored arms extended.


"I'm sorry James. James this is Mia, my daughter." She said,


sounding so proud. "My Mia, I'm so happy for you and I'm also so


proud of you my love." She said smiling, reaching out for my


shoulders. I just stood there, I didn't know what to say or how to


react. My Mia, really; only my grandmother called me that. I


thought to myself with a cringe on my face. I let her hand fall off


my shoulder without even attempting to catch it. "Um; mom who is


this?" I asked motioning to this tall man standing next to her, still
stunned and caught off guard by her just being there. "Oh, Mia we


have so much to catch up on." She said now scanning the crowd.


She said it with such a pitiful sound to her voice and with such a


pitiful look on her face.
It wouldn't be fair for me to say that she


was my least favorite person in the world.


It would be fair for me to say that she took my dad for a ride


and then kicked him to the curb with two kids in tow.
But, my dad


never complained about her or anything that she did. He raised


my brother and I to be compassionate toward her, to understand


that sometimes things were just not meant to be. My dad did the


best he could to take care of my brother and I, on a mere


paycheck as an adviser to the National Forestry.
While my


brother and I tried our best not to make things hard; so we never


asked for more than we could actually afford, but we understood.


I often wondered if she thought about things like that when


she left; about how hard it would be for my dad to even begin to


care for a young girl, let alone a teenage girl.
Did she think about


the problems that we would face as a family? While whether she


did or not, it really didn't matter anymore because, I just finished


high school, I wasn't pregnant and I was well liked by the people in


town anyway. Not to mention she did still leave us flat many years


"Aah, David. It's so good to see you. How have you been?"


She asked, turning her attention to dad; as if she was no longer


interested in my stunned look. "Well, you know me Lu; I adapt."


He responded with a small laugh. I think he was just trying to be


nice, even if I thought otherwise. "How about you?" He said,


looking at this tall man standing next to her. She just nodded as if


saying fine and smiled. "It's so good..." She started. "I didn't think


that you would show, but I'm glad that you did. So, is this the new


husband?" Dad cut her off in mid sentence.
I glared at my dad


confused. He actually kept in touch with her and didn't tell me or


Tucker. I guess after so many years the feelings do change; but


really, we were her children and my dad was her husband.


"Husband?" I said, jerking my head back, with a surprised look on


my face. "Yeah. Sorry honey, but I've been so busy that I forgot to


tell you that your mom called and said that she would be in town


and wanted to come to the graduation." Dad said, with one hand


on my shoulder, slightly squeezing it as if tell me to relax.


"Yes, Mia this is my husband James." She said pulling him


closer to her side. "It was very spur of the moment. See we met at


work and he asked and well to make a long story short, I said
yes." She said, with a twinkle in her eyes. I looked over at dad with


my brows raised very high; who slowly slid his hand off my


shoulder, he seemed like he really didn't care, but how could he


not care. "We dated for oh, I don't know..."


pretended to count her fingers, before looking over a James who


stood quietly staring at me, but I just didn't want to know.
"You got


remarried?" I snapped, still shocked that she was standing right


before my eyes, but all the while trying to be polite. "Um, yeah


baby I did." She said, trying to sound like she cared about what I


thought. "I hope your not mad, I did want to talk to you first but I


didn't get the chance." She continued.
"So, you got married and


decided to come to my graduation and introduce your husband to


your children; here, at my graduation?" I cut her off sarcastically,


as I flipped my hair off my shoulder.


As she kept talking, trying to make excuses after excuse I felt


my anger growing, my veins felt like they were going to pop at any


minute now; with every breath that she took to speak the anger


grew, until I couldn't hold it anymore. "Wait. Stop, so you show up


here and make your announcement now; when this is supposed to


be one of the most happiest days of my life. First of all I haven't


seen you in ages. You left us, all of us without so much as a return
address and yet here you are; trying to rub your new marriage,


your new life at that, in our faces. I really wish you didn't come." I


said clutching the bunch of roses so hard the thorns began to dig


deep into my palms. Just then I noticed a little girl pushing her way


through the crowd.


"Mia, Mia, I have something for you." The little girl said as she


continued to push her way past my mother. My anger left me as


soon as I saw her little round pale face with her big blue eyes.


"Wow those are pretty Mia, where did you get those?" She asked


with her big blue eyes fixed upon the bunch of roses. "I got them


from Jon." I said softly, scooping her up into my arms. "Where's


your mommy Katie?"
Tucker asked, appearing out of nowhere,


twirling his finger through her perfect blond curls. She pulled back


quickly; she hated when Tucker did that to her. "She over there


with Nadia and the rest of them." She said pointing toward the


large crowd of girls standing only a few cars over.


Suddenly the noise of laughter and talking was loud again,


the sound of my beating heart got softer. Oh great I hope no one


heard me talking or let alone even my mother talking. "So who is


this lovely little lady?" Mom asked reaching out to Katie. "No."


Katie said, pulling away from her, leaving moms hand in mid air. "I
guess even little girls can smell a bad egg." I murmured. "I'm


Katie." She replied softly, before burying her face in my shoulder.


"Well, you're a beautiful little girl Katie, and it was a pleasure


meeting you." Mom said, turning to James. "Yes, it was a pleasure


Miss Katie." He said, slightly bowing at the waist.
I looked at him


funny while rolling my eyes.
Oh gosh you've got to be kidding.


thought quietly to myself.
"She my friends daughter." I said rather


swiftly, uncaring of the sarcastic tone that I had just given.


turned around before anything else could be said, and I walked


away without another word; just as she did so many years ago.


"Here Mia, this is for you. I got it when I was in the forest this


morning." Katie said with a smile on her face; as she held a


brown, white and gray feather in her hand. "I don't know what kind


of bird this came from, but I think it will give you good luck." She


smiled. "Why, thank you Katie I shall wear it forever." I said, taking


the soft feather into my hand, twisting it into my hair so that it


would hang behind my ear for her to see. She smiled in delight.


"David, is she always this angry?" She asked. "No actually


she's not. I guess all the excitement got to her or maybe she's just


truly angry with you." He said, with a smirk. "Well, what are you


folks doing for dinner?" She asked. "Um, there's a party going on
tonight for a friend of ours, and we were going to head over there


later on."
Tucker replied with a huge smile on his face. "Oh


Tucker, it's so good to see you too after all these years. My, my


you are really starting to fill out." She said, looking Tucker over like


he was a piece of art.


"Well, I was wondering if you folks would like to have dinner


with us tonight; you know to celebrate the big day; but I'm not sure


if she'll want to?" She said, as she nodded her head into my


"Yeah, I hope you don't mind the intrusion; I just thought


that this would be the perfect time to get to meet you folks." James


said with a small smile on his face; I guess trying not show any


expression about the situation. "Um. Well, we kind of did have


plans for dinner, but you're welcome to join us. It's going to be at


home, we're having Mia's favorite; steak and potatoes." Dad


offered kindly.


"Why thank you David, that is very generous of you, and yes


that sounds like a great idea. I just hope Mia's going to be alright


with this." She said, still looking at my back fading into the crowd.


"Ah don't worry about her, she'll be fine." Tucker said standing tall,


inflating his chest. "What time should we be there?" She asked


looking at dad. "Well lets see, it's about five now, how about
around seven?"
Dad said with a smile. "Sounds great, we'll be




It was so nice to see you David. Tucker, my son you are a


handsome fella." She said with a smile. "Yeah, I know." Tucker


replied with a smile, while looking at dad. "Come on James we


have a few stops to make before we head out of town." She said,


tugging James arm.
"Alright, it was nice to meet you all." James


said with a smile.
Tucker and dad waved good bye until they


disappeared into the crowd.


"Um dad, I don't know if Mia's going to like this." Tucker said


worriedly, while looking across the parking lot. "Nope I don't think


so either son; but we'll deal with it when the time comes." Dad said


with a humbled look on his face. "Did you even give her the


address?" Tucker asked with a chuckle. "Nope didn't need to son."


He replied still with his humbled look on his face, as he reached


into his pockets to search for his keys. "Go get Mia, and she can


ride with you. I'll head home and let Lily know that we'll be having


us some guests." Dad said, as he jumped into his work Jeep.


Tucker turned and headed into the sea of black and gold gowns


that still crowded the parking lot, laughing and talking.


"Mia, there you are, we were all looking for you." Nadia said,
running toward me and Katie. Nadia was the most popular girl in


school. Perfect pale skin with not a single blemish in sight; big


blue eyes that could light up a room, long curly blond hair, perfect


long legs, your typical prom queen. Her sister Loren who


graduated one year ago and was just a little shorter than she was;


but they looked exactly the same, and just as Nadia was cheer


captain, so was Loren.


Last year Loren gave up her position as Cheer Captain to


Nadia. Loren was Katie's mom; she had Katie when she was still


in high school which wasn't all that long ago.
"Yeah sorry I had a


small upset but I'm better now." I said smiling at Katie. "Who was


that couple that was talking to you, you looked like you were ready
BOOK: The Red Moon: Moon Rising
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