The Regal Rules for Girls

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Authors: Jerramy Fine

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Regal Rules


Regal Rule

How to find love,
a life—and maybe even
a lord—in London




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Berkley trade paperback edition / July 2012

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Fine, Jerramy Sage, date.

The regal rules for girls / by Jerramy Fine.

p.     cm.

ISBN: 978-1-101-58114-8

1. Etiquette for girls—Great Britain.
2. Dating (Social customs)—Great Britain. I. Title.

BJ1857.G5F56    2012




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If a stolid young Englishman is fortunate enough to
be introduced to an American woman, he is amazed
at her extraordinary vivacity, her electric quickness of
repartee, her inexhaustible store of curious catchwords.
He never really understands her, for her thoughts
flutter about with the sweet irresponsibility of
butterflies; but he is pleased and amused and feels as
if he were in an aviary.




1. Getting There

2. Language, Manners, and Behavior

3. London Style

4. Royal Encounters

5. How to Catch an Englishman

6. The Season

7. Dating

8. Fake It Till You Make It

9. Expat Essentials


Regal Rules



Don’t follow your dreams; chase them.


veryone is constantly telling you how you have so much potential—that you could be a brilliant scientist or a successful attorney or some other esteemed profession that sounds incredibly taxing. But all you
want to do is fall in love with a hot British nobleman, live in his ancestral home, raise adorably polite children, work for a human rights charity, and breed dogs.

You are so not alone.

Come on—do you think Kate Middleton
wanted to be an art historian? The cynics among us can complain all they want, but there is no shame in admitting your dream and going after it if deep down that’s what your heart desires. It doesn’t make you silly and it certainly doesn’t make you antifeminist. It’s perfectly possible to have a brain
want a magical English life. So why not use that brain (and your heart) to go after it?

I’m not going to lie to you. Attaining this particular dream will be difficult. I mean, we can’t all go to college with Prince William
and one day marry the future King of England (although believe me, many of us have tried). But there are other ways to make your English fairy tale come true.

That’s where this book comes in. Consider it your English fairy godmother. Every time you think that moving to England and chasing after titled men with irresistible accents is a harebrained thing to do, every time you’re confused and upset about the hardships of expat life, and every time you’re on the verge of giving up—this book will set you straight. It will help you approach what many deem to be an irrational, reckless goal—in a structured, logical way. Because you know what? I’ve been there. In the last ten years, I’ve cried too many tears, gone through too many work permits, lived in too many flats, squabbled with too many flatmates, drank far too many gin and tonics, and kissed way too many Hugh Grant look-alikes not to learn some valuable lessons along the way. This book will spare you the constant heartache and allow you to enjoy English society without fear of mindless American mishaps.

This is the British bible I never had but would have killed for. If I could go back in time, this is the book I
have devoured before catching my first dreamy flight to Heathrow. And now it is yours.

Read it.

Memorize it.

Use it.

And don’t for one single second think that the life you dream of can’t happen.

Because it can.


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